'Muhammad boys' prove 'Islam poised to take over Europe'

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Pastor Dale Morgan

20.12.2007 klo 1.59.1320.12.2007
vastaanottaja Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
*Perilous Times

'Muhammad boys' prove 'Islam poised to take over Europe'*

Terror leader boastful after British government lists most popular baby

Posted: December 19, 2007
4:46 p.m. Eastern

'In Europe there is no need for war because if people keep on joining
Islam in these countries then Islam will become the majority'

JERUSALEM – Statistical information released yesterday showing Muhammad
is the second most popular boys name in Britain "proves Islam is
becoming the majority in the UK and will one day enter every house in
Europe," a senior terror leader said in an interview.

"We see from this study of Muhammad's name that Islam is on the rise and
cannot be stopped no matter what your crusader governments do," said
Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman and a leader of the Popular Resistance
Committees terror group.

The Committees is a coalition of Palestinian terror organizations,
including Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It has taken responsibility for
thousands of shootings and deadly rocket attacks and is suspected of
carrying out a 2003 bombing against a U.S. convoy in Gaza that killed
three American government contractors.

According to statistics released yesterday by Britain's Office of
National Statistics, Muhammad was the most popular boys name in the UK
when all of its spellings are accounted for. Jack, cited as the most
popular boy's name, fell from last year by 156 babies, while Muhammad
showed a regular spike. If trends continue, Muhammad could be the most
popular boys name in Britain next year.

Abdel-Al is known for his fiery threats against Western targets, but he
said statistical trends indicating Muslims are gaining a major foothold
in the UK show there is no need for violence to spread Islam.

"In Europe there is no need for war because if people keep on joining
Islam in these countries then Islam will become the majority, which I
think is the process that is taking place now, so there will not be any
necessity to have war with [non-Muslims]," he said.

Also reflecting on recent trends, Sheik Yasser Hamad, a cleric and a
Hamas leader in the northern West Bank, said in a recent interview he
too sees Islam quickly spreading in the West.

"Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him, said that the sun will shine
from the West. This will physically happen as part of the signs of
Judgment Day, and it will practically happen as part of a big revival of
Islam," said Hamad. "Islam ... may start its new campaign from the West."

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