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Parker: TEACHER'S RANSOM By Parker

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Jan 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/16/99

PARKER21.TXT -- 1/3

Part 1 of 3
By Parker

WARNING: This story involves some rather unpleasant,
non-consensual sexual situations. If this sort of
fantasy bothers or offends you, I suggest that you
read no further. Really.

Copyright 1994 by Parker (me). Feel free to distribute this story
far and wide (unchanged, of course), but be discrete.

"Look out!"

Marion Seward's shouted warning came too late. It was all the young school
teacher could do to throw up her arms for protection as the dark-haired girl
rounded the corner and collided with her at a dead run. The blonde woman was
spun around; she instinctively grabbed onto the running girl and the two of
them went down in a tangle of arms and legs.

Winded, Marion shook her shoulder-length blonde hair out of her eyes and
looked over at the girl who had just run into her.


She knew the girl. It was Sheila Blair, one of her students from the local
high school where she taught english and history.

"Miss Seward," the teenager gasped, trying to disentangle herself from her
teacher. "Help me. They're..."

"Just a moment." Marion pulled her leg free and pushed the girl away.
"What's going on?" she asked, climbing to her feet.

"Please... you have to help me..."

The blonde woman looked at the teenager. Sheila was a slender girl, with
long legs and a small chest. She wore her dark hair short, almost in a boy's
style. Her fine-boned face and large, brown eyes dispelled, however, any hint
of tomboyishness. The girl was beautiful. And, Marion thought, frowning
slightly, she knew it. Sheila hadn't exactly been one of her favourite
students. In fact, the dark-haired girl had been a pain in the butt all year.
Her father was one of the richest men in the state, and, as far as Marion could
tell, the girl had been spoiled beyond redemption. She had been nothing but
trouble all year. Many of the other teachers just shrugged it off, but Marion,
new at the school, had been determined to teach the girl. The school year had
been one long series of detentions, unexplained absences and snide comments at
the end of which Sheila graduated over the objections of, and the near-failing
grade from, of her english teacher. In fact, Marion had originally intended to
fail the girl - Sheila had done little or no work in her class all year - but
in the end her husband, Donald, had talked her into cutting her losses and
giving the girl a pass.

Only barely, though. If Donald hadn't been so insistent...

Still, despite her dislike for the girl, Marion felt obligated to find out
what was wrong and help if she could. She was, after all, still an adult and
still a teacher, and the poor girl was obviously frightened to the point of

"What's happening?" she asked assertively, putting her hand on the girl's
shoulder. "What's wrong."

Sheila tried to answer, but she was almost incoherent with panic. "They...
they..." Sheila looked back and squeal in fright. "Come on," she cried,
grabbing the older woman by the arm. "They'll see us."

Marion looked back over her shoulder as she allowed her ex-student to pull
her along. Two men had just appeared on the street from the direction Sheila
had been running. They didn't appear threatening, but... The school teacher
felt a flutter of panic in her stomach; one of the men had pointed at Sheila,
and the two of them had started walking in their direction.

Marion turned and increased her speed, catching up to the teenager. Within
two blocks, she was panting with the effort of keeping up with the younger
girl. Despite the fact that she took pains to keep herself in pretty good
shape, she was still in her thirties. Soon, the younger girl began to pull
away. Gasping for air, Marion fought to keep up.

Marion and Sheila rounded a corner, momentarily out of sight of the two
men. "In there!" Sheila pointed at the entrance to an alley, about thirty yards
distant. "We can hide." Marion, too out of breath to answer, simply nodded; the
two women quickly covered the distance and ducked inside the alley.

Once out of sight of the street, they ran about twenty yards and then
stopped. The two of them leaned against the brick walls that enclosed the alley
on either side, breathing heavily. Marion watched the teenager as she slowly
regained her breath. The dark-haired girl seemed terrified; her eyes were wide
with fear and she kept glancing at the entrance to the alley while slowly
backing away. "Sheila," the blonde teacher asked, lungs still heaving, "What
happened back there? Why were those men..."

A man stepped out from behind a garbage bin and slipped an arm around the
teenager's throat. Sheila brought up her hands to struggle, but fell limp as
she felt the cool edge of a knife blade against the underside of her chin.

Marion fell silent. She turned to run...

"Don't." The man twitched the knife, making a small cut on Sheila's
exposed neck. Marion stood, transfixed as a trickle of blood drew a thin,
irregular line across the whimpering girl's pale skin.

"W-what do you..."

The man ignored her. He looked down the alley, back the way the two women
had ran, and gave a small nod. Almost immediately, a black van turned in from
the street and rolled slowly towards them. Marion looked the other way down the
alley and briefly considered running, but held back, frozen in place by the
explicit threat of the knife at Sheila's throat.

The van drew closer.


The back windows of the van were completely blocked out, so Marion had no
idea where they were when the engine was finally shut down. The long ride (she
didn't know how long; they had taken her watch) had passed in a tense,
uncomfortable silence: Sheila had been crying and sobbing at first, but one of
the men had growled at her to "shut the fuck up" and the frightened teenager
had obeyed. Two of the men sat in the back with Marion and Sheila while the
third drove. Sheila's wrists had been handcuffed to a bar on the roof of the
van, forcing her to keep her slender arms raised above her head. There had been
no handcuffs for Marion, and the blonde teacher had been roughly secured
against the wall of the van across from Sheila with a length of greasy rope the
men had found lying on the floor of the van.

There had been talk about blindfolding her, but one of the men - a young,
muscular guy the others called "Jimmy"; evidently the leader - had noted that
it was too late for that.

Marion had already seen their faces.

Now, finally, the van seemed to have reached its destination.

Without talking, the men unfastened the schoolgirl and the teacher and
pulled them from the van. Sheila was crying again; Marion wanted to comfort
her, but was too frightened to say anything. Instead, she looked about,
catching a quick glimpse of a darkened garage before she was pushed through a
door and into a short hallway. The two prisoners were led down the hall, around
a corner and taken into a lit room.

"Two?" came a woman's voice from inside the room. "Where did the blonde
slut come from?"

Terrified, Marion shook her hair out of her eyes and looked at the
speaker. It was a tall, red-haired woman; quite severe looking, dressed in a
tight, leather skirt and dark green blouse and what must have been six inch
heels. She appeared to be in her forties, although her slender body was that of
a much younger woman.

"They were together, Angela" one of the men, the one named Jimmy,
explained apologetically. "And the blonde saw our faces. We had to take them
both." The man seemed to be deferring to the red-haired woman - Angela. She
must, Marion realized, be the leader. The blonde school teacher felt a fresh
wave of fear. The woman looked so...

"Well, well..." Smiling evilly, the woman walked slowly forward until she
stood directly in front of the frightened teacher. "So you stuck your pretty
little nose in where it didn't belong?"

Marion gathered up the tattered shreds of her courage. "W-what do you

Smirking, the woman brought her hand up and ran a long, bright red
finger-nail down the side of Marion's cheek. Marion trembled, but didn't dare
pull away; she was too frightened. And one of the men stood directly behind
her, holding her arms. Then, not answering the question, the red-haired woman
turned and walked over to where the trembling Sheila was being held by one of
the men. The girl was still crying. "Leave me alone," she whimpered, squirming
in her captor's grip. "When my dad finds out about..."

"When your father finds out about this," the red-haired woman interrupted,
"he'll agree to pay a lot of money for your safe return."

Sheila started to struggle. "Let me go, you bitch!"

The red haired woman brought her hand around and gave the teenager a hard
slap across the face. Sheila stopped struggling and looked stunned as a bright
red mark slowly blossomed on her cheek.

"Leave her alone," Marion cried, angry to see one of her students struck.

The woman turned and looked back at the school teacher, a strange
expression on her face. Then she looked back at the man who was holding the
stunned teenager. "Take little Sheila here into the 'guest' room," she ordered,
"while I decide what to do with this blonde cunt that followed you home."

The man nodded and dragged the crying, struggling teenager out the door.
"Mrs. Seward..." The door slammed shut.

Marion struggled in the grip of the man who was holding her, but it was no
use. She could do nothing but watch as the red haired woman slowly approached.

"Now," the woman said, again standing directly in front of her prisoner.
"What are we going to do with you?"

"Please," Marion begged, "just let us go. I promise we won't say anything.
We won't..."

"Shut up!" Angrily, the woman reached over and pinched one of Marion's
nipples through her blouse with her long fingernails, sending a wave of pain
through the blonde teacher.

"Bitch!" Marion screamed in fury, her anger momentarily overcoming her

"That's the second time I've been called that tonight," Angela growled.
"Not too bright, are you?"

