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Read this, Uri Geller about MJ! It's great!

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Gregers Hansen

belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 3:00:06 PTG22/05/01

This, I promise, is how you will react when you meet Michael Jackson: you'll
stare, you'll start, you'll step up and you'll freeze. Everyone does the
same thing - fans, celebrities, journalists, children, parents, shoppers,
waitresses, prime ministers, prime ministers' bodyguards ...

First you look. Michael has the most arresting appearance of any man I ever
saw. It isn't only the face, and the clothes. It's the aura. But before you
have taken that in, you'll start to move towards him. Instinctively.

You take a step or two, and freeze. It's like being hit by a wave of
awareness, first of all pushing you forwards and then stopping you cold in
the backwash. "Oh my God it's Michael Jackson" and then "Oh! My God. It's
Michael Jackson ..."

I've been in the massive lobby of an international five-star hotel when
Michael walked in, and I've seen the wave sweep over 70 people - not only
the super-rich and the professionally cool, but the porters and
receptionists and bell-boys.The people nearest him moved, and then froze.
Further away, people turned, and moved, and froze, while some of those
nearest began to move again. It was like a century-old fragment of
celluloid, the lobby suddenly silent and the air flickering, crackling, as
people moved in jerks and lurches. Michael simply smiled and pressed his
hands together in greeting.

Last month we drove out of his Knightsbridge hotel in a people-mover with
midnight-tinted windows, and there were 2,000 people crowded across the
pavement. Around 60 of the younger ones broke from the press and sprinted
alongside us. I was concerned that someone could slip and fall under a
wheel, but they were all so exuberantly happy. They were shouting out,
"Michael, we love you!" Michael gestured for the car to slow down, and he
edged his door open, leaning out of the car to touch the hands of his fans.

"We love you, Michael!" "I love you more," he said. I heard him say it again
and again during the next few days. "I love you more."

When Michael walks over to a group of fans who have waited hours for a
glimpse, you see some of them lock solid. They have messages for him, they
want to say how much he has meant to them all through their lives, how his
music has been their soundtrack, but all they can do is stare. Many bring
handmade gifts. Embroidered cushions, framed paintings, poems, boxes,
candles, national flags. He takes every one and holds it to his chest for a
moment. He says, "Thank you. I love you," again and again. He does not
refuse any request for an autograph or a photograph. I walked with him for
200 yards through the pouring rain across an Oxford road and past barriers
after his address to the privileged Union audience last month, to a huddle
of drenched and shivering fans. They had not been able to get tickets, and
they had turned up on a bitter night without any real hope of being close to
Michael for more than a moment, but they (and not the curiosity-hunters in
the Union building) were the real fans.

Michael truly loves his fans. When he tells them, he does not do it in the
superficial way that most pop stars intend when they shout it from the
stage. He means it this way - when Michael walked through the rain that
night, he was on crutches, with two broken bones in a foot that was swaddled
in bandages. By the time we got back to the limousine he was squeezing
filthy, icy rainwater out of the bandages onto newspapers on the floor. I
laid my hands on the aching flesh and let energy flow through me, to
activate Michael's own healing powers. He sat back with a calm expression on
his face and his eyes closed, perfectly accepting of the possibility that
healing can begin with positive thinking.

The fan's gifts are displayed in Michael's hotel suites. Wherever he's
staying - and he moves around a lot, even between places in the same city -
his favourite presents are on display. And he has a lot of favourites. He
uses objects almost as pledges, reminders of affection from people who can't
be with him, the way you might fill your wallet with photos of your children
and folded postcards from old friends. On Michael's walls there are pictures
of his own children, of course, and photos of him with his family and
friends, but the reverence with which the admirers' gifts are arranged seems
to say that his fans are his family too.

I saw how sincerely he felt this when two ingenious German über-fans broke
into my home on my wedding day. Michael was to be best man, though by the
time the ceremony was due to start neither he nor the rabbi, Shmuley
Boteach, had turned up. My manager, Shipi, who is also my brother-in-law,
had posted security guards all round the perimeter of the grounds. We were
tolerating half a dozen paparazzi who were pointing lenses like cannon
barrels over the privet hedge which screens the house from the Thames, and
there were a few girls perched in the riverbank trees too, with nothing to
see but the marquee and a helicopter. Once or twice the magician David
Blaine floated outside for interviews - I do mean floated, and if you
haven't yet seen David Blaine levitate then you have a real shock in store.

Many guests commented that I seemed nervous, and I was -but not about
getting married. Hanna and I had been together 30 years, and I felt I was
probably ready for the commitment. What concerned me was a call from an
Israeli source, warning there might be a terrorist attack on the wedding. I
took the warning very seriously and I engaged all precautions, Scotland Yard
referred me to the local police who in turn sent two policemen to discuss
the day. Some internationally famous people were there, aside from Michael -
the Formula One racing champion Nigel Mansell, Sir David Frost, Dave Stewart
of the Eurythmics, the horror writer James Herbert, Dido's producer Youth,
not to mention an Israeli consul and the Japanese Ambassador... any
terrorist wanting to make a name for himself need only open fire on the
canvas walls of the marquee with an automatic weapon. My helicopter pilot
was under orders to fly anyone wounded by gunfire to the nearby Royal
Berkshire hospital. A medical doctor was on standby, unseen by the guests
inside the main house, and Michael's own doctor would accompany him.

Most of the fans, with no thoughts of terrorists, were outside the main
gates. A steady stream of guests drove up and announced their names to the
guards. The Germans, a boy and a girl, were clever and brazen - they hung
around to hear a couple announce themselves, walked away for 20 minutes,
then came back and presented themselves under the same names. Shipi saw them
walking down our long driveway: "Who's that?" he demanded nervously, but by
then the Germans were inside, and we didn't want a scene. Not in front of
the paparazzi. Not on my wedding day. If these guys were willing to behave
themselves ... and they were, but they pleaded to be allowed close enough to
say hi to Michael when the ceremony had been concluded.

Michael did more than say hi. He beckoned them to him, embraced each of them
gently, accepted their gifts graciously and posed for their cameras. He told
them he truly valued their friendship, thanked them for taking such risks to
bring him presents, and smiled a blessing upon each of them.

Now, you may be cynical about Michael Jackson. You may be influenced by the
highly inventive controversies which have dogged his career. You may be
prejudiced by his appearance - though you'd better ask yourself why you feel
free to comment on his colour and his looks when you profess that you never
judge anyone by their skin or their face. You may feel that I'm painting him
as some kind of saint, when some supermarket tabloids are eager for you to
believe the opposite.

