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Terri's Fate

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non lue,
23 mars 2005, 01:13:4523/03/2005
Terri's Fate - Are We
Humans Terrific Or What!?
By Jim Mortellaro

Boy, when it comes to saving beached whales, we are a terrific bunch of
folks. We all get together and do the best we can to save the poor beasts.
And how about them little white baby seals? Boy are we great! We want to
STOP the slaughter, don't we? Whales, little doggies, horses, animals of all
kinds ... we cannot see them suffer, can we?

But when it comes to a human life, the silence is deafening.

Where, please, are the ACLU, the Womens' Activists, the churches? Where are
they? Well, off defending the rights of terrorists. Making certain they are
not embarrassed or treated harshly. I mean after all, they are HUMAN beings
are they not?

Seems to this writer that we've gotten our priorities all out of whack.
Terri Schiavo apparently does not warrant selection as someone worth saving,
someone worth investigating every scrap of evidence to ensure that her
rights, not the rights of her estranged husband, are guaranteed.

Wait, before you go ballistic over the use of that word, "Estranged," allow
me to tell you a fact and mention a few words which offend me. Here ...
estranged because Michael Schiavo has lived with another woman for ten years
or so and had two children by her. Cogito, ergo 'estranged.'

And how about the words which offend me and Terri. Words such as "vegetative
state" and "kept alive by extraordinary means," etc. Neither is true and yet
the liberal media and liberal judges fail to see the facts in this case. Or
at least, fail to recognize the possibility of foul play.

Ahah! Another bad word. Liberal. Well, Democrats have failed to win much in
the last few years and it's hard for me to understand how the party of John
Kennedy, the party of the people, the caring party, has sunk so low as to be
the party of Hollywood, Universities and the party of the courts.

See, it's my theory that the reason liberals focus on the judicial system is
because it's one of the very few places where they can win. Naturally, it is
a fine place on which to concentrate. At least there, with our liberal
judicial system, liberals are more or less guaranteed some measure of

Terri Schiavo is not in a vegetative state. She is not being kept alive by
extraordinary means. She is merely being fed food and drink. That's it. She
is responsive to her surroundings and responsive to her relatives.

That Michael Schiavo may have brought harm to Terri is a possibility. On
that basis alone, criminal investigation should have begun long ago. If
Terri is allowed to die, the repercussions for the Democrat party, the
liberal judicial system, Hollywood and our University professors and other
'teachers' of the faith of liberalism will see a reaction the likes of which
they cannot in their wildest imaginations, expect. At least I hope so.

Democrats and liberals are digging their own graves. When it comes to death,
the liberal takes a strong stand. Death of infants. Death of innocents.
Death of the disabled. But when it comes to life, the RIGHT to life, they
fail miserably.

Long live the liberal culture. For as long as it remains, it shall remind us
of what is wrong with our society. Liberalism in it's most exquisitely evil

Cogito, ergo ...

Jim Mortellaro


non lue,
23 mars 2005, 01:38:0623/03/2005

March 22, 2005


A Blow to the Rule of Law

If you are in a "persistent vegetative state" and there is a dispute
about whether to keep you alive, your case will probably go no further
than state court - unless you are Terri Schiavo. President Bush signed
legislation yesterday giving Ms. Schiavo's parents a personal right to
sue in federal court. The new law tramples on the principle that this is
"a nation of laws, not of men," and it guts the power of the states.
When the commotion over this one tragic woman is over, Congress and the
president will have done real damage to the founders' careful plan for
American democracy.

Ms. Schiavo's case presents heart-wrenching human issues, and difficult
legal ones. But the Florida courts, after careful deliberation, ruled
that she would not want to be kept alive by artificial means in her
current state, and ordered her feeding tube removed. Ms. Schiavo's
parents, who wanted the tube to remain, hoped to get the Florida
Legislature to intervene, but it did not do so.

