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Almost everyone saw the physical proof that time passes in jumps - only that the majority ignored it (JP)

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Oct 22, 2008, 11:05:25 PM10/22/08
Present official science tells us wrongly that time flows around us in
a continuous manner - like water flows in a river around a motionless
stone. However, the "theory of everything" called the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity teaches us that time stands still while we move
through time in fast jumps - similarly like in fast jumps used to move
single frames of film over motionless cinema screens. Exists also a
physical evidence (proof) well known to almost everyone, which
visually illustrates that time really moves in jumps. This proof, as
well as its significance, I am going to remind here. After all, if
time really flows in jumps, then it is possible (and relatively easy)
to travel in time and to shift time back. In turn, if we learn how to
shift time back, then we also learn how we can live forever through
the repetitive shifting ourselves - after reaching an old age, back to
time of our youth.

The existence of ability to shift time back and to build time vehicles
is described on the totaliztic web page "timevehicle.htm" - about the
work of time, time travel, and about time vehicles. The "theory of
everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (described in more
details on the totaliztic web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") defines time
as the "passage of execution control through the natural program that
controls our life". (More exact explanation how this execution control
passes through natural programs of our life is provided in subsections
N1.5 and N1.4 from volume 11 of monograph [1/5] disseminated free of
charge from the totaliztic web page "text_1_5.htm".) According to this
definition, time is simply a sequence of discrete commands in the
program of our life. In turn, being such a sequence of commands, time
can be shifted forward or backward, skipped through, slowed down or
accelerated, etc. So according to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(described in more details on the totaliztic web page
"dipolar_gravity.htm") travelling in time is possible, realistic, and
even quite easy.

Of course, if time is really a discrete program combined from a
sequence of individual commands, in which the execution control can be
shifted back or forth, then there must be some physical evidence which
documents this fact. As it turns out "one example of physical evidence
for the discrete nature of time, many amongst us saw with their own
eyes". This evidence is the interference that occurs between a
discrete pulses of time, and objects that flicker with the frequency
of completion of individual execution commands. The existence of this
interference proves that time does NOT flow continually, but it
elapses in fast jumps - like individual frames of film used to flow
through screens in old cinemas, or more strictly like the execution of
individual commands carried out in every long program. This proof can
be noticed with naked eyes - if one visually watches the gradual
acceleration of a wheel with spokes, so that the velocity of
flickering of these spokes changes from almost zero to around 1800
spokes/min (i.e. so that spokes flicker in the range from almost zero
to the frequency of around 30 Hz). (For example, the proof can be seen
on wheels of cars of motorbikes when these are accelerating while
driving parallel to our own car.) Namely, watching these spokes that
rotate increasingly faster, at the beginning we see in which direction
they are accelerating. But at some stage of their acceleration we are
going to notice, that these spokes look as if they stopped in their
rotation, and then they begin to make an impression that they begin to
rotate increasingly faster in an opposite direction than they really
rotate. The moment when these spokes look as if they stopped, is just
the moment when their frequency of flickering coincides with the
frequency of completion of individual commands in our programs of
life. In turn the fact that in our eyes these spokes seem to start the
rotation in an opposite direction, is a visual proof that the elapse
of time have a discrete nature (means that time elapses in jumps).
After all, if we analyse principles of this reversal rotation, then we
are going to realise, that nothing except of a discrete nature of time
can allow to form an impression of rotation of spokes in a direction
that is opposite to their actual direction of rotation. Thus the
actual existence of this phenomenon is another physical evidence for
the jumping (discrete) character of the elapse of time.
(So also another evidence for the correctness of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity.)

Highly promising is also the awareness, that this physical proof for a
jumping (discrete) character of time provides us simultaneously with a
principle for measuring the speed of elapse of time in individual
people, as well as provides us with a first instrument for measuring
this speed. As the philosophy of totalizm (see descriptions of this
philosophy on web page "totalizm.htm") explains this, time does NOT
elapse with the same speed for every person and for every situation.
For example, this speed changes with age, thus e.g. for older people
time flows much faster than for youngsters. Also in situations that
release powerful feelings time clearly changes the speed of flow.
Therefore, if we construct a kind of propeller which is to measure
precisely for a given person the frequency (speed) of flickering at
which this person notices that the propeller apparently changes the
direction of rotation into an opposite one, then we obtain an
instrument for measuring the speed of elapse of time in individual
people. In turn measurements of this speed may lead people to shocking
discoveries, e.g. that some people are obese NOT because of their
genetics or amount of calories that they eat, but e.g. because their
day is much shorter than a day of slim people - thus some obese people
may have not enough time to burn all calories that they eat.

I do NOT intend to extend this post by proving here also that every
evidence for the elapse of time in small jumps, is simultaneously a
proof for the existence of God. After all, the reader should be able
to deduce by himself or herself, that time which elapses in jumps, and
thus which can be shifted backward, could be implemented only in case
when God does exist and thus when He intentionally designed time just
in such an extraordinary manner. After all, in order such a software
time could prevail in the physical world, God needed to build firstly
the structure, which on web pages "timevehicle.htm" (see in there
items #B6 and #D1) and "dipolar_gravity_pl.htm" (see in there item
#G4) is described under the name " timespace". Only when such a
software " timespace" exists and works, time can i flow in jumps - in
the manner described by the "theory of everything" called the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity. In turn to actually build such "timespace",
intelligent God must exist and must have the form of a huge natural
program - means the form which to God is attributed by the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity.