I won't bother to argue with you. Michael has maintained the dignity
throughout his career to ignore the mudslingers. I know what it is to be
falsely accused and reviled, to be laughed at by people who don't have the
first idea of what they're saying - but I thank God that the mud aimed at me
over the decades has been nothing like the rancid filth hurled at Michael. I
have nothing but contempt for some of the people who made such claims,
nothing but pity for the people credulous enough to believe them.

All I will say is this: how many other people, now or at any time in
history, have possessed the charismatic power to change lives with a smile?
To offer a blessing and make a person feel deeply, fully blessed?

And how many of those people kept their gift uncorrupted and used it with
generosity? There are a few names in your mind perhaps, but I won't make the
comparison with Michael. I will leave you to do that for yourself. Let it be
a test of how open-minded you can be.

Most people who achieve great fame taste this power, this unexpected gift
from God to bestow inspiration on people. Michael has it to an exceptional
degree, and this is partly because it has been his to wield for so long.
Most sports stars and rock gods lose it after a year or two, as their fame
fades. Or they push it away from them without understanding it. Or they
foolishly imagine it will protect them from the ravages of their drinking
and drug habits. Michael treats the gift with awe, as if it were a healing
power ... which it is. A smile from Michael can heal the spirit.

He has an angelic talent for choosing words which will touch the heart. I
treasure the inscription on a photograph he gave to me, because he wrote
without holding back: "To Uri, you are truly a Godsend. The world needs
you - I need you. Michael"

When I perform, particularly when I have to bend spoons again and again, I
feel drained afterwards. It's not the tiredness that comes from hard labour
or long study or too much partying - it's an enervation, as if I've been
sweating raw energy and all my nerve endings are swollen and raw. I often
sleep in the back of the car. When he is exhausted, Michael meditates. After
the wedding was over and the celebrity photos were all done, he asked me for
a room in my home where he could be alone for 20 minutes. Michael is not a
frail man, despite what you may have read - he is tall, lithe and his hands
are large and strong, like a tennis player's. But at this moment he looked
like the finalist after five sets on Wimbledon's centre court. He needed
peace of mind.

I showed him into our family room, with its tables of crystal globes and
pyramids and its lifesize wooden effigy of Elvis in his rhinestone phase,
and left him to meditate. Maybe the spirit of Elvis came to him - the Pop
Prince was once the King's son-in-law, after all. When he emerged, he seemed
still tired, but more centred.

Michael's family was famously religious - they were Jehovah's Witnesses and
Michael occasionally disguised himself to join his fellow believers as they
went from house to house, inviting people to think about God. As a grown
man, he has moved beyond denominations of faith - his concern is not with
religion but with spirituality. This gives him strength, but I think it is
the joy he takes in life which keeps renewing his vitality - that, and a
second factor which I shall describe in a moment.

He has a lot of fun, childish fun. Not just child-like, but downright fun.
He giggles a lot. He has a great sense of mischief. Michael first became
aware of me through reading his school textbooks when he was a teenager. We
were introduced by Mohamed Al Fayed, a man whose grasp of English is often
variable but whose fluency in swearing is unmatched in any language. Even
Hungarians don't swear as enthusiastically as Mo. I think he is spurred on
by the presence of people who might be easily offended, like little old
ladies or royalty. Or pop royalty - when Mo starts cursing in front of
Michael, the tirade is punctuated by delighted giggles and, "Oh, Mohamed!
Ohhhh, Mohamed!"

He loves gadgets. Show him a watch that's calibrated via a satellite link to
the atomic clock, or a digital writing pad with a built-in camera, or a
mobile phone with a scanner, and he's like a boy - "That's cool, I love it,
can I have it? I mean, just play with it?" He surrounds himself with boyish
paraphernalia -pictures of dolphins and sunsets, huge teddies and model
cars. He's not into sport much, though he's very fit, like any professional
dancer, and he supports newly-promoted Fulham - in the casual way that a lot
of teenagers say they support Manchester United, not really understanding
the rules or remembering the results, but happy to relate to the team that
always wins. Plus, of course, Fulham are owned by a friend of his - MO took
him to a game and they sat there in Fulham scarves and caps. Michael has
infinite respect towards Princess Diana who tragically died with Mo's son
Dodi whom Michael adored; they were working on a movie together.

Michael's hotel rooms are always decorated with movie posters and eight-foot
cardboard cut-outs, Anakin Skywalker peeping out from the folds of Darth
Maul's cape, E.T. bicycling over the full moon. The first time I visited him
in New York we hired Sony's cinema and took in The Matrix, because there's a
sequence inspired by me where children teach Keanu Reeves to bend spoons
with the power of the mind.

Michael brought popcorn and candy, and his little boy Prince rocketed around
between the seats, stopping every few moments to fix me with his luminously
intelligent eyes and ask a question. After about half the movie, Michael
slipped out of his seat. I didn't say anything and I thought that maybe this
was his way of avoiding a 'goodbye' moment. But after four or five minutes I
twisted round and saw him, silhouetted under the projectionist's beam.
Dancing. Moonwalking to the soundtrack, spaced out in a complex routine of
twists and jerks. Anyone could have seen that it was Michael Jackson. No one
else on Earth moves that way.

He took me to his studio, the Hit Factory - it isn't his own, he merely
hires it, but when Michael walks into the recording area it becomes his. He
dominates the studio, a different kind of domination to the way he
overwhelms a crowd. This is business, and this is the second factor which
restores his youth. Michael is utterly committed to his music. He works
passionately at it, with a dedication that surprised me when I first saw it.
I had deliberately ditched all my preconceptions about this man, because I'd
known about his music and his life since I was a young paratrooper and later
a paranormalist doing shows for Israeli troops, three decades ago. All that
second-hand clutter wasn't going to help me understand the real human being.
But in our few meetings and a series of increasingly deep telephone
conversations, I had not divined an artist who could be so forceful, so
powerful, in the studio.

His attitude shines out of him like an aura. Writing, performing, mixing,
arranging - he is in command. Always a confident person who will say what he
means even though he says it quietly, in the studio his confidence reaches
an entirely different level. He is dominant. And nothing pleases him more
than honest praise from another musician. Michael's face was radiant when I
told him that Justin Hayward, guru of the Moody Blues, had called me from
his home in France especially to tell me to pass a message to Michael: you
have never made a record that was less than excellent, he said, and this is
almost unique among artists of your longevity. I think he took pride because
he knew it to be true. There is not one poor disc. Perhaps not even one poor
track. Simply a catalogue of stone classics. I am proud of myself that
Michael liked my own paintings enough to commission a piece of art for the
sleeve of his forthcoming CD. And I was totally flattered when he asked me
to energize the tapes which were in the studio's safe. It wasn't the first
time I have worked in this way with super performers.

