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Sean Johnson: Red Ranger pix & request

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07.02.2000, 03:00:0007.02.00
In article <389f9378.11120108@news>, says...
>Some of you may have noticed, I've been hanging around here for the
>past couple of weeks, because I found out this guy I graduated from
>college with last summer is gonna be the new red power ranger. So, I
>heard he did an IRC chat, and I've posted a couple of times asking one
>of you guys to let me know:
>-if that really happened
>-if there is a transcript
>-if not, what was generally said?
>So, I thought I'd try one more time, and to get your attention, here's
>some pix of the dude from my yearbook.
>And please, if you know no transcript exists, just tell me that!
>Someone please just tell me SOMEthing, in a reply to this post. Help
>me out, and I'll spill a little information about the guy. Thanks...

Whoa, that really him? I believe there was a chat with him but I
haven't heard anything about anyone doing a transcipt. Don't know if anyone
else has heard anything about a transcipt though. Thanks for the pics. ^_^

08.02.2000, 03:00:0008.02.00

Johnny 5

08.02.2000, 03:00:0008.02.00
>Whoa, that really him?

If not than its a darn good look alike.

"Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have."


08.02.2000, 03:00:0008.02.00
> -if that really happened
> -if there is a transcript
> -if not, what was generally said?

I have the transcript, and I tried sending it to your e-mail address, but it
came back and told me it didn't exist. :P

> So, I thought I'd try one more time, and to get your attention, here's
> some pix of the dude from my yearbook.

Wow... it really is him. Wonder if anyone I know would be interested in
auditioning for PR, like the neighbor girls or something... they _are_
moving to Las Vegas sometime soon... PR is the next logical step. ;-)

~ LightstarBlue


08.02.2000, 03:00:0008.02.00
Can i use your pictures for my site? lightspeed rescue cast
<> wrote in message news:389f9378.11120108@news...

> Some of you may have noticed, I've been hanging around here for the
> past couple of weeks, because I found out this guy I graduated from
> college with last summer is gonna be the new red power ranger. So, I
> heard he did an IRC chat, and I've posted a couple of times asking one
> of you guys to let me know:
> -if that really happened
> -if there is a transcript
> -if not, what was generally said?
> So, I thought I'd try one more time, and to get your attention, here's
> some pix of the dude from my yearbook.

11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00
You guys can feel free to use my pix and anything else in any form you
want, on all your webpages.

So let me tell you, as I promised, about Sean Johnson, the Red Ranger
to you guys. He, like me, graduated May 99 from Rollins College in
Winter Park, FL. It's by Orlando. He was in the Honors program, and
for some of his time, in the theatre department. I seemed to be in
every freakin' class with the guy for the first couple of years, and
frankly I didn't like him. Maybe when you guys meet him at conventions
or whatever the ranger-heads do, you'll be clouded by the amazing
stunts his smaller japanese counterpart does with the helmet on. But
myself, I instantly disliked him.

See, he did a lot of modeling and some commercial work or something
before college, and was keen on mentioning that whenever possible. He
also had something to add to every discussion in every class, even
when he didn't really have anything to add. He just had this...
arrogant air about him, sorta walked with his nose in the air, gave
off a hi-i'm-a-model-type-guy-and-i'm-smart-too type vibe. I found
out later my girlfriend and my best friend knew him and hated him too.
So it's not just me! So eventually we all got to swapping Sean stories
and it became a running joke when he did something stupid. Like when
he talked about his Honors project on insane artists, like Picasso,
who he said cut off his own ear and committed suicide. Or when a prof
told him to "stop talking before you embarrass yourself further."

This is something that might interest you. See, he liked to identify
himself as a "theatre major" in class, as in "maybe I'm not getting
this, I'm a theatre major..." Another thing that made him sound
arrogant. My girlfriend was a theatre major, that's how she knew him.
Turns out he wasn't much of a theatre major. You may notice in my
yearbook scans it says "psychology major." As far as I know, he was an
Area Studies major, which means he couldn't complete any one major,
and instead combined three together with some made-up thread..
probably about the psychology of creativity, like I said, with
something else thrown in. Area Studies makes you look like a
slack-ass, tho, so I expect the yearbooks don't use that term and pick
one. ANYway, he was in the theatre department, and basically got
kicked out for being a prima donna.. didn't want to do any work that
didn't involve a lead role on the main stage. Again, arrogant. I never
saw him act, but from what I heard, it sounds like he'll fit right in
with the dubbed Japanese actors on your show.

