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Robert Harris & The Saga Of CE842

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David Von Pein

no leída,
16 may 2010, 16:05:2216/5/10

In September of 2009, conspiracy theorist Robert Harris started the
forum thread linked above, wherein he was positive that Texas Highway
Patrol Officer Bobby M. Nolan had not placed his initials on
Commission Exhibit No. 842 (the "foreign body" envelope containing
bullet fragments removed from Governor Connally's wrist), which is an
envelope that Nolan received from Parkland Hospital nurse Audrey Bell.

Harris said this in the above-linked thread:

"The [Connally] fragments were labelled as CE842. .... Where do
you see Nolan's initials [on CE842]? .... There is NO envelope among
all the records that are available to the public which contain Nolan's
initials. That envelope was destroyed." -- Robert Harris; September 8,

But when eagle-eyed "ShutterBun" discovered the very next day that
Bobby Nolan's initials were, in fact, on CE842 (but the envelope
needed to be turned upside-down to read the initials properly), Bob
Harris was forced to eat a substantial bit of crow concerning this
issue and was forced to acknowledge that Nolan's initials are, indeed,
visible on CE842.

Here is ShutterBun's 9/9/09 post concerning the verification of
Nolan's initials:

Well, Robert Harris wasn't bound to accept total defeat regarding this
CE842 issue. Since he could no longer claim that Nolan's initials were
not on the envelope in question, Harris decided to look more closely
at some of the other initials that appear on that piece of evidence.
And what did Mr. Harris find? He found that Audrey Bell's initials had
very likely been planted or forged onto CE842 (and somebody else's
initials had been crudely erased right underneath Bell's initials).

Harris makes this allegation regarding the alleged "forged" initials
of Audrey Bell in an Internet forum thread he started at John Simkin's
Education Forum last month, on April 19, 2010 (and he has probably
made the very same allegation here at the acj and aaj forums too):

"The FBI...altered the evidence envelope that held the bullet
and forged the name of nurse Audrey Bell, to make it appear that the
envelope held the fragments from Connally's wrist, instead of the
bullet from his leg." -- Robert Harris; 4/19/10

Well, here on May 16, 2010, eight months after the confirmation of
Bobby Nolan's initials on the envelope seen in CE842, I decided to
take another look at Bob Harris' video called "The Scam Of
CE399" (which was recently made available on Jim DiEugenio's
website as well).

And then I decided to perform the same simple piece of investigation
that ShutterBun had performed in September 2009 -- I simply turned
Commission Exhibit No. 842 upside-down and looked at the initials that
Harris is claiming are the "forged" initials of nurse Audrey Bell.

And what did I find?

I found that the initials that Harris believes are Bell's are, in
fact, the initials of Dallas Police Captain J. Will Fritz ("JWF").
Let's have a look:

Here's CE842 as it appears on page 841 of Warren Commission Volume 17:

And to confirm that the "JWF" initials that we see in CE842 are
consistent with the known handwriting of Captain John Will Fritz of
the Dallas Police Department, I looked up several different documents
that contained Fritz' signature, and I confirmed that the "JWF" seen
in CE842 does, indeed, match the handwriting of Fritz (see the three
examples linked below; and pay particular attention to the way Captain
Fritz writes the letter "W", with very sharp points at the bottom of
each "W"):

And, btw, in Robert Harris' very own telephone interview with Bobby
Nolan, Nolan told Harris that after he received the envelope from
Nurse Bell at Parkland, he then took the envelope to the Dallas Police
Department and turned it over to " Will Fritz' office":

"When I took the bullet down to the police department, I gave it
to someone there. .... IT WAS IN WILL FRITZ' OFFICE." -- Bobby N.
Nolan; Via telephone conversation between Nolan and Robert Harris;
circa 2009 (Emphasis added by DVP)

Therefore, it seems perfectly reasonable to find Fritz' initials
("JWF") on that envelope in CE842.

I guess Mr. Harris didn't learn his lesson last September. That lesson
being this one:

Before accusing people of planting or forging evidence in the JFK
murder case, be sure to look at all of the evidence UPSIDE-DOWN.

And that really should be an easy rule for conspiracy theorists to
follow too, because all of their theories about the JFK assassination
are always upside-down and topsy-turvy anyway.

