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Twin Towers attacked on a "twin" date, the 11th

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chưa đọc,
22:23:01 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
The clandestine Luciferian Masons (CLuMs), also known as the Illuminati,
who control the world today, chose the 11th day to conduct a massive human
sacrifice in New Atlantis.

The facts are:

*** The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to look like a giant

*** The first airplane to hit them was Flight 11.

*** Tomorrow is the 11-month anniversary of the attack on the US Cole in
Aden, Yemen (October 12, 2000).

Flight 11 was an American Airlines (AA) plane: AA stands for "Ancient of
Ancients", the favorite phrase of Sir Francis Bacon, a very important
Conspirator and the author of "The New Atlantis".

Another recent airplane "accident" had the hoofprints of the double A:
the sacrificial killing of the singer Aaliyah.

The "twin" number 11 is important to the Conspirators because their
"god", Lucifer/Satan, is supposed to have "twin" natures, a "good" one and a
"bad" one.

Over the last few months I have reported about the importance of the
number 11 in Conspiratorial actions and have linked it with supermodel Heidi
Klum, who was born in Gemini, the Twins. Heidi's official Web site in Germany:

opens with the letter H. The two vertical bars look very much like the Twin
Towers of the World Trade Center. (They also look like the twin strands of

If you click on the horizontal bar of the H (the words "Heidi Klum"), you
are taken to another page that has a news ticker at the bottom. Today's news
item, "Ohne Worte" (without words), transfers you to a page of the German TV
channel RTL where it is stated that Heidi was scheduled to do a photoshooting
near the World Trade Center today.

RTL reports that Heidi indeed arrived there around the time of the
attacks, but, thank God, she is OK.

I would caution people in general to be careful again tomorrow (the
11-month anniversary of the attack on the US Cole) and Thursday, the 13th day
of September.


chưa đọc,
22:32:39 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
***Okay dude...YOU ARE A PSYCHO. This is not the time to talk about your
precious Heide nor bring up far fetched theories about the attacks.
RENTON: People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all
that shite, which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of

Late Night Fairy

chưa đọc,
22:57:03 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
There you are!
I was wondering when you post about this would show up..............
Oh and look, you put Hidi Klum into it too!
Good for you!

*Slaps him*

"I loved how you said you where my biggist fan
your my *only* fan"
- Kevin Dorff
"Kansan1225" <> wrote in message


chưa đọc,
23:04:31 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
>***Okay dude...YOU ARE A PSYCHO. This is not the time to talk about your
>precious Heide nor bring up far fetched theories about the attacks.

No SHIT, what in the hell is that all about?


chưa đọc,
23:18:10 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
Karen M. wrote:

>In article <KAvn7.24895$>, "Liz B."
><> wrote:
>> What the - ? If you mess around with numbers and think long enough,
>> sure
>> you can fit anything into some kind of conspiracy theory.
>> LizB
>That's Kansan's obsession, matching up dates and numbers and creating
>conspiracy theories, though I'm not sure how much "thought" goes into it.
>I knew he'd check in before the day was through.

If you have read my theories over the past few months, then you might
remember that I have firmly linked the "twin" number 11 with Heidi Klum and
other aspects of the Conspiracy.

I have been watching her official Web site

for many months, but I had not mentioned it in my messages until this past
Sunday ("Kansan on April 29").
The site used to be kind of sleepy, ghost-written by a lady journalist by
the name of Ute Glaser, and written in the third person. For example, the news
item on Heidi's "Mademoiselle" cover used to be sub-titled "Heidis Geheimnis"
(Heidi's secret).

About three weeks ago the site became livelier and has assumed the first
person: "Heidis Geheimnis" is now "Mein Geheimnis" (My secret).

This past Sunday the news item "New York, New York" appeared on the Web
site, a clandestine signal that something was going to happen in the
doubly-named city.

As I have written before, I do not think that Heidi is fully aware of how
the Conspirators are using her. Last week I wrote that she may be in mortal
danger following the New York Post blind item suggesting that she is having an
extramarital affair.

Now it turns out that the Conspirators had her scheduled to be in the
vicinity of the World Trade Center on the very day and time of the catastrophe.

My present thinking is that Heidi is not having an affair, but she may
still be in danger.


chưa đọc,
23:29:47 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
Subject: Re: Twin Towers attacked on a "twin" date, the 11th
From: (Kansan1225)
Date: 9/11/01 5:20 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Doctor Buzz wrote:

>Subject: Re: Twin Towers attacked on a "twin" date, the 11th
>From: Doctor Buzz
>Date: 9/11/01 4:30 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <>
>Kansan, what is the significance of the other flight numbers:
>AA 11 as you say "11"
>UA 93 = 9+3 = "12"

93 = 31 * 3

31 is 13 backwards. Remember there are 44 days from George W. Bush's
birthday, July 6, to that of Bill Clinton, August 19:

44 = 13 + 31

>UA 175 = 1+7+5 = "13"
>AA 77 = 7+7 = "14"

The number 77 is the Mark of the Vengeance of Lamech, a descendant of
Cain, the first murderer and the father of Masonic hero Tubal-Cain (Genesis

The number 77 is characteristic of the Oklahoma City bombing: all
relevant events took place along US Highway 77. Moreover, the W. 77th Meridian
passes right through Washington, D.C.

>What is this, some kind of countdown to Armageddon?

