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Photoshop CS2 freeze on my comp :(

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May 5, 2005, 6:20:34 AM5/5/05
dont know why but after running about 15mins (or less) Photshp got freeze on my computer, every tabs gone white n i lost all my work :( I tried to re-install windows but it didnt help. Dont know what happened >__<

im using : p4 3.0e HT, 512DDRam
anyone can help me out :(

p/s : sorry, my ENG is bad

May 6, 2005, 12:00:31 AM5/6/05
try updating video drivers.

May 6, 2005, 2:12:20 AM5/6/05
installed the lasted Video Driver but it still happens . It go freeze for about 5 mins and work normally for 'bout 10 mins and then freeze again ...ect

May 6, 2005, 2:16:18 AM5/6/05
do you have a network? is there a network printer set as your system default printer? if so, try to set a local printer as default.

May 6, 2005, 11:20:16 AM5/6/05
do you have a network installed?

May 6, 2005, 6:47:40 PM5/6/05
Yes, I suppose that is another thing that both machines have in common.

May 6, 2005, 9:49:14 PM5/6/05
it could be looking for something on the network.

try resetting the prefrences per the faq, that should clear out your recent file list. you're sure you don't have a network printer anywhere? that might be offline?

May 6, 2005, 10:10:26 PM5/6/05
No printing of any kind. I have cleared the preferences per faq several times. It actually helps for a bit. The problem does seem to be corrupting pref files.

One possibility is the wacom driver. The first clue that Ps is about to go down is strange cursor behavior. Will check that out.

May 6, 2005, 10:54:14 PM5/6/05
Strange cursor behavior could also be due to the video card driver.

May 6, 2005, 11:14:28 PM5/6/05
I was just gonna say that... :)

May 7, 2005, 10:00:38 AM5/7/05
Yes, video drivers. Can a video driver problem corrupt preference files, if that is indeed what is happening?

The tough thing about that is there are so many people with the same drivers (and even card) that do not have this problem. If it is indeed traced to this, I guess I am screwed, or buy a new card.

Seems with a lot of these problems there is a complex interaction between several previously benign components of hardware and software. Only in concert do they bring out the worst in each other. And very few people have exactly that configuration, so few resources can be spent on solving it.

I see on the nvidia website that there are vendor approved drivers. I installed the Adobe tested one, no help. Could there be issues of not uninstalling correctly or completely, or even not installing correctly?

When Photoshop finally quits, it does generate a report that is filled with technical information. Are there any resources that could help me glean a hint from this report as to where to continue exploring?

Dave, on the network issue, on digging some more, there are two network cards on this machine. Don't know how that happened, didn't ask for it. Windows has been trying to tell me something was unplugged. I disabled the card and will see if that helps.

May 7, 2005, 6:00:06 PM5/7/05
Seems a lot of people have posted this problem but nobody knows the answer. Fortunately I do. It's because of this font preview thing. I just came to this forum trying to see if anyone else has posted about this problem. I never used CS, but now I decided to upgrade to CS2. Appaullingly it spends several minutes after startup has apparently finished, rendering previews of all the fonts on the system, regardless of whether or not you are working with text type or even have the character pallette open. On my machine with thousands of fonts installed this makes Potoshop unresponsive for a lengthy period of time.

Also if you enter the settings dialog and change the font preview size, the process starts all over again. There is no option to turn off font preview and rectify this atrocious behavior.

You can see this happening if you have a file system hook program. You will visually be able to identify Photoshop accessing and querying every single font file installed on the system this way.

I personally think that the approach should be to do this process once, AND inform the user that it is happening (so as to prevent all this confusion) and then cache the previews indefinitely for use between sessions, updating the preview database only when new fonts are added or old ones removed. Doing this process every time Photoshop starts up is the most ludicrious thing to ever spawn from Adobe's lair. I assume they sacked all the staff that worked on previous versions and decided to get a new batch of staff who clearly do not have a clue.

Back to PS7.

May 7, 2005, 6:10:22 PM5/7/05
In fact you can turn the preview off. In my haste I was expecting to see a "None" option in the dropdown but you can just deselect "Font Preview Size" by unchecking the box and this disables the preview altogether, even though the option refers to size. This does bypass the mass font querying and thus hanging problem.

May 7, 2005, 11:30:14 PM5/7/05
it that really because of the font? I realize that when PSCS2 go freeze, there's 2 PSCS2 in the Windows Task Mangaer, while in processes there r some Adobelm_cleanup.0001 running, also Adobelmsvc.exe but they use no CPU at all :( my sistem Idle is still 99%

If it has something to do with Font querying wouldnt it take some CPU?

May 8, 2005, 12:11:22 AM5/8/05
Bilge - the font rendering should not make Photoshop unresponsive. It was very carefully designed NOT to do that.

Adobe tested CS2 with a large number of users on a HUGE number of systems - and nobody reported anything like what you're claiming (even the folks with the old PII systems).