So, I guess Bob Harris will need to revise his conspiracy theory
concerning CE842 yet again. And this time I would assume that Harris
will claim that Captain Fritz' "JWF" initials have been "forged" onto
the envelope.

Right, Bob?

Robert Harris

no leída,
16 may 2010, 20:31:5516/5/10

David, I believe you are right about the initials, and I want to
congratulate you for seeing what I and thousands of others overlooked. And
yes, it certainly makes sense that Fritz initialed the envelope because
Nolan took it to his office. Nonetheless, there are very obvious signs
that something was erased there and then written over, including fragments
from partially erased characters.

And the biggest problem still remains. Audrey Bell stated under oath
before the HSCA and the ARRB that she did indeed, initial that envelope.
And in fact, we know that no law enforcement people would have accepted it
if she had not.

Where are Bell's initials? I asked you this same question at and you have still not answered.

And do you really believe that Bell, who was a supervisor with years of
experience in that department, would walk out into the hallway and hold up
the envelope, saying "What do I do with this?"?

She was very specific that the people she gave the envelope containing
CE-842 to, were either FBI or Secret Service agents, wearing suits and
that they were not in uniform. And her description of events was totally
different than Nolan's. Most importantly, she knew exactly what was in
that envelope and it contained tiny fragments from the wrist. It makes no
sense at all to think that she would tell Nolan that it was bullet from
Connally's leg.

It makes no sense at all, to believe that Bell gave the envelope
containing the CE842 frags, to Nolan. That contradicts everything she said
and a great deal of what Nolan said.

BTW, would you please be specific about the "unsupportable crap" you
believe I made up, as you claimed in the other forum?

It's not particularly classy to find a relatively small error and then try
to blow that up into total incompetence on my part.

In fact, you have evaded the evidence and analysis in 99% of everything I
have posted in the forums and in my video presentations. I really don't
think you have earned the right to be blowing any victory trumpets.

Robert Harris

In article
David Von Pein <> wrote:


David Von Pein

no leída,
17 may 2010, 10:19:1317/5/10

>>> "It's not particularly classy to find a relatively small error and then try to blow that up into total incompetence on my part." <<<

LOL. You're a howl, Robert.

You did this very same thing TWICE when talking about the VERY SAME

At what point will you stop trying to prop up CE842 as being
fraudulent? Will it take a THIRD upside-side set of initials for you
to stop doing that?

Se ha eliminado el mensaje

Robert Harris

no leída,
18 may 2010, 1:09:2418/5/10
In article

David Von Pein <> wrote:

> >>> "I want to congratulate you for seeing what I and thousands of others
> >>> overlooked." <<<

> LOL.
> Who else in this wide world of ours--except you, Bob Harris--has ever
> implied that Audrey Bell's initials were "forged" onto Commission
> Exhibit No. 842?

David, I can't believe how hard you are trying to distort what I said.
Why do you feel compelled to twist my words to make it appear that I
said others "implied" that her initials were forged?

Neither I, nor thousands of others realized that the initials were
upside down and appeared to be Fritz's. Did you really not get that? If
so, I have to think that you are the only one.

And why are you evading issues that are infinitely more important?

That envelope was clearly altered David. Even you have never disputed
that fact. Look at this image which I brightened and sharpened a bit.
Notice the left over fragments of the characters that were partially
erased and overwritten and other characters that were entirely erased
but still visible when we enhance the image.

How do you explain that David?

Why is it more important to you, to post personal insults and call me
names, than to discuss the most significant evidence?

And how do you explain the missing initials by Bell? Not only did she
have to initial the envelope for the authorities, but she herself said
that it was standard procedure to do so. This is how she explained it to
the HSCA,

G: All right, after the objects are placed into the container by
either the doctor of the scrub nurse, what then occurs?

B: On that particular case they were given to me, and I took them in
my office and prepared one of our foreign body envelopes. . .

G: Foreign body envelopes? What is that, would you explain that?

B: We had a foreign body envelope in which we could record the name of
the patient, the hospital identification number, the foreign body with
the description, whether there were any markings on it, who the surgeon

Where are her initials, David?