The explanations presented above are adopted from items #D2 of the
totaliztic web page "god_proof.htm", update of 23 October 2008, or
later. The latest update of this web page should be available from
several web sites of totalizm. One amongst these web sites is " " - which is available under the address and which always presents (just for
brief periods of time) the most recently updated web page of

It is also worth to know that practically all totaliztic web pages are
available at each address (server) of totalizm. Therefore
independently from the web page "evil.htm", each address (server)
linked from here should also offer all other web pages of totalizm -
unless some of these pages were sabotaged, or are so new that I had no
time yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a case
when for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given address,
still at this address a MENU should be available which has links to
other addresses (servers) of totalizm, on which a given web page
should already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to view
descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page
listed in this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in the
above addresses the name "evil.htm" is just enough to exchange for a
name of the web page that he or she wishes to view, e.g. for the name
of web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm", "eco_cars.htm", "boiler.htm",
"fe_cell.htm", "free_energy.htm", "telekinetics.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
"god.htm", "god_proof.htm", "bible.htm", "evolution.htm",
"wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm", "memorial.htm",
"newzealand.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm",
"text_1_5.htm", "explain.htm", "day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm",
"katrina.htm", etc., etc.

If here the above text is difficult to read, or links from it refuse
to work, then it is worth to know that this post is repeated on
several blogs of totalizm, subsequent ones amongst which can be
accessed at following internet addresses:
On these blogs it is also worth to read the previous post number #158E
(or previous thread
), which explains that the certainty of God's existence we must earn
with our own effort. Thus the content of the previous post complements
the content of this post.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

John Baker

Oct 23, 2008, 12:59:46 AM10/23/08
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 20:05:25 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>Present official science tells us wrongly

Oh, great. *Another* cretinist crackpot who wouldn't know science if
it bit him on the arse is going to tell us why it's wrong.

Piss off, Jan.

John J

Oct 23, 2008, 8:21:45 AM10/23/08
to wrote:
> Present official science tells us wrongly that time flows around us in
> a continuous manner - like water flows in a river around a motionless
> stone. However, the "theory of everything" called the Concept of
> Dipolar Gravity teaches us that time stands still while we move
> through time in fast jumps - [...]

I don't think the author ever saw real life - he describes everything,
for example the spokes of a wheel in motion, as if he's always in front
of a video.

Flikr to him


Oct 23, 2008, 9:43:28 AM10/23/08
On Oct 22, 8:05 pm, wrote: snipped mindless X-
posted rantings

Hate to tell ya dude, but the Nobel Prize Committee doesn't award
people for CCPIng
pseudoscience Bravo Sierra.

BTW gods don't exist now, have never existed and never will exist, no
matter how ya wanna measure time

Oct 23, 2008, 6:44:04 PM10/23/08
On Oct 24, 1:21 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> I don't think the author ever saw real life - he describes everything,
> for example the spokes of a wheel in motion, as if he's always in front
> of a video.
I appears that you never saw the effect that I am describing here!
Where are you living - at the very top of ivory tower? (Do not seems
so - judging by the level of your contribution to this discussion!)
Well, the effect of visual changing the direction of rotation is well
known to everyone who ever had opportunity to watch an accelerating
spin of any object that makes flicker some parts of itself. I am
shocked that visibly no-many people seem to be able to recall it. So I
propose to make an experiemnt - and see it with your own eyes.
Anything that spins, that have some spokes or propellers, and that
accelerates gradually from zero to around 1800 rev/min (so that spokes
change their flickering from zero to around 30 Hz) will create this
effect. It is worth to see it, as it is a window to a "paradigm shift"
and opens our eyes on completely different prospects regarding the
nature of time and the possibility of time travel.


Oct 23, 2008, 10:58:50 PM10/23/08

What you are seeing is a frame per second illusion.
The direction of rotation never changes.
A good strobe light can make just about anything that is
rotating "seem" to spin backwards.

John J

Oct 24, 2008, 8:39:10 AM10/24/08

>> On Oct 24, 1:21 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
>> ...
>>> I don't think the author ever saw real life - he describes
>>> everything, for example the spokes of a wheel in motion, as if he's
>>> always in front of a video.
>> ...
>> I appears that you never saw the effect that I am describing here!
>> Where are you living - at the very top of ivory tower?

No. I have never seen that happen in ordinary daylight. I have seen it
in light that flickers, and of course in motion picture film, and from
some singleframed video. But never in natural light.

Oct 24, 2008, 9:45:47 PM10/24/08
On Oct 25, 1:39 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> No. I have never seen that happen in ordinary daylight. I have seen it
> in light that flickers, and of course in motion picture film, and from
> some singleframed video. But never in natural light.
Very strange that you never have seen it. Just a few hours ago I
induced this effect in a daylight with the use of a Wimshurst machine
that I have in my home. (You can see the photo of this machine on my
web pages, e.g. on the web page "newzealand.htm" - which you can find
e.g. at the address or .) The machine is
propelled by hand so I can regulate the speed of rotation of its disk,
thus it allows seeing the effect that I am describing here quite
clearly. Probably I could see the same effect on spokes of my bicycle
- but I do NOT have one right now. But you probably have a bicycle -
so turn it on its back, place on the floor in front of you, and ask
someone to gradually speed up the hand rotation of pedals - while you
carefully watch in good daylight the flickering of spokes from the
back wheel. If you do NOT have a bicycle, then drive to a nearest
airport and watch aiplanes being started - you can see this effect in
daylight on propellers being started in propeller aircraft, or on
front turbines of jet engines. You only need to watch carefuly to see
it. If you have a farm nearby, look at any fast wheel that is
propelled by electric motor when it gradually starts running any heavy
farm machine - as electric motors also acomplish 1800 rev/min, thus
are going through this pehnomenon.

