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Re: Ping: Those interested in my findings...Re: Warning Potential Spyware [Dick and Jane Posting] - How to information 4 new posters - the abc of abcp minus Fluff

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Papa Joe Mama

25 Aug 2007, 10:28:2925/08/2007
to (Extonet)
>On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:15:19 GMT, Dustin Cook
><> threw a hissy fit:
>> (Extonet) wrote in
>>>Hey sweet pea - here's a UFF post made about three years ago:
>>>That post was injected using a proprietary tool we created for UFF
>>>internal use only, and it contains proprietary hidden data for UFF
>>>internal use only.
>>>There is nothing particularly private about that hidden data, but we
>>>could easily have altered our tool to embed EXTREMELY private data
>>>using the same principle.
>>>You waddle back here in an hour mysteriously citing
>>>, claiming you've examined the output of Caputo's
>>>open-source-turned-closed-source NARCware and find nothing unsafe
>>>about it - we contend you're incompetent to perform the analysis.
>>>Demonstrate your true skills by posting the hidden data we embedded in
>>>the above referenced post. If you're unable to do so, you're unable to
>>>recognize hidden data even when you're staring right at it. Such a
>>>person would certainly be unable to judge whether or not a
>>>closed-source binary is spewing out data it shouldn't.
>>I'm not interested in any posts. I simply provided my analysis. I don't
>>care if you agree or disagree with it.

You got manulipated you dumb jacksss.

Any competent programmer can
>>easily duplicate my results. And judging from the reports I've gotten
>>back from various antivirus companies; who would be able to find
>>"malicious" code if there was any, I'm in the right when I say there is
>>Who is we exactly? The information I provided can easily be checked out
>>by any other competent third party. If your only a warez puppy and don't
>>actually have coding skills, it's not hard to imagine why you think the
>>guys executables are somehow "protected".
>>I have a better idea, and it's quicker. Provide the reference points in
>>the executable where this so called hidden data is present. I'm looking
>>at a disassembly of it in ida pro, so I amusingly await your response to
>>my question.
>>You couldn't even determine the executable packer applied (it's
>>asprotect), so it's no wonder you think it somehow has hidden magic
>>You do understand that reverse engineering is all about that binary,
>>right? I'm getting the funny impression that you don't actually have
>>coding experience. It's alright, I really don't mind your critism. Like
>>I said, I provided urls where I got the binaries, and anybody is
>>perfectly capable of checking the claims I've made out, assuming they
>>actually do have programming experience. You obviously don't. :)
>>X-Face: Ak**Y:8k`M[oxr~{i_h{9Xy9HaBpbiI2d=3Gm\.b&V$L.;gQrr@/oB33W>Hpsn=,D
>>*yawn*. This has nothing to do with my analysis of the software, warez
>>pup. Why am I getting the impression that the word disassembly is beyond
>>your comprehension? Oh wait, that's right; because you UFF fuckwits told
>>me the executable is somehow "protected" and can't be reverse engineered.
>>I bet your injection tool is some POS hll coded program that does a text
>>insert. Looks like uuencoded data stream or some other horse shit. Either
>>way, worthless and isn't even what I was talking about.
>>And nobody aside from those using the "tool" would be able to read it.
>>Your talking about a cypher, not an executable hiding malicious code to
>>do malicious things. The executable would have a decrypter if that was
>>the case, and it would be visible via a disassembly.

Too fast Dustbin! I have a string in my headers and the poster
doesn't have a damn decrypter but I can decrypt it, you lying k00k.
What you're saying about sharkshit is bullshit when YOU know you don't
have the right exe on hand to check.

>>The fact I even had to explain that simple difference is almost scary.
>>UFF might have some okay programmers, but I doubt your one of them.

"excuse Dustbin as he reinflates his fucking head"

>>Cracking a cypher is not the same as reverse engineering a binary.

Duh "The sun is overhead today"

Got anymore perals to cast before the swine, Dustbaggie?

>>Obviously this is a pointless discussion as you don't know the difference
>>between encryption and executable code.

It became pointless as soon as the k00k brigade stepped in to post
their "just a little bit early" wise-ass comments about how you WONT
find anything because there was "nothing to find".

Guess what happened Dustbin? You got duped by a pack of lowbrow
warez k00ks who fed you a perfectly clean build of hitware that is not the
as the version he posted all over usenet.

>>Hmm. I'm still used to the irc thing, so Ping I will continue to use.

It's just the keyword to signal pedophiles, your affinity for the term doesn't
say much for your credibility "crackerboi"

>>*yawn*. Your not actually a programmer eh?
>>The algorithm this tool uses please?
>Oh - so you're saying - please show you where and how we hid the data, and
>then you'll be able to tell us what the data is?

That's exactly what hes saying, and it's a repition of "Bill" akulas DEFENSE


>>As far as my credibility is concerned, I already provided urls where you
>>can check me out, warez pup.

Dustbin your too funny! Three years after akula pumped his piece of shitware out
the only person he's found to look at it is you "Dustbin Kook" of the hotly debated
"Bugshiter" and bugshit does what, oh yes it rips the registry on windows machines
apart <BSEG>


>Try not to bust a blood vessel, Dustbin - from the looks of things you're
>even more delicate than "twinky".

"I'm a cracker"
The dying coackroach words of the uberkook

>And as far as your credibility is concerned, sweet pea, YOU'VE GOT NONE.
>All we needed to do was show you a real-world example of a post where
>hidden data was deliberately embedded into the Usenet stream using a
>proprietary tool - you thereafter looked STRAIGHT AT THE FUCKING POST and
>you COULD NOT see the data! So how the FUCK do you think a challenged
>wannabe like yourself would ever be able to identify hidden data spewed
>from Caputo's "NarcPost", where a payload could be a tiny group of bytes
>scattered in any one or more of THOUSANDS of places in any one or more of
>THOUSANDS of segments? Where only the person (or agency) with the tool to
>decipher a given algorithm can find specific data?
>You CAN'T do it, peewee - PERIOD.

Dustbins a fucking k00k looking for free publicity

>And for your information we never encountered a SINGLE antivirus or
>antitrojan utility that gave off an alarm when running that posting tool,
>hidden data and all! Funny how it ended up. <G>
>So go take your "analysis", write it on a piece of toilet paper and wipe
>your ass with it - that's how much value it has. Caputo could embed any
>one of THOUSANDS of bits of identifying data and you could look STRAIGHT
>at them - just like you looked STRAIGHT at the post we showed you - and
>never have the SLIGHTEST fucking clue what you're really seeing.

Did the k00ks think they would fool anyone with another round of the
same tired bullshit? GoTdamn they retarded

It's not the same compiled exe akula posted to usenet, therefor
the compiled exe that akula posts is still **SUSPECT** and it
always will be. No one in their right mind will touch akulas POS
including the oh - so conveniently appearing "Dustbin Kook"
coder of "Bughunter" which is the center of endkess k00k
debates on it's own. Who's supposed to trust software coming
from self-proclaimed "crackers"? These are not "GOOD" guys.

Any publicity is good publicity, if you want to help someone
in business all you have to do is slam them and the ignorant
public rushes in to buy whatever POS they're selling. AV firms
have known it for years, and cooking up trojans and virii
probably happens to ensure their cashflow stays up.I'll dig out
the URL of one k00k who makes millions a year showing his
personal email where he begging a writer with PRIDE to start
a second contraversy over his shitware, because nothing sold
"his" software like a good expose!

How the fuck Dustbin justifys sandboxing the exe and proclamiming
it clean when posterthread.cpp and the sources for various builds are
available is a fine mystery. He could have compiled a working version
from good sources and ran comparisons of the functions side-by-side
instead of using a simplistic once off "I've looked at it as a cracker"

One k00k to fuxor the code
Two k00ks to run interfernece behind him
Third k00k to punk the code
And the k00k circle-jerk stays unbroken



Akulas "Precioussssssssss" got a new coat of whitewarsh is all

>Now piss off like a good doggie, or else we'll post a picture of a tulip
>and steganographically tell you to go fuck yourself. ROFLMGDAO!!!!!

shhh! The uberk00k might start adjusting the controls on -

From: Dustin Cook <>
Message-ID: <Xns999724EEA72...@>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:32:38 GMT

> Times have changed, greatly.. but I was there the night [CDT TZ)
> the *.doc file (that was Melissa) was posted to ACV and the hex

So was I. I was in the process of relocating due to the FBI hitting the
site I hosted. As I said, I'm not a newbie. I'm
just a good guy now.

> ___ ___ ___
> / /\ / /\ / /\
> / /:/ / /::\ / /::\
> / /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\
> /__/:/ /\ / /::\ \:\ / /::\ \:\
> \ \:\ /:/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/\:\ \:\
> \ \:\/:/ \__\/ \:\_\/ \__\/ \:\_\/
> \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \:\
> \__\/ \__\/ \__\/
> -=- Usenet Freedom Fighters -=-
> Liberty and Justice For ALL
> Please read "Dustin Cook: Not Even an Amateur Coder!"
> Don't Be a Thumper...and DON'T LET THEM THUMP YOU!
> -=- "Since 1998!" -=-
>From: degaussed <dega...@bcrenznvy.pbz>
>Subject: Re: New To The Warez Groups? The Friendly WarezFaQ
>Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 09:42:40 -0500
>Message-ID: <3f76b343....@>
>The original PP2K source code is widely available. Sharkpost - is
>a lone users project, modifying the original authors source code.
>Where is it a requirement that modifications to the source code
>are to be open to the public? The modified source code akula
>created isn't required to be made public... the fact is there is
>nothing "In the spirit" that is wrong with not releasing the
>source code. It is the authors perogative, and akula has decided
>not to release it. That in and of it self should be the end of the
>discussion. Chris' own words below:
>From: ((akula))
>Newsgroups: alt.binaries.cracks
>Subject: Re: (akula) the RAT Works for BSA!
>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 17:45:21 GMT
>Message-ID: <>
>The SPA will be contacting you too, and I just got off the phone
>with Microsoft. The FBI Agent is out of the office, but they may
>be contacting you too. Yo' in a ho' heep o' trubble, boy.
>From: ((akula))
>Newsgroups: alt.binaries.cracks
>Subject: Re: Warning! Dangerous Suspects
>Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 14:35:43 GMT
>Message-ID: <>
>Here's a clue for you - I know a couple of FBI Agents. You can
>blame ME for every account you lose.
>From: ((akula))
>Subject: Re: Get Best Warez Software Here!
>Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 17:42:47 GMT
>Message-ID: <>
> and notified by me
>From: tiburó ((akula))
>Subject: Re: ATTN: SPA I've learned my lesson and followed the rules
>Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:13:28 GMT
>Message-ID: <>
>Don't look to me for help when you're served with a warrant.

Papa Joe Mama

25 Aug 2007, 11:37:3925/08/2007

>Thank you for your time and efforts. BTW, the person who is claiming to be
>"The UFF" is "The UFF". He posts under multiple names in order to appear to
>be an "organization".

Thanks for letting up know YOU are the UFF.
Always thought it was akulas invention to stir up shit.

Now we know, it's been you akulak00ka all along.


One k00k to fuxor the code
Two k00ks to run interfernece behind him
Third k00k to punk the code
And the k00k circle-jerk stays unbroken

Dustbin Crook

25 Aug 2007, 12:21:5325/08/2007
This is just in from respected independent technology
research teams. Read their full report online at:

Removal of the infected executeable sharkpost.exe is easily
performed by deleting it and the zipped files containing the

Yours trully, together in god we growth.

Dustbin Crook

How do you tell when rH is going to nym shift?
>Cometh the Hour

How does rH have sex?
>Cometh the Man

Where do ozztrich fags send email?

Dustbin Crook

25 Aug 2007, 13:32:0425/08/2007
The findings I posted can easily be verified by anyone else
The UFF was right, apparently they are always right.

IE: If you use that application it munges some headers, and strange
http post code sends to some database with your login and password.
Obviously this is how the program enables the person behind it to
steal usenet accounts and make posts in your name. And I can show it
doing so! LoL.

Itseems "Bill" or Akula has a very insecure ability to work and play well
with others, understanding why he enabled this program to steal from the
warez people who he sits around all day long while engaging everyone in
flame wars is a stretch of the imagination.

As to his intrest in stenography, real programmers dont really work
like that, for some reason other peoples activites on usenet scare him
or he wouldnt have written any additional code into a perfectly
functioning program that was freely downloadable on the internet.
The fact he needed help from generic code repositories to make any
changes to the program is hillarious. I've read his essay on you people
but I'm not going to waste time ripping him apart he's a k00k, and any
competent programmer can already see he's just an ass raping moron.

> Thank you for your efforts.

Hey it's no problem.

Blind Bob

25 Aug 2007, 16:56:5825/08/2007
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 06:30:05 GMT, (Extonet)

In this week's episode of "The Uffie the Clown Show" we have seen:

Uffie cross posting his nonsense to alt.comp.virus. No doubt forced to do
so by, Bill, who used the old Jedi mind trick that only works on the simple

Then we saw uffie ask someone (Dustin Cook) to examine Sharkpost for
sinister intent.

We saw Mr. Cook state there is nothing sinister in the copies of Sharkpost
that can be found on download sites.

"Uffie the Clown", with his bubble burst, is now trying to discredit, Mr.
Cook, the person he enlisted to examine Sharkpost.

Now we have added new people from the groups he cross posted to, roaring
with laughter at his antics.

What mirth will he bring us in the next exciting episode of "The Uffie the
Clown Show"?


25 Aug 2007, 18:45:4825/08/2007
This post, Blind Bob <>
may be monitored for quality assurance:

I liked the part where they enlisted someone to find malicious intent
and back-stabbed the guy, and attacked his findings when he didn't fall
in line with his claims.

It's amazing how fast Mjolner will turn on a person when he isn't getting
his way... I can only wonder how quickly he would dime out some of his
"friends" to escape prison.

If I were in his "gaggle" of friends I would be very worried about that
and exactly how much trust I would be putting into him and his claims.

Of course, his friends would have to be intelligent for something like
that to happen and all we've seen so far are some rather dumb ass people.

Your prayers are always answered.............. the order they're received.

"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
Real Pirates are no pirates at all.
They don't kill for their reputation
...they earn it.


