ניקוי החיפוש
סגירת החיפוש
התפריט הראשי
אפליקציות Google
Topics API announcements
מידע כללי
שליחת משוב
Topics API announcements
30–1 מתוך 41
סמן הכל כהודעות שנקראו
דיווח על הקבוצה
לא נבחרה אף שורה
Leeron Israel
Changes to Topics PATCG call schedule
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the June 3rd Topics PATCG call. Moving
לא נקראה,
Changes to Topics PATCG call schedule
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the June 3rd Topics PATCG call. Moving
Rowan Merewood
PSA - Privacy Sandbox APIs temporarily unavailable; fix deployed
See the post on blink-dev regarding the recent issue with the relevance and measurement APIs: https:/
לא נקראה,
PSA - Privacy Sandbox APIs temporarily unavailable; fix deployed
See the post on blink-dev regarding the recent issue with the relevance and measurement APIs: https:/
Leeron Israel
Topics W3C call for 5/6 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the May 6th Topics PATCG call. The next
לא נקראה,
Topics W3C call for 5/6 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the May 6th Topics PATCG call. The next
Anusmita Ray
Guidance on addressing potential invalid traffic in experiment results
Hello, The Privacy Sandbox team would like to ensure that the ecosystem has our latest
לא נקראה,
Guidance on addressing potential invalid traffic in experiment results
Hello, The Privacy Sandbox team would like to ensure that the ecosystem has our latest
Leeron Israel
Topics W3C call for 4/8 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the April 8th Topics PATCG call. The
לא נקראה,
Topics W3C call for 4/8 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the April 8th Topics PATCG call. The
Leeron Israel
Topics W3C call for 3/11 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the March 11th Topics PATCG call. The
לא נקראה,
Topics W3C call for 3/11 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling the March 11th Topics PATCG call. The
Leeron Israel
Topics W3C call for 1/15 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items and a holiday in the US, we're cancelling the January
לא נקראה,
Topics W3C call for 1/15 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items and a holiday in the US, we're cancelling the January
Leeron Israel
Topics W3C call for 12/18 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling this month's Topics PATCG call. The
לא נקראה,
Topics W3C call for 12/18 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling this month's Topics PATCG call. The
Leeron Israel
Topics W3C call for 11/20 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling this month's Topics PATCG call. The
לא נקראה,
Topics W3C call for 11/20 cancelled
Hi All, Due to the lack of agenda items, we're cancelling this month's Topics PATCG call. The
Sam Dutton
, …
Leeron Israel
Taxonomy v2 ramp-up plan
The updated taxonomy (version 2) is now being ramped to 100% of traffic. On Thursday, October 12,
לא נקראה,
Taxonomy v2 ramp-up plan
The updated taxonomy (version 2) is now being ramped to 100% of traffic. On Thursday, October 12,
Rowan Merewood
, …
Sam Dutton
Gradually enabling APIs in Chrome Stable 115
Hello testers, We've reached our milestone for the ~50% ramp-up and intend to move to ~99% from
לא נקראה,
Gradually enabling APIs in Chrome Stable 115
Hello testers, We've reached our milestone for the ~50% ramp-up and intend to move to ~99% from
Pavas Goswami
Sam Dutton
Third Party Topics Fetch
Hi Pavas This group is for Topics API announcements. The best place to ask questions about API usage
לא נקראה,
Third Party Topics Fetch
Hi Pavas This group is for Topics API announcements. The best place to ask questions about API usage
Jeroune Rhodes
Join Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours #8: Topics Demo + Q&A
The Google Chrome Partnerships and DevRel teams will be hosting a Topics Developer Office Hour for
לא נקראה,
Join Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours #8: Topics Demo + Q&A
The Google Chrome Partnerships and DevRel teams will be hosting a Topics Developer Office Hour for
Sam Dutton
Deprecating support for XHR
Hi all, The initial Topics proposal required developers to create a cross-origin iframe from which
לא נקראה,
Deprecating support for XHR
Hi all, The initial Topics proposal required developers to create a cross-origin iframe from which
Sam Dutton
FYI: Potential variability in Topics origin trial volume
Hi all, As Chrome prepares to launch Topics for general availability (GA) in the M115 milestone,
לא נקראה,
FYI: Potential variability in Topics origin trial volume
Hi all, As Chrome prepares to launch Topics for general availability (GA) in the M115 milestone,
Sam Dutton
New Topics API header format
Hi all, Last year we announced support for Topics via headers, in requests initiated via Fetch and (
לא נקראה,
New Topics API header format