For this phenomenon to appear NO artificial light is needed. It
appears in daylight. In turn every stroboscopic lamp beaming pulses at
rotating objects just supplies us with the explanation why pulsating
time triggers this effect. After all, the discrete elapse of time is
just like pulses of the light emited by a stroboscopic lamp. They
allow us to see spinning objects only at small fractions of their
rotary motion. This is why the effect that I described here appears in
daylight on practically all spinning objects.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. I am shocked that instead of helping me in my research, e.g. by
determing the exact frequency at which this effect appears, the only
response I encounter so-far is always criticism and denial. If people
help me since 1985, when I discovered how time works and thus invented
the operation of time vehicles, by today I would already build time
vehicles. In turn having such time vehicles would cause that YOU (the
reader) could shift back in time to your youth at any moment of time
whenever you wish - thus you would NOT need to die after reaching the
old age, but would live forever. Pity that so many people spend their
energy on holding me back in my research instead of helping me to
advance these research.


Oct 24, 2008, 10:13:46 PM10/24/08
to wrote:

> P.S. I am shocked that instead of helping me in my research, e.g. by
> determing the exact frequency at which this effect appears, the only
> response I encounter so-far is always criticism and denial.

Dear jan,
The effect you are talking about is different for peoples views
because some people see at different frame rates.

Here is the real basics of it.
If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
at 30 rotations per second, if the are in sync, it will look like
the wheel is not spinning.
If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
at 29 revs per second, it will look as if the wheel is spinning
slowly backwards.

The effect will occur at multiples of the framerates it occurs
at for slower speeds.
It is simply a frame rate limitation of observation.
Time does not pass in jumps, in fact, time does not
"pass" at all, time was invented by humans as a counting method.
Time is an abstract of a motion being counted and nothing more
than such.

James M Driscoll Jr
Discoverer of the Clock Malfunction Fact.

Oct 25, 2008, 10:26:58 PM10/25/08
On Oct 25, 3:13 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>

> Dear jan,
> The effect you are talking about is different for peoples views
> because some people see at different frame rates.
> Here is the real basics of it.
> If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
> at 30 rotations per second, if the are in sync, it will look like
> the wheel is not spinning.
> If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
> at 29 revs per second, it will look as if the wheel is spinning
> slowly backwards.

> James M Driscoll Jr
> Discoverer of the Clock Malfunction Fact.
> Spaceman

YES, I agree with what you are saying above - after all time passes
differently for each person. For example, for older people time passes
faster than for young people. Thus each person is going to see this
interference of his or her "jumping" time with spinning objects at a
different frequency. Unfortunately, I do NOT have equipment to measure
how fast time passes for each category of people. This is why I am
asking for help - is there anyopne who could measure it.

Your explanation is known by people - on the same principle work
"stroboscopic lamps" when used e.g. for fine-tuning of cars. The point
is, however, that perople do NOT realise that when they see this
phenomenon in a daylight, e.g. while looking at propeller of an
airplane just being started, they actually see mechanism of time at
work. This is why I try to indicate to people that this phenomenon is
actually a visual proof, which every person can see with his or her
own eyes, and which reassures everyone that time is moving in jumps,
because time is a sequential motion of execution control through
individual commands from natural programs of our lives. This execution
control can be shifted backward thus allowing us to shift back in
time. The device which allows shifting time in backward is already
known - it is the so-called "Oscillatory Chamber of the third
generation" which is described on the totaliztic web page
"oscillatory_chamber.htm" - you can look at it e.g. at the address . Should other
people do NOT concentrate their efforts in preventing me from building
this device, then since 1985 when I worked out the mechanism of time
and invented time vehicles, until today - 28 years later, I would
already completed these devices. In turn my time vehicles would help
people to defeat death and would allow us to live forever. (After all,
to live forever, it is enough to repetitively shift our time back to
years of youth each time we arrive at the old age.)

Someone said "seeing is believing" - unfortunately, as this is
illustrated by the proof for the elapse of time in jumps described
here, whoever said this surely was not familiar with present-day
worshippers of TV. After all, present worshippers of TV may see the
proof that time passes in short jumps, but are NOT going to believe
that this proof has any significance for their own lives. So they just
watch passively how Jan Pajak cries for help in building his time


Oct 26, 2008, 12:40:27 AM10/26/08
to wrote:
> On Oct 25, 3:13 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>
> wrote:
> ...
>> Dear jan,
>> The effect you are talking about is different for peoples views
>> because some people see at different frame rates.
>> Here is the real basics of it.
>> If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
>> at 30 rotations per second, if the are in sync, it will look like
>> the wheel is not spinning.
>> If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
>> at 29 revs per second, it will look as if the wheel is spinning
>> slowly backwards.
> ...
>> James M Driscoll Jr
>> Discoverer of the Clock Malfunction Fact.
>> Spaceman
> YES, I agree with what you are saying above - after all time passes
> differently for each person.