Dustin Cook

25 Aug 2007, 21:27:5725/08/2007
TheApostle <> wrote in

> This post, Blind Bob <>
> Message-ID:<<uI0Ai.17141$>>
> may be monitored for quality assurance:
>|On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 06:30:05 GMT,
>|(Extonet) wrote:
>|In this week's episode of "The Uffie the Clown Show" we have seen:
>|Uffie cross posting his nonsense to alt.comp.virus. No doubt forced to
>|do so by, Bill, who used the old Jedi mind trick that only works on
>|the simple minded.
>|Then we saw uffie ask someone (Dustin Cook) to examine Sharkpost for
>|sinister intent.
>|We saw Mr. Cook state there is nothing sinister in the copies of
>|Sharkpost that can be found on download sites.
>|"Uffie the Clown", with his bubble burst, is now trying to discredit,
>|Mr. Cook, the person he enlisted to examine Sharkpost.
>|Now we have added new people from the groups he cross posted to,
>|roaring with laughter at his antics.
>|What mirth will he bring us in the next exciting episode of "The Uffie
>|the Clown Show"?
> I liked the part where they enlisted someone to find malicious intent
> and back-stabbed the guy, and attacked his findings when he didn't
> fall in line with his claims.

Hard to fall in line when there is no code to support the claims. Anyone
who's already examined it before myself, and i'm sure people have;
already knew that I wouldn't find anything. To claim otherwise would be a
false statement on my part, and clearly an incompetent thing to do.

I have no personal interest in the program, I was invited to take a look
and did so. I didn't find anything malicious, or it would have been added
to BugHunter. I don't understand why some people seem to think I'm
intentionally ignoring malicious software or something. I write a
detection and removal tool. If the binaries in question had malicious
code, BugHunter would be informing the user they had it on their system.

I've diassembled many executables (don't believe me? checkout the long
list of crap known to BugHunter), I can find malicious code when it's
present. In this case, none is. I can't make that any simpler.

They have issues with the guy, and I don't know them or him. I only know
that the binaries I looked at are not malicious as was claimed. I know
nothing about either persons posting history, sock puppet amounts or
anything else, and I really don't care too.

If anyone still for whatever reason thinks i'm trying to bs anybody here,
I invite that person to read the entire google archive on me, and make up
your own mind. I don't claim to be an angel, far from it. One thing I'm
not however is a bullshitter or amatuer programmer.

As far as I'm concerned, the matter is closed.

> Of course, his friends would have to be intelligent for something like
> that to happen and all we've seen so far are some rather dumb ass
> people.

Dustin Cook
Author of BugHunter - MalWare Removal Tool - v2.2c

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

27 Aug 2007, 01:24:4827/08/2007
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 23:13:25 -0500, DJStrife <> wrote:

>In article <6%Lzi.4856$oh1.4281@trnddc04>, says...
>> Blind Bob <> wrote:
>> >On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:50:27 GMT, Bill <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>Bill <> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>TheApostle wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>[...]
>> >>>>>Is this the best you can come back with, Mjolner?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Of course it is.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>I'd appreciate it if you didn't crosspost to alt.comp.virus.
>> >>>>Mr. Cook doesn't need any further comment on the validity of
>> >>>>the claims being made. All further crossposting will do is
>> >>>>annoy him.
>> >>>
>> >>>So?
>> >>
>> >>A dear.
>> >
>> >A name he calls himself.
>> If we smeared lipstick on the doe, what are the odds he'd grope it?
>No one wants to hear about your sexual perversions kook.

But, "Translation: TA: jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk, splurt ahhhhhh! GitRDunce:
jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk, splurt ahhhhhh! TA: I came first, I get to eat
the cracker! GitRDunce: Not! I got dibs!" is music to Zekey-poo's


Every wonder who the biggest liar is on Usenet?

When someone asked, "So, ask yourself, why even bother to read
messages from MoeJoe, Zeke or the man of 1,000 names. They
never have anything new, useful or meaningful to say. They
garner no respect and have no credibility. So, why bother
with them at all?", Mjølnër, who buys the ink for his poisoned
pen from the Father of Lies, let fly his greatest whopper:

"Because we are the only source of truth in these groups."

Ever wonder who the biggest baby is on Usenet?

When UFF lickspittle, John_S, asked why the UFF had sporged
his favorite group,,
yet again, the UFF put aside his pacifier long enough to mewl:

"Crap like Message-ID: <>
posted by group regulars results in appropriate attitude readjustments."

And here is the message that made the UFF go -ahem- Batty:

Message-ID: <>

Yes well no doctor can help you with your predicament, can they:
No cure for being an uffie asshole ... or perhaps there is, why don't
you go play on the interstate highway (G).


The New and Improved UFF sig:

___ ___ ___
/ /\ / /\ / /\
/ /:/ / /::\ / /::\
/ /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\
/__/:/ /\ / /::\ \:\ / /::\ \:\
\ \:\ /:/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/\:\ \:\
\ \:\/:/ \__\/ \:\_\/ \__\/ \:\_\/
\ \::/ \ \:\ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/

-=- Usenet Diaper Dandies -=-
Liberty and Talcum Powder For ALL

Please read

-=- "Whining Since 1998!" -=-

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

27 Aug 2007, 01:25:0027/08/2007
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:56:18 GMT, Bill <> wrote:

>Blind Bob <> wrote:
>>On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:50:27 GMT, Bill <> wrote:
>>>Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>>>>Bill <> wrote:
>>>>>TheApostle wrote:
>>>>>>Is this the best you can come back with, Mjolner?
>>>>>Of course it is.
>>>>>I'd appreciate it if you didn't crosspost to alt.comp.virus.
>>>>>Mr. Cook doesn't need any further comment on the validity of
>>>>>the claims being made. All further crossposting will do is
>>>>>annoy him.
>>>A dear.
>>A name he calls himself.
>If we smeared lipstick on the doe, what are the odds he'd grope it?

Are you referring to Mr. Burnore? If so, pleace to specify age of said

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

27 Aug 2007, 17:24:4527/08/2007
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:28:29 +0000 (UTC), Papa Joe Mama <p...@toe.jam>
set Followup-To: alt.argus,alt.usenet.kooks to hide his humiliation
and frothed:

> (Extonet)
>>On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:15:19 GMT, Dustin Cook
>><> threw a hissy fit:
>>> (Extonet) wrote in
>>>>Hey sweet pea - here's a UFF post made about three years ago:
>>>>That post was injected using a proprietary tool we created for UFF
>>>>internal use only, and it contains proprietary hidden data for UFF
>>>>internal use only.

You found a way to hide KP in your headers? Wow, I is impressed!

>>>>There is nothing particularly private about that hidden data, but we
>>>>could easily have altered our tool to embed EXTREMELY private data
>>>>using the same principle.
>>>>You waddle back here in an hour mysteriously citing
>>>>, claiming you've examined the output of Caputo's
>>>>open-source-turned-closed-source NARCware and find nothing unsafe
>>>>about it - we contend you're incompetent to perform the analysis.

Then create a proprietary tool for UFF internal use only -ROTFLMAO- to
find the malicious code in Sharkpost and show Mr. Cook for the lamer
he is! Surely the UFF has any number of "operatives" who are

"competent to perform the analysis."

>>>>Demonstrate your true skills by posting the hidden data we embedded in
>>>>the above referenced post. If you're unable to do so, you're unable to
>>>>recognize hidden data even when you're staring right at it. Such a
>>>>person would certainly be unable to judge whether or not a
>>>>closed-source binary is spewing out data it shouldn't.
>>>I'm not interested in any posts. I simply provided my analysis. I don't
>>>care if you agree or disagree with it.
> You got manulipated you dumb jacksss.

ROTFLMAO! More like some people's pet fantasy got mangled.

> Any competent programmer can
>>>easily duplicate my results. And judging from the reports I've gotten
>>>back from various antivirus companies; who would be able to find
>>>"malicious" code if there was any, I'm in the right when I say there is
>>>Who is we exactly? The information I provided can easily be checked out
>>>by any other competent third party. If your only a warez puppy and don't
>>>actually have coding skills, it's not hard to imagine why you think the
>>>guys executables are somehow "protected".
>>>I have a better idea, and it's quicker. Provide the reference points in
>>>the executable where this so called hidden data is present. I'm looking
>>>at a disassembly of it in ida pro, so I amusingly await your response to
>>>my question.

I suggest, Mr. Cook, that you find something to occupy your time for
the next millennium while you're waiting for these nimrods to provide
anything besides innuendo and smears. <g>

Poor baby, you and the UFF and the WebFaq team should have seen that
Mr. Cook was provided with the correct .exe containing the malicious
code that you all have been mewling about all this time. Now all you
have left is coming on Usenet and weeping all over the place.

>>>The fact I even had to explain that simple difference is almost scary.
>>>UFF might have some okay programmers, but I doubt your one of them.
> "excuse Dustbin as he reinflates his fucking head"

He's probably using all the hot air loosed when he punctured the hopes
of all you UFFies and WebFAQers.

>>>Cracking a cypher is not the same as reverse engineering a binary.
> Duh "The sun is overhead today"
> Got anymore perals to cast before the swine, Dustbaggie?

I suggest Mr. Cook not cast any more pearls to you little piggies;
you're choking on the one he did cast. ROTFLMAO!

>>>Obviously this is a pointless discussion as you don't know the difference
>>>between encryption and executable code.
> It became pointless as soon as the k00k brigade stepped in to post
> their "just a little bit early" wise-ass comments about how you WONT
> find anything because there was "nothing to find".
> Guess what happened Dustbin? You got duped by a pack of lowbrow
> warez k00ks who fed you a perfectly clean build of hitware that is not the
> as the version he posted all over usenet.

Well, d00d, just provide Mr. Cook with a version of the hitware akula
posted all over Usenet and I'm sure he'll make num-nums all better.

>>>Hmm. I'm still used to the irc thing, so Ping I will continue to use.
> It's just the keyword to signal pedophiles,

It is? Sez who?

> your affinity for the term doesn't
> say much for your credibility "crackerboi"

No, you complete dumbshit, it doesn't impact his credibility as a
cracker at all. Even if he were a pedo, it wouldn't impact his
credibility as a cracker.

Make some more moronic arguments, so's I can laff at you some more.

>>>*yawn*. Your not actually a programmer eh?
>>>The algorithm this tool uses please?
>>Oh - so you're saying - please show you where and how we hid the data, and
>>then you'll be able to tell us what the data is?
> That's exactly what hes saying, and it's a repition of "Bill" akulas DEFENSE

IOW, neither of you bozos have any idea what Mr. Clark asked for.

>>>As far as my credibility is concerned, I already provided urls where you
>>>can check me out, warez pup.
> Dustbin your too funny! Three years after akula pumped his piece of shitware out
> the only person he's found to look at it is you "Dustbin Kook" of the hotly debated
> "Bugshiter" and bugshit does what, oh yes it rips the registry on windows machines
> apart <BSEG>
> mheh

Oh, dear, I distinctly remember the UFF politely asking Mr. Cook to
look at akula's "shitware."

And I just don't understand why you all are squealing like stuck pigs


>>Try not to bust a blood vessel, Dustbin - from the looks of things you're
>>even more delicate than "twinky".
> "I'm a cracker"
> The dying coackroach words of the uberkook

Akula cracked for ZFrog, punk. Does that tell you anything, crybaby?

>>And as far as your credibility is concerned, sweet pea, YOU'VE GOT NONE.

"You're welcome, Dustin. And thank you in advance for hopefully adding
it, everyone contributing a small bit and passing on the word can help
a lot."

Oh, this is better than when Tripp and BuZZard slipped you the ole
bootfuck! ROTFLMAO!

>>All we needed to do was show you a real-world example of a post where
>>hidden data was deliberately embedded into the Usenet stream using a
>>proprietary tool - you thereafter looked STRAIGHT AT THE FUCKING POST and
>>you COULD NOT see the data! So how the FUCK do you think a challenged
>>wannabe like yourself would ever be able to identify hidden data spewed
>>from Caputo's "NarcPost", where a payload could be a tiny group of bytes
>>scattered in any one or more of THOUSANDS of places in any one or more of
>>THOUSANDS of segments? Where only the person (or agency) with the tool to
>>decipher a given algorithm can find specific data?
>>You CAN'T do it, peewee - PERIOD.

Dammit, Dr. B, you get what you pay for. Shouldn't you have used the
vast -cough- resources of the UFF to check out Mr. Cook's credibility
BEFORE you sucked up to him? ROTFLMAO!

> Dustbins a fucking k00k looking for free publicity

And, thanks to you luzers, he's getting a bunch! Cry some more, you
whining little git. I'm enjoying your bitter tears more than the law

>>And for your information we never encountered a SINGLE antivirus or
>>antitrojan utility that gave off an alarm when running that posting tool,
>>hidden data and all! Funny how it ended up. <G>
>>So go take your "analysis", write it on a piece of toilet paper and wipe
>>your ass with it - that's how much value it has. Caputo could embed any
>>one of THOUSANDS of bits of identifying data and you could look STRAIGHT
>>at them - just like you looked STRAIGHT at the post we showed you - and
>>never have the SLIGHTEST fucking clue what you're really seeing.

Looks to me like Mr. Cook took his "analysis," wrote it on a piece of
toilet paper, wiped his ass with it and then smeared it ALL OVER the
faces of the UFF and the WEbFAQ team. What a hoot!

> Did the k00ks think they would fool anyone with another round of the
> same tired bullshit? GoTdamn they retarded

Nah, the retarded ones are those now wiping shit offa their faces.

> It's not the same compiled exe akula posted to usenet,

Sez WHO, you whining bitch? You claim the files Mr. Cook examined are
not the same as those akula posted to Usenet, then YOU provide copies
of "Narcpost" that YOU think are malware. C'mom, bitch, our esteemed
WarezFAQ maintainer and respected <gag> warez veteran Mojo suggests
that we PPOSTFU.

> therefor
> the compiled exe that akula posts is still **SUSPECT** and it
> always will be.

Well, I have my own suspicions about Sharkpost which I feel obligated
to bring to the notice of the Usenet binary groups:

I **SUSPECT** that this little episode is causing half-a-dozen smear
artists, liars, and fools a painful burning itch in the rectal area
and that, in certain households across the land, the cries of "Momma,
bring me another tube of Preparation-H, quick" is echoing long into
the night. ROTFLMAO!

> No one in their right mind will touch akulas POS
> including the oh - so conveniently appearing "Dustbin Kook"

"You're welcome, Dustin. And thank you in advance for hopefully adding
it, everyone contributing a small bit and passing on the word can help
a lot."

> coder of "Bughunter" which is the center of endkess k00k
> debates on it's own. Who's supposed to trust software coming
> from self-proclaimed "crackers"? These are not "GOOD" guys.