She turned away.

Marion's anger fled, and she began to tremble as the red-haired woman
walked across the room to a low counter where she picked up a knife. "No," the
school teacher whimpered, cowering back into her captor's arms, "Don't..."

"Oh, don't worry dear," the woman sneered as she approached. "This isn't
for you." She slipped the blade of the knife under the waist of Marion's
conservative grey skirt and sliced upward. "It's for your clothes." The redhead
finished cutting through the struggling woman's skirt and tore it away. "Nice
ass," she commented, running her hand down the side of Marion's thigh. She
looked up at the man who had been in charge of the kidnapping. "Maybe this
accident wasn't such a bad thing after all, Jimmy. We can't touch little miss
rich bitch, but we can have fun with this one." Jimmy just grunted, looking
sceptical. Angela shrugged. She turned her attention back to Marion, who stood
shivering in her panties and blouse. "Time to pay," she announced. "That's five
strokes for speaking out of turn a few minutes ago and another five for calling
me a bitch."

"No." Marion watched, wide-eyed as the other woman walked over to the
counter, put down the knife and picked up a long, supple cane. It made a wicked
swishing sound as the redhead swung it through the air.

"This ought to do the trick."

"No. Please..." She struggled wildly, but to no avail as the man pulled
her across the room and pushed her over the back of a padded couch that stood
about waist height. He grabbed her wrists and pulled downward, forcing her to
bend down over the couch.

"No... don't, I'll... [THWACK!] AHHHHH!!!!" The first blow cut like liquid
fire, sending a sharp wave of unbearable agony through her body. "No... no, you
bitch! Stop..."


Her cries were cut off by another blow with the cane.

"That's five more," Angela called out from behind her. "You must really
like it."

The third stroke; then the forth... She jerked and spasmed like a gaffed
fish, her slender body breaking out in a cold sweat as she struggled to free or
protect herself. It was no use; the man seemed to be having no difficulty
keeping hold of her wrists.


"Five... six... seven..."

Marion's shrieks became incoherent, the mad screams of an animal in


"Eight... nine... ten..."

Finally, the fifteenth stroke. The man released her wrists and she fell,
sobbing to the floor. Marion moaned as she rolled onto her stomach, using her
hands to sooth her reddened rear as best she could. While she lay there, Angela
sent the man out of the room to check on "the rich bitch". Then she turned back
to Marion.

"Are you ready to obey?" Angela tapped her shoulder with the cane.

Marion looked up at her tormentors from behind a curtain of blonde hair.
Gulping for air, she chocked back another protest. "Yes," she whispered.

"Get up."

Still sobbing, the school teacher pushed herself to her knees and then
stood up, doing her best to cover her crotch with her hands.

"From now on," Angela ordered, smiling nastily, " you refer to me as
'mistress'. Got it?"

"Yes m-mistress," Marion sobbed, almost choking on the word.

"And Jimmy here is 'Mister Jimmy'." The man snorted, but didn't say
anything. "Greet him."

"H-hello, Mister Jimmy," Marion whispered.

"Take off your blouse."

Marion burned with embarrassment, but knew better than to resist.
Anything, even the humiliation of being forced to strip in front of her
captors, was better than experiencing the cane again. Fingers trembling, she
reached up and undid the top button of the blouse. She kept her eyes turned
downward, but she knew that Jimmy was watching closely. She undid the next
button and the next... Finally, the blouse was undone and hung open. Shivering,
still looking down, she pulled the blouse back and let it slip down off her
shoulders and onto the floor.

"Not bad."

Marion flushed red with humiliation. She hung her head, as if to protect
her face behind a curtain of blonde hair. She was, however, to be denied even
that small protection.

Angela strode over and gripped her chin, tilting her face upwards. "Look
at me when I speak to you," the redhead ordered. "And when I give you an order,
you say 'yes mistress'. Got it?"

Sniffling, Marion nodded.

Angela frowned. "That's one stroke. Try again."

The blonde woman panicked for a moment at the thought of another blow from
the cane, but then quickly answered: "Yes mistress."

"Good." Angela released her captive's face and stepped backwards. "We'll
save the stroke for later. Maybe I'll even let it go... if you behave."

Marion hated the wave of gratitude that swept over her at the comment, but
she couldn't help herself. The thought - the pain - of being struck again with
the cane was too much to bear. "Thank you mistress," she whispered.

Angela smiled. "Now," she ordered, half sitting on the arm of the couch,
"Take off your bra."

"Y-yes mistress." Marion's lips trembled as she reached up to unclip the
bra. She longed to look downward, to hide her face, but she didn't dare. As
slowly as she could, she unfastened the undergarment and let it slip off her
shoulders. It joined her blouse on the floor.

"Fuck," Jimmy growled, "Look at those tits."

Marion shivered, but kept her eyes on Angela as ordered. She had always
been proud of her breasts: large and full, but not the least bit saggy. Don was
always going on about them too, wanting to kiss and touch them. Now, however,
she felt ashamed; she longed to bring her hands up to cover them from Jimmy's
gaze, but...

"Oh, they're darling, aren't they," Angela agreed. Then she smiled. "So
good, in fact, that's going to be your name during your stay here. From now on,
your name is 'Darling'. After your tits. Understand?"

Mortified, Marion could only nod.

Angela brought cane down against the back of the couch with a loud crack.
"That's twice now," the redhead exclaimed angrily. "Do you *like* getting

"Yes... no mistress," Marion answered, panicking. "I m-mean... yes,
mistress, my name is 'D-Darling', mistress, after my tits; no mistress, I don't
like being... c-caned, I didn't mean to..."

"Quiet!" Angela punctuated the order by again slapping the cane against
the back of the couch. "Bend over. Grab your ankles."

Marion burst into tears. "Oh no, m-mistress... please..."

"Bend down and grab your ankles," Angela repeated. "You've got three
strokes coming to you now. If Jimmy has to hold you, it'll be six." Instantly,
Marion bent over, sliding her hands down her legs and grasping her ankles. The
position pulled her panties tight and thrust her almost-naked ass up in the
air, but that couldn't be helped. She couldn't take six more strokes.

"Now," Angela snapped, tapping the cane lightly across Marion's quivering
ass, "You've got three strokes coming. Two of them for not properly
acknowledging an order and one for hesitating to carry out an order. Do you

"Yes mistress."

"I'm giving you a choice," Angela continued. "If you beg to be punished,
and thank me for each stroke, I'll keep it down to the three you've earned. If
not, I'll have Jimmy hold you down and you'll get six." The redhead reached out
and caressed her captive's already burning ass. "What'll it be?"

Marion moaned and gasped as her rear end was fondled by the other woman.
She had no options; there was only one thing she could do, but she just
couldn't force herself to speak the words, to *beg* to be caned. She tried, but
her voice caught in her throat.


Marion swallowed and forced herself to speak. "Please mistress," she
whispered. "Please punish me l-like this."

"What's your name?"

"'Darling', mistress," Marion answered without hesitation. "My name is
'Darling'. After my tits."

"And has 'Darling' been bad?"

"Yes mistress," Marion moaned, humiliated beyond belief, but still willing
to do or say anything to avoid, or at least shorten, a caning. "I've been bad.
Please punish me. Please punish 'Darling'."

"And you want to be caned?"

"Yes mistress," Marion sobbed. "Please cane me."

"As you wish." Angela stepped back. "And don't forget to thank me after
every stroke."

"Yes mistress." Marion squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see what was
happening, but she couldn't stay that way. The agony of expectation forced her
to open them again, and stare upwards past her hanging tits and bare legs to
where the red-haired woman stood, her arm extended back. She watched, paralysed
with terror as the cane came lashing down [THWACK!] on her rear end, sending a
wave of pain through her body. Marion gasped at the blow and then screamed as
the agony surged through her body, jerking and twitching in agony, but staying
in position with her hands clutched tightly around her ankles.

"Say 'thank you'," Angela growled.

"Thank you," Marion cried.



"That one didn't count." Angela brought her arm back for another blow.
"Get it right this time."


Marion lurched forward, screeching in agony, but somehow managed to retain
her position without falling over. "Thank you mistress," she cried, almost
yelling in agony.

"Good girl." Angela brought the cane down again.


It was too much for Marion. Letting out a high-pitched squeal, she toppled
over onto her hands and knees, tears streaming down her face.

"Back in position," Angela screamed. "Back up or I'll whip the shit out of
you right there."

Marion let out a wail of fear and pain as she scrambled back up to her
feet, bent over and grasped her ankles, her ass burning with agony.

"You forgot something," Jimmy called over helpfully.

