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Neither an abortion nor an unplanned childbirth is palatable

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не прочитано,
6 трав. 2007 р., 13:56:2706.05.07
Neither an abortion nor an unplanned childbirth is palatable.

Once a woman's pregnant, the damage has been done.

In the abortion debate, both sides should focus on the use of birth
control, before a pregnancy occurs.

If people use two forms of birth control there is virtually no risk of

Hormonal & Condoms
Hormonal & Pull-Out
Hormonal & Diaphragm
Condoms & Pull-Out
Condoms & Diaphragm
Diaphragm & Pull-Out

Risk of accidental pregnancy BEST case scenario assuming PERFECT use
Per Year (assuming 100 sex acts) Per Act
No protection 8 in 10 (1 in 1.25) 1 in 125
Condoms 1 in 50 1 in 5,000
Birth Control 1 in 333 1 in 33,300
Condoms & Birth Control 1 in 1,665,000 1 in 166,500,000

Given 100,000,000 women of child bearing age (ages 14-59),
Unplanned pregnancies result: 100,000,000/1,665,000= 60

Risk of accidental pregnancy WORST case scenario assuming TYPICAL use
Per Year (assuming 80 sex acts) Per Act
No protection 8 in 10 (1 in 1.25) 1 in 125
Condoms 1 in 6.6 1 in 533
Birth Control 1 in 12.5 1 in 1,000
Condoms & Birth Control 1 in 6,666 1 in 533,333


Unplanned pregnancies result: 100,000,000/6,666=15,000

Comparisons of pregnancy rates of different contraceptives are from: ; scroll down to "Table 2"

Risk of accidental pregnancy WORST case scenario assuming TYPICAL use
of the 2 riskiest methods
Per Year (assuming 80 sex acts) Per Act
Diaphragm 1 in 6.25 1 in 500
Pull-Out 1 in 3.7 1 in 296
Diaphragm & Pull-Out 1 in 1,850 1 in 148,000

Calculation is 148,000/80=1,850

As you can see, even with combining the two riskiest methods of birth
control, you are still safer than if you get a vasectomy - 1 in 1,000
per year or a tubal ligation - 1 in 200 per year.

Unplanned pregnancies result: 100,000,000/1,850=54,054

It's just like rolling two 30 sided die. The chance that one comes up
with a negative number is 1 in 30. The chance that both come up with
the one negative number is 1 in 900. If you roll each die 10 times,
the chance that one comes up with a negative number is 10 in 30 or 1
in 3. The chance that both come up with a negative number is 10 in
900 or 1 in 90. Not 10 in 9.

Chance of getting 1 negative number out of 30, rolling two 30 sided
Per Set (assuming 10 rolls) Per roll
Die 1 1 in 3 1 in 30
Die 2 1 in 3 1 in 30
Die 1 & 2 combined 1 in 90 1 in 900
- chance both come up negative

Currently there are an average 1 million abortions per year

48% of all U.S. pregnancies (and 78% of teen pregnancies) are
That's roughly 2,500,000

And 4 million new babies are born per year

The below statistics give you an idea of how much safer contraception
makes us, and when compared to the numbers above, specifically how
much safer two forms of contraception make us. Of course, not all
women are having sex, so all estimates of unplanned pregnancy above
and below are exaggerated.

unplanned pregnancies using condoms and hormonal birth control
(perfect use): 60
(typical use): 15,000
unplanned pregnancies result with no contraception: 100,000,000/1.25 =
unplanned pregnancies result with condoms alone
(perfect use): 100,000,000/50 = 2,000,000
(typical use) 100,000,000/6.667 = 15,000,000
unplanned pregnancies result with birth control alone
(perfect use): 100,000,000/333= 300,300
(typical use) = 100,000,000/12.5 = 8,000,000

The reason sex has often been proclaimed to be immoral is specifically
because it takes a risk with another person's life. The baby's.
Unsafe sex is immoral. I have shown above that safe sex is no more
immoral than transporting your baby is a car. People transport their
children in cars, without their "informed consent" and we assume that
nearly all children when older approve of this, thus I conclude the
unborn baby accepts the small risk of being conceived unplanned in
exchange for a sex life, just as we accept the risk of driving in
exchange for the convenience of travel.