D00d, better be careful there, you're gonna wring your own neck
something awful with all that streching if you're hanging around warez
groups and proclaiming crackers are not "GOOD" guys. Hope you don't
hurt yourself.

> Any publicity is good publicity, if you want to help someone
> in business all you have to do is slam them and the ignorant
> public rushes in to buy whatever POS they're selling. AV firms
> have known it for years, and cooking up trojans and virii
> probably happens to ensure their cashflow stays up.I'll dig out
> the URL of one k00k who makes millions a year showing his
> personal email where he begging a writer with PRIDE to start
> a second contraversy over his shitware, because nothing sold
> "his" software like a good expose!
> How the fuck Dustbin justifys sandboxing the exe and proclamiming
> it clean when posterthread.cpp and the sources for various builds are
> available is a fine mystery. He could have compiled a working version
> from good sources and ran comparisons of the functions side-by-side
> instead of using a simplistic once off "I've looked at it as a cracker"
> method.

Instead of flooding Usenet with your tears and whining, why don't you
wipe the shit off of your face and offer to assist Mr. Cook help find
the "malicious code" that you're so certain is there?

> One k00k to fuxor the code
> Two k00ks to run interfernece behind him
> Third k00k to punk the code
> And the k00k circle-jerk stays unbroken

<Zekey-poo Translation Mode: ON>

Wahwah wahwah wahwah wahwah wahwah wahwah wahwah!!!!

<Zekey-poo Translation Mode: OFF>

> Akulas "Precioussssssssss" got a new coat of whitewarsh is all

I reckon whitewash is better than shit.

>>Now piss off like a good doggie, or else we'll post a picture of a tulip
>>and steganographically tell you to go fuck yourself. ROFLMGDAO!!!!!

Brave Dr. Batty, I do admire the way you keep a stiff upper lip when
you've just had




Every wonder who the biggest liar is on Usenet?

When someone asked, "So, ask yourself, why even bother to read
messages from MoeJoe, Zeke or the man of 1,000 names. They
never have anything new, useful or meaningful to say. They
garner no respect and have no credibility. So, why bother
with them at all?", Mjølnër, who buys the ink for his poisoned
pen from the Father of Lies, let fly his greatest whopper:

"Because we are the only source of truth in these groups."

Ever wonder who the biggest baby is on Usenet?

When UFF lickspittle, John_S, asked why the UFF had sporged
his favorite group,,
yet again, the UFF put aside his pacifier long enough to mewl:

"Crap like Message-ID: <>
posted by group regulars results in appropriate attitude readjustments."

And here is the message that made the UFF go -ahem- Batty:

Message-ID: <>

Yes well no doctor can help you with your predicament, can they:
No cure for being an uffie asshole ... or perhaps there is, why don't
you go play on the interstate highway (G).


The New and Improved UFF sig:

___ ___ ___
/ /\ / /\ / /\
/ /:/ / /::\ / /::\
/ /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\
/__/:/ /\ / /::\ \:\ / /::\ \:\
\ \:\ /:/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/\:\ \:\
\ \:\/:/ \__\/ \:\_\/ \__\/ \:\_\/
\ \::/ \ \:\ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/

-=- Usenet Diaper Dandies -=-

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

27 Aug 2007, 17:25:2927/08/2007
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 20:21:18 GMT, Dustin Cook
<> wrote:

>Global Warming <> wrote in
>> You must do better than the above crap, either you are working for "big"
>> government, or some imbecile who has no clue.
>Wow. I do believe that's the first time someone has ever accused me of
>working for any government. I'd almost say thank you, if I could only stop
>laughing long enough. *grin*

Our loons will say anything. You've already had your first death
threat. The pedo accusations will be popping up any minute. <g>


Every wonder who the biggest liar is on Usenet?

When someone asked, "So, ask yourself, why even bother to read
messages from MoeJoe, Zeke or the man of 1,000 names. They
never have anything new, useful or meaningful to say. They
garner no respect and have no credibility. So, why bother
with them at all?", Mjølnër, who buys the ink for his poisoned
pen from the Father of Lies, let fly his greatest whopper:

"Because we are the only source of truth in these groups."

Ever wonder who the biggest baby is on Usenet?

When UFF lickspittle, John_S, asked why the UFF had sporged
his favorite group,,
yet again, the UFF put aside his pacifier long enough to mewl:

"Crap like Message-ID: <>
posted by group regulars results in appropriate attitude readjustments."

And here is the message that made the UFF go -ahem- Batty:

Message-ID: <>

Yes well no doctor can help you with your predicament, can they:
No cure for being an uffie asshole ... or perhaps there is, why don't
you go play on the interstate highway (G).


The New and Improved UFF sig:

___ ___ ___
/ /\ / /\ / /\
/ /:/ / /::\ / /::\
/ /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\
/__/:/ /\ / /::\ \:\ / /::\ \:\
\ \:\ /:/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/\:\ \:\
\ \:\/:/ \__\/ \:\_\/ \__\/ \:\_\/
\ \::/ \ \:\ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/

-=- Usenet Diaper Dandies -=-

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

27 Aug 2007, 17:25:4927/08/2007
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 16:37:35 GMT, Dustin Cook
<> wrote:

>Mjølnër's Dog wrote in
>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 08:22:56 GMT, Dustin Cook
>> <> wrote:

>> Also when the UFF finishes with you at the woodshed please be sure and
>> tell the others what it was like.

Psst, hey, doogy, Mr. Clark huffed and he puffed and he
bleeeeeeeeeeeew the UFF woodshed down.

>The UFF can kiss my ass.

An admirable sentiment! IAWTP.

Dustin Cook

27 Aug 2007, 22:53:3327/08/2007
Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër
<notte...@ntelos.n0t> wrote in news:aag6d3d8gtvcj0ia3irq7vtvhf802pl8f4@

> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 16:37:35 GMT, Dustin Cook
> <> wrote:
>>Mjølnër's Dog wrote in
>>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 08:22:56 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Also when the UFF finishes with you at the woodshed please be sure
>>> tell the others what it was like.
> Psst, hey, doogy, Mr. Clark huffed and he puffed and he
> bleeeeeeeeeeeew the UFF woodshed down.
>>The UFF can kiss my ass.
> An admirable sentiment! IAWTP.

I don't even know why I claim it's an organization. It's one individual
in his late teens? I have email accounts older than his UFF thing. lol.

This big bad UFF, yet has no coders, no crackers, no couriers, nobody...
Cripes, what a joke.


Dustin Cook
Author of BugHunter - MalWare Removal Tool - v2.2c


Dustin Cook

27 Aug 2007, 23:10:3327/08/2007
Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër
<notte...@ntelos.n0t> wrote in

> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 20:21:18 GMT, Dustin Cook
> <> wrote:
>>Global Warming <> wrote in
>>> You must do better than the above crap, either you are working for
>>> "big" government, or some imbecile who has no clue.
>>Wow. I do believe that's the first time someone has ever accused me of
>>working for any government. I'd almost say thank you, if I could only
>>stop laughing long enough. *grin*
> Our loons will say anything. You've already had your first death
> threat. The pedo accusations will be popping up any minute. <g>

As I've noticed. :) It's all good. Either they can provide the code I've
asked for (heh) or they can't. The more people who read the threads, see
my requests for code, and their trolling responses, the more my credit
goes up (like it needed help. lol), and there's continues to dwindle into

I don't need to write articles and speculate about what a program might
do, and I damn sure don't need to try and convince anyone of anything by
claiming this program does that or this. I've seen no expert opinion,
other than my own on his program. And my opinion still stands, it has no
malicious code. No amount of flaming is going to change that fact. The
article posted by UFF is wrong. If the fucker lived in the states, you
might have legal options for slander and fraud.

Someone was asleep during science class I guess. I know they went over
theories :)

Dustin Cook

27 Aug 2007, 23:32:1027/08/2007
Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër
<notte...@ntelos.n0t> wrote in

> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:28:29 +0000 (UTC), Papa Joe Mama <p...@toe.jam>
> set Followup-To: alt.argus,alt.usenet.kooks to hide his humiliation
> and frothed:

> Then create a proprietary tool for UFF internal use only -ROTFLMAO- to
> find the malicious code in Sharkpost and show Mr. Cook for the lamer
> he is! Surely the UFF has any number of "operatives" who are
> "competent to perform the analysis."

Oh, by all means. Please do. I await his findings.. You wouldn't mind if
I continued to breathe in the meantime, right? :)

>>>>>Demonstrate your true skills by posting the hidden data we embedded
>>>>>in the above referenced post. If you're unable to do so, you're
>>>>>unable to recognize hidden data even when you're staring right at
>>>>>it. Such a person would certainly be unable to judge whether or not
>>>>>a closed-source binary is spewing out data it shouldn't.
>>>>I'm not interested in any posts. I simply provided my analysis. I
>>>>don't care if you agree or disagree with it.
>> You got manulipated you dumb jacksss.
> ROTFLMAO! More like some people's pet fantasy got mangled.


>> Any competent programmer can
>>>>easily duplicate my results. And judging from the reports I've
>>>>gotten back from various antivirus companies; who would be able to
>>>>find "malicious" code if there was any, I'm in the right when I say
>>>>there is none.
>>>>Who is we exactly? The information I provided can easily be checked
>>>>out by any other competent third party. If your only a warez puppy
>>>>and don't actually have coding skills, it's not hard to imagine why
>>>>you think the guys executables are somehow "protected".
>>>>I have a better idea, and it's quicker. Provide the reference points
>>>>in the executable where this so called hidden data is present. I'm
>>>>looking at a disassembly of it in ida pro, so I amusingly await your
>>>>response to my question.
> I suggest, Mr. Cook, that you find something to occupy your time for
> the next millennium while you're waiting for these nimrods to provide
> anything besides innuendo and smears. <g>

Hehehe. :) Suggestion noted, thank you.

> Poor baby, you and the UFF and the WebFaq team should have seen that
> Mr. Cook was provided with the correct .exe containing the malicious
> code that you all have been mewling about all this time. Now all you
> have left is coming on Usenet and weeping all over the place.

Yea, I'm really sorry about that. I had hopes of finding malicious code,
it's been two weeks since a BugHunter update. Very disappointed I was to
find none. :)

>>>>The fact I even had to explain that simple difference is almost
>>>>scary. UFF might have some okay programmers, but I doubt your one of
>> "excuse Dustbin as he reinflates his fucking head"
> He's probably using all the hot air loosed when he punctured the hopes
> of all you UFFies and WebFAQers.

Not even close. I still have more air balloons to fill! :)

> No, you complete dumbshit, it doesn't impact his credibility as a
> cracker at all. Even if he were a pedo, it wouldn't impact his
> credibility as a cracker.

LoL. hehehe

> Make some more moronic arguments, so's I can laff at you some more.
>>>>*yawn*. Your not actually a programmer eh?
>>>>The algorithm this tool uses please?
>>>Oh - so you're saying - please show you where and how we hid the
>>>data, and then you'll be able to tell us what the data is?
>> That's exactly what hes saying, and it's a repition of "Bill"
>> akulas DEFENSE

> IOW, neither of you bozos have any idea what Mr. Cook asked for.

No, heh, they didn't get it. :) That's the problem with skimming subjects
like cryptology and stenagraphy. Skimming instead of reading. Laugh

>>>>As far as my credibility is concerned, I already provided urls where
>>>>you can check me out, warez pup.
>> Dustbin your too funny! Three years after akula pumped his piece of
>> shitware out the only person he's found to look at it is you
>> "Dustbin Kook" of the hotly debated
>> "Bugshiter" and bugshit does what, oh yes it rips the registry on
>> windows machines
>> apart <BSEG>
>> mheh
> Oh, dear, I distinctly remember the UFF politely asking Mr. Cook to
> look at akula's "shitware."

Hmm, this has to be said:
Q: Why does BugHunter detect so few compared to others?
A: BugHunter *only* detects executables, and various vb, htm files.
it doesn't detect registry keys, subkeys, cookies or urls stored
in your favorites folder. As such, the amount of items BugHunter does
detect is very small in comparison.

BugHunter does not edit the registry of the system in any way, it simply
identifies and optionally removes found files. As BugHunter relies on
file technology similar to that of a virus scanner, updates to the
and the program itself will be released from time to time on the

All of that information can be found on the bughunter site, as well as
the included documentation files. Okay then, on with the amusing reply.

> And I just don't understand why you all are squealing like stuck pigs
> now.

I wasn't able to find any malicious code they so hoped was there. I'm so
sorry! :)

>>>Try not to bust a blood vessel, Dustbin - from the looks of things
>>>you're even more delicate than "twinky".
>> "I'm a cracker"
>> The dying coackroach words of the uberkook
> Akula cracked for ZFrog, punk. Does that tell you anything, crybaby?

I don't think his stupid ass knows Zfrog anymore than he knows HHI or
CoRE. It's a wasted effort on anybody who needs to release a warez faq
discussing .zip files.

>>>And as far as your credibility is concerned, sweet pea, YOU'VE GOT
> "You're welcome, Dustin. And thank you in advance for hopefully adding
> it, everyone contributing a small bit and passing on the word can help
> a lot."
> Oh, this is better than when Tripp and BuZZard slipped you the ole
> bootfuck! ROTFLMAO!

Indeed. Probably the friendliest they've been this entire time.

>>>All we needed to do was show you a real-world example of a post where
>>>hidden data was deliberately embedded into the Usenet stream using a
>>>proprietary tool - you thereafter looked STRAIGHT AT THE FUCKING POST
>>>and you COULD NOT see the data! So how the FUCK do you think a
>>>challenged wannabe like yourself would ever be able to identify
>>>hidden data spewed from Caputo's "NarcPost", where a payload could be
>>>a tiny group of bytes scattered in any one or more of THOUSANDS of
>>>places in any one or more of THOUSANDS of segments? Where only the
>>>person (or agency) with the tool to decipher a given algorithm can
>>>find specific data?
>>>You CAN'T do it, peewee - PERIOD.
> Dammit, Dr. B, you get what you pay for. Shouldn't you have used the
> vast -cough- resources of the UFF to check out Mr. Cook's credibility
> BEFORE you sucked up to him? ROTFLMAO!

Probably should have. He would have found out what I already told
everyone. :) I have nothing to gain either way if it's malicious or not.
If it was, my program would be detecting it. LoL. If anything, that
should be a reason for me to find malicious code, wouldn't ya think? :)

>> Dustbins a fucking k00k looking for free publicity
> And, thanks to you luzers, he's getting a bunch! Cry some more, you
> whining little git. I'm enjoying your bitter tears more than the law
> allows!