Hi all, Last year we announced support for Topics via headers, in requests initiated via Fetch and (
Sam Dutton
Scheduled call for Topics: May 8, 2023
A reminder that the next Topics call will take place on Monday, May 8 at 11am New York time (= 8am
לא נקראה,
Scheduled call for Topics: May 8, 2023
A reminder that the next Topics call will take place on Monday, May 8 at 11am New York time (= 8am
Sam Dutton
General Availability rollout starting with our M115 Chrome release
Following our recent Intent to Extend the origin trial for the relevance and measurement APIs, the
לא נקראה,
General Availability rollout starting with our M115 Chrome release
Following our recent Intent to Extend the origin trial for the relevance and measurement APIs, the
Sam Dutton
, …
Leeron Israel
W3C call schedule; header/iframe support
Hello all, We had a Topics call scheduled to take place today, on Monday, April 10, 2023 at 11am US
לא נקראה,
W3C call schedule; header/iframe support
Hello all, We had a Topics call scheduled to take place today, on Monday, April 10, 2023 at 11am US
Kevin Lee
Launching isolated Topics experiment for Privacy Sandbox origin trial
We initially communicated that we will begin the Topics API isolated experiment on Monday, March 13,
לא נקראה,
Launching isolated Topics experiment for Privacy Sandbox origin trial
We initially communicated that we will begin the Topics API isolated experiment on Monday, March 13,
Leeron Israel
Skipping today's Topics call
Hello all, We had a Topics call scheduled to take place today, on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 11am EST.
לא נקראה,
Skipping today's Topics call
Hello all, We had a Topics call scheduled to take place today, on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 11am EST.
Sam Dutton
Scheduled call for Topics: January 11, 2023
The next Topics call will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 11am EST (= 8am PST = 5pm CET
לא נקראה,
Scheduled call for Topics: January 11, 2023
The next Topics call will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 11am EST (= 8am PST = 5pm CET
Sam Dutton
Scheduled call for Topics: November 28, 2022
A reminder that the next Topics call will take place on Monday, December 5 at 11am New York time (=
לא נקראה,
Scheduled call for Topics: November 28, 2022
A reminder that the next Topics call will take place on Monday, December 5 at 11am New York time (=
Rowan Merewood
Increasing the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial to 5% on Chrome Stable
https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/Vi-Rj37aZLs/m/wXlBwB_UAQAJ We are continuing
לא נקראה,
Increasing the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial to 5% on Chrome Stable
https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/Vi-Rj37aZLs/m/wXlBwB_UAQAJ We are continuing
Sam Dutton
Origin trial extended to Chrome 110
The Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial has been extended to Chrome 110. For more
לא נקראה,
Origin trial extended to Chrome 110
The Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial has been extended to Chrome 110. For more
Sam Dutton
Topics, Fenced Frames and Attribution Reporting ramping up to 1% on Android Stable
Topics, Fenced Frames, and Attribution Reporting are now ramping up to 1% of Chrome Stable traffic on
לא נקראה,
Topics, Fenced Frames and Attribution Reporting ramping up to 1% on Android Stable
Topics, Fenced Frames, and Attribution Reporting are now ramping up to 1% of Chrome Stable traffic on
Sam Dutton
Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours 開催のお知らせ #4: Topics demo + Q&A
Google Chrome チームでは、Topics API の概要とデモのご紹介および DevRel、プロダクトと開発リーダーシップとの Q&A オフィスアワーセッションの開催を予定しています
לא נקראה,
Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours 開催のお知らせ #4: Topics demo + Q&A
Google Chrome チームでは、Topics API の概要とデモのご紹介および DevRel、プロダクトと開発リーダーシップとの Q&A オフィスアワーセッションの開催を予定しています
Sam Dutton
Join Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours #4: Topics demo + Q&A
The Google Chrome team will be hosting our next two external office hours sessions, providing an
לא נקראה,
Join Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours #4: Topics demo + Q&A
The Google Chrome team will be hosting our next two external office hours sessions, providing an
Sam Dutton
Origin trial renewal: new token required
The Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial has now been renewed. If you haven't
לא נקראה,
Origin trial renewal: new token required
The Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial has now been renewed. If you haven't
Sam Dutton
Origin trial ramping up to 1% of Stable traffic on desktop
The unified origin trial will start ramping up to 1% of M104 Stable traffic today, August 11th. This
לא נקראה,
Origin trial ramping up to 1% of Stable traffic on desktop
The unified origin trial will start ramping up to 1% of M104 Stable traffic today, August 11th. This