I visited the Spice Girls in a studio in London around five years ago, they
were planning to go to America and I bent a spoon for them and told them to
take it with them to the US to bring them positive energy.

It was a similar experience with N'Sync, they were playing small shows in
Germany and here (the UK) and wanted to break in America I went to see them,
talked to them motivated the group bent a spoon for them and said keep this
with you as a talisman as a tool for your mind when you go back to America.
Both bands have been catapulted to success.

John Lennon and I become close in the seventies, I lived a block away from
him in New York and we would meet up about once a month in secret to talk
about UFO's. When John wanted Yoko to come back to him he asked for my help.

I had a meeting with Elvis too, he requested that we meet about 20 miles
outside Las Vegas, he wanted the meeting to be private and told me where to
meet him in the desert in a trailer - he was amazing.

I introduced Michael to my friend Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who was writing a
book of letters, The Psychic And The Rabbi, with me, and together we took
Michael to the Carlebach Shul in New York for his first visit to a
synagogue. We chose this setting because Rabbi Carlebach was famous for his
music and his singing. Jewish worship is filled with song, and Michael's
face was a picture as he swayed and clapped with the music. I saw the same
expression in his eyes when I glanced down at him under the chupa, the
traditional Jewish wedding canopy, as our guests lifted Hanna and me onto
their shoulders.

It was during the synagogue service that I began to understand how Michael's
gift for bestowing blessings might be most generously spread. Shmuley had
the same idea and, as he was moving to New York from Oxford, England, with
his wife and six children (it's seven now), the rabbi was able to put his
particular gift for practical energy to good use - together, they founded
the charity Heal The Kids.

My concept was more abstract. Tormented by the disintegration of the peace
process in the Holy Land, I wanted to hold up the almost supernatural aura
which emanates from Michael when he is giving hope and happiness to his
fans, and shine that like a beacon over Israel. I had no idea how this could
possibly be done - I just could not fathom a world where soldiers shot at
children who threw stones at cars, and snipers who took aim at babies, while
millions of people of all races, creed and colour on other continents loved
a man who reflected their affection back so dazzlingly. That contradiction
just floors me. Everyone in Israel has heard of Michael - his concert a few
years ago was a massive sell-out. Everyone would have recognised, at a
single glance, his dancing image at the back of that cinema. So what's to
prevent his gift of peace from working in Israel?

I remembered a stone I had picked up in the Sinai desert, close to the
monastery of St Katerina, when my father and I drove out there one day after
the Six Day War. I was recovering from my wounds that I suffered in Ramallah
and I believe my dad was proud of me at that time as he never was before or
since - my father was a professional soldier. We tried to imagine the place
where God had spoken to Moses from the centre of a blazing bush. When I
sensed I had found the place -and I can still feel the electric tingle in my
palms and fingers, the dowser's sensation that decades later told me when I
had discovered gold or oil - my father helped me dislodge a stone.

Moses' foot may have trodden on this triangular piece of rock. We prised it
out of the ground and brushed the sand off it, and carried it to the jeep.
We drove back to Jerusalem, and close to the Western Wall I placed the stone
on the ground. Whenever I returned to the city I went to look at it.

But after the Carlebach Shul, I went back to do more than look. Shipi
persuaded a guard to look the other way while I prised the slab out of the
earth for a second time and loaded it into a suitcase. I won't tell you all
the difficulties I had getting that suitcase through El Al's security cordon
and past US customs, but at one stage I seriously feared the stone would be
smashed to shards. Finally, I put it beside me in a yellow cab and called
Michael to tell him I was bringing a present. I called it the Stone of

More than a year later, as Shmuley and I posed for photographs with Michael
and the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, I realised how we might make
the Stone of Peace the cornerstone for our own peace mission. The meeting
with Arik was utterly unexpected -I was staying in New York with a Swiss
friend at his Manhattan apartment, and the place was suddenly crawling with
security ... the kind of security that only Middle Eastern leaders can
generate. My friend joked with a bodyguard, "Who do we have upstairs? Arafat
and Sharon?" "Just Sharon," came the answer.

Too good a chance to miss. Too good a synchronicity. I believe these strange
coincidences are planned for us, perhaps millions of years in advance, by an
intelligence we cannot begin to comprehend. And I saw Michael's magic
working again. Even the bodyguards moved in stop-start motion. Even the
prime minister looked up and reached forward and froze and moved again. I
saw the thought written on his face: "Michael Jackson! That's Michael

I knew then that Michael's blessing could work on the warring factions of
the Holy Land. We are planning a visit, for June or July of this year, to
meet the Israeli president and the Kings of Jordan and Morocco. I have hopes
that Arafat too and the leaders of Hizbollah might be willing to sit down
with us. We won't expect anyone to negotiate -we are not negotiators or
politicians, nor miracle workers. All we can do is hope that music and
rhythm and the power of pop can indeed work a miracle where politics and
religious schism fail tragically every day. It is not only we who need this
mirage of peace to become real, after all - it is our children, and their
unborn children, and all the songs that they will sing.


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 4:07:43 PTG22/05/01
Thank you for posting that. It looks good. I'll print it out and finish it
later when I can sit down and read. It looks really moving.

I scanned it and I wonder if they're still planning that trip. It sounds
very dangerous to me. The wedding sounded pretty dangerous too.


John Smith

belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 4:31:27 PTG22/05/01
Wow, that was cool.

"Gregers Hansen" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 4:58:15 PTG22/05/01
Before any of you get all teary eyed it may be of intrest to you to know that
URI GELLER IS A FRAUD!!! His shallow "spoon bending" & "magic pencil" scams
have been exposed by several investigators "not to mention Johnny Carson" I
didnt bother to read after the first few paragraphs but I think I got the jist
of it. The is some major-league butt-smooching by a major-league phony and is
as meaningless and manipulative as his whole qausi-psycic scam. This is the
eqauvelent of O.J. Simpson comming out in defense of Robert Blake. GET REAL

alan jones

belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 5:32:00 PTG22/05/01
I've not finished reading this yet, but so far its making for a great read, could
you tell us the source for this article?

"Gregers Hansen" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 5:44:31 PTG22/05/01
Heres a great article on Mr. Gellar that will hopefully shed some light for
some of you.