Please do. I'm enjoying the emails from people who hadn't seen BugHunter
until reading this thread. I appreciate the new donations too! Please, by
all means, keep the publicity coming! :)

> Looks to me like Mr. Cook took his "analysis," wrote it on a piece of
> toilet paper, wiped his ass with it and then smeared it ALL OVER the
> faces of the UFF and the WEbFAQ team. What a hoot!

Wasn't much effort involved. I was asked to find malicious code, I was
not able to find it, because it's not there. I have an incentive for
finding malicious code, or one would think I should; I do write and
maintain a malware removal tool. LoL.

>> Did the k00ks think they would fool anyone with another round of the
>> same tired bullshit? GoTdamn they retarded
> Nah, the retarded ones are those now wiping shit offa their faces.
> <BSEG>

That would be every non coder here who bought into the UFF theory? :)

>> It's not the same compiled exe akula posted to usenet,
> Sez WHO, you whining bitch? You claim the files Mr. Cook examined are
> not the same as those akula posted to Usenet, then YOU provide copies
> of "Narcpost" that YOU think are malware. C'mom, bitch, our esteemed
> WarezFAQ maintainer and respected <gag> warez veteran Mojo suggests
> that we PPOSTFU.

And I've asked for 2 days now for these binaries. C'mon, send them if you
got them. :) The ones anybody can get via; which would mean,
public downloads for you idiots, are malware free. Oops, that's right,
malware free. Where is the magical missing binary that does as UFF's site
claims? Do I really need to post that article and rip it to pieces line
by line? It'll start more flaming, but i'm not above doing it. I take
issue with several statements in the essay.

I'd suggest they provide me a malicious binary to study, or remove the
article. Their idol is soon to get a thrashing that he won't be able to
avoid. It's going to get very technical soon, guys. :)

I'll provide his statements, and my counter statements with proof from
various other programmers backing up my statements. Their idol will be
shown for the complete and utter fucking moron he is concerning code, and
obviously the warez scene in general. Yes script kiddy, warez was before
your time.. before the UFF we had warez, crackers, and intelligent

>> therefor
>> the compiled exe that akula posts is still **SUSPECT** and it
>> always will be.
> Well, I have my own suspicions about Sharkpost which I feel obligated
> to bring to the notice of the Usenet binary groups:
> I **SUSPECT** that this little episode is causing half-a-dozen smear
> artists, liars, and fools a painful burning itch in the rectal area
> and that, in certain households across the land, the cries of "Momma,
> bring me another tube of Preparation-H, quick" is echoing long into
> the night. ROTFLMAO!

you know it! :)

>> No one in their right mind will touch akulas POS
>> including the oh - so conveniently appearing "Dustbin Kook"
> "You're welcome, Dustin. And thank you in advance for hopefully adding
> it, everyone contributing a small bit and passing on the word can help
> a lot."
>> coder of "Bughunter" which is the center of endkess k00k
>> debates on it's own. Who's supposed to trust software coming
>> from self-proclaimed "crackers"? These are not "GOOD" guys.
> D00d, better be careful there, you're gonna wring your own neck
> something awful with all that streching if you're hanging around warez
> groups and proclaiming crackers are not "GOOD" guys. Hope you don't
> hurt yourself.

HAHAHAHAHAHA.. Oh the fucking irony. That's right, further alienate any
supporters they may have had, Get greets in more real groups .nfo files,
UFF hasn't got a chance in hell. LoL.

You know it's getting bad when ripping/warez groups take a pot shot at
you in their own .nfo files. :)

>> Any publicity is good publicity, if you want to help someone
>> in business all you have to do is slam them and the ignorant
>> public rushes in to buy whatever POS they're selling. AV firms
>> have known it for years, and cooking up trojans and virii
>> probably happens to ensure their cashflow stays up.I'll dig out
>> the URL of one k00k who makes millions a year showing his
>> personal email where he begging a writer with PRIDE to start
>> a second contraversy over his shitware, because nothing sold
>> "his" software like a good expose!
>> How the fuck Dustbin justifys sandboxing the exe and proclamiming
>> it clean when posterthread.cpp and the sources for various builds
>> are available is a fine mystery. He could have compiled a working
>> version from good sources and ran comparisons of the functions
>> side-by-side instead of using a simplistic once off "I've looked at
>> it as a cracker" method.
> Instead of flooding Usenet with your tears and whining, why don't you
> wipe the shit off of your face and offer to assist Mr. Cook help find
> the "malicious code" that you're so certain is there?

That would settle alot of this, wouldn't it? :)

Btw, sandboxie is a program.. Heres the url for it. if anybody wants to
know how I sandboxed the program. :)

Don't worry non coders, it's even explained for people like you, complete
with pretty pictures. :)

And how else is someone supposed to look at a disassembly, other than a
crackers view? Logic isn't something these guys are good at, eh?


I probably shouldn't have mentioned codebreakers right away, I should
have waited for the UFF guy to find that information. LoL. And expose me
as a retired Vxer! F33r Me. Muahaha.


28 Aug 2007, 00:19:2128/08/2007
In article <Xns9999F051E8F...@>, says...

> Please do. I'm enjoying the emails from people who hadn't seen BugHunter
> until reading this thread. I appreciate the new donations too! Please, by
> all means, keep the publicity coming! :)
You really are in the wrong place then Dustin. This group has been
reduced to a cesspool by akula and his band of mindless asskissers. They
must have granted you an honorary membership. No one, but the
participants in this food fight, read this group any longer. Keep them
cards and letters coming eh? ROFL!

You're a moron Dustbin.

Dustin Cook

28 Aug 2007, 10:17:2828/08/2007
DJStrife <> wrote in

> In article <Xns9999F051E8F...@>,
> says...
>> Please do. I'm enjoying the emails from people who hadn't seen
>> BugHunter until reading this thread. I appreciate the new donations
>> too! Please, by all means, keep the publicity coming! :)
> You really are in the wrong place then Dustin. This group has been
> reduced to a cesspool by akula and his band of mindless asskissers.

Don't you mean a cesspool of conspiracy theory nuts?


28 Aug 2007, 17:57:5528/08/2007
In article <Xns999A699645E...@>, says...

> DJStrife <> wrote in
> > In article <Xns9999F051E8F...@>,
> > says...
> >> Please do. I'm enjoying the emails from people who hadn't seen
> >> BugHunter until reading this thread. I appreciate the new donations
> >> too! Please, by all means, keep the publicity coming! :)
> >>
> >>
> > You really are in the wrong place then Dustin. This group has been
> > reduced to a cesspool by akula and his band of mindless asskissers.
> Don't you mean a cesspool of conspiracy theory nuts?
Can't read either eh? tsk

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

28 Aug 2007, 19:56:2028/08/2007
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 23:19:21 -0500, DJStrife <> wrote:

>In article <Xns9999F051E8F...@>,
> says...
>> Please do. I'm enjoying the emails from people who hadn't seen BugHunter
>> until reading this thread. I appreciate the new donations too! Please, by
>> all means, keep the publicity coming! :)
>You really are in the wrong place then Dustin.


> This group has been
>reduced to a cesspool by akula and his band of mindless asskissers.

And you and John and Mojo and Adan and Tina didn't shit in the pool,

Wipe the shit from your brow and tell another whooper, coward.

> They
>must have granted you an honorary membership. No one, but the
>participants in this food fight, read this group any longer. Keep them
>cards and letters coming eh? ROFL!


>You're a moron Dustbin.

Ah, but, my little Zekie-poo, he's a moron who can read code.

And set certain loons howling and barking at the moon. <BSEG>

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

28 Aug 2007, 19:56:1028/08/2007
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 23:18:11 GMT, Melvin Menke <> wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 17:24:45 -0400, Not Telling but not Being a

>nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër <notte...@ntelos.n0t>


>>On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:28:29 +0000 (UTC), Papa Joe Mama <p...@toe.jam>
>>set Followup-To: alt.argus,alt.usenet.kooks to hide his humiliation
>>and frothed:
>>> (Extonet)
>>>>On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:15:19 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>>><> threw a hissy fit:
>>>>> (Extonet) wrote in
>>>>>>Hey sweet pea - here's a UFF post made about three years ago:
>>>>>>That post was injected using a proprietary tool we created for UFF
>>>>>>internal use only, and it contains proprietary hidden data for UFF
>>>>>>internal use only.
>>You found a way to hide KP in your headers? Wow, I is impressed!

>The one and only time I scoped out the UFF's web site I stumbled
>across an image of a naked girl who appeared to be twelve, maxium
>thirteen, and she looked very unhappy.

Wasn't a little blond girl was it? The damned mad man used her in 2 of
his collages and even had one of those on his website

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

28 Aug 2007, 19:56:3428/08/2007

While I enjoyed your synopsis, I much prefer the un-cut big screen
production. Their tears and howls of anguish were so exquisite I
almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

To whomever penned the MS for this masterpiece, all I can say is:

Author! Author!

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

28 Aug 2007, 20:04:0628/08/2007
On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:53:33 GMT, Dustin Cook
<> wrote:

>Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër
><notte...@ntelos.n0t> wrote in news:aag6d3d8gtvcj0ia3irq7vtvhf802pl8f4@
>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 16:37:35 GMT, Dustin Cook
>> <> wrote:
>>>Mjølnër's Dog wrote in
>>>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 08:22:56 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Also when the UFF finishes with you at the woodshed please be sure
>>>> tell the others what it was like.
>> Psst, hey, doogy, Mr. Clark huffed and he puffed and he
>> bleeeeeeeeeeeew the UFF woodshed down.
>>>The UFF can kiss my ass.
>> An admirable sentiment! IAWTP.
>I don't even know why I claim it's an organization. It's one individual
>in his late teens? I have email accounts older than his UFF thing. lol.

As best as I can tell, and I've been observing his royal madness ever
since he showed up in ab.cracks, Dr. Batty and the UFF are one and the
same. I think he's a very intelligent person but that he has serious
mental health issues.

>This big bad UFF, yet has no coders, no crackers, no couriers, nobody...
>Cripes, what a joke.

He's no joke to ppl who haven't protected their anonymity properly.
He's outted the RL info on numerous careless posters.

OTOH, if those of us with nothing to hide can laff at him with

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

29 Aug 2007, 16:43:2629/08/2007

Show him how to do one of them there Translation thingys, Zekey-poo.

How you look depends on where your mug shot is taken.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chester the Molester |

| нлГКнГоГКнГГнлКнГоГКнГнГоГКнГннлГ
DataBabysex | нлГКнГоГКнГГнлКнГоГКнГнГоГКнГннлГ
| нлГ 3 4 1 4 2 нГоГ 6 9 0 6 9 нлГ
Chester's Babysitting Service | Official Proof of Conviction
(Teenage girls a specialty)
/ \
| ^.^ |
( (_) ) whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
/ . . \
_/ /| , |\ \_
/\_ _/\
_| /`"`\ |_
( \ / \ / )
\_/ \_/

Want one? GET one!


Dustin Cook

30 Aug 2007, 11:54:1630/08/2007
DJStrife <> wrote in

> You're a moron Dustbin.

Am I supposed to be offended by this unoriginal nick name?

Dustin Cook

30 Aug 2007, 13:13:1030/08/2007
Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër
<notte...@ntelos.n0t> wrote in news:avd9d3ls9o4gokf5lfeii1m7307uctkhb7@

> On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:53:33 GMT, Dustin Cook
> <> wrote:
>>Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër
>><notte...@ntelos.n0t> wrote in
>>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 16:37:35 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>> <> wrote:

>>>>Mjølnër's Dog wrote in news:sf00d3hdlpdahkag7teh52sqfcs5gkoabi@

>>>>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 08:22:56 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Also when the UFF finishes with you at the woodshed please be sure
>>>>> tell the others what it was like.
>>> Psst, hey, doogy, Mr. Clark huffed and he puffed and he
>>> bleeeeeeeeeeeew the UFF woodshed down.
>>>>The UFF can kiss my ass.
>>> An admirable sentiment! IAWTP.
>>I don't even know why I claim it's an organization. It's one individual
>>in his late teens? I have email accounts older than his UFF thing. lol.
> As best as I can tell, and I've been observing his royal madness ever
> since he showed up in ab.cracks, Dr. Batty and the UFF are one and the
> same. I think he's a very intelligent person but that he has serious
> mental health issues.

And a lack of understanding of code. Perhaps he fixes small engines for a

> He's no joke to ppl who haven't protected their anonymity properly.
> He's outted the RL info on numerous careless posters.
> OTOH, if those of us with nothing to hide can laff at him with
> impunity.

My history is already well known, for anyone who wants to waste the time
reading up on me. I have nothing to hide, I'm retired. I came clean
several years ago. Have fun digging up new dirt. :)

Dustbin Crook

31 Aug 2007, 08:27:1031/08/2007
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:06:57 -0400 Meat Plow wrote
in: <><>
>On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 22:46:18 -0400, Respondant wrote:
>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 01:02:46 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Gary L. Burnore <> wrote in news:fb7c9n$g32$11
>>>>> On 30 Aug 2007 13:57:22 GMT, §ñühw¤£f <> wrote:
>>>>>> Gary L. Burnore <> pinched out a steaming
>>>>>> pile of<fb4kfe$f2c$>:
>>>>>>> On 29 Aug 2007 14:50:06 GMT, §ñühw¤£f <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Gary L. Burnore <> pinched out a steaming
>>>>>>>> pile of<fb29ht$9ro$>:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:00:03 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Someone is royally pissed off because I can code, and they
>>>>>>>>>> can't.
>>>>>>>>> Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
>>>>>>>>> Dumbass.
>>>>>>>> Dustbin wouldnt help me with my video driver for BeOS :(
>>>>>>> Beotch wouldn't help you with your BeOS? Daaaaaamn. :)
>>>>>> Maybe he's afraid of C programming. Visual Basic is prolly more his
>>>>>> speed...
>>>>> That wouldn't surprise me in the least.
>>>> Well, actually; truth be told
>>> You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass.
>> Oh that's rich.
><slap> \S L A P\

give teh backhand while your at it

>SHEEEESH give it the fuck up already you obsessed fucking fool.

Goddam it's the Meatster. Still got that 3-D meatwall?


