On Nov 23, 3:14 pm, Jordan <
jordan_w...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> To all you Atheists out there!...(well the few of you..anyway, over
> 90% of the world is theistic)
Yup, appeal to the majority--sounds a lot like a threat. "There's more
of us than you, so your reason is marginalized." No matter how you
phrase it, when you emphasize your strength in numbers in place of an
actual argument you are emphasizing force over truth and reason. This
is why I believe atheists have a right to prepare militantly to fight
against shit like you and if necessary, crush your ugly face under
their boots. Atheists, being in the minority but having better
arguments, obviously would only have self-defense as a motivation to
resort to violence against violent retards like you. If you want this
to be a reasonable argument then let it. If you want to make it
strength in numbers than _any act of violence against you_ is
justified as self-defense.
> I'm sure you have heard it all before, and most atheists I have talked
> to can come up with ways of sidestepping the issue and bending
> meaning, or some have resort to insults, I assume because they can't
> have a polite logical discussion, and they think the more profanity
> they use, the more right they are.
Hypocrisy incarnate. I find this post insulting, I find your whole
religion insulting. You insulted me first so quit your bitching you
piece of garbage.
> It would be easier if replies were against the actual points I will
> mention and number rather than responding emotionally to the pre-amble
> above.
> 1. Atheists claim there is no God, with certainty.
With certainty, this gets explained away roughly fifty times a week on
this group ("atheism is a lack of belief in God or gods") so since
you're a regular either you are too stupid to read or you are
deliberately misrepresenting the viewpoint of the atheists or you're
completely out of it and insane. So what are the options?
(1) You're delusional.
(2) You're lying.
(3) You're retarded.
(4) You're delusional and lying.
(5) You're delusional and retarded.
(6) You're lying and retarded.
(7) You're delusional, lying and retarded.
So what is it? All signs point to number seven.
> 2. Christians claim there is a God, with certainty.
Based on nothing, so not logical.
> 3. In order to claim the non-existence of something, absolute
> knowledge is required.
No, you can just call something "fictional" because all evidence
points to it being made-up. If substantiation comes along, if it is
proven, and someone still rejects it then yes--it's illogical. Do a
survey and see if _one_ atheist here would still be an atheist if God
was proven to them. Good fucking luck. You're just a retarded
delusional liar--that's all.
> 4. In order to claim the existence of something, absolute knowledge is
> not required, but only the knowledge of that which the claim is about.
Pineapples, sponges, pirates, and The Ocean exist therefore there is a
Spongebob Squarepants. Pasta exists therefore there is a Flying
Spaghetti Monster. I already know this is your basic reasoning because
I have wiped ejaculate on socks smarter than you.
> 5. By Atheists claiming there is no God, with certainty, is saying
> that they have absolute knowledge, thus making themselves to be God,
> because only God has absolute knowledge.
Yeah, well--see, since you're making stuff up and "lack of belief"
only appears here all the time and God is always compared to unicorns
and stuff that obviously people _would_ believe in if there was any
evidence you are either talking our of your ass or your ass is putting
your foot in your mouth.
> 6. Atheists can't seem to grasp the fact that God, being so
> immeasurably awesome would choose to reveal himself, on his terms, not
> theirs. I.E. If God can't show up in the way that they think he should
> then he just doesn't exist, period.
And you can't seem to grasp this argument could be attributed to any
other fictional character _ever_. Because you aren't a person and you
don't have feelings or a brain.
> If you just don't know, but your open to finding oput the truth, that
> makes you agnostic, not atheist.
The terminology has been explained to you. Stop writing until you
learn to read. And until you learn to write, by the way "your open to
finding oput the truth"? I'm not a spelling Nazi and make mistakes
myself but what the fuck?
> 7. Atheist's try to bend terms and talk about weak(soft) and
> strong(hard) atheism.
It isn't bending terms if the terms are common to those who use them,
especially to identify themselves. Yes, atheists are a minority but
if, say, "Buddhism" was redefined by the majority to mean "pedophile"
and a Buddhist said "I'm a Buddhist" would it mean they were admitting
to pedophilia? Language is tricky. It is also situation-dependent.
Going to another country you can't just talk the way you usually do
most of the time and expect everyone to understand here. Here, on AvC,
in this context, it is _beyond_ clear that "atheism" means "lack of
belief in Gods". If you do the search it has been defined that way on
this group _well over 2000 times_. In other words, you have been
proven to be an illiterate retard over 2000 times. No other word has
been defined in one way so many times on this group. Do you think we
got together ahead of time offline and made this up? No. It is the
most common definition of "atheism" among atheists and if you want to
pretend we're saying something else than you are a stupid fucking
liar. This is what we mean. You know because we told you. So stop
pretending. Stop hoping some newbie will come along and think you're
talking about the actual situation.
> It's just a cop-out
You aren't allowed to say "cop-out" anymore, you cunt.
> and shows they don't know
> the true historicity of that which they so adamantly believe. That's
> right, Atheism is a religion, it's just as much a faith, as any other
> religion in the world, except that it is much smaller.
Not really. If you _did_ consider atheism to be a religion it would be
larger than most of them, especially if you consider different sects
in Christianity.
> Probably
> becuase 90% of the world understand's these points.
They understand's them? Really? If they think they do, global warming
_isn't_ a bad thing because we need more ocean to fucking drown them
> 8. If you say your agnostic and you just "don't know" I have a lot
> more respect for you than anyone claiming to have absolute knowledge
> and that there is no God.
And this has been explained, but you can't read. Since you're
illiterate, I hope you don't drive because drivers need to read signs
and anyone who thinks you should be allowed to drive is effectively an
attempted child killer because children cross streets.
> 9. The truth behind atheism is that they don't like the idea of
> subjecting to atuhority, they want to be master's of themselves, and
> accepting a God would demand responsibility. That's probably why
> Atheism is predominantly western, where the individual rules.
Yeah, you're about responsibility now? Then take responsibility for
what your precious religion has done to the world like a grown-up, you
> 10. Christianity has had a bad rep. However Atheism is much worse.
> Hitler, Stalin, Mussollini. Massacred more than any Christian and they
> were all atheist, following the teachings of Neitsche.
There is lots of evidence that Hitler was a theist, and none that he
was an atheist. Also, with a cult of personality (look it up) is it
really atheism? With Stalin or Mao or Mussolini basically being
deified, is that _really_ atheism? Oh, that's right. If it's a _human_
you deify than it's still atheism. So I guess anyone who believes in
the divinity of Jesus is an atheist.