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Mac finds himself skewered

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19.10.2000, 03:00:0019.10.00
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Ah, more from the Mac.

Heh Mac, why don't you start by knocking off the lying, eh?

First you say that these postings should be "killfiled". Of course,
this would mean you wouldn't read them, wouldn't it?

If you didn't see them, you wouldn't respond, would you?

But you are unable to take your own advice, and so you go on and on
with tripe such as you have just posted.

Not to mention your obsession with this Dunninger character. Gee, you're
special. Sometime I'll have to see if I can meet this guy. Oh wait - he
posted in your group once, didn't he? Even signed his message
cryptographically (although I don't know how to verify it.....
anyone know if the signature was authentic?) And who's this Ken
character you refer to - or David, for that matter? More people to
tar with your brush when you run out of having fun with the present
set of lies, er, claims?

Wait - I thought you were ignoring me? Wait - you can't ignore me - I'm
your "godfather". Wait - you can't ignore me because you're incapable of
taking your own advice - or even following your own claimed example.

Not to mention the so-called "axioms" you've cited.

Funny how you post about how others have to have the "last word", but, in
fact, you seem to insist on it - even after you are caught in a lie claiming
that you're not reading what's posted here!

Well, blow me down.

More shining examples of "Sabaean" philosophy - "do as I say, not as I do",
"lie like hell, then twist things around so you can claim you're not",
"use lots of aliases so nobody knows you're really one person", or "whenever
someone disagrees with you, just claim that they're someone else who you
hate." Oh, there's plenty more, but you'll never untangle all the farces in
that ball of string. Hell, it was put together with duct tape and Elmer's
in the first place, so expecting Sabaeans to make sense is pure folly

As I've said many times, that's in fact the philosophy and exactly what
Sabaeanism is all about. "Do what I tell you, but don't pay attention to
the fact that I never actually take my own advice."

How well-polished a mirror surface you provide for my little scheme.

Damn Mac, you better cut it out. You're showing too many people the truth
about how things really are done around here.

The secret's out....

As for the last word, let's see if you can actually honor your own claim
and refuse to respond to this....

Naw. (That would take integrity - something you have none of)

-- Odun

19.10.2000, 03:00:0019.10.00
This is the only time we'll observe these posts pretentiously
though obvious from whom they're from.. Afterwards though Karl may
write to
his heart's content any obscenity he can muster he will be in KILL
for he has nothing to say. We suggest you put him in KILL the same.
Please read on what He says and what the friend Vicckie he also
betrayed by
him wrote:

In 1997/03/25 Ka...@MCS.COM (aka Karl Denninger) said in

>I did create it. (alt.religion.sabaean) Go back into Dejanews and you will
find the proof if you would like--although some will probably try to
that it was not I.
The *honest people who were involved at the time will confirm this. It
would be interesting to see Frederick try to weasel out of this one.
I sent the newsgroup for that area, and its precedent, a BBS
which was private to my network systems. Vicki has posted THAT proof;
was and is a conference system of my exclusive design and
The person who builds a thing has the right to destroy that thing.
Its a nice game-- as long as it lasts.
Enjoy your group here folks >snip<

Its easy to know when Karl aka toodles aka yamhead aka ....etc. etc
1. Almost always he points out the path of origin where posts come
from (as
if anyone cares) and is maticulously descriptive of them.
2 He exclusively singles out his obsession of Odun aka Frederick aka
...etc. etc.
3 He always complains of other people making, taking or receiving
(though he always manages to give a plug to his services at the bottom
the pages with his name.)
4 He always is a self appointed detractor, critic and unsolicited
censuring almost everything.
5 He ALWAYS crossposts. Usually to alt.religion.orisha
6 He attemps to embroil those who post in different newsgroups one

and so on the list goes on..and on... and on...
The following is Vickie's opinion:

From who...@Jupiter.Mcs.Net Wed Mar 19 23:54:08 1997
Received: from Jupiter.Mcs.Net (
[]) by (8.8.5/8.8.2) with ESMTP id XAA23992 for
<>; Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:54:08 -0600 (CST)
Received: (from whoite@localhost) by Jupiter.Mcs.Net (8.8.5/8.8.2) id
XAA12956 for whoite; Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:54:07 -0600 (CST)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:54:07 -0600 (CST)
Message-Id: <1997032005...@Jupiter.Mcs.Net>
From: Vicki Ortega <who...@Mcs.Net>
To: who...@Jupiter.Mcs.Net
Subject: (fwd) Did You Know
Newsgroups: alt.religion.sabaean
Organization: MCSNet, Chicagoland's finest Internet Service Provider
Status: O

-- forwarded message --
Path: ddsw1!!ddsw1!not-for-mail
From: who...@MCS.COM (Vicki Ortega)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.sabaean
Subject: Did You Know
Date: 19 Mar 1997 23:52:38 -0600
Organization: MCSNet, Chicagoland's finest Internet Service Provider
Lines: 100
Message-ID: <5gqjb6$cj8$1...@Jupiter.Mcs.Net>
Keywords: eshin,whoite,rom,sabaean
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 unoff BETA release 961022]
Xref: ddsw1 alt.religion.sabaean:825

Hi All,

Boy I must have been away for a life time. It sure seems that way
by the way some people keep changing thier minds around here.