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 5:45:25 PTG22/05/01
MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/22/01 3:58 PM:

> Before any of you get all teary eyed

Yeah, we'll all discard it because you warned us. Thanks. :::rolls eyes:::
You didn't like Ghosts. Your credibility is damaged.



belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 5:47:19 PTG22/05/01
Aw man please!! People say they have proof that Michael is "fraud" or a
"freak", so what's your damn point?

Who gives a shit whether Uri Geller's profession is real or magic as long as
he's a good friend to Michael. People aren't inherently guilty, fraudulent,
or liars simply by association! For years now people have always tried to
disprove things that they don't understand rather than taking it for what it
is. Whether its magic or real shows me nothing and probably means nothing to
Michael if Geller is a decent human being.

If you want to get off into metaphors, their lives parallel in that way
because just like some people think Geller's full of shit, some people think
Michael's full of shit. Don't just jump on the first thing you read because
it fits in with what you wanted to believe to begin with. We all do that
sometimes, especially where Michael is concerned. But some of us real mj
fans have had no choice but to develop advanced analytical thinking skills.
We also have had to learn not to ridiculously parallel two events (Rob
Blake/OJ Simpson to Michael Jackson/Uri Geller) that make no sense

MJ fan, my ass.....

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


Other Great MJ Sites

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 5:49:47 PTG22/05/01
MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/22/01 4:44 PM:

> Heres a great article on Mr. Gellar that will hopefully shed some light for
> some of you.

We may or may not believe in or be fond of Uri Gellar but the essay is about
Michael and it looks interesting. It doesn't mean Uri can or can not bend
spoons. That's not the point.



belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 5:54:45 PTG22/05/01
So the article isn't about how fraudulent Geller is and how we shouldn't
believe the things he says about Michael?
Well judging from MST....LMNOP's first post, we shouldn't believe anything
Geller says especially when he's talking about Michael.
Umm.....hum.....just as I suspected......Nat, what are we gonna do about all
the nonsense?

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"Nat" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:04:17 PTG22/05/01
Can someone please post the link for the article again...? Thanks!


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:04:58 PTG22/05/01
You can rationalize anything can't you? Bottom line is Uri Gellar is a
manupulative scam artist and it doesnt serve MJ well a'tall to be associated
with such a shady character. The main difference is that MJ is an accused child
molester whereas Geller has been caught red handed several times pre-bending
spoons and such to pass for genuine psycic abillities and cheat people out of
much $. For anyone to be moved by his ridicuously well orchastrated praise
reflects poorly on the human race's ability to spot a load of BS when they see
it. I'm sure MJ would want his fans to have a little more reservation before
swallowing that kind of literal "kool-aid".


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:13:02 PTG22/05/01
kemazz wrote on 5/22/01 4:54 PM:

> Nat, what are we gonna do about all
> the nonsense?

Give him a swirly.


John Smith

belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:15:57 PTG22/05/01
>to pass for genuine psycic abillities and cheat people out of much $.

So when you go to watch the flea circus, you really are expecting there to
be fleas?

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:17:20 PTG22/05/01

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"John Smith" <Patman_...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:25:29 PTG22/05/01
It isn't about rationalizing anything. Its about looking beyond what you
think you already know. It's called "critical thinking"....
It never fails! Whenever you can't refute the argument (the argument that
maybe what I say is somewhat true), you bitch about the person(s) making the
point. Us drinking "kool-aid" ain't got shit to do with whether Geller is a
magician or real psychic. You are so big on not accepting bullshit, but when
we disagree with you, you, in essence, call us sheep! Like we can't disagree
with you and be right at the same time! Somebody need's to check his ego....

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


Other Great MJ Sites
"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
22 Mei 2001, 6:27:02 PTG22/05/01
Gregers Hansen wrote on 5/22/01 2:00 PM:

Where did you find this anyway? I assume it was written in April?



belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 2:15:45 PG23/05/01

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


Gregers Hansen

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 4:37:40 PG23/05/01
Yeah sure, I found it at under the news-section! I read it
and found it very intersting, and therefor eI wanted to share it with other
MJ-fans than myself! It's Uri Geller, who has been writing this personly!

Gregers Hansen

"alan jones" <> wrote in message

Robrecht Spletinckx

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 5:39:47 PG23/05/01
As much as i like some of the things Uri Geller is saying about MJ, i should
say i'm not totally happy with Michael hanging out with this kinda people
(Uri, the Rabbi). B4 everybody starts shooting at me, i'll xplain myself. Of
course MJ is free 2 choose his friends and of course it's non of my business
BUT i adore MJ first of all bcause of his talent, his music. When i'm
reading (in another article) MJ is recording a song with the Rabbi, or here
that he asked Uri 2 paint the sleave of the new album, i'm starting 2
worry... It's more than likely a better song will have 2 make place 4 the
Rabbi's and a better picture will have 2 make place 4 Uri's. What i'm saying
is, the amount of time he's spending with those 2 guys is detracting him
from what we all like him 4 in the first place and secondly i'm pretty sure
the amount of projects both of them want 2 do with MJ is not allowing him 2
focus on a few big projects as he did in the past (i mean, would we prefer 2
c him in a movie, or would we prefer 2 c him hanging out with these guys 4
days on). I know u'r all gonna say MJ can do with his time what he wants,
and mayb he has other priorities than finishing his album or his movie, but
rmmbr in the 80ies he was able 2 realise those other projects (charity)
thanx 2 his tremendous succes, without taking it a lot of his time (for
example We R The World, wich has changed much more than any of the things he
has been doing lately). Finally, and this is what i'm concerned about most,
is that, especially Uri Geller, but also the Rabbi, r seeking 2 refind their
former succes through MJ. Shmuley was a dishonored Rabbi who was xcluded
from Oxford University and now was back there thanx 2 MJ. Uri was a has-been
fake psychic no one cared about anymore, now he's back in all the tabloids,
with MJ. I'm not sure it was their first concern when they met MJ, but i
think both (especially Uri) should keep their friendship with MJ low
profile, not only 2 avoid people would think they take advantage of MJ but
also bcause they should realise, as his friends, their image (as a
dishonoured Rabbi and has-been Psychic) could harm MJ. Just my thougts...

"Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free."

"Gregers Hansen" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 6:13:25 PG23/05/01
Well said. And you MJ fans should not want a phony like Geller to say anythinig
in public since hes such a high profile phony & it would make people assume
that Phonies attract other phonies, hence the O.J./Robert Blake comparison I
made earlier.