Marion knew immediately. "Thank you mistress."

Angela sneered. "That last one shouldn't count, but if you beg me real
nicely for the final stroke, I'll only give you one more."

"P-please," Marion moaned, "please hit me."

"Not good enough," the redhead answered. "*Beg* for it."

"Oh, please..." All pride forgotten, Marion whimpered and snivelled to be
beaten. "Please beat me... I've been bad. Please hit me mistress."

Angela laughed and brought the cane down hard onto her captive's upthrust
ass. The blonde woman screamed in agony, but held her position. "Thank you
mistress," she called out. Angela laughed again. She reached out and gave her
captive a hard push on the ass, causing her to fall to her knees. From her
position on the floor, Marion looked up at the redhead through tear-filled
eyes. Her body shuddered with the pain of the recent caning, and nothing
mattered - nothing at all - other than somehow avoiding more such pain.
Shivering and broken, she awaited orders.

They weren't long in coming.

"Well?" Angela smirked. "Is 'Darling' ready to obey?"

"Y-yes mistress," Marion coughed out. "I'm ready t-to obey."


The blonde teacher went blank for a moment, but then spoke. "Darling," she
answered, her voice trembling with humiliation. "Darling is ready to obey."

"Good girl," the redhead sneered. "Then roll over onto your back. Now."

Chocking back a sob, Marion obeyed. Angela walked slowly forward until she
stood with one leg on each side of Marion's body. The redhead pulled her skirt
up until her crotch was exposed; she wasn't wearing any panties. "Like the
view?" she asked.

"Y-yes mistress."

"Do you like my cunt?"

Marion's lower lip trembled. "Yes mistress," she answered, burning with
embarrassment, "Darling likes your c... cunt."

Angela sneered. "Bet you'd like to taste it, wouldn't you?"

Marion's eyes widened. "P-please... mistress," the blonde woman stammered.

Angela stepped away. "On your feet. Bend over and grab your ankles. That's
two strokes."

Marion scrambled to her feet. "I'm s-sorry mistress," she sobbed. "Please


"Please, no, I..."

"Four strokes."

Sobbing, Marion bent over and grabbed her ankles. Angela walked forward
and touched the cane to the sobbing girl's already red ass. "Same as before,"
the woman said. "Beg to be punished and thank me after every stroke, and I'll
keep it down to four. If not, it'll be eight. Understand?"

"Yes mistress." Marion braced herself. "P-please beat me mistress," she

The redhead obliged her.


"Th-thank you, mistress," Marion sobbed, her ass burning. "P-please hit me


The process continued through four more strokes. Marion fell over after
the last, but didn't forget to thank her mistress. Angela stepped backward and
sneered down at the crying blonde. She looked over at Jimmy, who had taken a
seat and was watching the proceedings.

"As I said before," Angela noted, "maybe it's not such a bad thing having
this bitch along. It'll help relieve boredom." Again, Jimmy just grunted,
looking doubtful. Angela smiled. "Maybe this'll change your mind." The redhead
reached down and grabbed a handful of Marion's blonde hair. "Listen, Darling,"
she said, forcing the other woman to raise her tear-stained face, "Jimmy here
isn't convinced we should keep you. You're going to change his mind."

"M-mistress?" The blonde woman looked confused.

Angela sighed. "We've kidnapped the rich bitch in the other room. You're
here by accident. You're not worth anything to us. You've seen our faces.
That's dangerous to us. We know what her ransom is, and who's going to pay it,
but not yours. So as it stands, there's nothing in it for us. Do you

Marion sniffled, looking blank.

Angela sighed. "Jimmy doesn't like loose ends," she said threateningly.
"He cuts them off." She leaned forward so that her face was inches from
Marion's. "And you're a loose end. Unless you become valuable pretty


Understanding dawned on Marion's pretty face. Understanding followed by
new fear. "That's right," Angela whispered. "Be afraid." Then, unexpectedly:
"Kiss me." The redhead pulled her prisoner's face up against her own, parting
her lips in an aggressive kiss. Marion gasped and tensed her body, but didn't
pull away or resist; she just parted her own lips and accepted the kiss.

After a few seconds, Angela broke away and stood up. "Not a lezzie?" She
shook her head and sneered. "Well, we can change that. But for now, I'm not the
person you have to convince." She gestured over to where Jimmy sat watching.
"He is. Now, you're going to hustle your fat ass over there and give him the
best blow job he's ever had. Understand?"

Marion looked up at the redhead from where she lay, crouched on the floor,
eyes wide and frightened behind a curtain of curly blond hair. Her ass was
burning from the cane and her lips were still tingling from the long, terrible
kiss she'd been forced to endure. Things were moving too quickly and she was
having trouble keeping up. What did this woman mean? Blow job? She didn't...

"Move it!" Angela punctuated the order with a quick slap of the cane
against the blonde woman's thigh. Marion let out a panicked squeal and
scrambled across the room on her hands and knees towards Jimmy. She paused
uncertainly when she reached his feet. The man looked down on her, a tiny smile
on his face, not saying or doing anything.


Angela brought the cane down again on Marion's ass. "Well," the redhead
taunted. "What kind of a slut are you? You like to suck cock, don't you?"

Marion looked up at the tall redhead who towered over her. She wanted to
tell the woman that she wasn't a slut; that she had only ever sucked a penis
twice before in her life, once for a boyfriend in highschool and once again for
her husband; and that she'd hated it both times. That's what she wanted to say.
But the cane... "Y-yes, mistress," she answered. "I... Darling loves to suck...
c-cock." The blonde teacher dropped her eyes, humiliated.

"Then get to it," Angela ordered.

Marion hesitated briefly, but the threat of the cane was too much for her.
She pushed herself up on all fours and positioned her head over Jimmy's lap.
Hands trembling, she reached over, undid the zipper of Jimmy's worn jeans, and
pulled his half-hard cock from his pants. Her stomach turned with disgust as
she forced herself to part her lips and touch the tip of it with her tongue.
The smell and taste revolted her, but she kept at it, sliding her pink tongue
up and down along the outside of his cock as it slowly became harder and
harder. Finally, when it was wet and shiny with her saliva, she closed her
eyes, slid her wet lips over the now enormous cock head and sucked it into her



Writhing with the unexpected agony of the surprise blow of the cane
against her already aching ass, Marion pulled her mouth of Jimmy's cock and let
out a cry of pain.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

"N-no, mistress," Marion sniffled, tears running down her face.

"You *do* [THWACK!] want to suck Jimmy's *cock* [THWACK!], don't you?"
Angela asked, maliciously punctuating her words with sharp blows of the cane.

"Yes, yes... I do," the blonde woman answered, whining at the pain,
"Darling wants to suck cock. P-please let Darling suck Mr. Jimmy's cock."

"Well... if you really want to," Angela sneered. "But just to make sure
that you do a good job, I'm going to whip your ass until you've sucked him dry.
So suck like you mean it."

"Yes mistress." Sobbing, Marion dropped her face and resumed running her
tongue over the swollen head of Jimmy's massive cock. She had just opened her
mouth to suck it in when Angela brought the cane down on her exposed ass.


Again she let out a scream, freezing in position with her open mouth
poised over the man's cock. For the first time since she'd knelt in front of
him, Jimmy spoke: "Suck it, you little cunt!" He reached over, put a hand
behind her head and pushed her mouth down on his enormous cock. Marion gagged,
raising her hand to grab at the base of his cock to try to stop it from
penetrating too far. Jimmy ignored her efforts, increasing the pressure on the
back of her head. His cock now filled her mouth, all the way to the entrance to
her throat...



Marion let out a loud moan, bucking and heaving with her face impaled on
Jimmy's rigid cock. As her throat opened to scream, Jimmy gave a sudden push,
sliding the head of his cock into her throat. The blonde woman gagged, jerking
and squealing in fear as the man's cock slowly filled her throat. He held it
there for a few moments and then slowly slid it free, first of her throat and
then of her mouth. Marion gasped, her lungs heaving for air as a thin line of
spittle slid over her lips and down to the cock she'd recently been sucking.

"Take a good look," Angela laughed as her partner forced the blonde woman
to stare down at his glistening cock. "That cock's gonna be wearing you like a
glove." Marion sniffled, and then let out a cry as the redhead brought the cane
down on her already burning ass.

She tried to drop her head to the cock, but Jimmy held her away with a
fistful of hair. Angela brought the crop down again; she'd fallen into a steady
rhythm, a pace Marion knew she'd keep up until Jimmy came. "P-please," she half
whimpered, half screamed, running her hand up and down the rigid cock and
trying to lower her face.