So okay, enough of my story. Here's the stuff you care about. Area
Studies major, in psyche and theatre and something else. He played a
quarterback in one episode of Dawson's Creek. He was apparently also
on Safe Harbor, which I've never heard of but he talked about in that
IRC chat. He did modeling and acting before power rangers. He was in
some catalogs or something, never saw his work. He likes REM, I
remember he saw them on their last tour in FL. Jogged around campus a
lot. He's probably a pretty nice guy when you say hi to him and stuff,
but like I said, he's got a serious pompousness about him that really
makes everyone I know who met him (even briefly) hate him. He has kind
of a weird voice, I think, maybe you won't think so. I don't know that
he really did a whole lot in terms of extracurricular stuff in school,
maybe he did. I didn't follow him much.

So, nothing useful for you guys really I guess. Oh, well, actually,
the yearbook for some reason published all our home addresses without
any notification or consent. Didn't know they could do that. But since
it's in the yearbook, I guess it's pretty much a matter of time before
one of you rabid fans goes and finds a copy of the 1999 Tomokan and
looks it up. Let me save you the trouble.

Sean Johnson
912 S. Doral Ln.
Venice, FL 34293

So hey! Go to his parents' house! Send some fan mail! Send some hate
mail! Have fun!

On a final note, I really enjoy being able to tell my friends that
this guy I hated in college is now the lead in a new TV series. When I
tell them he's the new Red Power Ranger, they laugh and laugh for a
minute or so straight. I'm going to really enjoy watching this dude
(who considered himself quite a good actor) humiliate himself every
week on this new Baywatch-Meets-Voltron show you kids are looking so
forward to. And hey, once it ends in a year or so, I get the
satisfaction of knowing he'll probably follow the pattern of all the
other cast members (except that one ally/felicity/whatever chick) and
NEVER WORK AGAIN. Heehee! So do your part, watch the show, make it
hugely popular, typecast the dude. I'll be waiting for the unmasked
action figure with a set of pins.


Raibu Robo

11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00
>Sean Johnson
>912 S. Doral Ln.
>Venice, FL 34293
>So hey! Go to his parents' house! Send some fan mail! Send some hate
>mail! Have fun!

>When I

>tell them he's the new Red Power Ranger, they laugh and laugh for a
>minute or so straight. I'm going to really enjoy watching this dude
>(who considered himself quite a good actor) humiliate himself every
>week on this new Baywatch-Meets-Voltron show you kids are looking so
>forward to.

>And hey, once it ends in a year or so, I get the
>satisfaction of knowing he'll probably follow the pattern of all the
>other cast members (except that one ally/felicity/whatever chick) and

>I'll be waiting for the unmasked

>action figure with a set of pins.

This is some funny stuff!


11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00

Raibu Robo wrote in message

Yeah it sure is!

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
Whoever you are,

It seems you must be some sort of chicken-%$#@ to post something this
nasty and then leave your name off of it. Let me just start by saying
that I know Sean very well and everyone I know who has come in contact
with him has loved him instantly. He's polite, sensitive, funny,
highly intelligent, civic minded, and compassionate. The last word
that would ever come to mind describing Sean is "arrogant".

Obviously you went to his school, and as it is a small liberal arts
college, you may have been aware of who he was, but since you claim to
know very little about him personally, why would you bother with this
epic of a post? My theory is that you're jealous of him. Why else
would you waste your time trying to slander his name? It's entirely
reasonable that you may have been less intelligent than he, and that's
the source of this animosity. He, after all, did graduate with a 3.9
GPA. Perhaps you're jealous of his looks or his talent? Maybe you
just envy the fact that he's such a wonderful person and that everybody
likes him? Whatever the case, you only succeeded in making yourself
appear to be an insecure, bitter, jealous, sorry excuse for a person,
and I pity you for that.