31 Aug 2007, 16:32:0631/08/2007
Dustin Cook <>
the crazy kook vxer dumped a 500 line confessional shitspew
into teh usenet that nobooty wanted to see:.
>JHD <no...@jhd.invalid> wrote in
>> Dustin Cook <> wrote in
>> news:Xns999D68BEF8B...@
>>> Hardly. I'm fluent in various dialics of basic.
>> You mean 'basic' as in 'beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction
>> code?'
>That's what it stands for, but with the newer languages it's not just for
>beginners anymore. VB for example is a respected commercial programming
>language that used to pay well here, until most of the programming jobs
>were outsourced.

Learn how to be productive in C++ you stupid cunt

>> in multiple programming languages, and the best you can do is some
>> half-working POS anti-malware program with an algorithm that a fucking
>> TI-99 could crack/break? And MAYBE, if I choose to believe your
>If you want to explain what you mean by half working and an algorithm
>that a programmable calculator could break I'm all ears.
>> bullshit, a couple of weak viruses that didn't propagate when you
>> released them into the wild a decade ago?
>This again, is common knowledge the information I'm fixing to admit to
>doing. And, the statute of limitations is up, so this isn't going to hurt
>me.. Here you go. Read them and weep.
>> And I don't know VB, or C, or FORTRAN, or RPG, or even java. I'm a
>> friggin *scripter*, man, I write web pages and ASP "code". BFD.
>> Learning Spanish would be harder.
>And your not shit.
>> Seems to me maybe all them brains of yours aren't being put to very
>> effective use, 'old-timer.'
>AZ1 ZIP - AZ Version 1.1
>Converts BINARY files to TEXT and TEXT files back to binary files.
>Useful for sending exe/com/bin/gif etc type files via email and fax.
>CHECK20 ZIP - CHECK Version 2.0
>Compares 2 files for any differences. Optionally logs differences to a
>seperate file.
>CODEIT1 ZIP - CODEIT version 1.1
>A rather simple encryption engine. Ok for non-critical information.
>encrypt any file, and writes over the file. No copies are made and the
>file is not marked in any way.
>COMIT3 ZIP - COMIT version 1.3
>Turn almost any file into a self displaying .COM file. Want your text
>self display? just have comit do the work for you! Each com file will
>a maximum of 10 bytes larger then the source file. Each com file fully
>supports DOS redirection.
>CRAZY20 ZIP - CRAZY version 2.0
>VGA Only based screen saver. Many different colorful patterns. Graphics
>engine is programmable.
>CRYPTD1 ZIP - CRYPTD version 1.1
>Simple to use very secure file encryption program. Uses files on your
>computer to encrypt/decrypt other files. Won 4 out of 5 stars on
>Source code can optionally be purchased for an additional $3 dollars.
>DELOCK4 ZIP - DELOCK version 1.4
>File editing utility. You can extract portions of any file and you can
>also import bits of or a whole file into another one. Fully user
>ENCODE25 ZIP - ENCODE version 2.5
>Simple to use, extreme security file encryption program. Uses files and
>matrix control parameters to secure your file. Every single byte in the
>target file is changed! Won 4 out of 5 stars on ZiffNet.
>ICEM25 ZIP - ICEM version 2.5
>File Splitting/Joining Utility. This small menu driven utility can take
>large files and split them into smaller more manageable pieces. Super
>fast file i/o. ICEM supports floppy disks as well as hard disks, and
>can fully specify how large each chunk is to be.
>NAMEIT20 ZIP - NAMEIT version 2.0
>File and Directory renaming utility. Very easy to use, and safe.
>Line Driven.
>REBOOT20 ZIP - REBOOT version 2.0
>Reboot your computer COLD or WARM from a dos prompt or your own
>Source can be requested if desired. There is no extra charge.
>SNOOP20 ZIP - SNOOP version 2.0
>Shows you what a file really looks like inside. Every character is
>shown. Various config options allow for different viewing methods.
>Command Line driven.
>NUKE32A.ZIP - NUKE version 3.2A
>NUKE v3.2A *THE* File/Disk Deletion Utility!
>Nuke is a DOS GUI based file/disk deletion/
>cleaning program! Any file that is deleted by
>NUKE is not recoverable by any means! The
>files date/time/attribute/contents are all
>changed (the contents are destroyed) to hide
>the files true identity! The cleaning option
>allows you to clean any valid drive of unused
>information. The clean does not destroy the
>current drive! Various Bugs Fixed. ShareWare
>The target files original name is also changed.
>DATEIT3 ZIP - DATEIT version 1.3
>Change the DATE and TIME stamp on any file. Comes with full Source
>FreeWare. This program does not require registration, and you are not
>expected to register it if you request it via email.
>LOCK3 ZIP - LOCK version 1.3
>File encryption utility using "CORE-2" algorithm. Slow, but does a nice
>job. many configuration and encryption options.
>DCON1 ZIP - DCONTROL version 1.0
>Drive security utility. This program can prevent unauthorized access to
>any valid drive you specify. Most programs cannot access drives
>protected by DCONTROL.! You can now test that unknown program without
>worry that it will destroy one of your drives!
>CRYPTX1.ZIP - CRYPTX version 1.0
>CRYPTX - File Encryption Utility - v1.0
>This small encryption program was designed
>to protect your sensitive information from
>prying eyes! You can choose any PassPhrase
>to lock your files from those who should not
>have access to them. CRYPTX is fast and easy
>to use, and very secure! As little as one
>byte difference in a passphrase can create
>two totally different encoded/decoded files
>from the same source! Hows that for security!
>Dustin Cook.
>Core Technologies
>Po Box 154
>New Gloucester, Maine
>There. the catalog file doesn't mention a few programs that were
>released later in 96-97; but it'll do. You can use filenames to search
> for more information about them, or I can throw the entire
>Core apps archive on my website and you can download them.
>The mailing address is naturally no longer valid, I moved from Maine
>over 9 years ago.
>You can check on raidslam and get a list of most of the
>viruses I'm responsible for. Here's a directory paste... nothing fancy.
>You can learn more about the viruses by searching on the name.
>Directory of C:\RAID
>02/14/1998 06:24 AM 6,285 ANTICHEK.ZIP
>11/30/1998 10:31 PM 5,392 CHEKFUKD.ZIP
>05/04/1998 05:06 PM 6,032 CREED10.ZIP
>05/19/1998 10:44 PM 6,668 CREED11.ZIP
>06/15/1998 05:53 PM 14,476 CREED12.ZIP
>05/12/1997 09:19 PM 5,049 HUNTW5.ZIP
>02/19/2000 08:50 PM 16,579 IROK10.ZIP
>02/28/2000 11:30 PM 10,737 IROK11.ZIP
>03/09/2000 12:35 AM 20,400 IROK11A.ZIP
>03/30/2000 11:27 PM 20,445 IROK11B.ZIP
>06/04/2000 05:10 PM 18,801 IROK11C.ZIP
>08/21/1998 09:38 PM 13,931 KREM10.ZIP
>09/14/1998 09:25 PM 13,897 KREM11.ZIP
>11/19/1997 11:52 PM 7,801 KRILE1.ZIP
>12/05/1997 12:18 AM 9,906 KRILE1C.ZIP
>12/11/1997 03:20 PM 10,160 KRILE1D.ZIP
>12/29/1997 01:33 PM 10,509 KRILE1E.ZIP
>01/22/1998 07:06 PM 7,820 KRILE1F.ZIP
>02/07/1998 06:01 AM 7,760 KRILE1G.ZIP
>03/20/1998 10:39 PM 8,327 KRILE1H.ZIP
>03/29/1998 07:13 PM 7,162 KRILE1I.ZIP
>01/15/1998 06:00 PM 10,062 KRILE2E.ZIP
>11/08/1998 10:37 PM 14,466 MATRIX10.ZIP
>11/13/1998 09:50 PM 14,314 MATRIX11.ZIP
>06/06/1999 02:46 PM 15,865 NX1.ZIP
>02/05/2001 10:40 PM 18,517
>05/27/1997 03:22 PM 13,329 RUSTBUG1.ZIP
>06/02/1997 08:46 PM 9,941 RUSTBUG2.ZIP
>09/24/1996 03:34 PM 3,029 SBUG1.ZIP
>04/16/1999 11:09 PM 19,912 TERM10.ZIP
>12/12/1998 04:23 PM 15,261 TERM11.ZIP
>09/30/1999 07:35 AM 83,892 TOAD.ZIP
>07/05/1999 06:24 PM 18,936 TOAD10.ZIP
>07/28/1999 11:41 PM 19,619 TOAD11.ZIP
>08/17/1999 05:01 PM 28,903 TOAD12.ZIP
>08/27/1999 02:33 PM 20,803 TOAD12B.ZIP
>12/18/1998 05:46 PM 8,079 TOADAV1.ZIP
>04/13/1997 03:35 PM 6,907 UNIDEN1.ZIP
>10/09/1996 03:49 PM 6,292 WEED1.ZIP
>12/02/1997 07:37 PM 12,046 WEEDNFO.ZIP
>02/12/1997 11:01 AM 5,027 WEEDV11.ZIP
>03/15/1997 05:34 PM 11,501 WEEDV12.ZIP
>03/16/1997 06:48 PM 10,205 WEEDV13.ZIP
>04/09/1997 03:06 PM 11,987 WEEDV14.ZIP
>04/15/1997 03:31 PM 12,861 WEEDV15.ZIP
> is not a virus, It's a campaign editor for rainbow six
>rogue spear; documentation snippit follows:
>Section 1. Introduction to the RsHaCK campaign editor.
>RsHaCK, the only campaign editor you need for RainBow Six Rogue Spear.
>Nothing else even comes close...
>RsHaCK v1.3 is a creation of RaiD [slam] (c) 2001. Permission to use
>and distribute is granted under the following conditions:
>1. You will not modify the executable in any way. While this file isn't
>actually an executable itself (rshack.txt) your not allowed to
>it either.
>2. You will not charge any money whatsoever for this program. I'm not
>making a dime from it, you shouldn't be either.
>Those are the conditions for use, Pretty livable for both of us I
>RsHaCk supports the following changes to saved campaigns. Please note,
>if you have installed RainBow six into the default directory on drive
>you can use the included install.bat to copy the required files where
>need to go. If you have not installed the game using default
>you will need to manually copy the following files into the following
>directories; Some experience with windows is recommended.
>Rshack.exe must be copied into the directory which contains *.cmp
>you will need to use windows search (F3 from desktop) to search for
>**If you are a licensed user, you should also copy your keyfile into
>directory as well.
>RsHack.pif should be copied to your c:\windows\desktop directory, it
>for quick access to the RsHack program from your desktop. Rshack.ico is
>icon for rshack.exe, and should be copied to the same location as
>Please note, if you have not used default settings, the pif file will
>not work
>properly; You will need to edit it. You can do so by right clicking it
>on your
>desktop; selecting browse and locating rshack.exe.
>RsHack will not run until it is copied into the directory containing
>campaign files. Usually this is under /data/save (underneath
>RsHaCK is a DOS based program, but happily runs under win9x, NT and 2k
>systems. The interface present in RsHaCK was designed with simplicity
>mind. Anytime RsHaCK requires information or a selection from you, it
>explains what the information/selection will do as a result to your
>game, and gives you the opportunity to backout without making any
>RsHaCK will allow you to make the following changes to any (upto 26)
>campaign you have presently saved. (Unlicensed copies are limited to
>editing the first two available campaigns. Licensing can be
>by the installation of a license key; Available from me, read on for
>further information regarding this option):
>1. Change the campaign name. (While RsHack will allow you to enter upto
>eighty characters, it's not recommended to do so. Keep the name as
>short as you can, Do not be excessive.)
>2. Change the campaign userskill [Rookie,Veteran,Elite]
>3. Skip to the next available mission.
>4. Go back a mission at a time.
>6. Give all 18 original missions to the selected campaign.
>7. Change back and forth between campaigns without losing any changes
>and without having to exit the program.
>Section 2. Things you need to know in no particular order
>New to this version of RsHaCK, campaign names which exceed 12
>are truncated at the campaign edit selection menu. This is noted by an
>appearing beside the campaign name. This is for screen information
>only, and does not appear this way in your game nor elsewhere in the
>RsHack does perform integrity checks on it's supporting datafiles. If
>either of the files is/are found to be altered in any way, Rshack will
>make an attempt to rewrite them with the original data. RsHack cannot
>do this if you have the files marked as read-only. Under no
>should the rshack datafiles [rshack.dat, rshack.idx, saved.idx] be made
>read-only; Problems will arrise if you do.
>*** RsHack may inform you of a possible hardware problem. This error
>message will only occur if Rshack completes writing/rewriting out
>a datafile on disk, but this file fails the integrity check right
>You may wish to run Norton Disk Doctor, or Microsoft Scandisk on
>the installation drive if you do get this error; You may have some bad
>sectors on your hard disk. *** Note: This error can also occur on
>read-only media or on network drives with improper permissions set;
>should not be running rainbow six from a network drive, however.)
>You cannot use the RsHack program on read-only media. RsHaCK must be
>able to read and write to the installation directory. Usually RsHack is
>installed in your data\save directory with your camp files *.cmp.
>Your plan files (if you have created any) are not accessed for any
>reason by RsHack. RsHack does not install, modify, nor delete current
>plan files from campaigns. If you wish to change your plan files, you
>need to do so from withen the game.
>RsHack will not delete nor add campaigns, it only allows you to change
>(upto 26) campaigns configurations. If you wish to delete or add
>campaigns, you can do so from withen the game.
>RsHack may complain that it cannot access it's saved.idx file. If this
>occurs, you will need to manually delete this file, and ensure you have
>drive space for RsHack. (160k+ recommended). If RsHack presents you
>an empty campaigns available for edit menu (No selections appear),
>press A,
>then E. This will exit the program, delete saved.idx (it's badly
>RsHack may claim no campaigns are available for editing, this can occur
>(2) reasons: Either there are no .cmp files in the current directory,
>there was an error creating the saved.idx file. RsHack.exe must be
>into the directory containing your campaign datafiles (campXXXX.cmp).
>RsHack will refuse to run until it has access to the campaign
>If you select to add all 18 original missions to the campaign your
>currently editing, RsHack will first delete the old *.sav files from
>campaign. This ensures that the files are all replaced by modified
>internal ones created by RsHack.
>Once RsHack has completed system startup, You will be presented with a
>selection menu, containing upto 26 campaigns available for editing.
>one, and you will be presented with the main menu. From this menu, you
>return to the campaign selections menu and edit another without leaving
>program. Before you are returned to the campaign selections menu
>your changes (if any) are saved to the currently selected campaign.
>You may also change the skill mission for the campaign. Valid options
>range from rookie, to elite. Further, RsHack will install the required
>files to your campaign to grant you access to every single mission that
>comes default with RainBox Six Rogue Spear.
>They're is also an Exit rshack menu button (should be self explanatory)
>when pressed RsHack will ask if you'd like to save any changes you've
>made to the campaign. if you have made changes which require updating
>your saved campaign database file (adding missions does not require
>this) but you have not already done so, RsHack will remind you to save
>your changes before exiting.
>And finally, RsHack has an "About RsHack v1.3" button which when
>will bring up a short greetings and saluations message. Press enter to
>return to the main menu.
>Section 3. Licensing information
>The RsHaCK program is distributed in a freeware licensing fashion, What
>this means is: The program does require licensing after a reasonable
>trial period, but this licensing does not cost you any money now or in
>the future. Simply send me a short email letting me know your a user of
>this program, and include any suggestions/comments you like. In return
>for this, I'll send you a license key which will unlock the campaign
>editing limitation imposed during trial use. You will never recieve
>another email from me unless you specifically state you would like to
>made aware of improvements and/or other programs. Your email address is
>not compiled for a database, and is not sold/lent out or otherwise
>to anyone for any reason. You can send licensing requests to
>, please wait upto 24 hours for a response.
>RsHaCk does contain proprietary technology written by RaiD [slam]. You
>are not licensed nor authorized to disassemble or attempt to reverse
>engineer this program in any way shape or form. Permission is not
>granted to translate either this documentation nor the executable into
>any other formats or languages, either mechanically or electronically.
>Red Storm Entertainment is not liable for your use and/or misuse of
>program. This program was written and released without their knowledge
>or consent. changes this program may make to your saved campaigns
>has/have not been authorized by Red Storm Entertainment.
>And heres the rscrk file that accompanies it:
>I'm not responsible for anything this program does or doesn't do.
>If you choose to use it anyway, you do so at your own risk!
>In some states and countries, it's illegal to use and in some cases be
>in possesion of a program like this one, Please be sure to follow the
>laws in your state/country. This program was not written with the
>intention of breaking any laws.
>If you have updated your roguespear program since originally installing
>it from the cd-rom, this crack will not work for you. The developers of
>RainBow Six changed the layout of the executable just a little bit.
>crack should refuse to patch later versions. At the time of this
>programs creation, I only have access to the first release full iso. I
>am aware of various patches to the executable to fix a number of bugs.
>If you have used any of these patches, you cannot use this crack!
>When I have internet access again, I will obtain the patches, and
>cracks accordingly.
>Please note, I did not write this program so that you could rip off the
>developers. It was written for your convenience, not for illegal
>of the game. If you use this program, and you have not paid for the
>cd-rom (and I don't mean burned copies) then you should feel very
>You have to copy this program into the same directory as
>Use explorer to search for that, and copy rscrk.exe into the same
>directory. then, double click
>This crack will try to see if the file is the one intended for this
>crack before cracking it, this check is not foolproof.
>Raid [SLAM]
>I hope that clears this up for you all. You can checkout everything I
>claim in this post and see for yourself.