"Beg for it," Jimmy told her.

"P-please, M-mister Jimmy," Marion sobbed, working the cock as best she
could with her hand. "Please let me... let Darling suck your c-cock...
p-please..." She babbled, almost incoherent with pain as the redhead rained
blow after blow down on her ass, for what seemed like hours. Finally, he pulled
her face down onto his cock. Another blow landed, and she screamed with pain
around his cock, her entire body trembling with pain. Sweat broke out on her
body as Jimmy forced inch after inch of his massive cock past her trembling
lips and down her throat. Eventually, her face was all but buried in his
crotch, her lips sucking tight around the base of his cock-shaft. He held the
position for a few moments and then pulled back, allowing her to draw air into
her heaving lungs. Then he pulled down again...


That pattern repeated itself over and over again as Angela continued to
beat her ass and, occasionally, her upper legs. Marion's entire body throbbed
with pain as she worked slavishly at the cock. She ran her tongue along the
underside of Jimmy's cock-shaft, sucking at is as hard as she could as his
massive cock head slid back and forth through her spasming throat, plunging
deeper with every painful stroke. She was screaming continuously now, sobbing,
crying, begging, whining, pleading... anything at all to stop the pain.

Then, a new sensation. The caning had stopped momentarily, and the blonde
teacher felt a hand at the entrance to her pussy; fingers sliding over her clit
and then slipping inside...


In her shock, she'd stopped her work on Jimmy's cock. The man had
responded by reaching down and roughly squeezing her breasts. "Get back to
work, cunt."

Moaning, Marion began to suck again.


The caning began again with a series of hard blows, although Angela kept
her hand on the captive woman's pussy, fondling... teasing... squeezing...

Marion sobbed and moaned, using one hand to slide up and down Jimmy's
cockshaft in tandem with her mouth while using the other to brace herself on
his thigh. She felt his cock throbbing, swelling in her mouth with every
thrust. The blows of the cane had almost merged with the constant agony of her
lower body. And Angela's hand at her pussy...

Jimmy leaned back and grabbed her wrists with his large hands. "Squeeze
your tits for me," he laughed. "Darling." Obediently, Marion dropped her hands
to her breasts where they hung naked between his knees and began squeezing and
working them; anything to get him to come. Without her arm to brace her upper
body, she was completely dependant on his grip in her hair to manoeuvre her
face up and down on his cock. He took full advantage, sliding her entire head
up and down as his cock swelled in her throat.

The pain continued to wash through her body from the blows of the cane,
but it had merged with the odd feeling in her pussy. A slow warmth began to
build up, burning like the pain, but not pain. Almost like...

Jimmy threw his head back. "Oh fuck..."

He jammed her face all the way down onto his cock, sending the head deep
into her throat and burying her nose and lips deep in his crotch hair. Marion
gagged, but her hands continued to pull at her own nipples, twisting them
harder and harder as she jerked and writhed on his cock like a demented puppet.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck..."

He heaved beneath her face, pulling his cock out of her throat the head
sat on her tongue. "I'm coming..."

Marion felt a thrill of horror at the thought of the man coming in her
mouth, but the quickening pace of the blows on her ass as well as the strange,
burning warmth in her pussy kept her sucking. Finally, the thick head of his
cock swelled and then shot a stream of hot cum into the back of her mouth.
Marion let out a scream of disgust that sputtered and bubbled as the sperm
filled her mouth. Not even realizing what she was doing, she twisted her
nipples even harder as waves of disgust, shame and... and something else
overwhelmed her.

"Work your tits, you little cunt," he yelled at her, his cock still
shooting its load into her open mouth.

The blonde woman continued to wail as his cum spilled out over her lips
and onto her chin. She obeyed, though, twisting, squeezing, pulling... working
his breasts for him, knowing he wanted her to hurt herself. Her tits ached with
pain, but the feeling that had built up in her pussy had now spread through her
entire body, fuelled in part by the feeling in her tits and in part by the
savage beating Angela was inflicting with the cane. The feeling continued to

Jimmy's cock began to slide out from between her lips. "Lick it up,
bitch," he ordered. As his cock slid free of her mouth, her screams exploded
full force, but still she licked hungrily at the cum pouring out over her lips,
sucking it back into her mouth and then dipping her head to lick up the long
streams of white fluid which hung down from her lips to his rapidly softening
cock. All the while, her fingers twisted and squeezed her nipples for Jimmy as
her breasts throbbed with pain and...


Too late, she recognized the feeling. It couldn't be... "No... no...
please... NO!" But by now, she was too far gone to hold back. Waves of dark
lust swelled through her body, slowly, inexorably cresting towards a
humiliating pain-fuelled climax.


The lust overcame her and her battered body exploded into orgasm.
Whimpering and crying like a bitch in heat, the blonde school teacher dropped
her head to lap at the drops of cum that were congealing in Jimmy's pubic hair.
Her hands squeezed and pulled at her own breasts as wave after wave of intense
pleasure shot through her body, merging with the burning pain of the cane on
her ass. She tensed, her entire body trembling and glistening with sweat and
lust and pain as the orgasm reached its terrible peak and then subsided.

She dropped, limp and exhausted as the pleasure seeped away. Even the pain
- Angela still brought the cane down onto her ass, but she barely twitched -
seemed far away. Her hands fell away from her abused breasts and she lay on the
edge of the couch, tongue still lapping tiredly at Jimmy's cock as the last
drops of cum oozed out.

The next thing Marion knew, Angela had grabbed a fistful of hair and had
jerked her head away from Jimmy's lap. "Well," the redhead asked. "What did you
think? Should we keep her?"

Jimmy just grunted as he replaced his spent cock in his pants. He still
looked doubtful.

Angela frowned. "We'll talk about it later, then." She looked down at the
blonde woman who quivered at her feet. "I guess we should get down to
business." The redhead gestured towards a door. "The rich bitch is all

"I guess," Jimmy answered, climbing to his feet. "She's not goin'

"Fine. We should get the ransom note out as soon as possible. I'll see to
it now." The redhead walked over to the cabinet and put the cane down. Marion
almost burst into tears with relief. "We didn't plan on this bitch being here,"
Angela continued, "so we'll have to make do. Stick her in the kennel until we
figure out what to do with her."

"Miss Bates," Jimmy ventured, strangely hesitant, "I know you want to keep
her, but... well, she's seen our faces. We don't need any more witnesses. We

"I'm aware of that," the redhead interrupted him. "Just stick her in the
kennel for now. We'll talk about it later." The tall redhead left the room.

"Well, c'mon Darling," Jimmy said brusquely, grabbing Marion by the hair
and jerking her to her feet. "You heard the lady. Into the kennel."

As usual, I am interested in any comments you may have
regarding this story, or any of my other stories.

PARKER21.TXT -- 2/2

Part 2 of 3
By Parker

WARNING: This story concerns rather a good deal of
non-consensual sex, degradation, humiliation and all
manner of unpleasantness. If this sort of fantasy
offends you, read no further. You have been warned.

Copyright 1994 by Parker. Feel free to distribute at will
(unchanged, of course), but please be discrete about it.

Marion awoke the next morning, stiff and sore.

And hating herself.

Hating the way she had crawled and whimpered and begged the previous day;
hating the way she had taken Jimmy's massive cock into her mouth with barely a
word or gesture of protest; hating the way she had come like some kind of
whorish pain-slut, choking and gurgling on his hot jism.

Most of all, though, she hated herself for the collar.

The collar.

At Angela's instructions, Jimmy had led the crying school teacher back
into the garage where she had first been taken out of the van. His hand tight
around her wrist, he dragged her around behind the parked van and over to an
area which was enclosed with a heavy chain link fence. It seemed to be a kennel
of some sort, although unoccupied at present. The enclosure was empty except
for some old blankets bunched up in a corner. He had pulled open the door and
shoved her inside, laughing as she stumbled on the uneven cement.

"There y'go, bitch," he sneered. "Home sweet home." Marion tried not to
react, turning away and putting her hands over her naked breasts. He just
grabbed a handful of blonde hair and spun her around. "None of that," he
grinned. "I don't want ya here, but if Miss Bates wants you..." He shrugged,
staring at her tits. "Well, I don't gotta like it, but..." He seemed about to
say something, but then fell silent.