And furthermore, when that envelope was delivered to the DPD, it
obviously, was not labeled as containing multiple fragments. Look
closely at the DPD listing for it.

Granted, they called it a fragment rather than a bullet. My own
suspicion is that it was mutilated to the extent that is would pass for
either. But either way, there was clearly, only ONE.

BTW, David you have been asserting over and over again, that the Secret
Service agents who refused to sign off on CE399, failed to initial the
bullet that Tomlinson found.

How did you make that discovery, David?

Please be specific.

I certainly make my share of mistakes, my friend. But they are indeed,

Robert Harris

David Von Pein

no leída,
18 may 2010, 11:45:2218/5/10

>>> "David, I can't believe how hard you are trying to distort what I said. Why do you feel compelled to twist my words to make it appear that I said others "implied" that her initials were forged?" <<<

Yes, Robert Harris, you're correct (this time). And that's precisely
why yesterday I deleted my two separate posts that I made at both acj
& aaj that contained that comment about others thinking Bell's
initials were "forged".

Perhaps, Bob, you are unaware that I deleted both of those posts many
hours before you wrote your last post concerning this matter. They
have been deleted off of the Google Groups server anyway. I can't
control all the other servers, however. But, I did delete those two
posts, because I agree with you that the comment wasn't totally
germane to this topic.

>>> "David, you have been asserting over and over again that the Secret Service agents who refused to sign off on CE399 failed to initial the bullet that Tomlinson found. How did you make that discovery, David?" <<<

Simple. Those Secret Service people (Johnsen and Rowley) said in June
1964 that they could not positively identify CE399 as the exact bullet
they each handled on 11/22/63. And that's because their initials
obviously are NOT on that bullet. Otherwise, they would have seen
their individual markings on the bullet (just like FBI agent Elmer
Todd did; Todd saw his mark on CE399 and said so in the FBI report
that can be found in CE2011, at 24 H 412):

Quite obviously, the Secret Service men who handled the bullet didn't
feel the need to initial the bullet at all. The only people who put
their mark on the bullet were the FBI people.

Naturally, all CTers will claim that this breaks the chain of custody
entirely (by not having Richard Johnsen's or James Rowley's initials
on CE399). But, of course, it doesn't break the chain at all. If
Oswald had stood trial for JFK's murder, the prosecuting attorney
would have merely called each man who handled the bullet to the stand
and asked them if they had received a whole bullet from another man on
November 22.

The answers from these witnesses, quite obviously, would establish the
fact that each man in the chain had, indeed, received a whole bullet
from another man on 11/22/63.

And the fact that Tomlinson, Wright, Johnsen, and Rowley said (in
CE2011) that they could not positively identify CE399 doesn't mean
that CE399 WASN'T the bullet that those four men handled on November

And the answer to this is really easy too -- HOW COULD those four men
have said with ironclad 100% certainty that CE399 was the EXACT same
bullet they each handled when they had no identifying marks on the
bullet to show it was the exact bullet?

If any of those men had stated: "Yes, I know that is the exact bullet
I touched on November 22", they would have been silly and
disingenuous. Because that whole bullet--CE399--pretty much looked
like ANY OTHER rifle bullet to those four men. Therefore, there's no
way they could have stamped CE399 as THE EXACT BULLET they touched on
November 22.

But the totality of evidence certainly indicates that CE399 WAS,
indeed, the same bullet those men failed to positively identify as the
stretcher bullet.

However, to a conspiracy theorist who is bent on ignoring the SBT, the
above logic regarding the very obvious reason for why Tomlinson,
Wright, Johnsen, and Rowley couldn't possibly have positively
identified CE399 will also be totally ignored (or misunderstood).

Right, Bob?

Robert Harris

no leída,
19 may 2010, 0:00:0019/5/10
In article

David Von Pein <> wrote:

> >>> "David, I can't believe how hard you are trying to distort what I said.
> >>> Why do you feel compelled to twist my words to make it appear that I said
> >>> others "implied" that her initials were forged?" <<<
> Yes, Robert Harris, you're correct (this time). And that's precisely
> why yesterday I deleted my two separate posts that I made at both acj
> & aaj that contained that comment about others thinking Bell's
> initials were "forged".
> Perhaps, Bob, you are unaware that I deleted both of those posts many
> hours before you wrote your last post concerning this matter. They
> have been deleted off of the Google Groups server anyway. I can't
> control all the other servers, however. But, I did delete those two
> posts, because I agree with you that the comment wasn't totally
> germane to this topic.