Time does not pass by differently for each person.

> For example, for older people time passes
> faster than for young people. Thus each person is going to see this
> interference of his or her "jumping" time with spinning objects at a
> different frequency. Unfortunately, I do NOT have equipment to measure
> how fast time passes for each category of people. This is why I am
> asking for help - is there anyopne who could measure it.

Time does not "pass by" at all.
Time is an abstract counting system invented by humans.
the only thing time does is count the motion of a ticker moving
a certain amount of motions for a certain amount of distance.
Time is an abstract counting method of motions only.
Scientifically is passed by as a single standard of measurement
for all people, places and things.

> Your explanation is known by people - on the same principle work
> "stroboscopic lamps" when used e.g. for fine-tuning of cars. The point
> is, however, that perople do NOT realise that when they see this
> phenomenon in a daylight, e.g. while looking at propeller of an
> airplane just being started, they actually see mechanism of time at
> work.

No they don't see time work, they see a frame per second rate thier
eyes can achieve and nothing more than that is going on.
The only mechanism of time is an abstracted one.
Time is a human abstraction of a counting of motion.
It is a scientific counting method create by humans for science.

John J

Oct 27, 2008, 1:48:11 PM10/27/08

<> wrote in message

On Oct 25, 1:39 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> No. I have never seen that happen in ordinary daylight. I have seen it
> in light that flickers, and of course in motion picture film, and from
> some singleframed video. But never in natural light.
Very strange that you never have seen it. Just a few hours ago I
induced this effect in a daylight with the use of a Wimshurst machine
that I have in my home.

Nope. I see no flickers in ordinary light. Not with a bicycle wheel nor
anything else you mention.

Oct 27, 2008, 9:33:53 PM10/27/08
On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>

> Time does not "pass by" at all.
> Time is an abstract counting system invented by humans.
Is this all that you can claim to counterargue my proof that time
passes in jums? I pinpointed a proof that time passes in jums. What
you can indicate to prove that your claim has any merit? Without any
evidence or proof everyone can claim what you just claim - the point
is that it is just a belief adhered by old "orthodox" sxcientists.
Show any proof, as I did in my original post above, that you are
right! Until you are able to show such a proof, my findings and proof
stands - menas time really passes in short jums, while spinning
objects certify that this is so. Don't just spit at my proof, but show
evidence if you claim otherwise.


Oct 27, 2008, 10:44:23 PM10/27/08
to wrote:
> On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>
> wrote:
> ...
>> Time does not "pass by" at all.
>> Time is an abstract counting system invented by humans.
> ...
> Is this all that you can claim to counterargue my proof that time
> passes in jums? I pinpointed a proof that time passes in jums. What
> you can indicate to prove that your claim has any merit? Without any
> evidence or proof everyone can claim what you just claim - the point
> is that it is just a belief adhered by old "orthodox" sxcientists.

What I stated is a physical fact. Check the history of clocks.
Check the History of time.
Check some facts instead of trying to change the aleady known

John J

Oct 28, 2008, 8:40:00 AM10/28/08
to wrote:
> On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>
> wrote:
> ...
>> Time does not "pass by" at all.
>> Time is an abstract counting system invented by humans.
> ...
> Is this all that you can claim to counterargue my proof that time
> passes in jums? I pinpointed a proof that time passes in jumps.

All you have observed is that you perceive time in a manner that shows
'gaps' in experience - a discontinuous effect. Perception is
experiential and necessarily after-the-fact, always lagging, and our
brain fills-in to anticipate physical reality.

When you walk you are falling, but under control. When you (in
particular I think) perceive time your brain is doing the same.


Oct 28, 2008, 1:19:15 PM10/28/08
On Oct 27, 8:33 pm, wrote:
> On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>
> wrote:
> ...> Time does not "pass by" at all.
> > Time is an abstract counting system invented by humans.
> ...
> Is this all that you can claim to counterargue my proof that time
> passes in jums? I pinpointed a proof that time passes in jums. What
> you can indicate to prove that your claim has any merit?

You want to give us scientific proof. Okay, here's an axample.

1) Get hold of a high-speed camera: something that can run from 100
frames per second up to 1000 frames per second. By taking
photographic images you are removing "human perception" from the

2) Capture a series of images.

3) If time moves in a jumping fashion then there should be consecutive
frames where the image DOES NOT change.


Oct 28, 2008, 10:26:44 PM10/28/08

John J wrote:

> All you have observed is that you perceive time in a manner that shows
> 'gaps' in experience - a discontinuous effect.

YES, and this is why we have the experiemental proof that human time
passes in jumps. Whatever you write about this observation, it still
proves that humans live in a discrete manner, and the only explanation
for this fact is that human time passes in short jums (means time is
NOT continuous as the present science tries to tell people). In turn,
since time passes in jumps, this means that the explanation of time
provided by the "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity (see the web page "
") is true and correct. So time vehicles can be build and can help
humans to live forever. Pity that instead helping me to build these
time vehicles which are able to defeat death, you just concentrate
your efforts on spitting at my scientific findings.