He looked around the kennel for a moment and his eyes lit on a brown
leather collar - the collar - hanging from a peg. Letting out a small grunt, he
picked it up and fastened it around his captive's slender neck. Marion trembled
with humiliation and anger, but didn't fight it. Once it was buckled on, he
pulled down a short length of chain and clipped it to a D-ring on the collar.
"C'mon Darling," he taunted, pushing down on her shoulders, "down you go."
Flushing a deep red, the blonde woman obeyed, sinking to her knees in front of
him. Grinning, Jimmy fastened the other end of the chain to a low rung on the
chain link fence. He gave it a sharp tug and then straightened. "That better be
there in the morning," he warned. With a grin and a final quick look at her
tits, he turned and walked out of the kennel. The door, part of the chain link
fence, swung shut and he locked it.

"Sweet dreams," he called as he walked out of the garage. As he left,
Marion looked down at the collar and chain. Neither were locked on: the collar
was fastened with a simple buckle and the chain with a clip. Her hands were
free; she could remove both with ease...

The garage light went out, leaving her in total darkness.

So she used her fingers, tracing first the outline of the collar buckle
and then the cold, hard links of the chain down to the simple clip attaching
her neck to the fence. Even in the total darkness of the garage, it would be
easy - *easy* - to undo and unfasten herself, to free herself at least to some
small degree, from this humiliating bondage.

But: "...better be there in the morning..."

Morning found the blonde school teacher curled up in the two blankets,
body aching from a night spent on the unforgiving cement floor, and the collar,
still buckled to her neck and still attached to the chain.

Marion awoke hating herself.

"Well," came Angela's amused voice, "is our little pet awake?"

The blonde school teacher started and looked up from where she lay
crouched on the cement floor of her kennel. The redhead was standing just
outside the chain link fence, smiling nastily. Marion opened her mouth to say
something angry, but quickly thought better of it. Angela held the cane.
Instead, she gave the only answer she could: "yes mistress."

Angela smiled and made a small gesture. One of the men who had been in the
van the day before walked forward with two brightly coloured bowls: dog dishes.
With a grin, he bent down and slid them under a small opening at the bottom of
the fence. "We're too busy to play with you today," the redhead explained as
the man straightened up and left the garage. "You'll have to entertain

"Yes mistress."

With a quiet laugh, Angela turned and left the garage.

One of the dishes had contained something that appeared to be stew
(although Marion feared that it was really dog food) and the other, larger
dish, was full of water. The blonde teacher had immediately sucked down half
the water, but hadn't touched the food. She just wasn't that hungry.


Marion spent a little while examining her surroundings. The kennel itself
was about eight feet long and four feet wide, enclosed on three sides by chain
link and the fourth side by the concrete back wall of the garage. Her collar
chain was only a couple of feet long and was attached to the bottom of the
fence, so she was unable to stand. The low opening through which the dog dishes
had been slid was almost directly beneath the link where her chain was clipped.
Other than the ratty old blankets that had been lying against the back wall
and, or course, the dog dishes, the kennel was bare. The rest of the garage was
scarcely more interesting. From her position on her hands and knees, Marion
could see the black van and another car parked side by side. The garage light,
however, was directly above the kennel, so the rest of the garage that she
could see was shrouded in shadow.

Fighting back a sob, the blonde woman looked down at the chain which
fastened her collar-bound neck to the chain link fence. She longed to unclip it
- to stand up and take a good look around - but she didn't dare. She just lay
back down on one of the blankets and stared upwards at the ceiling.

Time passed...

She had no way of telling how much time had passed when she finally gave
in and ate the cold stew. It tasted about as good as it looked, and she
finished the remaining water just to get the taste out of her mouth again.

Nothing had changed.

Time passed...

Marion was almost going out of her mind with a strange mixture of boredom
and fear. Her body ached with the remembrance of the abuse it had suffered the
day before, and she found it almost impossible to get comfortable on the cement
floor. Near tears, her neck still surrounded by the collar, she twisted and
turned in a vain attempt to find a tolerable position. No matter how she lay,
however, the unforgiving concrete combined with the dull yet insistent ache and
the sheer boredom frustrated her efforts. Once, she even found herself
unconsciously sliding her finger up and down the outside of her pussy. The
slight feeling of pleasure was quickly swallowed up by an almost overwhelming
sense of humiliation and she jerked her hand away, her eyes darting around the
garage in case someone was watching.

No one was.

Sighing, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a daze that was half
sleep and half boredom.

Time passed...

She opened her eyes, suddenly aware of an uncomfortable pressure on her
bladder. Drawing an unsteady breath, she sat up, her neck chain clinking as it
was dragged along the cement. The garage was still empty and quiet; nothing had
changed except...

The water dish was full again.

And someone had spread newspaper over the floor in a corner of her kennel.

Time passed... Marion had been crouching bent over for some time now,
trying somehow to relieve the pressure on her bladder, but it was becoming too
much. She had to pee.

Slowly, she got up on all fours. Again she considered undoing the collar
or chain and again she decided against it. Too dangerous. With a quick look
around to make certain the garage was empty, she got to her hands and knees and
stretched her body so that her lower body was over the newspaper. The collar
kept her neck and head near the centre of the kennel, so she had to extend
herself to reach it. She tried to find some way to crouch, but it just wasn't
possible, stretched out as she was. So, with a quiet sob of humiliation, the
captive school teacher raised one leg up against the fence and let loose with a
stream of piss. It seemed, to the mortified woman, to take forever, spraying
out and splattering all over the newspaper and her leg, but at last the flow
stopped. Marion shuddered as the final drips slid down her inner thigh.

"I see our pet is housebroken."


The blonde school teacher let out a quiet moan of futile denial as she
realized that her actions had been watched. A quick glance confirmed it; Angela
and Jimmy were standing just outside the fence, watching... smirking...
Dragging her chain behind her, Marion turned away and scrambled to the back of
her kennel, trying desperately to find some place to hide.

Her captors just laughed. "See you tomorrow," Angela called out. Marion
looked up just as the lights went out and the garage door closed. The blonde
woman curled herself into a ball and began to sob as the piss smell slowly
pervaded the kennel.


"Up you come!"

Marion was jerked out of a deep, dreamless sleep by a rough voice and a
sharp tug on her leash. Dazed, the blonde woman scrambled to her feet and
stumbled along behind Jimmy as he released her from her kennel, led her across
the garage and back into the house. She followed him down the short hallway and

"Miss Seward!"


Marion stopped walking and looked to her left through a half open door. It
was Sheila; the dark-haired girl was lying, dishevelled and half-naked on a
bare mattress in what appeared to be a small bedroom. The teenager's eyes were
red like she'd been crying and she sported a large bruise on her left cheek.
She was handcuffed to the bed frame.

Marion started to say something, but was suddenly pulled away by her
leash. "C'mon, 'Darling'" Jimmy growled, emphasizing the name. "The little
slut's none of your business. Angela wants you." The blonde school teacher
resisted for a brief moment, her urge to help the younger girl warring with her
fear of punishment, but then gave in and followed the man down the hall. The
threat of the cane was just too potent; her ass was still burning from the
beating she had been given two days earlier.

Jimmy came to a halt in front of an open door. It was a bathroom. "Clean
yourself up and get dressed," he ordered, unclipping the leash and shoving her
inside. "You got thirty minutes; anything over that's a stroke minute. Got it?"

A stroke a minute!

Marion nodded. "Yes." And then, face burning: "...m-mister Jimmy."

The man grinned and then pulled the door shut.

Alone in the bathroom, the kidnapped woman examined her reflection. Her
curly blonde hair was limp and greasy; one long clump was matted to her
forehead with dried sweat and cum. Her face was dirty and her eyes were red and
puffy from crying. The remnants of her last meal, eaten from the dog dish, were
smeared on each side of her mouth, giving her the slightly ridiculous
appearance of a child who had tried to take too big a bite. Parts of her naked
body were red and raw, and, as she turned around to look over her shoulder, she
saw that her ass was striped red and blue where it had been beaten a couple
days earlier. Gingerly, she rubbed her hand over it, wincing at the...

"Five minutes gone, bitch," Jimmy yelled through the door. "Better get to
it." Startled from her self-contemplation, Marion scampered over to the shower
and reached for the nob.

A stroke a minute.

Marion only had time to spare a quick glance at herself before almost
running from the bathroom. Her hair, although damp, was clean and shiny again.
The makeup hadn't taken long to apply - she wore very little - but it had
worked wonders for her appearance, almost hiding the strain of fear on her
face. She still wore the collar, of course, but her captors had laid out
additional clothing: stocking and garter; corset and push-up bra; and five inch
pumps. Half-panicked at thought of running over the half hour, she walked out
of the bathroom as quickly as she was able on the heels.

Not, as it turned out, quickly enough.

"Six minutes over," Jimmy announced, grinning at her as she hustled out.
"That's six hard ones."

Marion felt her lower lip trembling at the thought being caned again.