As I think more about this, I realize how calculating you must have
been to have taken the time to find this site, set up an account, scan
yearbook pictures of Sean, post Sean's parents' FORMER address (they
have since moved), and written this hateful essay. You must be
obsessed with him or something. If this is the sort of thing that you
do because you need to kill time in a pathetically mundane life, then I
am sincerely sorry. Obviously you have some sort of psychological
complex that makes this sort of thing acceptable in your moral code.
I, for one, have a problem with it. You are a sick person who needs to
seek help.

Now regarding Sean's role on the Power Rangers:
Over two thousand actors auditioned for the role of Carter. The vast
majority of them were members of the Screen Actor's Guild, meaning that
they were working actors. Perhaps Power Rangers is just a silly kid's
show to you, but I'm willing to bet my life Sean's making more money
than you are. Oh, and you're also a little out of date with the
assumption that only one of the former rangers is currently working. I
can count ten former rangers that have worked as actors after leaving
the series, and most are still working. Many of the others were
martial artists, not actors, who went on to pursue martial arts
careers. Regardless, I have every confidence that once his stint on
Power Rangers is over, Sean will have no trouble finding quality acting
work in Los Angeles.

Please, Marvin, seek help. You desperately need it.


Sent via
Before you buy.


13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
Deary me, some people need to get out more ... Actually, what am
I saying? This scum needs to be locked away in a padded room
somewhere ... Geez, posting people's home address without
permission is freaking LOW on the morality scale.



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13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
In article <885tgf$fpb$>,

>Oh, and you're also a little out of date with the
>assumption that only one of the former rangers is currently
working. I
>can count ten former rangers that have worked as actors after
>the series, and most are still working.

Really? If possible, could you please tell us??



>Sent via
>Before you buy.

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 09:28:50 GMT, wrote:

>Whoever you are,
>It seems you must be some sort of chicken-%$#@ to post something this
>nasty and then leave your name off of it. Let me just start by saying
>that I know Sean very well and everyone I know who has come in contact
>with him has loved him instantly. He's polite, sensitive, funny,
>highly intelligent, civic minded, and compassionate. The last word
>that would ever come to mind describing Sean is "arrogant".

I suppose I am. Just thought I'd comment. Like I said, I don't know
him well, he's probably a nice guy (I said that). It's just a feeling
that everyone who met him that *I* know got individually. That's all.

>Obviously you went to his school, and as it is a small liberal arts
>college, you may have been aware of who he was, but since you claim to
>know very little about him personally, why would you bother with this
>epic of a post? My theory is that you're jealous of him. Why else
>would you waste your time trying to slander his name? It's entirely
>reasonable that you may have been less intelligent than he, and that's
>the source of this animosity. He, after all, did graduate with a 3.9
>GPA. Perhaps you're jealous of his looks or his talent? Maybe you
>just envy the fact that he's such a wonderful person and that everybody
>likes him? Whatever the case, you only succeeded in making yourself
>appear to be an insecure, bitter, jealous, sorry excuse for a person,
>and I pity you for that.

Whoa hey, calm down. Why bother? I dunno, really, just for the hell of
it. Sure, I'm a little jealous, why not? He's a good-looking guy, and
pretty smart. But beyond that, I never said he was mean or stupid or
anything, just got a vibe I didn't personally like. And no one is
liked by everyone, myself included. His talent, as I say, I never saw
him act. My girlfriend did, and SHE was unimpressed. Oh, I should
clarify... I was incorrect in stating he was "kicked out" of the
theatre department. He left the department, apparently after a spat
with one of the directors who promised him a part and then chose
someone else after auditions. I stand by my statements about his
attitude in the department, those I understand to be correct. These
are things I've heard from people deeply involved in the department,
not my opinions.

>As I think more about this, I realize how calculating you must have
>been to have taken the time to find this site, set up an account, scan
>yearbook pictures of Sean, post Sean's parents' FORMER address (they
>have since moved), and written this hateful essay. You must be
>obsessed with him or something. If this is the sort of thing that you
>do because you need to kill time in a pathetically mundane life, then I
>am sincerely sorry. Obviously you have some sort of psychological
>complex that makes this sort of thing acceptable in your moral code.
>I, for one, have a problem with it. You are a sick person who needs to
>seek help.

