Commander Addison MacKenzie - Hard Conversations

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Addison MacKenzie

Jul 19, 2023, 10:12:04 PM7/19/23

((Captain’s Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Artemis ))




Captain’s Log, Stardate 240007.19…


The Artemis and the Berlin successfully made it out of the Paulson Nebula without any major damage – none that couldn't be repaired by our engineers, though the infiltration of the Suliban and whatever activities they were engaged in remain a high cause for concern… But Starfleet Command decided that was not to be our concern. Not immediately, anyway…


We made a brief pit stop at Deep Space 224, where we were able to offload our Suliban guests, make several of the major repairs needed to our artificial gravity and turbolift systems, and return the Berlin to Captain Martin.


…the fact that I can record this message today is a miracle in and of itself. The vein on Desmond’s head when he saw the Berlin for the first time stood out so far I thought it would burst before he had a chance to wring my neck. Fortunately, when I explained what happened, that seemed to take some of the edge off, though I can’t help but feel like it would behoove me to stay away from 224 for a while…


With repairs complete, we are en route to Cait, where the crew will be able to enjoy a bit of shore leave both planetside and at Cait Spacedock, which serves as the head of Starfleet Operations in the Tholian region. While the crew enjoys shore leave, I will be engaged in a performance evaluation of our security protocols, no doubt prompted by the latest mess caused by the Suliban. I’m excited for the change of scenery, though – this will be my first time being so close to the Shoals since my time on the Veritas, but I also hope that the Caitian members of the crew appreciate the opportunity to be so close to home.


Until then, there is some business with the ship’s senior staff that needs tending to…


End log.





As if on cue, the door chime rang. When the doors parted, the familiar face of her first officer appeared, and he made his way into the office, leaning on his cane as he hobbled in. Addison offered a smile as she gestured to one of the chairs on the opposite side of her desk.


MacKenzie: I was surprised to hear you were up and about so soon… Not one to take the doctor’s advice and rest?


Adea: Response


She waved her hand dismissively.


MacKenzie: Doctors make the worst patients. Besides, there’s no need for me to reprimand you – you’ll get enough hell when your physician starts beating down your door for disobeying their orders. Then you’ll wish it was me giving you the rundown.


Adea: Response


The red-headed commanding officer took a moment to look at the man with whom she’d served for over three years. They were both expert physicians, and now they were both experienced command officers. In their service together, they’d been through a whole host of close calls and tough calls together, including the transfer of the entire staff from the Excalibur to the Artemis. She respected him on many levels, but truthfully, the captain’s chair was a lonely place, and the burden of command was something that only COs could share with one another. Part of being in command also meant needing to have difficult conversations with members of the crew, and being the sole person responsible for the ramifications.


MacKenzie: How are you doing, though – seriously?


Adea: Response



Tag, and TBC!


(OOC: Alright, everyone - this now officially launches our shore leave! Cait and Cait Spacedock are relatively unexplored 118 canon, so feel free to use your imagination when it comes to possible scenes both on the planet and on the base!)




Commander Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS
Commanding Officer
USS Artemis-A

Captains Council Magistrate


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