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Trunking Scanners / Multigain WLL

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Jan 7, 2001, 2:02:41 PM1/7/01

I tried looking for an FAQ, but unfortunately one does not seem to
exist, and so I'm reduced to asking flat out for information :-)

I'm looking for information on Trunking scanners, specifically
resellers within the UK; I've had a look around, and the majority
of places seem to do them on import - frankly I'd rather just buy

Secondly, is cellular and state PMR blocked on these units
(I'd imagine this to be the case);

Thirdly, can any of them handle the range of frequencies used
in WLLs by Tadiran equipment?

If anyone is or has worked in the past with Tadiran equipment
or V5.2 interfacing I'd also be interested in speaking to them.

Apologies if this is a bit askew for this forum.


Sent via

Radio Ham

Jan 8, 2001, 12:25:18 PM1/8/01
If you contact your local po lice, you'll
find them most accomodating to your intended activity.

KP <> wrote in message


Jan 9, 2001, 11:33:49 AM1/9/01
In article <>,

"Radio Ham" <> wrote:
> If you contact your local po lice, you'll
> find them most accomodating to your intended activity.

Well, given that the "intended activity" is not actually
illegal in the context of application I had in mind, I'll
thank you for your *fantastically* constructive input and
contact the manafacturers direct.

Radio Ham

Jan 9, 2001, 12:26:43 PM1/9/01
Rubbish. The WTA makes no allowance for any "application".

"*fantastically*"?? Stupid boy.

KP <> wrote in message



Jan 10, 2001, 12:51:08 PM1/10/01
In article <>,

"Radio Ham" <> wrote:
> Rubbish. The WTA makes no allowance for any "application".
> "*fantastically*"?? Stupid boy.

Y'know, it never cease to amaze me - you ask a simple question,
and someone decides to get pompous and rain scorn upon your idea.

FYI information, I was actually asked to look at WLL interception
as part of another project. Not being overtly skilled in wireless
application, I decided the best place to ask would be here;

Obviously I'm looking in the wrong place, as all I seem to have gotten
so far is a reply from someone who's obviously spent too much time
hunched over a jazz mag in their radio shed, trying not to soil
their tank top.

Pathetic - I honestly expected a more open attitude from a
technical forum to be quite honest.

Boy? Ha ha - Perhaps you'd like to meet me in person to see how
wrong you are? And some of the work we do (legally as well, I might
add). Or perhaps youre quite satisfied being the pompous *ass*
you are. You certainly seem to have some sort of *major* inferiority
complex anyway.

If you've got nothing technical to add, get a life.

Stupid Boy - Stupid old sod?


Jan 10, 2001, 2:08:43 PM1/10/01
In article <>,

"Radio Ham" <> wrote:
> Rubbish. The WTA makes no allowance for any "application".
> "*fantastically*"?? Stupid boy.

And while, we're at it, you inane, bigoted, myopic, ill-mannered
*cretin*, why is it you don't use your real name on this NG anymore?

Ooops, you used to! Silly me:



Now, If I got any of the details wrong, let me know *straight* away
and I'll pull another check. Simple enough to do, even if you are

Now, if you want, I could order you up a simple disconnection, or
maybe some exorbitantly expensive services. Anythings possible on
your switch I see.

Now, why not shut up, sit down and let someone who's actually
had sex in the past few years (and will no doubt be more relaxed
for the experience - whoops; Too close to the bone?) post a reply
instead of annoying the *shit* out of the good (from what I have
seen having to put up with your egotistical *crap*) people who
frequent this NG.

BTW, if you'd like to take this further, feel free to do so,
nothing is more amusing than slapping down pompous twats like you.

Kind Regards,


PS : *lurve* the work you did on the railways, shame you weren't
appreciated, eh.

Radio Ham

Jan 11, 2001, 12:16:33 PM1/11/01
KP <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> "Radio Ham" <> wrote:
> > Rubbish. The WTA makes no allowance for any "application".
> > "*fantastically*"?? Stupid boy.
> Y'know, it never cease to amaze me - you ask a simple question,
> and someone decides to get pompous and rain scorn upon your idea.
WRONG! Ham Radio is a respectable law-abiding pursuit. What I criticised,
without deciding "to get pompous and rain scorn upon your idea" was what
appeared to be a proposal for illegal activity.

> FYI information,
WRONG! "FYI information" equates to "For your information information".

>I was actually asked to look at WLL interception
> as part of another project. Not being overtly skilled in wireless
> application, I decided the best place to ask would be here;

Hardly likely. Is that the best excuse you could make up? You are
involved in a professional project and you decided to ask
some amateurs. If you were involved in any legitimate
capacity, then your business contacts would yield to
you the information you require.

If, as you imply, you are an ignoramus, then it is highly
unlikely that you would be awarded such work.

> Obviously I'm looking in the wrong place, as all I seem to have gotten
> so far is a reply from someone who's obviously spent too much time
> hunched over a jazz mag in their radio shed, trying not to soil
> their tank top.

And now you resort to childish ranting. Hardly the response of
a business professional, is it?

> Pathetic - I honestly expected a more open attitude from a
> technical forum to be quite honest.

There you go again, more unnecessary gratuitous remarks. This
is an entirely open forum, and we Radio Hams are entirley open
in our criticism of unlawful activities.

> Boy? Ha ha - Perhaps you'd like to meet me in person to see how
> wrong you are?

I was referring to your mental age, which has been well illustrated
in your remarks above.

> And some of the work we do (legally as well, I might
> add). Or perhaps youre quite satisfied being the pompous *ass*
> you are. You certainly seem to have some sort of *major* inferiority
> complex anyway.

More childish remarks from you. As I progress down your posting,
it bears less and less resemblance to a legitimate enquiry, and more and
more resemblance to a childish outbursst from someone who has been
caught out.

> If you've got nothing technical to add, get a life.
> Stupid Boy - Stupid old sod?

There you go again. How professional of you!

Radio Ham

Jan 11, 2001, 12:20:01 PM1/11/01
SO, are you again trying to illustrate that you are
a professional associated in some way with the query that
you made, or are you trying to illustrate your

Stupid boy.

KP <> wrote in message


> In article <>,
> "Radio Ham" <> wrote:
> > Rubbish. The WTA makes no allowance for any "application".
> >
> > "*fantastically*"?? Stupid boy.
> >
> And while, we're at it, you inane, bigoted, myopic, ill-mannered
> *cretin*, why is it you don't use your real name on this NG anymore?


Jan 11, 2001, 5:45:26 PM1/11/01

Here's me thinking you'd shut up after being embarrased.

How about I give you a call to straighten things out.

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