That should have settled the matter. But supporters of Ms. Schiavo's
parents, particularly members of the religious right, leaned heavily on
Congress and the White House to step in. They did so yesterday with the
new law, which gives "any parent of Theresa Marie Schiavo" standing to
sue in federal court to keep her alive.

This narrow focus is offensive. The founders believed in a nation in
which, as Justice Robert Jackson once wrote, we would "submit ourselves
to rulers only if under rules." There is no place in such a system for a
special law creating rights for only one family. The White House insists
that the law will not be a precedent. But that means that the right to
bring such claims in federal court is reserved for people with enough
political pull to get a law passed that names them in the text.

The Bush administration and the current Congressional leadership like to
wax eloquent about states' rights. But they dropped those principles in
their rush to stampede over the Florida courts and Legislature. The new
law doesn't miss a chance to trample on the state's autonomy and
dignity. There are a variety of technical legal doctrines the federal
courts use to show deference to state courts, like "abstention" and
"exhaustion of remedies." The new law decrees that in Ms. Schiavo's
case, these well-established doctrines simply will not apply.

Republicans have traditionally championed respect for the delicate
balance the founders created. But in the Schiavo case, and in the battle
to stop the Democratic filibusters of judicial nominations, President
Bush and his Congressional allies have begun to enunciate a new
principle: the rules of government are worth respecting only if they
produce the result we want. It may be a formula for short-term political
success, but it is no way to preserve and protect a great republic.

Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company

"A man compounded of law and gospel is able to cheat a whole country
with his religion and destroy them under color of law."

Benjamin Franklin


non lue,
23 mars 2005, 02:21:3123/03/2005

Boy, when it comes to saving beached whales, we are a terrific bunch of
folks. We all get together and do the best we can to save the poor beasts.
And how about them little white baby seals? Boy are we great! We want to
STOP the slaughter, don't we? Whales, little doggies, horses, animals of all
kinds ... we cannot see them suffer, can we?

But when it comes to a human life, the silence is deafening.

The husband in this case is so full of lies, you would have
to be living under a rock to not notice.
Its not just about the right to live. The husband has
something to hide, or he would divorce his wife, as he is
committing adultry, and let Terri's parents care for her.
The only thing the husband has to gain with the ''murder''
of his wife, is the hiding of the truth. What did he do.
I can't believe how daft so many people are.


--unfortunately for many, true awareness is only enjoyed by a few--

JFH <> wrote in message

mail. com

non lue,
23 mars 2005, 12:32:1923/03/2005
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 01:13:45 -0500, "Genesis"
<> wrote:

> Terri's Fate - Are We
> Humans Terrific Or What!?
> By Jim Mortellaro
> 3-22-5

A moronic sermon by a moron. If the author wants to have human
lives, why doesn't he get a gun, fly to Iraq, and join the
resistance? I'll tell you why: he's a goddamn hypocrite.

Free random & sequential signature changer

"In the modern world, all literary art is necessarily political --
especially that which pretends not to be." -- Edward Abbey

Lisa Ruby

non lue,
23 mars 2005, 13:28:4123/03/2005
>Or at least, fail to recognize the possibility of foul play.

Greer's illegal Feb. 25th court order is foul play. It also has Nothing
to do with Terri's so-called wishes to refuse medical treatment. It is
a Hubbardian hoax.

Greer's New Order Deems Terri's Ability to Swallow Irrelevant

Lisa Ruby

non lue,
23 mars 2005, 14:57:2123/03/2005
Part of the Hubbardian managing of this case is to misdirect the
Schindlers into filing appeals to have Terri's tube reinserted. They
are filing on the basis of restoring Terri's "medical treatment."

Since Greer's order says nothing about medical treatment (feeding
tube), it was denied---twice.

The Schindlers are carefully steered away from appealing on the basis
of Greer's illegal order to deny Terri any form of nutrition and

We will have to make that known, won't we?

Lisa Ruby

Death Order Doublespeak

New Order Has Nothing To Do with Terri's "Medical Treatment"

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