With the totaliztic slaute,
Jan Pajak

John J

Oct 29, 2008, 8:23:07 AM10/29/08
to wrote:
> John J wrote:
> ...
>> All you have observed is that you perceive time in a manner that shows
>> 'gaps' in experience - a discontinuous effect.
> ...
> YES, and this is why we have the experiemental proof that human time
> passes in jumps.

You have no proof of anything regarding time. You have mild evidence
that the human brain does not experience things the very moment they
occur - there is a perceptual (experiential) lag while 'time' (the
physical world) moves on regardless.

> Whatever you write about this observation, it still
> proves that humans live in a discrete manner, and the only explanation
> for this fact is that human time passes in short jums (means time is
> NOT continuous as the present science tries to tell people).

No. Human perception might lag behind physical reality, but that does
not change the physical reality.

> In turn,
> since time passes in jumps,

You have no objective evidence of that so what follows is nonsense.

this means that the explanation of time

> provided by the [... nonsense ...]

Oct 30, 2008, 8:46:44 PM10/30/08
On Oct 30, 1:23 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> You have mild evidence
> that the human brain does not experience things the very moment they
> occur - there is a perceptual (experiential) lag while 'time' (the
> physical world) moves on regardless.
YES, I have proof that human brains does NOT exaperince things in a
continuous manner because human time passes in jumps. In turn you have
NO even a slightest shread of avidence in support of your claims.
Practically everyone can say NO to everything - but only a few sparse
people can provide evidence that their NO is correct. You obviously do
NOT belong to this category. So it seems that out of us two, you are
the who who speaks rubbish and tries to make water of brains of
readers! The mystery is, however, why you try to throw mud at my
findings? Is anyone paying you for turning internet into a gutter - as
explained on the web page


Oct 31, 2008, 12:08:54 AM10/31/08
to wrote:
> On Oct 30, 1:23 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> ...
>> You have mild evidence
>> that the human brain does not experience things the very moment they
>> occur - there is a perceptual (experiential) lag while 'time' (the
>> physical world) moves on regardless.
> ...
> YES, I have proof that human brains does NOT exaperince things in a
> continuous manner because human time passes in jumps.

WARNING: to humans:
Humans do feel time in much smaller increments than the eyeballs
can record at.
Do not attempt to prove the human brain works in jumps,
especially not by placing a part of your body in the perceved
to be still spinning wheel.

Oct 31, 2008, 3:54:16 PM10/31/08
> explained on the web page

> ?
> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak

The only thing that you have proved is that you are a complete idiot.
People have tried to explain how the phenomenon you refer to works,
but you are determined to remain a moron.


Oct 31, 2008, 8:33:50 PM10/31/08
to writes:

> YES, and this is why we have the experiemental proof that human time
> passes in jumps.

We actually have no idea how time passes for human beings at all, since there
is no scientific explanation for consciousness.

As for time in the physical world independent of consciousness, it is thought
to be divided into quanta, but this has not been conclusively demonstrated,
and the quanta, if they exist, are too small for human beings to perceive

Nov 1, 2008, 9:09:00 PM11/1/08
On Nov 1, 1:33 pm, Mxsmanic <> wrote:

> As for time in the physical world independent of consciousness, it is thought
> to be divided into quanta, but this has not been conclusively demonstrated,
> and the quanta, if they exist, are too small for human beings to perceive
> individually.
Fortunately for us, time is jumping in quants that are large enough
for us to be able to see the elapse of it in form of the phenomena
that I described in the original post of this thread.

John J

Nov 2, 2008, 9:56:25 AM11/2/08

There is no objective evidence whatsoever that 'time jumps' in such
immense intervals that we can see it with our eyes.

It's just the brain's slow processing of certain things that make it
seem that way to you.


Nov 2, 2008, 10:46:33 AM11/2/08
John J writes:

> There is no objective evidence whatsoever that 'time jumps' in such
> immense intervals that we can see it with our eyes.

As I recall, current data suggest that time quanta can be no larger than about
10^-15 second. Hardly an interval accessible to human perception.

Nov 2, 2008, 9:39:26 PM11/2/08
On Nov 3, 3:56 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> It's just the brain's slow processing of certain things that make it
> seem that way to you.

If this is just the brain slowing down, then why we see that spinning
objects begin to rotate into opposite direction, instead of just
seeing them to slow down the speed of their rotation. You obviously
just are trying to push nonsence in your speculations above. All
claims of your type do NOT hold water when faced with the puzzle of
the apparent reversal of the rotation of spinning objects. Actually
present official science do NOT have a viable explanation for this
phenomenon. Only the explanation which is provided by the "theory of
everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (e.g. see web pages or ) is
holding water and explains perfectly all facts observed. And this
explaination states that the reversal of the direction of spin is due
to elapse of time in short jumps, so that time behaves like a
"stroboscopic effect" - thus making an impression that spinning
objects reversed the direction of their spin. But what is more
interesting, the "jumping time" actually is also the empirical proof
for the statement of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity that "time is just
a passage of execution control through our programs of life", and thus
which explains that time vehicles can be build because time can be
shifted back with the use of devices called "Oscillatory Chambers of
the third generation" - for description of such chambers see the web
page .