I remember a time when it was actually encouraged here to use
a unique login name, mainly so you got your first chose name,
but also so you could be whoever you wanted to be,simular to
handles on cb's. You all remember CB radio dont you..

Also the times seem past for all to have open access to groups
around here.
Back in oct.92 Karl told akcs.greg (id feild listed him only as
Greg by the way,no last name,if that was his real first name
Any way Karl told "greg" and I quote:
" BTW, Greg, just in case you didn't get it, yes, you are welcome
on the same terms as everyone else. Even as a subscriber. I extend
special privileges OR sanctions to anyone on the basis of thier
religious or other beliefs." 'greg' goes on another speach, and
tells him in the text of his reply,and I quote:
"I have no problem with people speaking about their relligious
beliefs. Only when you want to pass laws which restrict my
conflicting views and practices do I feel that you have stepped
the line." Karl goes on to state, "He has the right to say "shut
, just like the original has a right to speak."

So As I understand things have changed reguarding letting people
speak openly about issues around here (mcs)
The same physical body called Karl,who made the above statements
and who did stick to them ('greg's account was not touched,he left
the mitts of overwelming proof that he should go read some more)
That same person is the one who went on a tangent about an
(not mcs users) login-name and in a huff sent off a post to
to tell them to yank this news group.
GEE...What happened to letting people speak even if you dont agree
with them (anymore)

Talk about talking out of two sides of your face. When will you
learn Karl that the world is still bigger then you, and you have
no real way to change that no matter how many people you think
that you have stepped on or stopped. Just practice useing your
KILL file some more just like other people do on the net.

Karl you once,if not many times posted your beliefs,and now from
what I've read of late all that has gone to dust. What have you
putting in your cigars lately. Dont get me wrong, I've always
known that you have a venimious tongue, but it also used to come
with an open mind and respect for ones privateses. Do you recall
that you yourself had upto three aliases on the net,and that you
yourself are the one who set up the Eshin Fun account along with
the Bes account. And you felt that was right at the time. And
now you are going to beat the other side of your chest to say
people who do that are wrong.
Why dont you go away and make up your mind for once on who you
really are. Cause I dont think that you even know who that is

You know I didnt want this to become a lets pick on Karl seccion
But you must admit that you have always been the most prolific
out there. and I see one thing still is the same ,you'll pound
chest to say your piece,(you also used to let others say thiers
and once the other party went off with thier tail between their
legs, you'd say see I was right,nah. Well is it because you
That you cant possiblily win this arguement(sorry disccusion)
you want to "make" it look like everyone left,so you can fake

Believe me I know my words dont mean nothing to you. You'll just
say where is my proof. Well you should know me well enough that
a packrat. Also I will have to say that most of my proof is in
old fashion hard copy form. But if I must I will retype it in.
Although from what I've seen of current history I will have to
type it in from a differant place. But that will also be more
proof to my side of this matter.
I've had this personal account on ddsw1/mcs since '92, a gift
from you at that time,I do pay for my account now of
so noone out there thinks different. And as those who know me
I only post things when I feel I must.

I will let the previous posts speak for me for now.

I was wondering if by your resent statements about login aliases
were saying that you were wrong in useing them yourself and wrong
helping others set them up, and that you were flogging yourself
infront of your peers to beg forgiveness for your sins.
Thats the only reason I can see for this resent course of

You know that as Sabaeans we do not beat our selfs up over our past
actions we just accept them and go on with our lives. Chasing your
tail(ghosts) is a christian thing to do.

I'll leave you now to untangle my words.

WHOITE (ie:Dr.Who fan,,alias vicki)

20.10.2000, 03:00:0020.10.00
From: "Nemesis" <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.sabaean,alt.religion.orisha
Subject: DID YOU KNOW?
Lines: 176
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600
Message-ID: <9fdD5.3655$>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 00:20:24 -0500
X-Trace: 970809413 (Fri, 06 Oct 2000
00:16:53 CDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:16:53 CDT
Xref: alt.religion.sabaean:1869

And then again

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