Gregers Hansen

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 8:12:49 PG23/05/01
Sorry I gave the wrong link, her it is:

"Gregers Hansen" <> wrote in message



belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 4:01:37 PG23/05/01
Isn't that a good story Uri wrote. I've read it on his site. Oh did you read the
other story about The Man Child. It's totally awesome. How the cameraman cried
as he takes pictures of Michael and hears the cries of the fans.


belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 4:06:55 PG23/05/01

John Smith

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 12:29:43 PTG23/05/01
I wouldn't worry about it. Michael spent a lot of time with people and
charities all throughout his career. We only see him hanging out once in a
while anyways. I'm sure Michael's people keep his priorities in view.

"Robrecht Spletinckx" <> wrote in

alan jones

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 12:28:37 PTG23/05/01
Well speaking for myself, Uri was one of those people that provided a welcomed
distraction back in the 70's and early eighties. He has a keen sense of the Meta-
physical and its place in popular culture, regardless of how he gets there. I think
he serves a useful place in the culture. Michael also has other fiends in alternative
religions, which all helps to widen his perspective on life. Most of us just follow
our peers, and never see beyond our own neighbourhoods. Isolated in time and

"Robrecht Spletinckx" <> wrote in message

alan jones

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 12:37:03 PTG23/05/01
Speaking of which, no prizes for guessing who's hiding behind Misticpimp.

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 1:08:02 PTG23/05/01
>Speaking of which, no prizes for guessing who's hiding behind Misticpimp.

What does that mean?


belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 1:14:21 PTG23/05/01
>Well speaking for myself, Uri was one of those people that provided a
>distraction back in the 70's and early eighties. He has a keen sense of the
>physical and its place in popular culture, regardless of how he gets there. I
>he serves a useful place in the culture. Michael also has other fiends in
>religions, which all helps to widen his perspective on life. Most of us just
>our peers, and never see beyond our own neighbourhoods. Isolated in time and

Which is how frauds like Uri Geller manage to dupe so many. He knows people
have limited outlets for information which is one of the main weaknesses that
he and other con-men capatalize on to take advantage and make money. Do you
think Geller's goal in life was to educate the public on the metaphysical? Did
you think that Jim & Tammy Fay were getting that money for God?

alan jones

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 2:35:45 PTG23/05/01

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message

God your perception is so darn limited. When society becons people to believe
Geller provides them with something harmless to believe in. You choose to
see a fraud, i see Geller fullfilling a role. A role that is nigh impossible to quanitfy.

alan jones

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 2:43:07 PTG23/05/01

"alan jones" <> wrote in message

> "MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message
> > >Well speaking for myself, Uri was one of those people that provided a
> > >welcomed distraction back in the 70's and early eighties. He has a keen
> > >sense of the Meta-physical and its place in popular culture, regardless of

> > >how he gets there. I think he serves a useful place in the culture. Michael
> > >also has other fiends in alternative religions, which all helps to widen his
> > >perspective on life. Most of us just follow our peers, and never see beyond
> > >our own neighbourhoods. Isolated in time and culture.
> >
> > Which is how frauds like Uri Geller manage to dupe so many. He knows people
> > have limited outlets for information which is one of the main weaknesses that
> > he and other con-men capatalize on to take advantage and make money. Do
> > you think Geller's goal in life was to educate the public on the metaphysical?
> > Did you think that Jim & Tammy Fay were getting that money for God?
> God your perception is so darn limited. When society becons people to believe
> Geller provides them with something harmless to believe in. You choose to
> see a fraud, i see Geller fullfilling a role. A role that is nigh impossible to quanitfy.

I might add he redirects belief from the collective and directs to the individual.
"Believe in the power of the mind"... your mind assuming you've got one, tabloid
for brains ;-))


belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 3:21:58 PTG23/05/01
Uri Geller pretends to have psycic powers to make money. End of story...

John Smith

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 4:41:33 PTG23/05/01
I wonder what Michael thought when he energized his leg and the bandages.
It's probably just a placebo thing really.

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message

alan jones

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 6:05:36 PTG23/05/01
> It's probably just a placebo thing really.

You don't mean "The power of the mind" to heal yourself.
Now where have i heard the phrase 'the mind is magic' ;)

"John Smith" <Patman_...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote in message


John Smith

belum dibaca,
23 Mei 2001, 7:30:50 PTG23/05/01
Sigfreid and Roy-oy-oy ;)

"alan jones" <> wrote in message



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 9:40:42 PG25/05/01
JAWs wrote on 5/25/01 8:32 AM:

> I didn't realise how YOUNG Uri was, I thought he was a fair bit older like
> Schmuley or something

LOL! Scmuley's only like 34 or so.



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 9:46:50 PG25/05/01
Nat wrote on 5/25/01 8:40 AM:

> LOL! Scmuley's only like 34 or so.

Uri is 54.


John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 9:54:04 PG25/05/01
It's the beard I think.

"Nat" <> wrote in message

John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 9:54:48 PG25/05/01
I can imagine never ending coffee table/campfire stories with someone like that.
Talking about Uri.....there was this special on TV last night that featured a lot on Uri...showed the spoon bending and a lot aout other ESP type things etc. it aws REALLY amazing!!! I didn't realise how YOUNG Uri was, I thought he was a fair bit older like Schmuley or something....Uri only looks to be in his late 20's to early/mid 30's at the most.......I always assumed he was much older or something.....I dunno.....but.....yeah......he is a REALLY nice seeming person and i'm really glad Michael has found somebody like this person to have as a friend of his, they'd be great company for each other.

John Smith wrote:

Wow, that was cool.



"No 14-year-old boy should have a $95 shirt
unless he is onstage with his four brothers."
    -- Bill Cosby "The Cosby Show" 1984


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 10:43:32 PG25/05/01
John Smith wrote on 5/25/01 8:54 AM:

> It's the beard I think.

Yes, or all the infinite wisdom he's bestowed upon us ;)



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 4:12:53 PG25/05/01
No way...Uri is 54 get out of here serious. He looks twenty
something. Uri and I have been sending one another e-mails. He's 54? I
mean that's not bad but no way. Boteach looks that age though and you
say he's 34....this is so funny.


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:20:35 PG25/05/01
Magic-child wrote on 5/25/01 3:12 AM:

> He looks twenty
> something. Uri and I have been sending one another e-mails. He's 54?

Ask him. He was born Dec 20, 1946. He looks about 40 to me, but I remember
he was a grown-up when I was a little girl.



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 4:19:16 PG25/05/01
The media is always suspicious of anything Mike does or says or tries to
do as far as I'm concerned. They will never give Michael the benefit of
the doubt no matter what.