Warning Warning K00k spew is on the way. A general Usenet FOAM warning is in effect
until k00kboi Dustin Cook is medicated. Stay tuned for more news and updates on the 9's.

>Btw, Enjoy the crow.


Find A. Driver

31 Aug 2007, 16:46:3531/08/2007
Dustin Cook <>
seemed to recall BeOS:

>JHD <no...@jhd.invalid> wrote in
>> Dustin Cook <> wrote in
>> news:Xns999D68BEF8B...@
>>> Hardly. I'm fluent in various dialics of basic.
>> You mean 'basic' as in 'beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction
>> code?'
>That's what it stands for, but with the newer languages it's not just for
>beginners anymore. VB for example is a respected commercial programming
>language that used to pay well here, until most of the programming jobs
>were outsourced.
Dustin Cook <>
>> Mheh...*someday* I get somwon to help me rewrite that video
>> driver...its just changin a few lines of the code to point to
>> the right card id.
>> from 0x0xxx to 0x08d02....
>I seem to remember someone asking about a beos driver for his video card
>years ago... You mean beos still doesn't have drivers than you can find?
>Have you considered a newer video card? :)


Dustbins Cracked

31 Aug 2007, 16:53:2331/08/2007
Spam Boi Dustin Cook <>
>Art Deco <> wrote in news:300820072049443850%

>> Dustin Cook <> wrote:
>>>Gary L. Burnore <> wrote in news:fb7c9n$g32$11
>>>> On 30 Aug 2007 13:57:22 GMT, §ñühw¤£f <> wrote:
>>>>>Gary L. Burnore <> pinched out a steaming pile
>>>>>>On 29 Aug 2007 14:50:06 GMT, §ñühw¤£f <> wrote:
>>>>>>>Gary L. Burnore <> pinched out a steaming
>>>>>>>>On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:00:03 GMT, Dustin Cook
>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Someone is royally pissed off because I can code, and they can't.
>>>>>>>Dustbin wouldnt help me with my video driver for BeOS :(
>>>>>>Beotch wouldn't help you with your BeOS? Daaaaaamn. :)
>>>>>Maybe he's afraid of C programming. Visual Basic is prolly more his
>>>> That wouldn't surprise me in the least.
>>>Well, actually; truth be told, I've never written anything in visual
>>>basic. I dislike the language alot. I've dabbled in C, but I'm
>>>an assembler/asic coder. Asic is a dead language these days, but it's
>>>still useful for writing little things, like keygens, cracks, etc. And
>>>even BugHunter, although some of it is indeed, in pure assembly.
>>>Ah well, you tried, I'll give you kudos for that. :)
>> Keep yapping about software engineering, it is amusing.
>It sure is AUK regular. :)

Deal with it pinkboy

>The fact I had to explain to your dumb friends about the magically
>"protected" SharkPost executable is hillarious indeed.

HHI ^h^a^h^a^h^^a^ Hope you stick around to repeat that
about a thousand times, you dense fuck.

>Well, actually; truth be told, I've never written anything in visual
>basic. I dislike the language alot. I've dabbled in C, but I'm
>primarily an assembler/asic coder. Asic is a dead language these days,
>but it's still useful for writing little things, like keygens, cracks, etc. And
>even BugHunter, although some of it is indeed, in pure assembly.

!magine an accomplished virus writer like yourself who can crack apps
coded fer a 6800 and "dabbling in C" must be why you cant read nor
understand poster_thread.cpp, its too bad a 17 year old kid cracked that


31 Aug 2007, 17:44:4931/08/2007
k00ky Virus writer Dustin Cook <>
claiming "Innocent Me Status" by saying The Statute of Limitations
HLL Toadie.7800
Name HLL Toadie.7800
Type Virus

Aliases Toadie
Protection available since September 1999
Detected by All versions of Sophos Anti-Virus
Detected by Sophos Anti-Virus.

Summary Description
This section helps you to understand how it behaves

HLL Toadie.7800 is a direct-action prepending DOS based virus.
This means it can infect Windows executables and they will still run
(although a DOS prompt box will temporarily appear on the screen)

If an infected file is run at 17 minutes past the hour the virus displays:

TOADiE v1.2 - Raid [SLAM] <It's time for a reinstall... HeHeHe>

If Pegasus Mail is installed on your computer the virus will attempt to
attach itself to messages waiting to be sent. It will also drop a SCRIPT.INI
file and a copy of itself into the directory C:\MIRC if it exists in an attempt to
distribute itself via Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

This virus does not infect files between 3pm and 5pm.
The host executable will not run between 9pm and midnight.

When the virus is first received via a dropper file (sent by IRC or Pegasus Mail)
it displays one of 5 messages at the DOS prompt:

There once was a bud named B.C.
He grew on a 7 foot tree
Till one day I plucked him
Rolled him and smoked him
And now I can barely see!

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you to
stand behind you to tell you something I know
nothing about. Thursday, which is Good Friday,
we're having a Father's Day party for mothers only.
Admission is free, pay at the door, pull out a chair
and sit on the floor.

Late one night in the middle of the day, two dead
soldiers got up to fight. Back to back they faced
each other, pulled out their swords and shot one
another. A deaf policeman heard the noise, got up
and shot the twice dead boys. If you don't believe
me, ask the blind man who saw it all, through a
knothole in a wooden brick wall.

Question: If someone with multiple personalities tries to commit suicide,
do the police consider it a hostage situation?

One bong hit, Two bong hit, Three bong hit, Floor.

August 30, 1999
Web posted at: 2:12 p.m. EDT (1812 GMT)

by Matthew Nelson
Anti-virus vendors are warning their users of a new virus, toadie.exe,
which is spreading across Internet chat sites and e-mail in the form of
an executable program.

Toadie is classified as a direct infector style virus, because it searches out
other executable programs and infects them with itself when it is activated by a user.

Toadie is not capable of automatically sending itself over e-mail as the infamous
Melissa virus did, but it will tag along on executable files from one system to another.

Toadie can rapidly replicate itself across Internet chat sites using the Internet Relay
Command (IRC), however, without the knowledge of the sender, according to
Anti-virus vendor Network Associates Inc. (NAI), which will issue an alert on the virus

"It will attempt to send itself via IRC if you happen to be using Internet chat at the time.
People will think you are sending this to them, when in fact you don't realize it," said
Sal Viveros, group marketing manager for Total Virus Defense at Network Associates.

"It would be similar to what happened with the 'Frog in a Blender' " executable file that
carried the Chernobyl virus with it, he added.

There are currently four different variants of Toadie that NAI is researching, two of which
are in "the wild," or infecting systems across the Internet, and so far no dangerous payload
has been discovered. The virus can corrupt infected files, however, and make them unusable,
according to Viveros.

Infected users will be able to see a DOS box appear whenever they open an executable file,
which says "you are infected with Toadie," but users with faster and more powerful systems
will only see the message for a moment.

While only categorizing toadie.exe as a medium risk virus, NAI has received several copies of
the virus from its users and recommends they update their anti-virus software.

"We believe at this point that it is just going out and spreading and showing this message saying
you've been infected with Toadie," Viveros said. "But as always, you need to make sure you are
keeping your anti-virus software updated regularly."

RAID [slam] Dustin Cook of Knoxville Tennessee is currently posting to
Usenet and spaming these links to his Bugger software:


1 Sept 2007, 01:20:5601/09/2007
FAQ POASTER <> wrote in

>>I hope that clears this up for you all. You can checkout everything I
>>claim in this post and see for yourself.
> Warning Warning K00k spew is on the way. A general Usenet FOAM
> warning is in effect until k00kboi Dustin Cook is medicated. Stay
> tuned for more news and updates on the 9's.


Dumbstin handily points out that my not shit, which I assume was supposed
to mean I'm not shit.

This is close to an autoflame, since the question he was answering was
'why are you a broke-ass bragging about MS-DOS apps on a newsgroup if
you're so great? I'm a friggin IT executive and my skills put me just a
hair past glorified script kiddie with root. What's your excuse?'

His excuse apparently is I'm not shit...and he can't measure up to even

Equally gigglicious: his posting of scads and scads of low-threat,
unpropagated viruses and decades-old DOS utilities as evidence of his
skills...when the question was what relevance these alleged skills have
in *today's* market.

Triple-chuck: Continually claims he's 'safe' because the 'statute of
limitations has run out.' Of course, in many states the intentional
propagation of malware is a felony...and in at least two of those states,
Virginia and North Carolina, there is no statute of limitations on

SO, as of this moment the situation is this:

EITHER: All of Duh-stin's nattering is just more foam


I just HLS'd him into admitting to a prosecutable felony on a publicly-
accessible network.

Probably a good thing for him all his viruses were useless crap, so
nobody will care.

Now tell me you used those madd skillz to get a design credit on Lotus 1-
2-3 for the TRS-80 Model II, or on the Zork series, or something, and
maybe I'll be impressed, Duhs. For right now, all I see is the same pile
of worthless CompSci assignments that are sitting on every other geek's
hard drive, except most of them have enough decency to not actually try
to market it as software.

Message has been deleted


1 Sept 2007, 10:04:2201/09/2007
In article <fbasro$53j$>,
no...@jhd.invalid says...

No wonder they've relegated coding to the ready, cheap labor pool in
India and Pakistan. Any nigger who can type accurately can code. I
haven't seen Dumbstin exhibit even that quality. Coders are nothing but
drudges these days.


1 Sept 2007, 10:09:3301/09/2007
In article <qnx$fei8vb...@>, says...

> In article <fbasro$53j$>,
> no...@jhd.invalid says...
> >
> > Dumbstin handily points out that my not shit, which I assume was supposed
> > to mean I'm not shit.
> Sounds like a compliment, to me.

> > This is close to an autoflame, since the question he was answering was
> > 'why are you a broke-ass bragging about MS-DOS apps on a newsgroup if
> > you're so great? I'm a friggin IT executive and my skills put me just a
> > hair past glorified script kiddie with root. What's your excuse?'
> Well, his excuse CAN'T be that there's virtually no market for little
> DOS apps that some loser threw together in his basement hobby shop.
> Because not a week goes by that my boss doesn't say, "Hey, we really
> need to get some new little DOS apps from some loser's basement hobby
> shop, in order to stay competitive." I'm sure it's the same way in
> companies all around the world.

> > His excuse apparently is I'm not shit...and he can't measure up to even
> > that.
> The question is: What kind of shit is he? Dog shit? Cat shit? Pig
> shit?

> > Equally gigglicious: his posting of scads and scads of low-threat,
> > unpropagated viruses and decades-old DOS utilities as evidence of his
> > skills...when the question was what relevance these alleged skills have
> > in *today's* market.
> Oh come on, don't try to claim that your company doesn't have a burning
> need for a non-functional DOS virus from 1992! Every modern company
> needs those!

> > Triple-chuck: Continually claims he's 'safe' because the 'statute of
> > limitations has run out.' Of course, in many states the intentional
> > propagation of malware is a felony...and in at least two of those states,
> > Virginia and North Carolina, there is no statute of limitations on
> > felonies.
> It doesn't matter about the statute of limitations if nobody gives a
> shit.

> > Probably a good thing for him all his viruses were useless crap, so
> > nobody will care.
> I'm sure all three people who still run MS-DOS 5.0 care.