The problem David, is not that it isn't germaine. The problem is that it
was false and a misrepresentation of what I said.

> >>> "David, you have been asserting over and over again that the Secret
> >>> Service agents who refused to sign off on CE399 failed to initial the
> >>> bullet that Tomlinson found. How did you make that discovery, David?" <<<
> Simple. Those Secret Service people (Johnsen and Rowley) said in June
> 1964 that they could not positively identify CE399 as the exact bullet
> they each handled on 11/22/63. And that's because their initials
> obviously are NOT on that bullet.

And why is that "obvious" David?

Please be specific?

> Otherwise, they would have seen
> their individual markings on the bullet (just like FBI agent Elmer
> Todd did; Todd saw his mark on CE399 and said so in the FBI report
> that can be found in CE2011, at 24 H 412):

You have no idea what Todd said. You only know what the FBI claimed he
said. The FBI lied about Odum interviewing Wright and Tomlinson and they
lied when they told the WC that they only brought in one bullet from
Parkland to their labs. Their own documents proved that they brought in

Why would you base your entire case on an FBI whose documented policy
was that "the public must be convinced.." that there was no conspiracy??

> Quite obviously, the Secret Service men who handled the bullet didn't
> feel the need to initial the bullet at all.

That is not "obvious" at all. Oswald was still alive then and they would
have been fanatically meticulous about documenting the chain of
possession. Why do you assume they would be that irresponsible?

> The only people who put
> their mark on the bullet were the FBI people.

Prove it.

> Naturally, all CTers will claim that this breaks the chain of custody
> entirely (by not having Richard Johnsen's or James Rowley's initials
> on CE399). But, of course, it doesn't break the chain at all. If
> Oswald had stood trial for JFK's murder, the prosecuting attorney
> would have merely called each man who handled the bullet to the stand
> and asked them if they had received a whole bullet from another man on
> November 22.


Total BS! The fallacy of your claim is that if a piece of evidence like
that is not initialed, then there is NO WAY it could be positively
identified. And for exactly the same reason that you claim the two SS
agents couldn't identify it.

> The answers from these witnesses, quite obviously, would establish the
> fact that each man in the chain had, indeed, received a whole bullet
> from another man on 11/22/63.

So, they take the stand and declare that they cannot positively identify
the bullet???

That certainly would be impressive, eh David:-)

> And the fact that Tomlinson, Wright, Johnsen, and Rowley said (in
> CE2011) that they could not positively identify CE399 doesn't mean
> that CE399 WASN'T the bullet that those four men handled on November
> 22nd.

Both Odum and Tomlinson said the stretcher bullet was shaped differently
from CE399 and Tomlinson said the bullet did not come from Connally's

It was unanimous David ALL FOUR of them refused to ID CE399.

Live with it.

> And the answer to this is really easy too -- HOW COULD those four men
> have said with ironclad 100% certainty that CE399 was the EXACT same
> bullet they each handled when they had no identifying marks on the
> bullet to show it was the exact bullet?

Just don't forget to post your proof that no-one initialed the bullet,

And explain to us why Rowley and Johnsen were not fired for gross

> If any of those men had stated: "Yes, I know that is the exact bullet
> I touched on November 22", they would have been silly and
> disingenuous. Because that whole bullet--CE399--pretty much looked
> like ANY OTHER rifle bullet to those four men. Therefore, there's no
> way they could have stamped CE399 as THE EXACT BULLET they touched on
> November 22.


> But the totality of evidence certainly indicates that CE399 WAS,
> indeed, the same bullet those men failed to positively identify as the
> stretcher bullet.

David THERE IS NO EVIDENCE outside of the FBI to verify the legitimacy
of CE399.

All four men refused to confirm it.

By contrast, Gov. Connally, his top aide Bill Stinson, Dallas DA Henry
Wade, officer Nolan and the nurse who recovered the real bullet ALL
confirmed that it fell from Gonnally's leg and was recovered by the

David she SHOWED it to Wade, who said she was holding that bullet in her

The envelope which supposedly contained WC exhibit CE842 was obviously,
altered, with initials overwritten on partially or totally erased,
previous characters.