I think the two characters Uri and Boteach are good for him. At first I
thought they were using Michael to gain their own popularity for
themselves by latching onto Michael. I mean I never heard of either one
of them before until Michael came back and there they were. Right now
Michael could use a few good friends and someone to laugh with.



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:28:44 PG25/05/01
Magic-child wrote on 5/25/01 3:12 AM:

> No way...Uri is 54 get out of here serious. He looks twenty
> something.

Must be magic.



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:31:12 PG25/05/01
Magic-child wrote on 5/25/01 3:19 AM:

> I think the two characters Uri and Boteach are good for him. At first I
> thought they were using Michael to gain their own popularity for
> themselves by latching onto Michael. I mean I never heard of either one
> of them before until Michael came back and there they were. Right now
> Michael could use a few good friends and someone to laugh with.

Uri's been around a long time but I agree. Besides, everyone tries to be
his mother and I don't think he trusts just anybody.



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:30:54 PG25/05/01
Dude.. you are baked.. Just because your a big MJ fan doesnt mean you have to
rationalize everyhing connected with him.. In this case It's not even really
about MJ but rather a con-man who has gotten yet more attention onto himself by
merely writing about him and thus probably getting himself invited to some
MJ/Schmuley function where he can bend salad-tongs for members of the United
Nations. The whole thing is more of a carreer move than heart-felt literature.

>Well.......see.........I guess this is one of the reasons Mike and Uri
>are good mates......the media are onto both of them, doing their best to
>bring them both down...not believing in either of them....not believing
>in the truth of what's realy happening....they see themselves as dealing
>with the same problems they both have.....just like Mike with Liz
>became close to her cos they had such a similar in
>the publics eye all the time etc. it's kinda the same long
>as Mike and Uri are mates and their for each other....what's the biggy?
>who cares.......everyones allowed the right to have some friendships in
>their lives.


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:32:46 PG25/05/01
BTW, Elizabeth Taylor is nuttier than an Elephants turd. Just watching her for
ten seconds will convince anyone.


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:34:12 PG25/05/01
>> No way...Uri is 54 get out of here serious. He looks twenty
>> something.
>Must be magic.

I guess in Israel they have plastic surgery in addtion to books on magic.


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 11:22:52 PG25/05/01
First let me say that I actually believe in genuine psycic abillities but you
must be one of the most gullible people on the planet. Did this "Special" you
saw mention the tricks behind Geller's various psycic feats? Or in a state of
euphoria did you decide to ignore them so as to keep the wonder alive? It's
people like you that actually are a diservice to MJ because you dont seem to be
willing to apply basic logic and are all to susceptable to being duped. Then
when you try to defend Michael when hes in deep doo-doo you just look like
doe-eyed followers who cant seperate fact from fantasy. Uri Geller is an
exceptionable con-man... nothing more.

Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 12:52:08 PTG25/05/01
>>Speaking of which, no prizes for guessing who's hiding behind Misticpimp.
>What does that mean?

Hi NB!!

"If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change"
(Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson)


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 1:10:17 PTG25/05/01
MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/25/01 10:32 AM:

> BTW, Elizabeth Taylor is nuttier than an Elephants turd. Just watching her for
> ten seconds will convince anyone.

I'm in shock you'd say something like that.



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 1:09:33 PTG25/05/01
Lady Motown wrote on 5/25/01 11:52 AM:

> Hi NB!!

I don't think so. NB has a different feel. Reading NB's posts, you kind of
have to laugh about half the time. This one's never funny, just kind of
like a burdock.


Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 1:13:59 PTG25/05/01
>Isn't that a good story Uri wrote. I've read it on his site. Oh did you read
>other story about The Man Child. It's totally awesome. How the cameraman
>as he takes pictures of Michael and hears the cries of the fans.

I agree, Uri's story and website is "totally awesome".
Thanks for the link Magic Child.
Just incredible...


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 1:50:23 PTG25/05/01
Did you want cherry or grape kool-aid?


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 3:51:08 PTG25/05/01
yeah, it was good.

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


Other Great MJ Sites
"Lady Motown" <moto...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 3:53:58 PTG25/05/01
I agree. NB was like an asshole....this one is more like a disillusioned
bastard whose ego prevents him from seeing that people who disagree with him
aren't "crazy" or a part of a "cult". ;-)

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"Nat" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 3:54:57 PTG25/05/01
He looks like he's in his mid to late 30's to me. :-)

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 3:55:56 PTG25/05/01
so you know for a fact that he's had plastic surgery? just asking.....

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 3:58:19 PTG25/05/01
See that's the problem. You can't tell a persons mental state by watching
them for 10 seconds. I guess after 10 secs what you see fits what you wanted
to believe in the first place, so of course you would think that.

damn....can I get some critical thinking by non-mj fans up in here....

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


Other Great MJ Sites
"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 5:10:51 PTG25/05/01


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 5:12:51 PTG25/05/01
Did anyone see E. Taylor at the Golden Globes this year? Holy Zamoli what a
train wreck!


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 5:19:36 PTG25/05/01
I know............

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 6:00:31 PTG25/05/01
MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/25/01 4:12 PM:

> Did anyone see E. Taylor at the Golden Globes this year? Holy Zamoli what a
> train wreck!

That's enough out of you. Liz Taylor has done so much for so many people,
there is no call to start flaming her. She's practically devoted her life
the last few years to help make people better educated on AIDS and the
destruction and trauma is poses and has done more to push for further
research than anyone else. It's just stupid to go around looking for
Michael's satellites to pick on just so you can get at him. You're starting
to sound like Wrongway Friedman!



belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 6:28:23 PTG25/05/01
> You're starting
>to sound like Wrongway Friedman!

Wow! A reference even I don't recognize... WTG!


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 7:17:37 PTG25/05/01
MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/25/01 5:28 PM:

> Wow! A reference even I don't recognize... WTG!

Now that sounded more like NB.


John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:24:40 PTG25/05/01
> First let me say that I actually believe in genuine psycic abillities.

That makes two of us.

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message

John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:26:27 PTG25/05/01
He probably did get a facelift.

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message

John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:27:43 PTG25/05/01

"Nat" <> wrote in message

John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:27:19 PTG25/05/01
>The whole thing is more of a carreer move than heart-felt literature.

I beg to differ.