Uh... I have Free Agent. I frequent newsgroups, I figured there was a
PR one. I never use my real email when posting, cos that seems
foolish, and you don't have to set up an account, just type in a fake
one in the "from" field. Calculating? What was my goal? I wanted to
see the IRC chat he did, so I posted some pics and said I'd tell the
group what I knew about him in return. What I know is, as I said, very
little, and I decided to inject my personal impression into the post.

The address, well, that was just having fun... I don't know why the
yearbook published that, none of us gave permission and I wouldn't
have. I just threw that in for the hell of it. I don't expect anyone
here will use it. Certainly not for anything hateful towards the guy
or his parents. No, I'm not obsessed with Sean. It just amuses me to
think that I know a freakin' Power Ranger. Even if, as you say, I
don't know him very well.

>Now regarding Sean's role on the Power Rangers:
>Over two thousand actors auditioned for the role of Carter. The vast
>majority of them were members of the Screen Actor's Guild, meaning that
>they were working actors. Perhaps Power Rangers is just a silly kid's
>show to you, but I'm willing to bet my life Sean's making more money

>than you are. Oh, and you're also a little out of date with the

>assumption that only one of the former rangers is currently working. I
>can count ten former rangers that have worked as actors after leaving

>the series, and most are still working. Many of the others were
>martial artists, not actors, who went on to pursue martial arts
>careers. Regardless, I have every confidence that once his stint on
>Power Rangers is over, Sean will have no trouble finding quality acting
>work in Los Angeles.

It is a silly kids' show. Do you deny that? And he probably makes good
money, but I'm willing to bet it's not a whole lot more than I do. I
don't believe it's truly satisfying, if he really consideres himself a
legitimate actor.

>Please, Marvin, seek help. You desperately need it.

Wow. You never met someone that for some reason, you just didn't like?
I thought that was pretty normal. Perhaps I'm wrong.

I apologize for posting incorrect info about his departure from the
theatre department. I do know he pissed off a lot of people in the
department, but it was unfair of me to make it seem worse ( or at
least different) than it was. Also, perhaps the address was in poor
judgement. It was just a whim. At any rate, enjoy the show, glad you
like the guy, what can I say? I don't.

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00

>It is a silly kids' show. Do you deny that?

I do. You obviously haven't seen the show and don't know it's history in
Japan, etc

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
I've seen several episodes of the show, in its original incarnation
and now LR, and 1.5 movies (only sat through part of Turbo). There's
nothing wrong with silly kids' shows. I love the original Transformers
cartoon, quite a silly kids' show. I don't care about the history in
Japan. HERE, it's for kids. The 7 am saturday time slot kinda
reinforces that, doesn't it? It's still okay to like it, you can still
be a respected member of the community, but don't try and make it out
to be something it ain't.

On 13 Feb 2000 15:46:57 EST, <> wrote:

>>It is a silly kids' show. Do you deny that?

Sailor P. Ranger

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
an wrote:

> >Now regarding Sean's role on the Power Rangers:
> >Over two thousand actors auditioned for the role of Carter. The vast
> >majority of them were members of the Screen Actor's Guild, meaning that
> >they were working actors. Perhaps Power Rangers is just a silly kid's
> >show to you, but I'm willing to bet my life Sean's making more money
> >than you are. Oh, and you're also a little out of date with the
> >assumption that only one of the former rangers is currently working. I
> >can count ten former rangers that have worked as actors after leaving
> >the series, and most are still working. Many of the others were
> >martial artists, not actors, who went on to pursue martial arts
> >careers. Regardless, I have every confidence that once his stint on
> >Power Rangers is over, Sean will have no trouble finding quality acting
> >work in Los Angeles.
> It is a silly kids' show. Do you deny that? And he probably makes good
> money, but I'm willing to bet it's not a whole lot more than I do. I
> don't believe it's truly satisfying, if he really consideres himself a
> legitimate actor.

Since you're critiquing the show, I hope that you do realize that Kiyomi
actually WORKS on the show...

