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font problem in Quark

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Steve Mouzon

Oct 28, 2002, 11:57:01 PM10/28/02
I hope I don't get shot for posting this here, and I'd be using InDesign if my publisher allowed it, but I'm having fits with an Adobe font in Quark XPress 4.1. The font is Bembo, which I bought recently from the online store. It looks and prints fine in Word or any other application, but when I copy it into Quark, that's where the fun begins.

At 100% magnification, everything looks fine, but it never prints fine. At any other magnification other than 100%, the on-screen errors match the printed errors. Basically, several of the minor characters are messed up.

Bullets (option-8) turn into capital Ys with horizontal slashes through them. And curly quotes disappear entirely, leaving the "blank character box." Other minor characters screw up, too, but these are giving me the biggest fits.

The really strange thing is that I can change to any other font I want to, and all of the problems disappear... even some of the bold versions of Bembo. So it's just Bembo Regular and Bembo SC that seem to have the problem... any ideas?

Thanks much!!!


Thomas Phinney

Oct 29, 2002, 2:01:50 AM10/29/02
You don't say whether you're on a Mac or Windows, what OS version you're on, or what version of ATM you're using. These might all be interesting bits of information. Also, what kind of printer are you printing to, and using what driver?


Don McCahill

Oct 29, 2002, 4:02:27 PM10/29/02

He's on a Mac ... bullets are option-8.

Thomas Phinney

Oct 30, 2002, 4:10:02 AM10/30/02

Good point. But that still leaves a lot of questions open....


Neil Keller

Nov 6, 2002, 7:57:40 AM11/6/02

On Macs, I've composed emails with bullets, and have seen them turn into Yen symbols if they're not translated properly by the email client -- but from what I recall, this happens primarily if the Mac-composed email is opened on a Windows-based machine. I don't know if there is any relationship here to your specific problem.

That aside, it sounds like some form of corruption. I'd first suggest a reinstallation of the offending Bembo, by the book, from the original Adobe media/download. Or request a new download in case of corruption. I also suggest (FWIW) updating to QuarkXPress 4.11. Also, be sure to be using ATM or ATM Deluxe 4.6.1 or later (if running under MacOS 9.x). Can't comment on your printers, as you haven't told us anything about them.

Also, a couple of things I noticed about QuarkXPress (using v4.11, ATM Deluxe 4.6.2, MacOS 9.2.2, LaserWriter 8.3.x, HP LaserJet PostScript and PostScript-clone printers). From time to time, an XPress document that has been cloned a number of times (for, say, updating or for different versions) may start suffering from some forms of corruption, including fonts that display correctly, but print as Courier. The "cure" for me has been to "select all" and "copy" the entire document's elements to the clipboard, create a new blank document; and page-by-page, paste the elements into the new document.

I use QuarkXPress daily (and Adobe still lets me into the forums as a Forum Host <vbg> ), and this has happened to me a couple of times. But I can't say if this is something on my computers, or if it is a fluke with XPress.

Please tell us more about your system environment so we can try to narrow this down for you.


Cindy Smith

Nov 6, 2002, 4:07:41 PM11/6/02
I have had the same issue with fonts being aliased. I am running OS 9.2.2. on a 867 G4. My fonts were not working in Quark either but they don't work in Word, PageMaker or Illustrator. Although, I can take them to another computer (an older one, G3) and they work just fine. I believe it is the new mac that is the culprit and they have yet to find a fix. If you have information that may help please inform me because I am ready to send this new computer back if it cannot handle something as basic as a font. Apple Care told me that I don't need to be using ATM, or ATM Deluxe, that I can just dump the suitcases into my fonts folder in the system folder.
Cindy Smith

Neil Keller

Nov 7, 2002, 8:37:59 PM11/7/02

This is most likely NOT a Mac hardware problem (although there is a remote possibility that there is a faulty video card).

I (and many others) successfully run new G4s under 9.2.2. No font issues that I can attribute to these Macs or OS or ATM Deluxe. QuarkXPress does not redraw fonts onscreen properly when you edit in a text box. You have to completely refresh the screen in order to see smooth, antialiasing as necessary intermediate color values between the background and text color are temporarily lost.

You don't give too much information about "fonts not working" in other apps. If this is an aliasing issue, first, be sure that you are using ATM Light or Deluxe 4.6.1 or 4.6.2 -- nothing earlier. And be sure that you have selected "smooth edges on screen" in ATM. In your Appearance Control Panel --> Fonts, you have the option to select "smooth all fonts on screen." Experiment with these two settings to see what works best for you.

Note: when you are ready to move over to Jaguar, be sure that you don't use any version of ATM -- it's not compatible.

If I've missed the mark on this, please get back to us with additional detail of the problem. Thanks.


Phil Ryan

Nov 20, 2002, 8:07:03 AM11/20/02
Any further info on this issue?
By coincidence i have recieved a call from one of our users who has reported the same error.

Ad supplied by third party appears correctly on screen (option-8 bullet points, but when printed the Yen symbol appears.

Anyone any ideas?


Neil Keller

Nov 20, 2002, 8:18:45 AM11/20/02

Is he crossing platforms (Mac to Windows) between ad creation and ad output? It's what it sounds like to me.


George Bilalis

Nov 20, 2002, 8:57:56 AM11/20/02

may this be relevant. Is it printing with complete download of font or substitution with (output) device fonts?


Lance K

Nov 20, 2002, 12:02:27 PM11/20/02

I've experienced this problem on my Macintosh, and can reproduce it, when truetype and type 1 fonts with the same name are installed in my System Folder: Fonts folder (common culprits are Arial and Times New Roman).

You didn't mention the font you were using, or if you were using font management software, but it might be worthwhile to carefully check your machine and make sure that there is only one version of the particular font installed and active.


harry serrano

Nov 21, 2002, 11:11:21 PM11/21/02
can anyone please help me where to get these fonts for free??thanks in advance!


John Nolan

Nov 22, 2002, 7:10:21 AM11/22/02
Those fonts are available from Agfa, but they aren't free.

Neil Keller

Nov 22, 2002, 8:35:32 AM11/22/02

Please don't post multiple times.
Please don't post unrelated questions in an established topic.



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