But failing to promote and provide birth control is one of the most
immoral things in the world. Of the 4 million babies born per year,
1.5 million, or 38% of all newborns are unplanned. This must surely
have a demonstrative effect upon the socio-economic status of our


10 most common STDs

Type of disease:

Herpes - Skin / Virus
Warts/HPV - Skin / Virus
HIV - Blood / Virus
Molluscum Contagiosum - Skin / Virus

Gonorrhea - Bacteria
Chlamydia/NGU - Bacteria
Trichomoniasis - Bacteria
Crabs - Skin / Parasite
Scabies - Skin / Parasite
Syphilis - Bacteria

You can get tested for at least four of these, Gonorrhea-urine,
Chlamydia-urine, Syphilis-blood, and HIV-blood. A Trichomoniasis test
requires a wet mount or a culture. There are blood tests for Herpes,
but they aren't normally given. You can check your partner's genitals
for the five others; Herpes, Warts, Molluscum Contagiosum, Crabs, and
Scabies. However it's possible that these diseases could be present
even if not noticeable.

The last six on the list are entirely curable and condoms provide some
protection against nearly all of them. If you are sexually active and
not monogamous, you should have a test for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
every six months because they may not have symptoms, and if left
untreated, they could cause PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in women
and epididymitis in men which can cause infertility. At the same
time you may be tested for Syphilis and HIV which are relatively
uncommon. Syphilis is curable, but can cause serious conditions if
not treated. The risk of HIV is decreased by 90% if you wear a
condom. The risk is even less if your partner has had a recent HIV
test. There is now a new vaccine against Warts/HPV which decreases
the risk of genital warts by 90%. Genital Warts and Molluscum
Contagiosum are not curable, but treatable, and the body generally
clears theses viruses within five years or sooner. Hopefully there
will soon be a vaccine for Herpes.

If you choose to maintain multiple long term relationships, or open
relationships, tell your partner this before you have sex with them
and then they won't be pissed at you.

Two others:
Bacterial Vaginosis is _not_ an STD but may occur in women caused by
something new in the vagina such as a penis which may upset the normal
balance of the vagina.

And Hepatitis B there is a vaccine you may consider getting, and there
is a blood test.

A condom decreases the risk of these two as well. The crown skinless
skin condom feels as good as condomless sex you can buy it here:

Here's a good website with info on STD's:

не прочитано,
6 трав. 2007 р., 13:58:5506.05.07
On May 5, 8:13 am, "Steve" <> wrote:

> <> wrote in message

> > Neither an abortion nor an unplanned childbirth is palatable.
> > Once a woman's pregnant, the damage has been done.
> > In the abortion debate, both sides should focus on the use of birth
> > control, before a pregnancy occurs.
> > If people use two forms of birth control there is virtually no risk of
> > pregnancy.
> > Hormonal & Condoms
> > Hormonal & Pull-Out
> > Hormonal & Diaphragm
> > Condoms & Pull-Out
> > Condoms & Diaphragm
> > Diaphragm & Pull-Out
> >

> You can scratch anything that includes "pull out" as being an effective form
> of birth control. You may as well cross your fingers and say three hail
> marry's.

That's not actually true. You obviously didn't get the point of my

While the pull-out method is one of the least effective birth control
methods, when combined with another birth control method, the level
of effectiveness is literally staggering.

Furthermore, the pull-out method does have some merit in being better
than no method at all.

Comparisons of pregnancy rates of different contraceptives are from: ; scroll down to "Table 2"

Risk of Accidental Pregnancy per year
Typical use Perfect use
No Method 1 in 1.25 (8 in 10) 1 in 1.25 (8 in 10)
Pull-Out Method 1 in 3.7 1 in 25
Diaphragm 1 in 6.25 1 in 16
Condoms 1 in 6.7 1 in 50
Hormonal Birth
Control Methods 1 in 12.5 1 in 333

Typical use Perfect use
& Hormonal Birth Control 1 in 6,666 1 in 1,665,000
Pull-Out & Hormonal 1 in 3,700 1 in 832,500
Diaphragm & Hormonal 1 in 6,250 1 in 532,800
Diaphragm & Condoms 1 in 3,350 1 in 80,000
Pull-Out & Condoms 1 in 1,983 1 in 125,000
Diaphragm & Pull-Out 1 in 1,850 1 in 40,000

As you can see, sex with two forms of birth control is not immoral.
Sex with one or no forms of birth control is immoral.

Calculating for three forms:
Typical use Perfect use
/Diaphragm 1 in 3,350,000 1 in 2.664 Billion
/Pull-Out 1 in 1,983,200 1 in 4.1625 Billion
/Diaphragm 1 in 1,850,000 1 in 1.332 Billion
/Diaphragm 1 in 991,600 1 in 200,000,000

All Four Typical use Perfect use
/Pull-Out 1 in 991,600,000 1 in 66.6 Billion

Of course, three hail marry's might help too.

The Hail Mary Prayer

A prayer for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of
Jesus Christ.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Gimme that Old Time Religion

не прочитано,
6 трав. 2007 р., 15:27:3006.05.07

<> wrote in message

> Neither an abortion nor an unplanned childbirth is palatable.

Neither is wickedly murdering a child to put away the shameful result of
adultery and fornication.

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