If you would like to work with us to figure out your problems, please create a new topic. Hijacking an existing topic with unrelated guesswork isn't considered polite.

May 8, 2005, 6:58:28 AM5/8/05
The font rendering doesn't just make Photoshop unresponsive but the mass disk access drives the entire system to a near halt whilst it continues to do this.

My intention was not to hijack, I read a number of topics all referring to almost the same thing and figuring that this was the most active of the bunch decided to post the response to this one. Although in retrospect if this user is only experiencing the problem 15 minutes after start-up then perhaps it is not the same thing, since although the symptomns are the same, the problem occurs almost immediately after start-up if it's font preview related, so sorry for that.

I find no need to work with anyone to resolve the issue I had since the problem was clearly identified as mass disk access caused by overburdening the hard disk with querying all the fonts on the system. The only thing I changed was to turn this off and the problem has ceased to be. The details are exactly as I have already mentioned so please review them carefully.

May 8, 2005, 1:47:59 PM5/8/05

I find no need to work with anyone to resolve the issue

problem solved!

May 9, 2005, 10:08:00 AM5/9/05
Craig, I am using a nVidia card in CS2 without problem, and I did not update the drivers recently...

What other programs are running?
Was the other machine using a quadro card as well?
What OS? (with a dual opteron and 6gigs, I was wondering if you were using XP64...)

In the meantime, I urge the other users to look at Craig's website: <>

May 9, 2005, 3:05:58 PM5/9/05
Bilge - ok, how many fonts do you have installed?
Have you checked your system drive for fragmentation?

The hard disk should be far from "overburdened" by a low priority background thread rendering font samples. So I'm really curious why your system seems to be "overburdened" by it.

May 9, 2005, 10:44:20 PM5/9/05
Hello Chris,

No offense but i think Blige found the solution.

We recently purchase de new CS 2 version and i had to stay in office on sunday to clean up the PC station with Font doctor and then relink the font with Font reserve.

I agree with Blige this is in the least stable version of Photoshop i saw so far.Remember the slow Acrobat version 6 .

But let me tell you this version is worst!...I have a workstation here with 3000 fonts activated!...

It s been 10 minutes now and i have click Photoshop CS 2 To open it and the process is at 98% of the CPU, so there is a problem here!...

If i deactivate the font the problem go away!... Then i know i read your resume you should report this bug to the office.

Also i hope the future Macromedia products will not be that bugy!...I think everyone at Adobe should be a little concern about all this .

I hope i didn't Hijack the topic Chris.

Font are a common problem with Adobe products on the Mac ... Welcome all of PC user you now have the same problem

Oh yeah Chris tell the people at Adobe to update the Adobe Type Manager its ridiculous how old it is!...

May 9, 2005, 11:20:02 PM5/9/05
harlugo - no, he found a symptom, not a solution.

We've been running machines with the entire Adobe font library installed, and haven't seen problems like this.

So, I need to get more information to find out why your machines are slow and ours are not.

May 9, 2005, 11:59:14 PM5/9/05
Hi Chris.

You have to put in perspective the fact that font are not always Adobe font library!.. so a lot of people will have strange problem and strange font.

Since i have play around with my font Photoshop CS 2 is stalling when we try to open it!....CPU process 98%

I think for now! i will go back to Photoshop CS 1.

I think it s not a funny thing for a GM release like this one!!.. We have not pay to become beta tester!!

May 10, 2005, 12:22:46 AM5/10/05
Then we need to find out what strange and problem fonts you have that are causing this problem (and we did test with third party fonts -- it's just that the Adobe font library is the biggest collection of fonts we have available)

You aren't a beta tester -- 600+ other people did that.
But they didn't have this problem.

So we need to find out from you what's different about your system that you are having this problem!

May 10, 2005, 12:36:38 AM5/10/05
Hi Chris my time is valuable what can you offer me for my help on this?

Let me know!..

600+ people where can i become a beta tester?

May 10, 2005, 1:27:23 AM5/10/05

Hi Chris my time is valuable what can you offer me for my help on this?


May 10, 2005, 4:11:02 AM5/10/05

>>Oh yeah Chris tell the people at Adobe to update the Adobe Type Manager
its ridiculous how old it is!...<<

I think you will find that Adobe has stopped shipping ATM DeLuxe...

May 10, 2005, 8:12:50 AM5/10/05
Héhé!! i just decide to solve the problem this morning

I uninstal CS 2 from one of our workstation!...

Please the next time call me if you need a beta tester!....

I pass 4 hours on this which is way more that i can give away for free!...

May 10, 2005, 8:48:45 AM5/10/05

Please the next time call me if you need a beta tester!

Adobe might actually do that. It'll put a "minimum user requirements" on the box, next to the system requirement.


May 10, 2005, 10:12:22 AM5/10/05
I just installed the trial of CS2, I have 2496 fonts active on my system. I immediately tested your problem and didn't see it. I am running a dual PIII 1Ghz w/ 2GB RAM WIN2K SP4, Matrox G550 vid card with memory set to 85%. I am using the medium preview for all the fonts. I also used the up/down arrows to see how fast the fonts would preview and it less than a second (it seems a lot less).