Even YOU don't dispute that fact, David.

Based on Bell's testimony to the HSCA and the ARRB, she could not
possibly have been the same nurse who gave the original envelope to
Nolan, which is why her initials are nowhere on it.

Robert Harris


no leída,
19 may 2010, 17:27:2219/5/10
On May 16, 4:05 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:

> In September of 2009, conspiracy theorist Robert Harris started the
> forum thread linked above, wherein he was positive that Texas Highway
> Patrol Officer Bobby M. Nolan had not placed his initials on
> Commission Exhibit No. 842 (the "foreign body" envelope containing
> bullet fragments removed from Governor Connally's wrist), which is an
> envelope that Nolan received from Parkland Hospital nurse Audrey Bell.
> Harris said this in the above-linked thread:
>       "The [Connally] fragments were labelled as CE842. .... Where do
> you see Nolan's initials [on CE842]? .... There is NO envelope among
> all the records that are available to the public which contain Nolan's
> initials. That envelope was destroyed." -- Robert Harris; September 8,
> 2009
> But when eagle-eyed "ShutterBun" discovered the very next day that
> Bobby Nolan's initials were, in fact, on CE842 (but the envelope
> needed to be turned upside-down to read the initials properly), Bob
> Harris was forced to eat a substantial bit of crow concerning this
> issue and was forced to acknowledge that Nolan's initials are, indeed,
> visible on CE842.
> Here is ShutterBun's 9/9/09 post concerning the verification of
> Nolan's initials:

> Here's CE842 as it appears on page 841 of Warren Commission Volume 17:


I have about 1000 questions regarding this issue, but I'll start with
a few easy ones about the initials themselves.
1. See that strange line that begins way outside of the lower left-
hand corner of the letter that is supposed to be a capital J and ends
in the upper right-hand corner? Just what exactly is it doing
2. What is that awkward slash that appears to the lower left of the W
supposed to signify?
3. What was Fritz trying to do with that capital L that appears to be
tumbling out of the bottom of his F?

Have you found any examples of such unusual embellishments in other
handwriting samples attributed to Captain Fritz? Because the samples
that you've provided seem pretty staid compared to the fancy shmancy
frippery that Fritz was apparently attempting on this envelope. I had
no idea that he was that kind of guy!

David Von Pein

no leída,
19 may 2010, 17:33:4519/5/10

>>> "The envelope which supposedly contained WC exhibit CE842 was
obviously, altered, with initials overwritten on partially or totally
erased, previous characters." <<<

Prove it.

And since you don't trust the FBI any further than you can throw them, it
wouldn't matter if Rowley & Johnsen had initialed CE399 or not. We'd still
have CTers of your general ilk who would simply claim "The FBI forged
Johnsen's & Rowley's initials on the bullet". The same way your distrust
of the FBI in general has led to believe the FBI lied and only SAID in
2011 that Todd said he saw his initials on CE399.

I, however, don't belong to such a group of distrusting disbelievers. The
FBI document, CE2011, says that Todd identified CE399 via his own initials
being seen on the bullet--and I believe that's true. If you think the FBI
lied--fine. It won't be the first time a CTer thinks somebody lied in this
case. But, I, OTOH, am always very careful about who it is I label as a

You, howeverm Bob Harris, don't care how many people you have to label
with the L word in order to make your conspiracy fantasy come true in your
mind. If the number of lying scumbags reaches 200, that's just fine with
Robert Harris. Then 200 liars it will be.



On September 6, 1997, John McAdams said:

OK, let's start with where it ended up (Frazier and the FBI) and work

Frazier testified about how he got the bullet from Elmer Todd (3H428).
Both Todd and Frazier had marked their initials on the bullet (CE 2011).

Todd had gotten the bullet from James Rowley, of the Secret Service.
Rowley had gotten it from an agent, Richard Johnsen. Johnsen filed a
report about getting the bullet (18H798-799), and forwarded a note along
with the bullet (18H800). The note said, in part, " . . . the attached
expended bullet was received by me about 5 minutes prior to Mrs. Kennedy's
departure from the hospital."