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:34:03 PTG25/05/01
Its funny that you would say that. Whenever someone looks younger than what
they are, people always chalk it up to plastic surgery. However, when
someone looks older that what they are, no one says "oh he musta had plastic
surgery!" If I wanted to think Geller had a facelift, why not think Boteach
had surgery to look older..... Besides, Geller is very fit also. Its not all
in his face like so many other people that have only had facelifts.
My point is until you hear or read him say he's had a facelift, its silly to
worry about such a trivial thing.

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"John Smith" <Patman_...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote in message

Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:51:26 PTG25/05/01
>Did you want cherry or grape kool-aid?


John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:56:07 PTG25/05/01
I'm not worrying about it, and I'm not condemning him or accusing or
anything. I just think he might have. His face looks a little tight like

"kemazz" <> wrote in message

John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 8:56:23 PTG25/05/01
Grape ;)

"Lady Motown" <moto...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 9:06:09 PTG25/05/01
John Smith wrote on 5/25/01 7:56 PM:

> Grape ;)

Sugar-free grape.


Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 10:10:51 PTG25/05/01
>I don't think so. NB has a different feel. Reading NB's posts, you kind of
>have to laugh about half the time. This one's never funny, just kind of
>like a burdock.

Yeah I agree with you....this other guy is not as funny NB. He's also not as
intelligent either....But he could pass for NB's twin. :)

Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 10:21:39 PTG25/05/01
>I agree. NB was like an asshole....this one is more like a disillusioned
>bastard whose ego prevents him from seeing that people who disagree with him
>aren't "crazy" or a part of a "cult". ;-)
>MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"

I have to agree with you that this one is
a dissillusioned, egotistical bastard who thinks that "everyone" should think
the same as him, but I have to disagree about NB being "like" an asshole...he
just "is". ;o)

John Smith

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2001, 10:34:18 PTG25/05/01
I don't know. I think NB is less intelligent.

"Lady Motown" <moto...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 3:06:04 PG26/05/01
LOL! :-)

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


Other Great MJ Sites
"John Smith" <Patman_...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote in message



belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 6:52:38 PG26/05/01
I completly concur. I dont care a'tall about his face.. The concern to me is
that he's a con-man who has people wrapped around his finger.

alan jones

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 7:25:09 PG26/05/01

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message

> I completly concur. I dont care a'tall about his face.. The concern to me is
> that he's a con-man who has people wrapped around his finger.

Would you say that of all would be Magicians?

Im sure your just looking for someone to blaim for your busted watch. If i
were you i'd go check my spoon draw ;-)

alan jones

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 7:30:35 PG26/05/01

"Lady Motown" <moto...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message
> >I don't think so. NB has a different feel. Reading NB's posts, you kind of
> >have to laugh about half the time. This one's never funny, just kind of
> >like a burdock.
> >
> >
> >Nat
> >
> >
> >
> Yeah I agree with you....this other guy is not as funny NB. He's also not as
> intelligent either....But he could pass for NB's twin. :)

This one claims to trade in the culture, but lacks a mind to see what he trades.
NB was plain rabbid, a cunning mad dog. I wonder if this one isnt the wolf in
sheep's clothing.


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 8:36:35 PG26/05/01
Nope, speaking as someone who has partaken in the craft of magic I can tell you
that magicians operate under the premice that they are illusionists, it's art,
entertainment, kind of what MJ does. Geller insists that he has special powers
that no one has and continues to dupe the vulnerable for profit even after
being exposed as a mere con-man. Of course magic has elements of deception and
pagentry but not the sleazy variety that Geller engages in. "Well there is
Sigfreid & Roy" But I digress... He's just an insult to the medium and does a
disservice to the validity of genuine psycic abillities. Im suprised your not
smart enough to realize that.


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 8:40:28 PG26/05/01
alan jones wrote on 5/26/01 6:30 AM:

> This one claims to trade in the culture, but lacks a mind to see what he
> trades.
> NB was plain rabbid, a cunning mad dog. I wonder if this one isnt the wolf in
> sheep's clothing.

And he sure gets a lot of attention. Well, there's nothing else going on



belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 8:47:30 PG26/05/01
>And he sure gets a lot of attention. Well, there's nothing else going on

Don't worry I just stumbled onto this group by accident while searching for
info on Joe Jackson.. As soon as as his next album is released I'll be on my

Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 9:51:57 PG26/05/01
>This one claims to trade in the culture, but lacks a mind to see what he

I have to agree with you about this one. He definately lacks culture and he is
also out of touch socially.

>NB was plain rabbid, a cunning mad dog. I wonder if this one isnt the wolf in
>sheep's clothing.

Now Les was a rabbid mad dog ...NB was cunning,manipulative and I hate to admit
it he was sometimes funny...
As for this one he's just a plain "sheep" or should I say "troll bait"...

Lady Motown

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 9:52:54 PG26/05/01
>Grape ;)

Grape is good too ;)

John Smith

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 11:36:59 PG26/05/01
I changed my mind... cherry hehe.

"Lady Motown" <moto...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:05:03 PG26/05/01
Well he looks good ...

Nat wrote:

> Magic-child wrote on 5/25/01 3:12 AM:
> > He looks twenty
> > something. Uri and I have been sending one another e-mails. He's 54?
> Ask him. He was born Dec 20, 1946. He looks about 40 to me, but I remember
> he was a grown-up when I was a little girl.
> Nat


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:07:03 PG26/05/01
Michael isn't the only one that doesn't trust too many people. I'm the same
way too. That's what happens when people burn you in life.

Nat wrote:

> Magic-child wrote on 5/25/01 3:19 AM:
> > I think the two characters Uri and Boteach are good for him. At first I
> > thought they were using Michael to gain their own popularity for
> > themselves by latching onto Michael. I mean I never heard of either one
> > of them before until Michael came back and there they were. Right now
> > Michael could use a few good friends and someone to laugh with.
> Uri's been around a long time but I agree. Besides, everyone tries to be
> his mother and I don't think he trusts just anybody.
> Nat

alan jones

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 12:08:29 PTG26/05/01

"MST3KPIMP" <> wrote in message

Your digression undoes you. It exposes your rant to be directed at *anyone*
who dares associate with Michael Jackson. You are a rabid hater. What motivates
your hate remains to be seen, but you invalidate any arguament you may have
had here.


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 2:15:52 PTG26/05/01
Not true.. I have nothing but praise for Webster.


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 2:20:18 PTG26/05/01
And Corey Feildman..


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 3:15:42 PTG26/05/01
Magic-child wrote on 5/26/01 4:07 AM:

> Michael isn't the only one that doesn't trust too many people. I'm the same
> way too. That's what happens when people burn you in life.