I am using ATM 4.1 Deluxe for font management. I agree that Adobe should make a decent font manager. I just never understood why they don't.


May 10, 2005, 10:37:31 AM5/10/05
Well, I think ATM Deluxe qualified as a decent font manager. I'm still
using it and it does what I need it to do. It's no longer for sale so I
suppose anyone looking for font management will have to look elsewhere.


May 10, 2005, 11:40:52 AM5/10/05
It just amazes me that Adobe sells a $10,000 type collection without a decent type manager. Gall or what.

Re: "ATM Deluxe qualified as a decent font manager" — past tense being the operative in that statment. Ten years ago maybe, but not now.

May 10, 2005, 11:46:44 AM5/10/05

Well, I think ATM Deluxe qualified as a decent font manager. I'm still
using it and it does what I need it to do.

Ditto... and I'll even put it in the present tense.

What would you want a "modern" font manager to do that ATM Deluxe does not, ID?

I have 2496 fonts active on my system... I am using ATM 4.1 Deluxe for
font management.

Why would anyone need to have that many fonts active? Do you ever use that many fonts in one document? And if you really do need to have all those fonts active, why would you bother using a font manager? I'm frankly surprised your system is running at all.

=-= Harron =-=


May 10, 2005, 11:57:28 AM5/10/05
A solid XP system can handle the fonts. It's some applications that
could choke on them.


May 10, 2005, 12:54:25 PM5/10/05
Harron: Run several magazines with ads supplied from every conceivable source you can imagine. I don't have time to load/unload fonts to make the ads work when they come in, for several applications.

What I do that is different is that I have my fonts on a separate partition (which is the only reason I use ATM). They never frag or get corrupted. Been doing this for 10 years. Definitely know that it increases performance. Experience tells me that!

May 10, 2005, 1:51:20 PM5/10/05

What I do that is different is that I have my fonts on a separate partition...

Then they are not in your C:\Windows\Fonts folder and, hence, are not all active at any given time.

You activate only those font sets that you need via ATM, is that right? If so, your setup makes sense to me and, in fact, sounds similar to mine (except for the total number of available fonts).

=-= Harron =-=

May 10, 2005, 3:41:20 PM5/10/05
Re: "and, hence, are not all active at any given time"

ATM begs to differ, definitley are all active. If they were not active then (your favourite here)App would not see them all (eg. see them all load up at startup).

That is a wierd comment. Don't get it.

May 10, 2005, 4:11:33 PM5/10/05

OK. I see what you're doing, and I see where I got confused.

ATM Deluxe, when run under Win 9x/ME, has an auto-activation feature wherein you can leave all fonts deactivated within ATM; fonts would be automatically activated on an as-needed basis. Under that scenario, you could indeed have active only those fonts that you needed for an open document on a dynamic basis.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your experience), this feature is no longer supported in ATM under Win NT-based OSes (incl. 2K and XP). I suspect this has something to do with its reliability, which varied from app to app, and the fact that, as Bob has pointed out, Win-NT based OSes technically support an unlimited number of active fonts.

So... alrighty, then... you have 2496 fonts installed via ATM and all active... and you have no problems with your apps choking on so many fonts. Even though that must add to system bootup and app startup times, I'm glad it works for you, and I apologize for having taken this topic off an unnecessary tangent.

We'll discuss our wish lists for a "state-of-the-art" font manager some other time.

=-= Harron =-=


May 10, 2005, 4:16:05 PM5/10/05
> That is a wierd comment. Don't get it.

I think the assumption was that they'd have to be on the
c:\windows\fonts folder.

I can only assume that when you installed them you used the option not
to copy the files and to just leave them where they were.


May 10, 2005, 5:34:19 PM5/10/05
Harlugo - you didn't solve it, you just hid your head in the sand.

Your machine still has a problem that others cannot reproduce.
And if Adobe can't reproduce it, then they can't find the cause and can't fix it (or tell you how to fix it if the cause really is your system).

And with your attitude, you'd never become a beta tester.

May 10, 2005, 10:55:50 PM5/10/05
Harron: CS2 started up the first time in 21 seconds (to be expected) then it has been doing 7secs the rest of the day and 12 secs when I boot up the first time of the day.

"and you have no problems with your apps choking on so many fonts." uh yep! That was my point.

Do you and Robert work for the same company or ...., I'm beginning to think that you are Levine's alter ego to support some of his less than, um-m-m-m-m, wise comments. These two comments, less than wise, one after the other seem to support my view.

The pair of you can be really wierd some days, not that you don't make intelligent comments, but when you make 'less than wise' comments you seem to back each other up. You feel you can say whatever you want without challenge. I've said this to BOB before, but I just get a good laugh out of some of this foolishness.

Harron's buckin' for forum host.

May 10, 2005, 11:19:42 PM5/10/05

Glad I could provide you with a good laugh, ID.

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