Join Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours #2: An Introduction to Attribution Reporting

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Rowan Merewood

غير مقروءة،
27‏/06‏/2022، 2:30:44 م27‏/6‏/2022
إلى Attribution Reporting API announcements (and developer questions)

In this first of two Attribution-focused office hours sessions, the Google Chrome team will be presenting an introduction to Attribution in the Privacy Sandbox and hosting a moderated Q&A session with our lead engineer on this Thursday 30th June 2022 from 11:30 - 12:30 pm EDT.

Video Call Link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 336-904-9246‬ PIN: ‪187 401 695‬#
International phone numbers:

Join us to learn more about our approach to attribution, the aggregation and reporting APIs, and to get your questions answered.

To be added to the live event chat space and/or submit questions for the Q&A, please use our event form. A recording of the presentation portion will be shared after the event via our Chrome Developer YT Channel.

We hope this is a helpful forum, and welcome your feedback and suggestions on how to make these events most useful for you as we experiment with different approaches.

Maud Nalpas

غير مقروءة،
29‏/06‏/2022، 2:06:28 م29‏/6‏/2022
إلى Attribution Reporting API announcements (and developer questions)،
Bumping this up: this is taking place tomorrow, Thursday 30th June.
Join us for the office hours session to get an overview of the API and ask your questions.

Bogdan Flutur

غير مقروءة،
29‏/06‏/2022، 2:31:32 م29‏/6‏/2022
إلى Maud Nalpas،Attribution Reporting API announcements (and developer questions)،
@Maud Nalpas is this session at 11:30 PM or AM EDT?


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Maud Nalpas

غير مقروءة،
29‏/06‏/2022، 2:35:44 م29‏/6‏/2022
إلى Bogdan Flutur،Attribution Reporting API announcements (and developer questions)،
Hi Bogdan, 
The session is one hour long. 
It will run from 11:30 AM EDT until 12:30 PM EDT (5:30 PM - 6:30 PM CEST).

- Maud

Bogdan Flutur

غير مقروءة،
29‏/06‏/2022، 2:37:12 م29‏/6‏/2022
إلى Maud Nalpas،Attribution Reporting API announcements (and developer questions)،
Got it, thanks!
Looking forward to it.

David Dabbs

غير مقروءة،
06‏/07‏/2022، 10:01:57 م6‏/7‏/2022
إلى Attribution Reporting API announcements (and developer questions)،
Any word when the recording will appear in the Chrome Developer YT channel?

Thank you,

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