The note further named the "person from whom I received this bullet" as
O.P. Wright.

I can't find any WC testimony from O.P. Wright, although CE 2011 records
that he passed the bullet along. And then, we have Tomlinson's WC
testimony that he gave the bullet to Wright, and Johnsen's written
statements that he got the bullet from Wright.

Further, Thompson interviewed Wright in 1966. He managed to get Wright to
say that CE 399 didn't look like the bullet that he had handled, but he
never for an instant denied getting the bullet from Tomlinson and giving
it to Johnsen. SSID, p. 175.

Translation: CE 399 would have been perfectly admissible. At most, the
Oswald prosecution would have had to call some of these guys to the stand.

Of course, this "admissibility" business is a red herring anyway. Evidence
can be admissible, and forged, or inadmissible and absolutely dispositive
where *historical* judgments are concerned.




John McAdams also says this on his website:

"Bullets and other physical evidence need not be marked to be
admissible in trails. This brief [linked below] submitted by the
prosecution in the O.J. Simpson civil trial makes this clear."

David Von Pein

no leída,
19 may 2010, 22:53:2219/5/10

>>> "David, I have about 1000 questions regarding this issue, but I'll
start with a few easy ones about the initials themselves. 1. See that

strange line that begins way outside of the lower left-hand corner of the

letter that is supposed to be a capital J and ends in the upper right-hand
corner? Just what exactly is it doing there?" <<<

I haven't the foggiest.

>>> "2. What is that awkward slash that appears to the lower left of the W
supposed to signify?" <<<

I haven't the foggiest.

>>> "3. What was Fritz trying to do with that capital L that appears to be
tumbling out of the bottom of his F?" <<<

The initials, including the F, are all totally consistent with the
handwriting of John Will Fritz that can be found on other documents signed
by Mr. Fritz, such as this example below (with two other examples provided
earlier in this thread):

>>> "Have you found any examples of such unusual embellishments in other
handwriting samples attributed to Captain Fritz?" <<<


But, then again, why would I be expected to find such "embellishments",
which are really not "embellishments" at all. They are merely random
markings on a piece of paper (envelope) which has some of the initials
being placed on the item upside-down, while others are placed on the item

I was going to postulate the notion that three of the oddball markings
that surround Captain Fritz' initials on CE842 were merely large "periods"
to punctuate each of his three initials (J.W.F.), because the location of
three of those marks are just about in the proper locations on the
envelope that would make such a suggestion a possibility, similar to the
rather large-sized periods that Bobby M. Nolan utilized when he initialed
the very same envelope (B.M.N.), which are bigger than just the pinpoint
type of periods that usually accompany a person's initials....but I doubt
I could convince any of the conspiracy-seeking individuals in this
Internet locality that those markings are, indeed, "periods". (But maybe
Captain FRitz was nervous that day when he initialed CE842, and all of his
punctuation mushroomed into lines, instead of dots for his periods.)

Anyway, the fact obviously remains that J. Will Fritz positively did place
his initials (JWF) on Commission Exhibit No. 842.

If you want to discuss the logicality of some dumbbell at the DPD or FBI
(or wherever) deciding to ERASE someone else's initials on that envelope,
and having that dumbbell/idiot deciding to NOT ERASE ALL OF THE INITIALS
(when the goof certainly COULD have erased all of it), then I guess we
could take a few days to discuss that sub-topic, Karin.

However, instead of performing that type of humorous exercise, I'd rather
continue to verbally poke Robert Harris in the eye a few more times for
his willingness (even eagerness) to label additional unnamed members of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation as "liars" and evidence- tamperers
with regard to Warren Commission Exhibit No. 842.

This quote from the electronic lips of Robert Harris (culled from one of
his posts at The Education Forum on April 19, 2010), will stand forever as
a good example of the level of a conspiracy theorist's willingness to grab
at any straw he can invent, in order to smear the authorities who handled
the evidence connected with John F. Kennedy's assassination:

"The FBI...altered the evidence envelope that held the bullet and
forged the name of nurse Audrey Bell, to make it appear that the envelope
held the fragments from Connally's wrist, instead of the bullet from his

leg." -- Robert Harris; 04/19/2010

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