Jimmy ignored her. "C'mon," he interrupted, turning and walking down the
hall. Near tears, the blonde woman followed behind. Her legs trembled with fear
as he led her into the room where she had been forced to suck him two days
earlier. Where she had come like, thrashing and screaming like a whore, with
his cum in her mouth...

"Stay," Jimmy ordered, dropping the chain leash. Marion stopped walking
and stood in the middle of the room while he walked away, passing from view
through a door.

Alone, the captive blonde looked fearfully about the empty room. Her gaze
fell almost immediately on the riding crop which had been used on her two days
earlier. It sat on the low counter beside a wall, exactly where it had been
when Angela had first taken it up. Trembling, she looked around the room. No
one was there; maybe she could...

"Hey." Startled, she turned to see one of the other men walk towards her.
"What's the matter, honey? Did they leave you all alone?"

"Uhmm... y-yes..." Marion wasn't sure how to address the man, so settled
for the neutral "...sir."

The man grinned. "Well, ain't that just too bad. An' I hear you're quite
the little cocksucker too. You are, aren't you?"

The blonde woman felt herself blushing, but nodded her head. "Yes sir,"
she whispered. "I'm a good... good c-cocksucker."

The man was standing directly in front of her. "Well, let's have a little,
then." He put his hand on her shoulder and pushed downward. Marion's stomach
heaved at the thought of touching and sucking the man's cock, but her fear of
the riding crop overcame all else. Sniffling, she undid his zipper and slipped
his rapidly hardening cock from his pants. With a quiet moan, she began to lick
it and, once it was hard, she accepted it into her mouth. She began running her
lips up and down the cockshaft, fucking him with her face.

She had been working for about five minutes when she heard the door open
behind her. "At it again, are you?" It was Angela. She sounded amused. "Such an
eager little cocksucker."

Marion stopped moving when she heard the redhead speak. Frozen with
humiliation, she knelt there in front of the man, his cock resting heavily on
her tongue. The man laughed; his cock twitched and the blonde woman tasted
pre-cum. Marion started to pull away, but a hand at the back of her head
prevented her. "Don't stop on my account, Darling," Angela whispered, her lips
brushing up against Marion's ear. "I know how much you like the taste of cum."
The blonde school teacher moaned as she felt the other woman's fingers on her
pussy. "You finish up what you're doing." The woman's fingers started moving
gently over Marion's clit as her tongue flicked out and licked an earlobe. "I
don't mind; I can wait."

Marion gurgled a futile refusal around the man's prick, but quickly
resumed bobbing her head up and down. She went deeper, swallowing more and more
of the man's prick until it was sheathed in her throat, and her face was buried
in his smelly crotch hair.


"Mmmmmm!!!" Marion let out a muffled scream as the cane struck her ass.

"Now Darling," Angela admonished, still working her finger along her
captive's pussy lips. "You know you earned six strokes for being too long in
the bathroom. I've decided to let Jimmy administer them."


"Mnngghh!!!" Marion tried to pull her head away, but was again prevented
by Angela's hand.

"Stop it!" Angela ordered. "Don't make it worse on yourself. Just focus on
what you're doing."


Marion's ass was on fire from the caning, but she continued on with the
blowjob, certain that things would only get worse if she disobeyed. The cane
struck her four more times as she sucked desperately at the man's cock. At
last, the man let out a quiet moan and his cock started to twitch. He was
coming. Just as he did so, Angela grasped Marion's curly blonde hair and jerked
her face back, causing the cock to slide out of her throat and rest only a
couple inches in her mouth. Marion felt Angela's lips at her ear again: "Don't
swallow," the redhead hissed. "Keep the cum in your mouth."

Obediently, Marion took the man's cum in her mouth, but didn't swallow.
The blonde woman fought down a wave of bile and disgust as the man's cock
exploded, spewing wave after wave of hot, sticky cum onto her tongue. It filled
her mouth completely; her cheeks were bulging with it before he finally pulled
away. A trickle escaped and dribbled down her cheeks before she could close her
lips. Laughing, Angela scraped it up with a long, brightly painted fingernail
and smeared it on Marion's upper lip, just under her nostril. The smell made
the blonde woman want to vomit, but she kept control of her stomach.

"Up you come." Keeping a firm grip in her captive's hair, Angela dragged
the woman to her feet and pulled her along to the desk which sat in a corner of
the room. The redhead took the chair and then looked up at Marion. "C'mon,
Darling," she said, patting her lap. "Have a seat." Marion's eyes blurred with
tears at this new humiliation, but she obeyed. Gingerly, trying not to irritate
her aching ass, she sat down on the other woman's lap, facing outward. Angela
turned so that they were facing the desk. The redhead's hand snaked around her
captive's body. One hand dipped down and resumed work on the woman's pussy
while the other fondled and teased Marion's breasts. The blonde woman moaned
through her cum-filled mouth, squirming helplessly on the other woman's lap as
Jimmy and the man she whose cum filled her mouth leered from across the room.

"Now listen, Darling," Angela said. "We still have that problem I
mentioned to you a couple of days ago. We wanted Sheila, not you. As I said,
Jimmy doesn't like loose ends, but I've convinced him that there are more than
one way to tie up loose ends. Are you with me so far?"

Marion moaned, but nodded. A trickle of cum escaped from between her lips
and dribbled down her chin.

"Good." Angela slipped a couple of fingers into the other woman's pussy
and began sliding them in and out. "Now, Jimmy and I have talked this over, and
we've come up with a plan; a way of minimizing the danger to us while allowing
us not to... well, not to use drastic measures. I'm sure you'll agree that
that's in your interests."

Again, Marion nodded.

"So," Angela continued, "there's a letter." The hand that had been
fondling Marion's breasts reached over onto the desk and pulled a piece of
paper in front of the captive blonde. "We want you to write it out in your own
hand writing and sign it. That'll give us some time to finish our business with
the rich bitch in the other room."

Marion looked down and read the letter. It was from her to Donald, her
husband. It went on about how she felt stifled in the marriage; about how she
had married too young and needed to be with other men; about how she had
already had a number of lovers, including many of her students; about how she
needed her freedom. The blonde woman began to sob as she finished the letter.
Surely Donald wouldn't believe it; he knew her too well. But...

Jimmy placed a pen and paper in front of her.

"Well?" Angela brought her hand up to tweak one of Marion's nipples. "Are
you going to write it, or..."

She left the rest of the sentence unspoken. There was no need to say any
more; Marion knew exactly what would happen if she didn't do what they wanted:
she was a loose end, and Jimmy would tie her up.

Crying silently, the tears trickling down her face to mingle with the cum
tricking from between her lips, she picked up the pen and started to write,
transcribing the typewritten letter into her own handwriting. While she wrote,
Angela continued to manipulate her pussy and breasts. Against her will, Marion
felt her body begin to respond. By the time she signed the letter, she was
almost writhing on the redhead's lap, humping her sopping pussy up and down on
the other woman's invading fingers.


She was coming!

"Now swallow!" Angela ordered. Marion stiffened and moaned as an orgasm
crashed over her body. Gurgling cum and saliva, she let out a cry and let the
sperm slide down her throat. Some of it went down her windpipe, and she began
to cough and gag, spitting cum all over herself. Laughing, Angela pushed her
off her lap and onto the floor as Marion sputtered and gagged on the cum, huge
wads of it going up her nostrils. Finally, she got herself under control.

Angela read the letter over, smiling to herself, and then handed it to one
of the men. "Take care of it," she told him. The man nodded and left the room.
The redhead turned back to her prisoner who remained kneeling on the floor, her
lower face glistening with cum. Still smiling, she walked over to the couch and
sat down.

"Come here," she called, patting her lap.

The blonde school teacher shuddered with humiliation, but didn't hesitate.
Trailing her chain leash behind her, she crawled over to where her mistress
sat. She had a sick feeling in her stomach; she knew what was coming next. Sure
enough, as the blonde woman approached on her hands and knees, Angela spread
her legs and hiked her leather skirt.

She wasn't wearing any panties.

"I think," the redhead smirked, spreading her bare legs, "you know what to

Marion stopped crawling; she'd known what was going to happen, but... she
couldn't. She just couldn't. "No," she whispered, backing away. "Oh no,

She knew immediately from the look on Angela's face that she'd made a
mistake. They'd been waiting for it all morning. Waiting for her to make a
mistake; to refuse to obey.

"Over the couch," Angela snapped, pushing her skirt back down over her
legs. She walked across the room towards the cane.

"No, please, I didn't... I didn't mean to..."