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. Pity that I need to argue with all of you, instead of actually
being able to build my time vehicle and show you that it really works.
Unfortunately, to be able to build my time vehicles, I firstly need to
convince perople like yourself that I am right. Of course, by making
me wasting my time on convincing you, you also make yourself to die
instead of living forever. After all, if instead of scoffing at me,
people would help me to build time vehicles, we would already have
these vehicles by now, as I am wasting my time on such empty
discussions since 1985 - when I discovered how time really works. My
time is slowly running out. In turn when I go, next chances for
building times vehicles (and thus for extending infinitively the
length of human lives) may come after several hundred of years, or
even never. So I believe that by denying the obvious, all of you
actually are denying yourself the opportunity of living forever!

John J

Nov 3, 2008, 7:33:45 AM11/3/08
to wrote:
> On Nov 3, 3:56 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> ...
>> It's just the brain's slow processing of certain things that make it
>> seem that way to you.
> If this is just the brain slowing down, then why we see that spinning
> objects begin to rotate into opposite direction, instead of just
> seeing them to slow down the speed of their rotation.

Frankly, I never see objects turn in the opposite direction except in
motion picture and videos with certain settings (single-framing), under
blinking fluorescent lighting, and so-forth.

Don't you think it might be a good idea to check out your own
physiology, observation specifics? See a doctor?

> P.S. Pity that I need to argue with all of you, instead of actually
> being able to build my time vehicle and show you that it really works.
> Unfortunately, to be able to build my time vehicles, I firstly need to
> convince perople like yourself that I am right.

You said that already tomorrow.


Nov 3, 2008, 8:19:21 AM11/3/08
On Nov 3, 6:33 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:

No use arguing with him. He tries to prove
god exists by publishing pictures
ripped off from an
exhibit in Disneyland called the "Tree of
Life," and when caught out about it
produces the incredible argument on
this page:

You cannot argue with anyone who is
completely bonkers.

John J

Nov 3, 2008, 8:44:09 AM11/3/08

OMG - That's tragic.

Nov 3, 2008, 8:24:29 PM11/3/08
On Nov 4, 1:33 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> Frankly, I never see objects turn in the opposite direction except in
> motion picture and videos with certain settings (single-framing), under
> blinking fluorescent lighting, and so-forth.
> Don't you think it might be a good idea to check out your own
> physiology, observation specifics? See a doctor?
Obviously, you also NEVER seen a real life - you must just watch films
and computer games! In real life this effect of an aparent reversal of
the direction of rotation in fast spinning objects visible in daylight
is very well known. In this light your remarks about "checking" are
saying a lot about you, and only reinforce the truth and validity of
my findings.

Nov 4, 2008, 8:48:33 PM11/4/08
On Nov 3, 3:56 am, John J <n...@droffats.ten> wrote:
> There is no objective evidence whatsoever that 'time jumps' in such
> immense intervals that we can see it with our eyes.
I just presented to you such evidence. You can seer it e.g. on every
propeller which is just started and which rotational velocity
increasdes from zero to around 1800 rev/min. Of course, with this
proof is like with proverbial "donkey" in the proverb "you can lead a
donkey to water, but you can't make it drink". Well - perhaps you can
tell us why you do NOT want to drink?

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. There is my monograph [1/5] which describes time vehicles. You
can download it free of charge from web pages of totalizm.

Nov 5, 2008, 2:39:33 AM11/5/08
On Oct 22, 10:05 pm, wrote:
> Present official science tells us wrongly that time flows around us in
> a continuous manner - like water flows in a river around a motionless
> stone.

The only people who have ever tought that ANYTHING, including not
only time,
but space, forces, energy, matter, mass, life, death, minds,
machines, food, and thought)
passes *continuously* is the cerebral croutons of "science".
Which is why the Heisenburg Uncertaintly Principle is still called
only REAL progess, the Crank Philosphers of the Continuum
transforms have EVER made.

And so ROBOTS, lasers, fiber optics, HDTV[], DVD->, On-Line-
Publishing, and USB
are still the only way to make cranks see the light.

