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help! i need a question answered

조회수 1회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기


읽지 않음,
1996. 7. 23. 오전 3:00:0096. 7. 23.

hi out there, i desperately need your help to answer a star trek trivia
question for our church trivia contest!
heres the question:

what is the earliest OFFICIAL licsensed toy or thing from the star trek
television show, (company and year)

the rules state that if none gets this question, then the person who is
closest to it wins!
please help me, and ill buy everyone a roound of romulan ale;)
email me! thanks in advance!

David Allen

읽지 않음,
1996. 7. 26. 오전 3:00:0096. 7. 26.

David Martin ( wrote:

: I think that would be the IDIC pin, though I couldn't tell you the
: company or year. Gene Roddenbury insisted on Spock wearing it in a
: particular episode just so it could be merchandised.

Nope. Probably one of three things: Either the Star Trek lunch box, the AMT
Enterprise model, or the Star Trek Tracer Gun (it fired little plastic disks
and later came out in a rifle version). All of these came out prior to 1968,
whereas the IDIC pendant showed up in '68 or '69. (The company was Lincoln
Enterprises BTW)

There is a book out there somewhere concerning Star Trek collectibles which
would probably provide a definitive answer. Someone else will have to
provide the details as I can't recall the specifics.

David Allen
Contributing Editor, Internet Underground.
Columnist, Plan 9 from Cyberspace.
On-line column found at PCNet/MacNet,

"Allowing government to legislate public morality is like letting
child-molesters manage a day-care center."

- David Allen

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