"That's four strokes, you stupid bitch," Jimmy called out from across the
room. "It'll be eight if you don't get the fuck over the couch and start

Half mad with panic, Marion scrambled to her feet and ran towards the room
to the couch, her slender body trembling as she ran. Reaching it, she almost
threw her body over it, placing her hands on the cushions and exposing her ass
to the cane.


Angela walked slowly over, tapping the cane on her thigh. "Now, Darling,"
she drawled, "what did you do wrong?"

"I... I said... 'no'." Marion felt her tears dripping down her face and
onto the floor as the redhead approached. "Darling said 'no'."

"That's correct," Angela agreed. She reached Marion's side and began
rubbing the cane up and down her prisoner's trembling thigh. "And there's
something else you forgot."

Marion fought down the panic. What was it... Oh. "D-Darling forgot to say
m-mistress. Mistress."

Angela nodded and smiled. "That's correct. Now, I'm sure you remember what
I said a couple of days ago. You have a choice: admit you were bad and beg for
correction, or you'll get it twice as bad."

The blonde woman trembled in fear and shame, but she knew what was
expected of her. And she had no choice. "P-please mistress," she whined,
"please beat me. I've been bad."

"Beat who?"

"Darling," Marion called out, burying her face in the back of the couch.
"Beat Darling. Darling was bad."

"Very good dear," Angela told her. "I'm so pleased you remembered your new
name. You're still going to be beaten, of course, but I should give you a
little reward. Would you like that?"

"Y-yes mistress."

"Fine." The redhead pulled the cane away from the other woman's exposed
ass. "As a reward, you can play with yourself while receiving your punishment.
Isn't that kind of me?"

Marion sobbed, but knew she had no choice but to agree. "Yes mistress."

"Well, then, get to it."

Still sobbing, the blonde school teacher reached back between her legs and
started running her finger up and down over her pussy. If possible, her face
turned even redder as Angela bent down to watch for a second and then
straightened up.

"Very good," Angela said. "You've obviously had a lot of practice, haven't

"Yes mistress." There was silence for a moment. "I've... Darling's had
lot's of practice playing with my... herself."

"You must really enjoy it, don't you?"

"Yes mistress. Darling really enjoy playing with herself."

Angela smirked. "I guess your husband doesn't do much for you then, does

Marion felt a thrill of horror shoot through her body. Donald! He must be
worried sick about her. And that note! Would he believe...



Marion took her hand away from her pussy and brought it up to protect her
ass as it writhed in pain. Angela just looked down with a smirk on her face.
"You know the rules, Darling. That one didn't count." Marion let out a loud
sob. "Now get your hand back to your pussy. Count the strokes and thank me for
them." Her tear stained face hid by a curtain of blonde hair, the school
teacher obeyed. She dropped her hand back to her pussy and began playing with
it again.


"Uurrhhh... that's one, m-mistress. Thank you mistress."


"Ahhh... that's two mistress." Marion's long legs kicked and shook beneath
her, but she stayed in position over the back of the couch. "Thank you
mistress." To her horror, she felt a tingling in her loins as her fingers moved
in a blur over her pussy. Spasms of deep, wicked pleasure emanated out from her


"Thank you mistress... thank you mistress..." The pain was overwhelming.
Marion stopped thinking and just screamed out her submission, again and again
("... thank you mistress...") while her fingers dug away at her pussy. In her
thrashing, she didn't notice that her hand was now wet with pussy juice, or
that the feeling of pleasure and lust from her pussy were pulsing through her


"Ahhhh..." Marion bounced and writhed on the couch as the fourth stroke
exploded onto her already bruised ass. "Thank you mistress... thank you
mistress... oh, please beat Darling... p-please... thank you..." She babbled in
incoherent lust, trembling in insane excitement as she drove one, then two and,
finally, three fingers in and out of her sopping pussy with wild abandon.
"Please hit Darling again!" she cried, writhing on the couch.

With a laugh, Angela began beating her again and again until the pain
merged with the pleasure and her body exploded into a violent orgasm. Still
babbling her thanks, the blonde school teacher fell sideways off the back of
the couch and fell to the floor, spasming and twitching in orgasm. It seemed to
last forever, but the pleasure finally faded away into pain and Marion came to
her senses, lying in a pool of sweat and pussy juice. When she realized what
had happened, how she had degraded herself in front of her captors, she began
to cry.

When her sobs subsided, she opened her eyes and looked around. Angela was
back sitting on the couch, legs spread under her short skirt.

She wasn't wearing any panties.

"Well?" Jimmy asked. He was holding the cane now. "Ready to obey?"

Mutely, Marion nodded.

"Well then, crawl on over here, Darling," Angela called. "My cunt's lonely
for your face."

Moaning with horror, Marion crawled across the room towards the couch
where the redhead was waiting. When she reached her objective, she stopped
crawling and knelt, awaiting the next order. It wasn't long in coming.
Grinning, Angela pulled her short skirt up to her waist and spread her legs
even further.

"Suck it."

Three days earlier - a lifetime ago - Marion would rather have died than
touched another woman's pussy, much less kiss and suck it. But things were
different now, and this was a different Marion. A different life. This Marion
was just thankful that she wasn't being beaten. With a moan of helpless
submission, the blonde school teacher dropped her tear-stained face in between
her mistress's wide open thighs and brought her trembling lips down onto the
waiting pussy. As Marion's lips touched her pussy, the redhead gave a groan of
lust and lurched forward on the couch. She brought her hand up behind her
captive's head and forced the blonde's mouth even harder into her sopping

"Oh, that's right, Darling," she gasped, grinding her hips. "Suck it...
like a good girl... there's a girl..."

Marion groaned helplessly into the soaking pussy of her mistress, but she
forced herself to keep sucking. The musky scent of Angela's pussy was ground
into her face and up her nostrils as she sucked and moaned and licked at the
slippery pussy-flesh like a pig rooting for truffles. Angela gave another
groan. The redhead jerked and writhed on the couch, obviously enjoying the
efforts of Marion's captive tongue.

"Spread your legs," Jimmy ordered from behind her, [THWACK!] suddenly
bringing the cane down on her ass. Marion jerked forward and screamed into
Angela's pussy, but did as she was told, moving her knees apart on the floor so
that her pussy was exposed. "OK, Darling," he continued, again bringing the
cane down [THWACK!]. "That's a good girl. Now, beg me to fuck you."

Marion felt her stomach heave, but didn't dare disobey. "Please, Mr
Jimmy," she half-screamed into Angela's drooling pussy, "please fuck m-me. Fuck
Darling." Frightened, she placed her trembling hands on the couch beside
Angela's thighs and braced herself.

"Well, since you ask so nicely..." Marion felt the head of Jimmy's cock
rub up and down against the outside of her spread pussy lips. "I'll just have
to oblige you." Marion gave a gasp of pain and shuddered as he pushed his rigid
cock forward, burying it to the hilt in her quivering pussy with one long, slow
thrust. Fortunately, she was still sopping wet from her previous orgasms, so
the pain from this new invasion was minimal.

Still... the blonde school teacher squirmed and mewled in futile protest,
sucking harder on Angela's pussy and running her tongue over her mistress's
clit. The redhead groaned and tightened her grip on Marion's hair, forcing the
woman's juice-soaked face to push harder and harder up against her pussy.

Laughing in sadistic pleasure, Jimmy slowly drew his cock back until only
the cockhead remained inside and then rammed it back in to the hilt. Marion
wriggled and screamed with pain as he began to pump his cock back and forth, in
and out... Sobbing, the blonde worked desperately at Angela's steaming pussy,
biting, nibbling, sucking... doing everything she could to please her mistress.

Anything to bring an end to it.

"Ohhh, yes... that's it, Darling you little whore... you little

Marion felt a wave of humiliation sweep over her at those words, but at
the same time a strange feeling of... almost satisfaction; satisfaction at
pleasing her mistress. And, possibly, avoiding a caning. At the same time,
Jimmy's cock was starting to have an effect on her overworked pussy; against
her will, it began to spasm and twitch, clutching hopelessly the invading cock


Things began to spin for the helpless school teacher; her pussy was
throbbing and spasming with lust as Jimmy rammed himself in balls-deep, sinking
his long, hard cock to the hilt in her warm, tight pussy. He pulled back and
then slammed it in again and again, repeatedly filling her pussy with his
cock-shaft and stoking the fires of lust in the captive blonde. Marion moaned
and sucked, feeling her pussy throb under his assault. His balls slapped up
against her clit as he once again thrust deep inside her, sending a trembling
wave of lustful pleasure through her battered, captive body.

