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The price of tokens goes down, gold goes up

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22.09.1999, 03:00:0022.09.99
>A gold ounce now buys 260 fiat tokens... instead of 255, an increase of 5.
>What's up with that?
Let's call the profession for what it really is.
If a man buys and sells cars, he is a car dealer

If he buys and sells horses, he is a horse dealer,

If he buys and sells fish, he is a fish dealer

If he buys and sells depreciated notes he is a "coin dealer"??

You do not buy lawful silver or gold coins, the person with the
coins is the buyer of depreciated paper.

The world's most profitable industry has no product of any
kind and pays no taxes of any kind whatsoever. This is the
BANKING industry. Research by Larry Becraft shows that at
one time, at least seven states prohibited banking in their
Constitutions. Others had restricted banking.


22.09.1999, 03:00:0022.09.99
>And the conventional wisdom on this board said that the price will only go
>down due to these massive sales... Bullshit.

I always get a kick out of these types. "CONventional wisdom"HA


22.09.1999, 03:00:0022.09.99

Ilya <> wrote in article
> Ilya <> wrote:
> Now it is 264!

> And the conventional wisdom on this board said that the price will only
> down due to these massive sales... Bullshit.

Well my ASA gold stock has gone to 19.25 I purchased a ton of it at 16.50
and unloaded a large amount at 18.50 another block at 19.00 and another
at 19.25. I love the entrant battle between the good and evil gold bug
and paper bugs. A guy could make a very good living without believing
either is correct. I have to admit there a lot of money in gold.
An again I will wait for the stock to pull back to $16.50.

And a big "thank you" to the Bank of England for your foolish economic
policies that forced you to unload the wealth of the nation to cover for
you bad policies. It has made me a lot of money for me.

> > A gold ounce now buys 260 fiat tokens... instead of 255, an increase
of 5.
> > What's up with that?

> > =====================================================
> > "What this country needs is a good five cent nickel."
> > -- Franklin P. Adams, 1932
> > =====================================================
> =====================================================
> "What this country needs is a good five cent nickel."
> -- Franklin P. Adams, 1932
> =====================================================

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