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aue Summer Doldrums Competition - Official Teaser

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Garry J. Vass

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
The aue Summer Doldrums Competition is coming!

Can you handle it?

Are you tough enough?

Do you have what it takes to try?

Do you have what it takes to enter?

Do you have what it takes to win?

Will you tell your grandchildren, "I was there in the Summer of '99"?

The aue Summer Doldrums Competition.

Just do it!

Stephen Toogood

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
In article <>, Garry J. Vass
<> writes

>The aue Summer Doldrums Competition is coming!

I feared it might be.
>Can you handle it?
I try not to.

>Are you tough enough?


>Do you have what it takes to try?

I can be very trying

>Do you have what it takes to enter?

Ask She Who Must Be Obeyed

>Do you have what it takes to win?

Only Americans have that.

>Will you tell your grandchildren, "I was there in the Summer of '99"?

Perhaps in my senility.

>The aue Summer Doldrums Competition.
>Just do it!

Oh, you didn't want a reply. I see. Sorry and all that.

Stephen Toogood

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