However, the "theory of everything" called the Concept of
> Dipolar Gravity teaches us that time stands still while we move
> through time in fast jumps - similarly like in fast jumps used to move
> single frames of film over motionless cinema screens. Exists also a
> physical evidence (proof) well known to almost everyone, which
> visually illustrates that time really moves in jumps. This proof, as
> well as its significance, I am going to remind here. After all, if
> time really flows in jumps, then it is possible (and relatively easy)
> to travel in time and to shift time back. In turn, if we learn how to
> shift time back, then we also learn how we can live forever through
> the repetitive shifting ourselves - after reaching an old age, back to
> time of our youth.
> The existence of ability to shift time back and to build time vehicles
> is described on the totaliztic web page "timevehicle.htm" - about the
> work of time, time travel, and about time vehicles. The "theory of
> everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (described in more
> details on the totaliztic web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") defines time
> as the "passage of execution control through the natural program that
> controls our life". (More exact explanation how this execution control
> passes through natural programs of our life is provided in subsections
> N1.5 and N1.4 from volume 11 of monograph [1/5] disseminated free of
> charge from the totaliztic web page "text_1_5.htm".) According to this
> definition, time is simply a sequence of discrete commands in the
> program of our life. In turn, being such a sequence of commands, time
> can be shifted forward or backward, skipped through, slowed down or
> accelerated, etc. So according to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
> (described in more details on the totaliztic web page
> "dipolar_gravity.htm") travelling in time is possible, realistic, and
> even quite easy.
> Of course, if time is really a discrete program combined from a
> sequence of individual commands, in which the execution control can be
> shifted back or forth, then there must be some physical evidence which
> documents this fact. As it turns out "one example of physical evidence
> for the discrete nature of time, many amongst us saw with their own
> eyes". This evidence is the interference that occurs between a
> discrete pulses of time, and objects that flicker with the frequency
> of completion of individual execution commands. The existence of this
> interference proves that time does NOT flow continually, but it
> elapses in fast jumps - like individual frames of film used to flow
> through screens in old cinemas, or more strictly like the execution of
> individual commands carried out in every long program. This proof can
> be noticed with naked eyes - if one visually watches the gradual
> acceleration of a wheel with spokes, so that the velocity of
> flickering of these spokes changes from almost zero to around 1800
> spokes/min (i.e. so that spokes flicker in the range from almost zero
> to the frequency of around 30 Hz). (For example, the proof can be seen
> on wheels of cars of motorbikes when these are accelerating while
> driving parallel to our own car.) Namely, watching these spokes that
> rotate increasingly faster, at the beginning we see in which direction
> they are accelerating. But at some stage of their acceleration we are
> going to notice, that these spokes look as if they stopped in their
> rotation, and then they begin to make an impression that they begin to
> rotate increasingly faster in an opposite direction than they really
> rotate. The moment when these spokes look as if they stopped, is just
> the moment when their frequency of flickering coincides with the
> frequency of completion of individual commands in our programs of
> life. In turn the fact that in our eyes these spokes seem to start the
> rotation in an opposite direction, is a visual proof that the elapse
> of time have a discrete nature (means that time elapses in jumps).
> After all, if we analyse principles of this reversal rotation, then we
> are going to realise, that nothing except of a discrete nature of time
> can allow to form an impression of rotation of spokes in a direction
> that is opposite to their actual direction of rotation. Thus the
> actual existence of this phenomenon is another physical evidence for
> the jumping (discrete) character of the elapse of time.
> (So also another evidence for the correctness of the Concept of
> Dipolar Gravity.)
> Highly promising is also the awareness, that this physical proof for a
> jumping (discrete) character of time provides us simultaneously with a
> principle for measuring the speed of elapse of time in individual
> people, as well as provides us with a first instrument for measuring
> this speed. As the philosophy of totalizm (see descriptions of this
> philosophy on web page "totalizm.htm") explains this, time does NOT
> elapse with the same speed for every person and for every situation.
> For example, this speed changes with age, thus e.g. for older people
> time flows much faster than for youngsters. Also in situations that
> release powerful feelings time clearly changes the speed of flow.
> Therefore, if we construct a kind of propeller which is to measure
> precisely for a given person the frequency (speed) of flickering at
> which this person notices that the propeller apparently changes the
> direction of rotation into an opposite one, then we obtain an
> instrument for measuring the speed of elapse of time in individual
> people. In turn measurements of this speed may lead people to shocking
> discoveries, e.g. that some people are obese NOT because of their
> genetics or amount of calories that they eat, but e.g. because their
> day is much shorter than a day of slim people - thus some obese people
> may have not enough time to burn all calories that they eat.
> I do NOT intend to extend this post by proving here also that every
> evidence for the elapse of time in small jumps, is simultaneously a
> proof for the existence of God. After all, the reader should be able
> to deduce by himself or herself, that time which elapses in jumps, and
> thus which can be shifted backward, could be implemented only in case
> when God does exist and thus when He intentionally designed time just
> in such an extraordinary manner. After all, in order such a software
> time could prevail in the physical world, God needed to build firstly
> the structure, which on web pages "timevehicle.htm" (see in there
> items #B6 and #D1) and "dipolar_gravity_pl.htm" (see in there item
> #G4) is described under the name " timespace". Only when such a
> software " timespace" exists and works, time can i flow in jumps - in
> the manner described by the "theory of everything" called the Concept
> of Dipolar Gravity. In turn to actually build such "timespace",
> intelligent God must exist and must have the form of a huge natural
> program - means the form which to God is attributed by the Concept of
> Dipolar Gravity.
> The explanations presented above are adopted from items #D2 of the
> totaliztic web page "god_proof.htm", update of 23 October 2008, or
> later. The latest update of this web page should be available from
> several web sites of totalizm. One amongst these web sites is "" - which is available under the address which always presents (just for
> brief periods of time) the most recently updated web page of
> totalizm.
> It is also worth to know that practically all totaliztic web pages are
> available at each address (server) of totalizm. Therefore
> independently from the web page "evil.htm", each address (server)
> linked from here should also offer all other web pages of totalizm -
> unless some of these pages were sabotaged, or are so new that I had no
> time yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a case
> when for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given address,
> still at this address a MENU should be available which has links to
> other addresses (servers) of totalizm, on which a given web page
> should already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to view
> descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page
> listed in this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in the
> above addresses the name "evil.htm" is just enough to exchange for a
> name of the web page that he or she wishes to view, e.g. for the name
> of web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm", "eco_cars.htm", "boiler.htm",
> "fe_cell.htm", "free_energy.htm", "telekinetics.htm",
> "dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
> "god.htm", "god_proof.htm", "bible.htm", "evolution.htm",
> "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm", "memorial.htm",
> "newzealand.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm",
> "text_1_5.htm", "explain.htm", "day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm",
> "katrina.htm", etc., etc.
> If here the above text is difficult to read, or links from it refuse
> to work, then it is worth to know that this post is repeated on
> several blogs of totalizm, subsequent ones amongst which can be
> accessed at following internet addresses:
> On these blogs it is also worth to read the previous post number #158E
> (or previous thread
> ), which explains that the certainty of God's existence we must earn
> with our own effort. Thus the content of the previous post complements
> the content of this post.


