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NEW TOS "The Intruder" (K&S) 1/1 [G]

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Farfalla Caqui

не прочитано,
22 апр. 2004 г., 23:26:4322.04.2004
Title: The Intruder
Author: Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Email: blueberrysnail (at) yahoo dot com
Characters: K&S
Rating: G
Summary: Something goes wrong during an away-mission mind-meld between
Kirk and Spock
Beta-read by Gamin Davis.


The away team had been sampling the alien forest for nearly three
hours. Without a complete tricorder scan, tree by tree, there would be
no way of finding which trees held the special gene they were looking
for. It was a simple gene, but the chemicals it caused the tree to
produce were of considerable value to Starfleet as an industrial
lubricant. Once the gene was found and isolated, the chemical could be
synthesized in a laboratory.

But until they found traces of the compound in enough of the trees,
Kirk and his away team were in the unenviable position of wandering
through waist-high greenery. Their skin was nearly melting from the
heat; the tree canopy was too sparse to allow for much protection by

Kirk collapsed upright against a tree trunk, at the edge of the area
his crewmates were working. Spock quickly crashed through the foliage,
his long legs toppling angry gnarls of undergrowth as he rushed to
Kirk's side.

"Captain? Are you well?" Before Kirk could respond, Spock flipped
open the canteen attached to a strap around Kirk's neck and held the
mouth to Kirk's lips.

Kirk took the water bottle from Spock's hand and gulped a few
healthy swallows. "Thanks, Spock." He shook his head. "I'm all right.
I just need a break. I'm telling you, Starfleet should never have told
us to rush this. They knew what the climate was like on this planet."

"No doubt some incompetent Starfleet official believed an
experienced ship like the Enterprise would be able to provide for any
type of unforgiving environment." Spock combed the falling pollen
grains out of his hair with his fingers.

"I thought of sending people down here in environmental suits, but I
figured that was going too far." Kirk drank some more water. "Maybe we
would have been better off."

"Is the water satisfactory in restoring your energy?" Spock asked

Kirk looked like he was about to answer, but then suddenly stopped,
as if he'd gotten a better idea. His face suffused with a sleek,
friendly glow as he said, "Spock?" He peered around at his shipmates,
who were all busy examining trees. "Will you meld with me? I need a
break from all of.... this." He waved his hand vaguely at the trees.


"Right here! Behind this tree! Just for a minute? Everybody's busy.
No one will disturb us."

Spock blinked as he considered the proposition, then nodded. "Very
well, Jim, if it will sufficiently rejuvenate you to continue the
mission in good health."

"I promise it will." Kirk flashed him a boyish grin.

He leaned back against the tree and continued smiling up at Spock as
the Vulcan's fingers slid into position on his face. One finger
settled on his temple, one on his cheek, one into his shining brown
hair, damp with sweat. "My mind to your mind." Spock said the words
with the ease of much practice, and the woods shimmered and faded
slightly as their inner selves began to merge.

//You are quite uncomfortable. Why did you not tell me?//

//I can handle it... I should be drinking more water.//

//You are dangerously close to dehydration. You may have my water;
Vulcan weather frequently reaches the current temperature, and I am
quite used to--//





//Jim, are you ill? Do you require food?//

//*I* didn't say that!!//


Jim's world blurred and snapped into focus several times as Spock's
fingers suddenly jerked around on his face, interrupting the
continuity of the meld. "Wha--?" Jim gasped in confusion. He felt
Spock grip the skin on his forehead in a tight pinch. The Vulcan's
nails dug brutally into the base of his hair. Jim cried out in pain,
but then he felt Spock's other hand settle on his back in a comforting

The meld finally cleared and Jim found himself staring down at
Spock's fingers, which were held in a clawlike pincer grip around
something tiny and black. It had a lot of legs.

Jim looked up at Spock questioningly. "A tick? Here?"

"Or the local approximation," Spock affirmed with a nod. "It was
attempting to burrow under your skin and--"

He seemed reluctant to follow, so Jim interrupted mercifully, "And
suck my blood? That's certainly what it sounded like it was thinking

"Once I realized why another's thoughts were intruding on our
privacy, it was easy to remove the tick from your head." Spock crushed
the animal and placed it in a specimen jar.

"Those were some pretty scary thoughts there!" Kirk's eyes widened
as he shifted against the tree behind him, remembering.

"Would you like to return to the meld? I am sorry it was
interrupted, but I have.... taken... revenge on the intruder." Only
the lights in his eyes betrayed his humor; his Vulcan mouth barely

"Yes, Spock, that would be nice." Kirk smiled at him. "And thank you
for your quick thinking--with all of that strange stuff about sucking
blood and seeking out heat flashing into my mind, I was--I was
starting to get a little ticked off!"


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