Here is another "twin" 11 to remember: Timothy McVeigh was "executed" on
the 11th day of June in the sign of Gemini, the Twins.


chưa đọc,
23:34:04 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
Sned the Bold wrote:

>Subject: Re: Twin Towers attacked on a "twin" date, the 11th

>From: t3...@aol.comfortable (sned the bold)
>Date: 9/11/01 7:18 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <>
>you forgot 911 emergency
>-Sned The Bold

As you may know, last year in September I had predicted that the
Conspirators were going to commit some outrage on or about October 12, 2000.

That turned out to be the attack on the US Cole by the organization of
CLuM Brother Osama Bin Laden. Therefore, as soon as I had heard about the two
airplanes hitting the Twin Towers this morning, I was immediately was struck by
the fact that we are at the 11th month anniversary of the Cole event.

My hunch was confirmed when it was announced that the very first airplane
to strike was Flight 11.

I have further definite confirmation this evening: CLuM Brother George
Walker Bush read from Psalm 23 during his brief TV appearance tonight.

The number 23 is a favorite Illuminati number, a reminder of July 23, the
Roman feast day of Neptunalia in honor of Neptune, or Poseidon, the father of
the Kings of legendary Atlantis.

>"To me this gig is, at the core, a desk job, which is the part I like best.
>That's why even in the live show i stand behind a desk, or maybe it's a
>-John Linnell (They Might Be Giants)


chưa đọc,
23:58:18 11 thg 9, 200111/9/01
As long as were adding things up,

09.11.2001 = 0+9+11+2+0+0+1 = 23 .. illuminati

Kansan1225 wrote in message <>...


chưa đọc,
09:06:06 12 thg 9, 200112/9/01
XanieZz wrote:

>Subject: Re: Twin Towers attacked on a "twin" date, the 11th

>From: (XanieZz)
>Date: 9/11/01 11:47 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <>
>Kansan, the Pentagon was attacked...the number 5 is more important than your
>fitting the 'twin' number of the WTC. The Pentagon is 5 - the number of
>conflict - and the USA's center of intelligence. Any comments?

The shape of the Pentagon conceals the Pentalpha, the five-pointed star,
also known as the Star of Pythagoras.

The five-pointed star used to be the sign of Sirius, the brightest fixed
star in the sky, for the Egyptians. The Egyptians also associated Sirius with
the "goddess" Isis, another version of the "Mother Goddess".

Piercing the Pentagon from outer wall to inner courtyard "impregnates"
Isis to bring forth Horus.


chưa đọc,
06:10:44 25 thg 9, 200125/9/01
Morning of Sept 12: Sirius, Venus, & the almost occulting conjunct of
Jupiter/Luna form a nearly equilateral triangle.




chưa đọc,
08:23:35 25 thg 9, 200125/9/01
I O wrote:

>Subject: Re: Twin Towers attacked on a "twin" date, the 11th

>From: (I O)
>Date: 9/25/01 4:10 AM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>Morning of Sept 12: Sirius, Venus, & the almost occulting conjunct of
>Jupiter/Luna form a nearly equilateral triangle.


Yes, the friend who taught me about Sir Francis Bacon and "Ancient of
Ancients" also pointed out to me that:

1225 = 5 * 5 * 7 * 7

55: The number of days that the slain Sun "god" stays in the tomb before
his return. There are 55 days from Halloween, October 31, when the Sun is
"slain" by Scorpio, until December 25, Christmas Day, when the "Sun of
Righteousness", Jesus Christ, is born after the Winter Solstice. There were 55
days from Bill Clinton's Impeachment by the House (December 19, 1998) until his
Acquittal by the Senate (February 12, 1999).

77: The Mark of the Vengeance of Lamech (Genesis 4:24). Heidi Klum's
second photograph in the September 2001 issue of "In Style" magazine appears on
page 424.

This page corresponds to April 18, 2002 (please see my message "Attack on
America predicted by 'In Style' magazine" for details). That is the famous
photograph of Heidi with a butterfly painted on her forehead.

The number 1225 also corresponds to the Hebrew phrase "Ancient of
Ancients" through Gematria. I had chosen 1225 for my screen name because
December 25 is my birthday.

Heidi Klum and Kate Hudson (on the cover of "In Style"):

HK and KH

Both stand for the number 28 in Greek and Hebrew Gematria:

H: Greek "Eta", or Hebrew "Chet", the number 8.

K: Kappa, or Kaf, the number 20.

At the present time Heidi is 28 years old:

Heidi Klum and Kate Hudson: 28 + 28 = 56

Both of Heidi's parents are 56 years old (according to "People"
magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People" issue):

56 + 56 = 112

CLuM Brother Adolf Schicklgruber "Hitler" was born on April 20, 1889, 112
years ago.

The primary "13" - Line of New Atlantis, a.k.a. the USA, intersects the
Equator at W. 112 degrees.

Phoenix, Arizona, straddles the W. 112th Meridian.

Kate Hudson was born on April 19, 1979, the minus "Sweet Sixteen"
birthday of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Page 424, or "April 18, 2002", of "In Style" shows Heidi with a
butterffly on her forehead in an article titled "Carny Attractions". Heidi's
hometown, Cologne, Germany, is famous for its Carnival celebrations.

Page 426, or "April 20, 2002", shows a picture of Josie Bissett and her
son, Mason. A hint that birthday boy, Adolf "Hitler", was also a clandestine

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