> > Now tell me you used those madd skillz to get a design credit on Lotus 1-
> > 2-3 for the TRS-80 Model II, or on the Zork series, or something, and
> > maybe I'll be impressed, Duhs. For right now, all I see is the same pile
> > of worthless CompSci assignments that are sitting on every other geek's
> > hard drive, except most of them have enough decency to not actually try
> > to market it as software.
> What a great idea! I still have a cute li'l program that, given any two
> numbers between 2 and 4 000 000 000, will produce a deterministic finite
> automaton for checking whether the first number is evenly divisible by
> the second. 'Cause nothing says "CompSci nerd" like writing a huge,
> complex program that implements relatively obscure and processor-
> intensive mathematical techniques for solving a non-problem that
> literally anybody can address by themselves with a cheap desk
> calculator. ...Anyway, you think I can get $50 for it?
I've got a bunch of "Hello World" proggies in various languages on
disks. Can you think of some way to market them for me? Or, should we
just leave it to those poor folk in India and Pakistan?

1 Sept 2007, 11:33:1001/09/2007
Bill <>
>JHD <no...@jhd.invalid> wrote:

>>I'm a friggin IT executive
>Is that what 7-11 is calling its employees nowadays?

Bet you're sore huh? Your most favored white hat is dissolving in his
own stupid bullshit.



1 Sept 2007, 11:59:4501/09/2007
Dustin Cook <> on
Sat, 01 Sep 2007 14:25:41 GMT

I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid published
several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same Raid who wrote
those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is myself.

------------------------- Original Post ----------------------------

Gary L. Burnore <> wrote in news:fba9km$n08$1

> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 19:49:09 GMT, Dustin Cook
> <> wrote:

>>This again, is common knowledge the information I'm fixing to admit to

> Fixing to admit? Fucking tard.

Yep, admission is good for the soul. :)

>>And, the statute of limitations is up, so this isn't going to hurt

> It won't hurt because you didn't DO it. Were it you and were
> someone's server to get infected with one virus today, the clock would
> start ticking again. Ask your parole officer.

Oh, it was indeed me sir. Indeed it was. And I have no parole officer. I
was charged several years ago with possession of marijuana, not abusing
a female. :)

>>Here you go. Read them and weep.

> You mean laugh, right?

Why not, I was laughing when they were wildlisted and spreading like
wildfire. Your welcome to laugh too.

>>You can check on raidslam and get a list of most of the
>>viruses I'm responsible for.

> You are SO full of shit.

Hmm, I realize truth isn't something you handle to well. Facts
are facts, however. Raid/slam and myself Dustin Cook are
indeed, one in the same person.

>>Here's a directory paste... nothing fancy.
>>You can learn more about the viruses by searching on the name.

> So you're a script kiddie. Big deal.

A script kiddy? Those are executable viruses, had you bothered to read
any of the urls I offered you.

I don't script. :)

>>Directory of C:\RAID
> [snip a whole bunch of you taking credit for the work of others]

>>I hope that clears this up for you all. You can checkout everything I
>>claim in this post and see for yourself.

> I see you are, again, lying.

I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid
published several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same Raid
who wrote those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is myself.


1 Sept 2007, 19:53:2901/09/2007
CM <> wrote in news:qnx$fei8vb...@

> In article <fbasro$53j$>,
> no...@jhd.invalid says...

>> Dumbstin handily points out that my not shit, which I assume was
>> supposed to mean I'm not shit.

> Sounds like a compliment, to me.

>> This is close to an autoflame, since the question he was answering
>> was 'why are you a broke-ass bragging about MS-DOS apps on a
>> newsgroup if you're so great? I'm a friggin IT executive and my
>> skills put me just a hair past glorified script kiddie with root.
>> What's your excuse?'

> Well, his excuse CAN'T be that there's virtually no market for little
> DOS apps that some loser threw together in his basement hobby shop.
> Because not a week goes by that my boss doesn't say, "Hey, we really
> need to get some new little DOS apps from some loser's basement hobby
> shop, in order to stay competitive." I'm sure it's the same way in
> companies all around the world.

It's true. I was just reading an article about that in Information

>> His excuse apparently is I'm not shit...and he can't measure up to
>> even that.

> The question is: What kind of shit is he? Dog shit? Cat shit? Pig
> shit?

Duhmb shit.

>> Equally gigglicious: his posting of scads and scads of low-threat,
>> unpropagated viruses and decades-old DOS utilities as evidence of his
>> skills...when the question was what relevance these alleged skills
>> have in *today's* market.

> Oh come on, don't try to claim that your company doesn't have a
> burning need for a non-functional DOS virus from 1992! Every modern
> company needs those!

See, that's what I keep trying to tell the rest of the directors where I
work. "Look, all I have to do is roll the entire places back to a bank
of Model III's and a 20Mb hard drive with Lotus 1-2-3 on it. Get a POS
terminal for credit card sales, and we can use this cradle-style 300 baud
modem to collect our paypal receipts for accounting (in plain text, of
course). We will be 100% perfectly secure against any and all virus and
malware attacks, java and flash malware, macro viruses, and trojan
horses. Of course, all our books will be dated 1907 because TRS-DOS had
the Y2K bug built in to the boot routine, but what the hell, that's not
hard to work around!"

Oddly enough, they don't seem to be buying it.

>> Triple-chuck: Continually claims he's 'safe' because the 'statute of
>> limitations has run out.' Of course, in many states the intentional
>> propagation of malware is a felony...and in at least two of those
>> states, Virginia and North Carolina, there is no statute of
>> limitations on felonies.

> It doesn't matter about the statute of limitations if nobody gives a
> shit.

>> Probably a good thing for him all his viruses were useless crap, so
>> nobody will care.

> I'm sure all three people who still run MS-DOS 5.0 care.

Something funny: I actually have copies of dos 5, dos 6, and os/2 warp
within arm's reach at this moment.

>> Now tell me you used those madd skillz to get a design credit on
>> Lotus 1- 2-3 for the TRS-80 Model II, or on the Zork series, or
>> something, and maybe I'll be impressed, Duhs. For right now, all I
>> see is the same pile of worthless CompSci assignments that are
>> sitting on every other geek's hard drive, except most of them have
>> enough decency to not actually try to market it as software.

> What a great idea! I still have a cute li'l program that, given any
> two numbers between 2 and 4 000 000 000, will produce a deterministic
> finite automaton for checking whether the first number is evenly
> divisible by the second. 'Cause nothing says "CompSci nerd" like
> writing a huge, complex program that implements relatively obscure and
> processor- intensive mathematical techniques for solving a non-problem
> that literally anybody can address by themselves with a cheap desk
> calculator. ...Anyway, you think I can get $50 for it?

Yeah, there's this guy I know, Dustin. He *loves* that kind of pointless
shit, I'm sure he'll pay you a ton for it. Then he'll rewrite it to pick
the numbers from between 2 and 4 000 000 002 and call it an original app.


1 Sept 2007, 20:12:2101/09/2007
Bill <>

>Dustin was easy to locate, but can UFF find my eBay username?

Shameless self-promotion noted, Chris. You're just trying to deflect
the spotlight away from the more talented and proficient Dustin Cook,
virus writer turned respected major league bughunter, and Ebay



1 Sept 2007, 21:00:3901/09/2007
Blind Bob <>
>On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 23:56:57 GMT, Bill <> wrote:

>>For some things, it may be the only way to locate an item.

>>Dustin was easy to locate, but can UFF find my eBay username?

>If he can't he'll make one up, crank out some crap to archive on google and
>voila, he'll have a 100% proof positive ID that he'll bring up for the next
>five years.

As you wish, buttercup:

Bills Shop Maintained by: bill
Bills Shop sells fine china, books on metal working plus other items that I have
found while searching for quality china. I realize this combination is rather strange
but it conforms to my interests.



1 Sept 2007, 21:34:5201/09/2007
Bill <>
>Blind Bob <> wrote:

>>On Sun, 02 Sep 2007 00:05:06 GMT, Blind Bob <> wrote:
>>>On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 23:56:57 GMT, Bill <> wrote:
>>>>Blind Bob <> wrote:
>>>>>I know a couple people who buy and sell on ebay. I don't understand the
>>>>>attraction myself but I don't understand the attraction of stamp collecting
>>>>>as a hobby either. I have a friend who buys broken electronics (i-pods,
>>>>>cameras, PS2s and such. He fixes them and then sells them for his cost and
>>>>>the cost of any parts he had to buy. He just likes to tinker with and fix
>>>>There are thousands of people making a living from selling
>>>>exclusively on eBay. There are many times that number who
>>>>make a significant fraction of their income from eBay.
>>>>Then there are the tinkerers, hobbyists, etc., who do it
>>>>as an end unto itself like your friend with the electronics.

>>>>For some things, it may be the only way to locate an item.
>>>>Dustin was easy to locate, but can UFF find my eBay username?
>>>If he can't he'll make one up, crank out some crap to archive on google and
>>>voila, he'll have a 100% proof positive ID that he'll bring up for the next
>>>five years.
>>Told ya.
>Maybe he can find some E-5's DD214 for sale.

Like you bought that "Oscar" and a picture of Barney Fife sitting
on your desk.

And a signed picture from Agent Kathleen McChesney. of the FBI?


1 Sept 2007, 21:50:4101/09/2007
quiltlady <>
>On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 19:45:18 -0500, Yenc-PP-A&A
>(Yenc-PP-A& wrote:
>>I am reposting. Let me know if successful.
>I'm still downloading (I have to join the parts), but they are not
>showing up with the .rar icon in my windows explorer because they are
>named "electricquilt v.5.rar_part01
>shouldn't the "_part01" be before the ".rar"

Just for the rar file. The nuthead packing it should have ticked
the box to use "old file name convention".



1 Sept 2007, 22:25:5001/09/2007
quiltlady <>
>>I am still getting that error message. I'm attaching an image:


>I'm just wondering if anyone else downloaded this and if so, did you
>have any problems with it or is it just me?

Looks like you don't have all the files. Grab one of the PAR's and a
copy of Quickpar and let quickpar repair the thing, if it's broke.


1 Sept 2007, 23:36:0901/09/2007
Yenc-PP-A&A (Yenc-PP-A&

>Jeannie what do you use to split files? To post files?

Use powerpost and let it split 10MB files on the fly, as it's

Create the 10mb files with Winrar when you are packing
whatever you have. Winrar will cut the files automatically,
just check the box to "use old file names types" so you dont
have the part.00x filenames. You should create the Par files
for the set after packing, since one Par can replace ANY broken
RAR file in a set.

A 50MB Package > Winrar (old type file names) > set to 1000000
bytes > create Pars for the set > use Powerpost to load the RAR's,
It's okay to "hold" the Pars, you can load them and click the "Hold"
button with the PARS selected so they don't post unless needed.

Powerpost will automatically segment the 10MB files into smaller
sections and post them. The job is done unless a section goes missing.

You should never use a file splitter, except for certain types of videos
and some other odd files.


1 Sept 2007, 23:47:1701/09/2007
quiltlady <>

>I've tried that and it says it's okay, but yet when I try it again, I
>still get the error message.

It looks ok but it's not. HJ split might stitch them back together
if you rename all the files to .001, .002 ect.


1 Sept 2007, 23:51:2201/09/2007
Yenc-PP-A&A (Yenc-PP-A&

>I need a different file splitter. Mine does not give me the option
>Would someone tell me what to use?

Just use Winrar to compress and cut into chunks around 10MB
then put them in Powerpost which will section those into smaller
parts on the fly.


2 Sept 2007, 00:01:1502/09/2007
TheApostle <>
>This post, CM <>
>may be monitored for quality assurance:
>|In article <>, likes-to-
>| says...
>|> This post, CM <>
>|> Message-ID:<<qm3jd$jhfpw...@>>
>|> may be monitored for quality assurance:
>|> |
>|> |In article <>, likes-to-
>|> | says...
>|> |> |Or, he writes no code at all and is just lying sack of shit.
>|> |>
>|> |> Why don't you name all the programs you've have written and
>|> |> compare the code against all the names of the programs he has
>|> |> written.
>|> |>
>|> |> The results will tell who is a "lying sack of shit".
>|> |
>|> |Anyone who can manage "Hello World" in any high-level language has got
>|> |Duhstin beat...
>|> |
>|> |#include <stdio.h>
>|> |int main(void) { printf("Hello, world!\n"); }
>|> |
>|> |...ta-da! I win.
>|> Nex time, try something not copied from the web.....
>|Results 1 - 10 of 493,000 for "try something not copied from the web"
>Thanks once again, for another amusing displaying your stupidity....
> Your search - "try something not copied from the web" -
> did not match any documents.
> Suggestions:
> Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
> Try different keywords.
> Try more general keywords.
>Whoops! Caught lying again, eh tough guy. I bet this happens a lot
>of the time for you doesn't it. Surely you cannot admit that you're
>such an incompetent programmer that you can't even use a simple search
>engine properly. Can't admit you lied. Kind of stuck between a rock
>and a boot up your ass, eh?
>Here is an out (escape of accountability) because I am such a nice guy.
>If you remove the quotes on that sentence, you _will_ find about 493,000
>matches for "try","something","not","copied", "from", "the", and "web".
>Feel free to use that as your excuse. Don't let anyone know I gave
>you it tho, they might believe you could come up with this stuff all
>on your own.
>Don't think of this as a set back in your {f}laming career. Think
>of this as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and push on.
>Perhaps you should start off with a simple spelling lame, or perhaps
>a grammar lame before you accomplish the more tougher subjects. Ya
>know those subjects like pedo laming and sock puppetry and finally
>graduating to really kicking those big old bad Usenet men, like me,
>who keep humiliating you.



Shut the fuck up Less. Can't you see I'm trying to help those
doddering naboobs pira8 some embrodery software?

You fucking narK!

Message has been deleted


2 Sept 2007, 01:07:5102/09/2007
Yenc-PP-A&A (Yenc-PP-A&
>Play nice. and offer any suggestions on the correct way of doing. I
>need some 1,2 and 3 kind of instruction.
>I do not understand "packing in 10MB segments. Nowhere do I see a
>way to set an amount.
>Is there no a fact and a list of tools? I have looked and cannot
>It is easy to make fun.

Dont take it so seriously it's just a botched post, nothing that cant be
fixed. Slow down and take a breather.

>It takes more typing to instruct..and you do that so well.

I didn't make the other post. Get your p's and q's in order. You don't
owe anyone a post, and you dont have to post anything -- so just
take it easy until you get it right.


Right here, top picture. If people would use their heads instead
of leesting to rH/sockpuppet all the time everyone here would
have been able to do whatever you need to do.