That's a bummer; I'm sorry. I tend to trust every gomer that comes along.



belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 3:18:34 PTG26/05/01
MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/26/01 1:20 PM:

> And Corey Feildman..



Red Meat Man

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:18:47 PTG26/05/01
"kemazz" <> wrote in message news:<P8BO6.2609$Mr5.1...@news1.atl>...
> Aw man please!! People say they have proof that Michael is "fraud" or a
> "freak", so what's your damn point?

Uri Geller is not an "alleged" charlatan, fraud, and scam artist; he
has been PROVEN to be all those things.
> Who gives a shit whether Uri Geller's profession is real or magic as long as
> he's a good friend to Michael.

By that logic, someone who had made his living bilking people out of
their life's savings by falsely gaining their confidence would be just
fine and dandy--as long as he said glowing things about Michael

People aren't inherently guilty, fraudulent,
> or liars simply by association!

No, but when you start hanging out with PROVEN liars and frauds, it
certainly doesn't help your credibility at all.

For years now people have always tried to
> disprove things that they don't understand rather than taking it for what it
> is.

People haven't just "tried" to disprove Uri Geller's claims of
spoon-bending psychic ability, they have SUCCEEDED. Uri Geller is a
fraud, and he continues to perpetuate his false and fraudulent claims.

Whether its magic or real shows me nothing and probably means nothing
> Michael if Geller is a decent human being.

But can Geller truly be a decent human being if he is engaged in
faking psychic abilities as a way of enriching himself? A person
cannot be a liar and a fraud in his or her professional life, and
still be a "decent human being." You might as well say, "Uri Geller
makes false claims every day to millions of people, but he's a decent
guy, really."

> If you want to get off into metaphors, their lives parallel in that way
> because just like some people think Geller's full of shit, some people think
> Michael's full of shit.

People KNOW Geller is full of shit, and associating with him doesn't
make Michael Jackson look good.

Don't just jump on the first thing you read because
> it fits in with what you wanted to believe to begin with.

Don't ignore the facts because it doesn't fit with what you want to

We all do that
> sometimes, especially where Michael is concerned. But some of us real mj
> fans have had no choice but to develop advanced analytical thinking skills.

I would like to see evidence of these "advanced analytical thinking
skills," frankly. You've swallowed Geller's message greedily, and
taken it at face value *solely* because he says good things about
Michael Jackson. That shows no analysis whatsoever--just an
emotional, knee-jerk, "anyone who loves Michael is good!" reaction.
"Advanced analytical thinking" played no part in it.

> We also have had to learn not to ridiculously parallel two events (Rob
> Blake/OJ Simpson to Michael Jackson/Uri Geller) that make no sense
> whatsoever.

Yeah, after all, OJ was at least found "not guilty"--whereas Geller
has been PROVEN to be a fraud, fake, charlatan, con man, etc.

> MJ fan, my ass.....

> --
> MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"

Did Jackson actually say that, kemazz? From what I've heard, he
doesn't swear, and doesn't like people around him who do. If he did,
could you please provide a source for that quote? Thanks.

Red Meat Man

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:31:06 PTG26/05/01
Nat <> wrote in message news:<>...
> MST3KPIMP wrote on 5/22/01 4:44 PM:
> > Heres a great article on Mr. Gellar that will hopefully shed some light for
> > some of you.
> >
> >
> We may or may not believe in or be fond of Uri Gellar but the essay is about
> Michael and it looks interesting. It doesn't mean Uri can or can not bend
> spoons. That's not the point.

The essay is only superficially about Michael Jackson--read it
closely, and you'll see that it's really about Uri Geller, and how big
a celebrity he is, how many famous people he knows, how he's so
important that terrorists might have attacked his wedding (a claim
that I seriously doubt--if it were true, those German Michael Jackson
fans would never have managed to fool professional security people so

This isn't a matter of liking or not liking Uri Geller, it's a matter
of taking what a liar and charlatan says and giving it
credence--solely because it portrays Michael Jackson in a positive
light--and then sniping at people who point out that the source is a
known fraud.

Michael Jackson does *not* need to be associated with someone like
Geller. Like it or not, most people who are not rabid Michael Jackson
fans still see Jackson as weird and freaky and a possible child
molester--to team up with a bogus psychic with a yen for publicity is
a very bad move, on his part.


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:40:42 PTG26/05/01
Word to grannies panties... Finally, someone with enough courage to tune into


belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:41:46 PTG26/05/01
aw man please! it ain't that serious! take it for what it is. Geller has
other people that follow his career. he wasn't just writing that for Michael
Jackson fans only.

MJ to Media: "All yall sons-a-bitches can just kiss my ass!"


"Red Meat Man" <> wrote in message

Red Meat Man

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:49:24 PTG26/05/01
"alan jones" <> wrote in message news:<FBRO6.17469$>...
> Well speaking for myself, Uri was one of those people that provided a welcomed
> distraction back in the 70's and early eighties. He has a keen sense of the Meta-
> physical and its place in popular culture, regardless of how he gets there.

So it doesn't matter that he is a fraud, then? The end justifies the
means, eh? You might really want to consider the implications of that
line of thinking...

I think
> he serves a useful place in the culture.

Yes--he shows that there are plenty of people out there willing to
prey on the gullibility of the TV-addled, unthinking masses. He shows
that con-artists can be perfectly intelligent, witty and attractive,
and make great guests on TV talk shows.

Michael also has other fiends in alternative
> religions, which all helps to widen his perspective on life.

So defrauding the public with claims of nonexistent supernatural
powers is an "alternative religion?" How is falling for someone who is
a publicity-seeking fraud supposed to "widen (one's) perspective on

Most of us just follow
> our peers, and never see beyond our own neighbourhoods. Isolated in time and
> culture.

Uh-huh. And some folks get so wrapped up in their idols that they
lose any ability to think critically that they might ordinarily
posess. Any negative comment on the idol automatically comes from a
bad person, any positive comment on the idol automatically comes from
a good person. Get a newsgroup full of people who do the same thing,
and watch them turn on anyone who points out the obvious to them...

Red Meat Man

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2001, 5:53:14 PTG26/05/01
"alan jones" <> wrote in message news:<IxTO6.17411$>...
> I might add he redirects belief from the collective and directs to the individual.
> "Believe in the power of the mind"... your mind assuming you've got one, tabloid
> for brains ;-))

<laughs> Oh, alan, you *are* a piece of work. Totally conned by a
fraud like Geller, and you still think an insult like "tabloid for
brains" packs any punch, coming from your keyboard. You have been
duped, and you don't even care. What a sheep you are, alan.

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