But anyways, I don't really think you've watched enough of Power Rangers
to classify it as a "Silly Kids Show." Not many other television shows
can claim to have 340 episodes, two feature films, and a cashflow large
enough to swallow up a Megazord or two under its belts. Power Rangers
has consistently rated as one of the top kids shows on television for
the past seven years, and it doesn't seem to be coming to an end. We've
seen numerous kids shows, such as Goosebumps and Ninja Turtles come and
go, but the one thing that stays the same is Power Rangers.

As for it being satisfying, it certainly isn't unsatisfying. Power
Rangers is NOT the same series that it was seven years ago. If you
compare an episode such as "Day of the Dumpster" to "Operation
Lightspeed," you will notice a LOT of changes. First off, being the
budget. The shows budget has ballooned to quite a large amount,
allowing it to do an extensive amount of complex special effects and
location shoots, which are not exactly common in a lot of TV series

Next time, I'd have watched a bit more of the series before you classify
it as a "silly kids show." Especially when you're going to post such on
a POWER RANGERS newsgroup.

-- Sailor


13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
In article <38a71f9e.18829321@news>, says...

>I don't care about the history in
>Japan. HERE, it's for kids.

FYI: so is its Japanese counter part.

14.02.2000, 03:00:0014.02.00
Hey D.B.- aka Marvin

Thanks for the post. I can appreciate the fact that you may have some
personal problem with Sean, but I don't get why you went through all
the trouble to make him look bad. I certainly do not waste my time
taking little stabs at all the people I dislike, so I stand by my
remark that there is something very wrong with you, and maybe you ought
to see someone about it. I just want to clear up one thing. Your
perception of what happened within the theatre department is all wrong
and based upon false rumors. Sean ended up leaving the department
because of a conflict between his filming schedule (he was working
regularly on commercials and films) and his play rehersal schedule.
Some advice; get the info right before you start posting it as fact.
It's a damn good thing that the address you posted was incorrect
because it's one thing to post your dislike of a person online, it's
another thing to get their family involved. Maybe it would take seeing
your own address posted up here for you to understand what a *&^%ed up
thing that was to do. I'll say "hi" to Sean for you if you want. Let
me know if you want me to show him these posts.


14.02.2000, 03:00:0014.02.00
In article <>,

dan <> wrote:
> In article <885tgf$fpb$>,
> wrote:
> >Oh, and you're also a little out of date with the
> >assumption that only one of the former rangers is currently
> working. I
> >can count ten former rangers that have worked as actors after
> leaving
> >the series, and most are still working.
> Really? If possible, could you please tell us??
> seeya,

Ok, here's my incomplete list:
1-AmyJo Johnson (movies of the week, Felicity)
2-Walter Jones (several tv appearances)
3-Thuy Trang (The Crow 2, I heard she did something else but I don't
know what)
4-Catherine Sutherland (just completed a movie)
5-Nakia Burrise (several tv appearances)
6-Johnny Bosch (a film "Wicked Game")
7-Jason Frank (I believe he did a pilot, but he also owns martial arts
8-Blake Foster (several TV appearances, a movie "Rusty")
9-Padee Lee (just shot a film overseas)
10-Tracy Lynn Cruz (tv appearance "Unsolved Mysteries")
11-Roger Velasco (recently shot an independent film)
12-Christopher Khayman Lee (lead in a WB series "Safe Harbor", other tv
13-Archie Kao (regular on ABC's "Once and Again)
14-Cerina Vincent (recently starred in a pilot)

I think Selwyn Ward has done a few commercials and that many of the
other actors, Danny Slavin, Valerie Vernon, Reggie Rolle, and Melody
Perkins have all tested for lead TV and movie roles.

I don't think it will be long before you start seeing some familiar
faces on the air again.

14.02.2000, 03:00:0014.02.00
I said the address was in poor judgement, and I apologized for the
incorrect info. As I said, it's what I was told. As for the rest, I
was posting *my opinion* as everyone else does. I did qualify that in
my posts, and said he would probably be a nice guy if you met him. He
was generally nice to me, I just thought he seemed arrogant, and
that's my opinion. Anyway, you can show him the posts if you want, I
don't know what good it would do for anyone. No one wants to know
they're disliked by someone. So I apologize for the address again, I
only posted it as a joke because it was printed in the yearbook. I
don't think anyone would have sent anything there, but for what it's
worth, I'm glad it's outdated.

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