Nov 5, 2008, 6:33:27 AM11/5/08
There is only one meaningful time: phenomenological time.
Time is that which we experience, it varies with our own pace and
For me the last 5 weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy have dragged
along, day by day, whilst I participate in my own suffering by being
strapped to the platform of the machine, bound by my own head-mold.
Though I sleep more, and rest much time is slowed down. I can hardly
remember the distant past of the summer before the word "cancer" was
used in my context.
By contrast any other 5 weeks of routine life, work, eat sleep, have
passed as if time were fleeting.
How slow does time flow whilst waiting in line, how quick when dat


Nov 5, 2008, 6:40:17 AM11/5/08
On Oct 26, 4:40 am, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>

> wrote:
> > On Oct 25, 3:13 pm, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>
> > wrote:
> > ...
> >> Dear jan,
> >> The effect you are talking about is different for peoples views
> >> because some people see at different frame rates.
> >> Here is the real basics of it.
> >> If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
> >> at 30 rotations per second, if the are in sync, it will look like
> >> the wheel is not spinning.
> >> If you see at 30 frames per second and the wheel is spinning
> >> at 29 revs per second, it will look as if the wheel is spinning
> >> slowly backwards.
> > ...
> >> James M Driscoll Jr
> >> Discoverer of the Clock Malfunction Fact.
> >> Spaceman
> > YES, I agree with what you are saying above - after all time passes
> > differently for each person.
> No,
> Time does not pass by differently for each person.

It does. It happens to you, it happens to all.
You know it, you have felt it.
In the first year of your life each month is a factor of 12. By the
time you are 10 years, each month represents only 120th of your
experience, time accelerates with this experience, so that by the time
you are in your 40s, each years whizzes by and you hardly notice it.
THere are other factors. Suffering can slow time, enjoyment can
accelerate it.
Time is an experienced phenomenon in which novelty, familiarity,
routine, excitement, and boredom all have their modifying effects.

If you deny this simple fact then you are forgetting what it is to be
a human being.


Nov 5, 2008, 6:44:44 AM11/5/08
On Oct 26, 4:40 am, "Spaceman" <space...@yourclockmalfunctioned.duh>

The category of time (to use a Kantian word) was not "an invention"
but a thing we are all born to understand. It is that quality by which
humans and probably many other animals mark the succession of events
in their experience. At some point in history it was felt necessary to
formalise the passing years to predict planting times and for other
esoteric astrological purposes. But the category pre-exists the time-
sheet, clock watching nonsense of the capitalist era.


Nov 5, 2008, 1:25:26 PM11/5/08

It does not,
That is a perceptional difference, not a time rate change in reality.
The time that "passes" by passes by equally for all people and only
the person perception of the time changes.


Nov 5, 2008, 1:26:49 PM11/5/08

You best learn about the history of time then.
Time is a human invention.
It is simply a periodic counting method and nothing more than

Nov 5, 2008, 10:36:38 PM11/5/08
On Nov 3, 4:46 am, Mxsmanic <> wrote:

> As I recall, current data suggest that time quanta can be no larger than about
> 10^-15 second.  Hardly an interval accessible to human perception.

You should add that it is a personal opinion originating from a person
who has NO colue what time actually is, and who represents the line of
thinking which for next hundreds of yours still will NOT be able to
explain how time actually works.

Nov 6, 2008, 2:27:15 PM11/6/08

The phenomenon you describe does not occur. No one sees it unless they
are hallucinating. Hallucinations are not evidence of anything about
the real world.


Nov 6, 2008, 2:47:00 PM11/6/08

Sometimes I think Jan the Disney Tree boy is just joking, but
if he is, it isn't funny like Cult of the Subgenius or the
Discordians. So, he's either crazy or a bore.

Nov 6, 2008, 11:39:57 PM11/6/08
On Nov 6, 12:40 am, chazwin <> wrote:

> It does. It happens to you, it happens to all.
> You know it, you have felt it.
> In the first year of your life each month is a factor of 12. By the
> time you are 10 years, each month represents only 120th of your
> experience, time accelerates with this experience, so that by the time
> you are in your 40s, each years whizzes by and you hardly notice it.
> THere are other factors. Suffering can slow time, enjoyment can
> accelerate it.
> Time is an experienced phenomenon in which novelty, familiarity,
> routine, excitement, and boredom all have their modifying effects.
> If you deny this simple fact then you are forgetting what it is to be
> a human being.
Thank you for repeating to others this important truth! While reading
other comments (not yours) one could think that we are NOT living
amongst real people. YES, I agree with every word you say - time
really passes differently for different people and for different
emotions. Now we also have an objective method of measurting this
(i.e. which determines at which rotational velocity of a propeller a
given person starts to notice the reversal of the direction of
rotation). The only next step left to completion is that someone
accurately measures this time elapse for different people and for
different emotions. Hopefully such someone emerges soon, as the matter
of time should be researched intensely. After all, the "time vehicles"
which shift our time back to years of youth are the only our hope for
accomplishing immortality. Medically people never can become immortal.
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