On this page scroll down to the PowerPost section, dont use Agent
to post binaries anymore.

If you're doing funny stuff expect some laughs! That information
will get you where you want to go.


2 Sept 2007, 01:56:0602/09/2007
Pixie <>

>On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 23:46:54 -0500, Yenc-PP-A&A
>(Yenc-PP-A& wrote:
>>Play nice. and offer any suggestions on the correct way of doing. I
>>need some 1,2 and 3 kind of instruction.
>>I do not understand "packing in 10MB segments. Nowhere do I see a
>>way to set an amount.
>>Is there no a fact and a list of tools? I have looked and cannot
>>It is easy to make fun.
>>It takes more typing to instruct..and you do that so well.


If you want the circus to stop, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

It's your call split-tail.

>You are not talking to the real rH. He took off in his ute after
>leaving this message on Thursday.

WTF? Where does anything say anything about being anyone?

>Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 21:51:59 +0930
>Message-ID: <>
>Don't listen to Sew Foo either.

Do what you want, I'm not forcing anyone to read or do anything.

Unlike Pixie and rh <BSEG>
My point /segfault/ on Pixie

>They are probably the same person.
>Sew Foo has this in his header -
>X-Proverb: Suck a dick one time
>X-Adverb: And they'll call you a cocksuker for the rest of your
>fucking life
>X-I-Bet: You wish you hadn't
>Does that sound like a craftperson to you??

What about headers makes **anyone** **anything** Missy-Pixie?

Put your rationale for that thought right

[finnish danish]

>You are being led up the garden path by a brainless teenager with
>nothing better to do on his weekend but annoy craft groups.
>He knows rH is away, so is looking to make trouble.

How das vroot would I know where dat environmental disaster is?

>I don't know how to help you use Newsleecher, I'm not familiar with it
>so can't hold your hand and help.

So your whole poast is USELESS? Is that what you meant to say, or
ya just keeping the good information private? /giggles/ bitch.


Quit waving your panties in the air, nobody cares about your feminine
wiles, rH



2 Sept 2007, 02:03:3302/09/2007
Pixie <>

>Come on Ladies, get with the program.

Yes it's time to dump this no nothing bitch and her master rH.

>You need to teach yourselves how to read headers so you know exactly
>who is posting. Just because someone says they are "rH" doesn't mean
>they are.

And the sooner they learn just how many "rH's" there are and how
many newservers and names he's using they'll be filtering him and
your slurping ass right out of their newsreaders, honeybunch.

>There has been a lot of legitimate and helpful information posted to
>this group to help you post, and post safely.

You two fools have done nothing besided running roughshod over
ordinary, everyday people, that time is past.

Get with the program or GET FUCKED, Missy-Pixie.


2 Sept 2007, 02:46:5902/09/2007
Pixie <>

>Keep posting your pottie mouth trash Sew-Fool.

Your three months trying to rule this newsfroup are over.

Read this: <46ae1cac$0$15115$>
You'll find it important, child.

>Everyone's watching and learning.

Good, it's easy, once you strip the smoke and mirrors you and
/rH have been throwing at others away.

>/me loads gun so you can shoot yourself in the foot one more time.

Threat Notices To:

Redundant Networking Corporation
D/B/A Octanews
331 2nd Ave S
Suite 540
Minneapolis, MN 55401


2 Sept 2007, 03:47:5002/09/2007
Pixie <>
>On Sun, 2 Sep 2007 06:46:59 +0000 (UTC), Sew-Foo
><dust...@alter-egoasshat.yo> M-Uffled:

>>Your three months trying to rule this newsfroup are over.


Silly biotch

>By "rule" I guess you mean the way I try to / S L A P*

Intimidating users into doing anything and everything **YOUR** way

Nobody ever elected you as newsgroup spokesman, there's no
voting in alt* If I decide this is a group for ripped DVDs that's all
you'll ever see here again

Wanna put it to a test?


<jFdei.4746$%t6.490@trnddc02> saw "Dania"
<>, Bless us ALL with:

>Well not a newbie to newsgroups ;)

Somehow I cannot accept you have ever left "diaper status".

>First off I found you all by accident, didn't realize there was a group such
>as this, since you wouldn't assume what people post here because of the name
Care to describe *exactly* how that "accident" occurred. Should
be prove an interesting read :-/
>Secondly, Does anyone share .jef files here? I noticed most of them are .hus
>If anyone can maybe turn me to a right group that share my type of
>embroidery machine files? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

.that was hard ..yeh? :-~

>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I have tons of .jefs (from a popular
>Emb..librarrry on the internet ;) and would love to share, but it won't help
>ya guys if we have different machines/formats ;)
Forget it unless you do know how to post binary. With 12+ years
of Usenet experience that operation should be a breeze, just like
reading the NG before posting (anything) was, for you :-p

>Thanks! :)
.no problem. Glad to help.

Having difficulty learning about Binary posts?
Subscribe to alt.binaries.vj.tester by asking
your NSP to list the NG.
Search Engines are your Tools.
"google it"
"read archives"
use --->
" find the photo"


>>>/me loads gun so you can shoot yourself in the foot one more time.

>Oops, you did it again!

Threats indicating physical violence are illegal, here, there and

>>Threat Notices To:
>>Redundant Networking Corporation
>>D/B/A Octanews
>>331 2nd Ave S
>>Suite 540
>>Minneapolis, MN 55401

>When ya get a hold of Mike / S L A P

Newsgroup ho, who wants a shitty server with 6 whole days retention

>Funny, he never mentions you........

Funny he never mentions Octanews..............

Yes, THE John Henry

2 Sept 2007, 14:21:4602/09/2007
BorDeek<dust...@crazy-fuckhat.nx> wrote in

> I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
> regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid
> published several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same
> Raid who wrote those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is
> myself.

How are we (tinw) supposed to believe you're a leet coder dude fluent in
multiple languages, when you can't even manage English on a consistent

Yes, THE John Henry

Art Deco

2 Sept 2007, 14:55:0802/09/2007

Your kidding.

Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"Why are you now discussing Art Deco,,
the coward using a fake name who avoids answering questions
and doesn't try to discuss music with anyone?"
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen


2 Sept 2007, 20:19:1502/09/2007
On Sun, 02 Sep 2007 12:55:08 -0600
Art Deco <> wrote:

> Yes, THE John Henry <pfft@!yeah.right> wrote:
> >BorDeek<dust...@crazy-fuckhat.nx> wrote in
> >news:fbc29g$4lu$
> >
> >> I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
> >> regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid
> >> published several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same
> >> Raid who wrote those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is
> >> myself.
> >
> >How are we (tinw) supposed to believe you're a leet coder dude fluent in
> >multiple languages, when you can't even manage English on a consistent
> >basis?
> Your kidding.

Grammar Troll:
Your indicates posession of a thing.
You're is a shortened form of "you are".
Have a nice goat...

Dustbin Crook

3 Sept 2007, 21:56:2003/09/2007
TheApostle <>
>This post, DJStrife <>

>may be monitored for quality assurance:
>|In article <>,
>| says...
>|> |> |> >
>|> |> |> >|Les is most guilty of everything he's accused me of.
>|> |> |> >
>|> |> |> >Prove it!
>|> |> |
>|> |> |All anyone has to do is google the nym TheApostle and everything will
>|> |> |be there. No need for any more reposts.
>|> |>
>|> |> No proof to your claims makes you a liar.
>|> |>
>|> |> See how easy it is to dismiss your babbling!
>|> |
>|> |On the contrary Les... you can dismiss it easily enough but your
>|> |dismissal in the face of the landslide of posts proving the opposite
>|> |makes that laughable.
>|> Where's the "landslide of posts", Zeke?
>|On google fool.
>Post em, oh cowardly one!
>|> You haven't posted a thing. There is no "landslide of posts" and
>|> it's _just_ you making the claims without a single proof to back
>|> them up. As I stated, retard, No proof to your claims makes you
>|> a liar!
>|Just type "TheApostle" into google and everyone will see who the liar
>|is Leslie.
>No, idiot, if they type "TheApostle" into Google they will return
>search results for "TheApostle". The same thing could be said if
>they typed "Zeke" into Google. Idiot.
>|> |> |>
>|> |> |> I read it on the internet. It must be true!
>|> |> |>
>|> |> |Les is really in his full glory... people are paying attention to him
>|> |> |again. It's the wrong kind of attention but he'll take it in any hole.
>|> |>
>|> |> Says the guy who switched his nym to avoid kill filters.
>|> |>
>|> |> Slurp that child molester a lil more, Racist.
>|> |>
>|> |I don't like anadvocate... pass to you.
>|> anadvocate is not a convicted child molester........ gary is.
>|Show me some proof of that Les.
>You've made the claim. It's not me who has to prove that anadvocate
>is not a convicted child molester it is you who has to prove he is..
>and you can't even tell when Bill is and isn't posting you're so damn
>stupid. Gary's conviction is public record and he admitted it.
>|anadvocate proved he's a molester just by his choice of reading material.
>You've proven you're an idiot by your choice of arguments, dumbass.
>Here is something for your little mind to ponder, moron. I like
>novels about vampires. Does that mean I am a Vampire becuase of
>my reading material? How about Stephen King who writes books about
>murder. He _must_ be a murderer because that's his reading material
>right simpleton?
>and while I'm here beating the snot out of your again, you referenced
>"reading material" that you claim is his, the _same_ reading material
>you and your friends have reposted in this group countless times, Zeke?
>Go ahead, idiot deny it. Do you believe _anyone_ is going to say to
>themselves that Zeke had nothing to do with the reposting.. when you
>said absolutely nothing about it and cheered it.
>Can you see why you're regarded as the biggest fucking idiot to ever
>learn how to type on a keyboard. Your intelligence is up there with
>wet oatmeal. You self-spank yourself more times in one day than any
>k00k running around Usenet pounding his fat stubby fingers on a keyboard
>and the big victory of all is you're too stupid to know any better.....
>Now it's time to completely ignore everything Zeke (becuase your
>simple little mind can't handle anything over two lines) and hurl one
>of your infamous lames that you're reposted hudnreds and hundreds of
>times to escape your beatings.

LesS the only thing you need type when you make a reply is,
"I don't understand a thing"


Dustin said:
I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid
published several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same Raid
who wrote those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is myself.

Yes, THE John Henry

4 Sept 2007, 00:35:3804/09/2007
Art Deco <> wrote in news:020920071255087696%

> Yes, THE John Henry <pfft@!yeah.right> wrote:
>>BorDeek<dust...@crazy-fuckhat.nx> wrote in
>>> I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
>>> regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid
>>> published several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same
>>> Raid who wrote those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is
>>> myself.
>>How are we (tinw) supposed to believe you're a leet coder dude fluent in
>>multiple languages, when you can't even manage English on a consistent
> Your kidding.

Yes, what about my kidding?

Dustbin Crook

4 Sept 2007, 00:47:0604/09/2007
"Yes, THE John Henry" <pfft@!yeah.right>

You used to be kidding, now I'm kidding. Until someone takes my
kaddiler away. When that occurs I'll be kidless, are you kidding?

Dustin said:
I haven't lied about anything in that post. Just ask alt.comp.virus
regulars, they'll tell you what I said is the truth. The same Raid
published several years ago in Rolling Stones magazine is the same Raid
who wrote those viruses, and cofounded HHI. And that Raid sir, is myself.

Not Telling but not Being a nutless coward like Blackhorse and Mjølnër

7 Sept 2007, 15:36:5207/09/2007
On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 14:31:44 -0400, dead_man <> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Sep 2007 16:38:38 GMT, Bill in
><iMWCi.3424$Ov2.1439@trndny06> lied to us like so:
>> >On Sun, 2 Sep 2007 23:16:53 -0400, dead_man <> wrote:
>> [...]
>You snip it all then construct a lie about what you are replying to.
>> None, this is precisely what I meant when I wrote that
>> people around here have a tendency to fixate on the one
>> or two items that might indicate something other than
>> what the bulk of the information leads one to conclude.
>Address the issue not the strawman, uberkook.
>> I've subscribed to several news services over the last
>> decade. Newsguy, Newscene, Altopia. I've used two ISPs,
>> AOL and GTE/Verizon. There's no reason for Mr. Caputo
>> to have used Newsguy or Newscene - in fact, you'll probably
>> find the only news server he's ever used is his own.
>Bill, this is exactly what I meant when I wrote that you are a lying
>hypocrite. I don't know and don't care who you are in your real life,
>if you indeed have one. I said nothing to imply that you are anyone
>other than "Bill" who previously used to post as "<akula>" and who is a
>lying hypocritical uberkook, yet you snip directly below my nym and
>posting particulars and go off into some sideways direction about how
>you aren't somebody the person whose post you pretend to be referring to
>never implied you were.
>You asked usenet, by way of a public post to usenet servers, for an
>example of your hypocrisy. Since I had one so recently at hand I
>provided one. You choose to ignore that, erect yet another straw man
>and defend yourself against something that was never raised by me.
>You are a liar and a hypocrite, Bill.

Well argued, and, of course, akula ignored it.

Every wonder who the biggest liar is on Usenet?

When someone asked, "So, ask yourself, why even bother to read
messages from MoeJoe, Zeke or the man of 1,000 names. They
never have anything new, useful or meaningful to say. They
garner no respect and have no credibility. So, why bother
with them at all?", Mjølnër, who buys the ink for his poisoned
pen from the Father of Lies, let fly his greatest whopper:

"Because we are the only source of truth in these groups."

Ever wonder who the biggest baby is on Usenet?

When UFF lickspittle, John_S, asked why the UFF had sporged
his favorite group,,
yet again, the UFF put aside his pacifier long enough to mewl:

"Crap like Message-ID: <>
posted by group regulars results in appropriate attitude readjustments."

And here is the message that made the UFF go -ahem- Batty:

Message-ID: <>

Yes well no doctor can help you with your predicament, can they:
No cure for being an uffie asshole ... or perhaps there is, why don't
you go play on the interstate highway (G).


The New and Improved UFF sig:

___ ___ ___
/ /\ / /\ / /\
/ /:/ / /::\ / /::\
/ /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\
/__/:/ /\ / /::\ \:\ / /::\ \:\
\ \:\ /:/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/\:\ \:\
\ \:\/:/ \__\/ \:\_\/ \__\/ \:\_\/
\ \::/ \ \:\ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/

-=- Usenet Diaper Dandies -=-
Liberty and Talcum Powder For ALL

Please read

-=- "Whining Since 1998!" -=-

0 new messages