Is it just me or do you also have "interesting" thoughts when you are out of your normal routine? The Trustee Team had a work day recently and we had to move a lot of dirt to grade the court yard. It was a bunch of manual labor: shovel dirt into a wheelbarrow, walk with the wheelbarrow from the parking lot to the court yard, dump the wheelbarrow, walk back to the parking lot, repeat. After about 45 minutes you go into autopilot. After an hour and a half you try to estimate how many more round trips it will take. After two hours you start with the interesting thoughts. Fortunately, I have this outlet to vent and formulate the thoughts…
Well, I was looking at this pile of dirt that was not getting any smaller, and I thought: "Jesus said something about the faith to move mountains, I wonder if he said anything about moving a pile of dirt?" How great would it be to say to the pile of dirt, "Go spread yourself in the courtyard!" Two hours after that, I scooped the last shovelful of dirt into the wheelbarrow.
I do not know what your pile of dirt is. I do not know what will be placed in your path, what will become an obstacle to you. I do not know how you will get around that obstacle, nor do I have advice on moving that obstacle. I will not tell you God put that obstacle in front of you, I will not tell you God will move the mountain if you have enough faith. We are living in a pile of dirt, this world under a curse because of sin. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble." John 16:33
However, Jesus continues, "But take heart, I have overcome the world." The life of a Christian is a life in tension: "the already, but not yet"; Jesus paid the price for sin, but the end of this world is still to come. So why "Obstacle Illusions" you may ask? Again, I will not tell you that your obstacles are illusions to you: they are very real. It's just one of those "interesting thoughts" while moving a pile of dirt.
Not the brain, but one of the muscles of the Trustee Team:
Steve Skiver
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