"You fucking little whore," he gloated, watching her pussy thrust back on
his cock, "I know what you want." He pulled back until only the tip of his cock
was inside her and then brought his hand down hard against the side of her ass.
Marion lurched forward and screamed as a fresh wave of agony surged out from
her already bruised ass, momentarily pulling back but then bringing her mouth
back down against Angela's pussy as the redhead tugged painfully on her hair.

"You wanna rub your cunt, don't you?" He slapped her again and then fucked
his cock back into her quivering pussy.

Marion sobbed as she jerked and shuddered under his assault. She knew she
had to agree. "Yes," she wailed, pulling back slightly from Angela's pussy,
"Darling wants to play with her c-cunt." With a thrill of horror, she realized
that she was telling the truth; her throbbing clit itched for her fingers.

"Then do it," he ordered, again bringing his hand down hard against her

"Ahhh... yes, mister Jimmy!" Marion screamed, sliding a hand down between
her legs and feeling for her pussy. "Yes mister Jimmy."

Jimmy laughed and continued fucking her with long, hard strokes. His balls
slapped into Marion's fingers as her fingers moved in a blur over her clit,
stoking the sparks lust generated by his cock. Quickly, her lust burst into
flame. Overwhelmed with sensation, she began to suck even harder, biting and
chewing at Angela's slippery pussy-flesh with new energy, sucking the redhead's
clit into her mouth and lathering it with her tongue. At the same time, her
fingers dug away at her own pussy, scraping and rubbing as she felt Jimmy's
cock working in and out of her drooling flesh. The blonde woman began to lose
control completely as Jimmy began spanking her faster and faster, bringing his
hands down hard on each side of her quivering ass. Her consciousness was lost
in a haze of lust and pain and humiliation as the cock fucked deeper and deeper
and Angela's pussy writhed, hot and wet, in her face. Without realizing what
she was doing, she began to scream in time with Jimmy's thrusts, her cries
transformed into choked gurgles on Angela's pussy juice. Her reddened ass
bucked and twitched as the man's cock churned away at the pussy juices inside
her drooling cunt.

"Oh yes, you little cunt... bite me, make me come you fucking whore...
cunt-hound..." Angela began to lurch up off the couch, ramming her soaked
cunt-flesh into the blonde's open mouth. "Make me come... make me come....
Nnnnggghhh...." With a loud cry, the redhead exploded into orgasm, her fingers
tightening in Marion's hair and pulling the blonde's face even further into the
steaming, heaving pit of her cunt. Her thighs squeezed together, crushing
Marion's head between them.

As the redhead came on the couch, Marion's fingers worked harder and
harder on her own sopping clit as her pussy spasmed and jerked around Jimmy's
driving cock. The pain from the spanking was great, but it blended into and was
washed away by the raging torrent of lust emanating from her crotch and
sweeping up over her body. She couldn't help herself; she dug her fingers even
deeper, sliding two of them into her cunt along with Jimmy's cock. Whining with
desperate lust, she even brought her other hand down to work her clit while she
finger fucked herself with her other hand.

It was too much for Jimmy.

"Fuck," he groaned, "I'm coming."

He lost all control, slamming his cock in and out of Marion's pussy as
hard and fast as he could, not even noticing that he was sharing it with three
of her fingers.

"Arghhh..." Angela groaned and twisted on the couch, quivering with lust
as she came a second time. "Bite me, you little cunt... bitch..."

Marion screamed as her fingers moved in a frantic blur over her clit, her
pussy drooling and spasming as it was simultaneously fucked by Jimmy's cock and
her own fingers. Her pussy tightened on his rigid pole and a feeling she had
never known before exploded out from her pussy. It churned deep, building on
the lust and the pain, and then surged through her body, bursting like a bomb
out of her pussy. Her scream erupted into Angela's pussy as she stiffened and
exploded into climax.

"Fuck," Jimmy bellowed from behind her, holding on for all he was worth,
"I'm coming!" He gripped the sides of Marion's bucking, reddened ass and jerked
her backward, impaling her pussy as deeply as possible on his cock as he shot
ropes of thick, white sperm into her from behind.

"Suck, bitch!"

Angela cuffed the side of Marion's head as she prepared to cum a third
time. The extra pain set off a series of explosive climaxes in the screaming
blonde, each one sending her higher and higher as she was bucking and heaving
on Jimmy's impaling cock. Still screaming, Marion rammed her open mouth into
Angela's swamping pussy, sucking and biting and licking for all she was worth.
The redhead bounced her pussy up off the couch, slamming it into Marion's
captive mouth as her third orgasm ripped through her body. "Fuuuuuuuck..."

All three participants stiffened in simultaneous orgasm.

Finally done, the redhead dropped back to the couch, twitching as the
orgasm aftershocks rolled through her body. Her mouth suddenly free of her
mistress's demanding pussy, Marion gasped for breath as she felt Jimmy give a
final thrust with his cock and then pull back. It slid free of her sopping,
overheated cunt, leaving a trail of cum and pussy juice down the inside of her
thigh. Marion's body gave a final shudder as the last trace of orgasm seeped
away. The blonde fell back and lay on the floor, moaning and weeping, and
wondering what had come over her; wondering how it could possibly have
happened. And, despite all the humiliation, the degradation and the shame, she
wondered why that awful, demanding spark of lust still remained within her.

With a degrading moan of lust, she reached down and began to rub her

As usual, I am interested in any comments you may have
regarding this story, or any of my other stories.

PARKER21.TXT -- 3/3

Part 3 of 3
By Parker

WARNING: This story involves quite a bit of sexual activity
which, if one were to examine it closely, might be
considered non-consensual. I suggest that you look deep
within yourself: if, during the course of such self-
contemplation, you discover that this sort of story would
offend you, then I suggest you stop reading. Now.

Copyright 1994 by Parker. Feel free to distribute as you will
(unaltered, of course), but be discrete.

The next few days passed very slowly for Marion.

Each one began in the same way: she would wake up cold and stiff in her
garage kennel. Sometimes Jimmy or one of the other men would come and take her
out in the morning. Other times, she would be forced to wait for them, huddled
on the cement floor, her slender neck encircled by the rough leather dog

Her collar.

It wasn't locked on; she could have removed it at any time.

But she didn't.

On those occasions where she wasn't released in the morning, the pressure
on her bladder would often force her to relieve herself in her kennel. The
humiliation never lessened, but she quickly became adept at stretching her body
and lifting her leg so that she could let loose a stream of piss without
getting too much of it on herself. And her keepers made certain that there was
always fresh newspaper on the ground.

Once released from her kennel, she was led into the house to the bathroom
where she would shower, brush her hair and apply makeup. Angela was constantly
critical of the way in which Marion wore makeup, and the blonde woman was
quickly "convinced" to change her style. By the end of the third day, she was
wearing rather a good deal more than she was used to wearing, but if it
prevented a caning... well, it was worth it.

And each day, a new set of clothing was laid out in the bathroom, waiting
for the captive school teacher to put it on. Tight corsets; various types of
stockings; push-up bras, half-cup bras, see-through bras; crotchless panties;
leather mini-skirts... always changing, always something new. Again, it was
clothing she would never have dreamt of wearing if she had the choice, but, of
course, she didn't have that choice. The only constant was the collar.

Once properly dressed and made up, she would be inspected by Angela and
then her day would begin in earnest. Much of her time, of course, was spent
fucking and sucking. Besides Angela and Jimmy, there were three other men who
were part of the kidnapping. Before Marion lost track late on the afternoon of
the third day, she figured that she was satisfying each of them at least twice
a day, usually with Angela watching and giving orders and instructions. Often,
Angela would punctuate those commands with the cane.

With the redhead's "encouragement", the blonde school teacher quickly
became proficient at the art of satisfying men with her mouth and pussy,
fucking and sucking more in those several days than she had in the previous two
years of her marriage with Donald. At least, it seemed like it. Perhaps the
worst thing about it was the fact that Angela was never satisfied with Marion's
efforts unless the blonde woman came. Hence, Marion repeatedly found herself
forced to masturbate to orgasm while performing the most disgusting acts. And,
in between the sex, Angela frequently forced her captive to play with herself.
It took a few episodes with the cane, but Marion gradually learned not only to
obey when Angela ordered her to come, but also that Angela was quite able to
tell when she was faking it, often with very painful results. The blonde woman
thus spent hours crouched at Angela's feet, masturbating herself to orgasm
after humiliating orgasm while the redhead read a book or watched television.

By the end of each day, her pussy lips were red and swollen from all the
attention they were getting, but she kept having orgasms. After a while, it
began to get easier and easier to make herself come, and, eventually, the
feelings of lust never entirely left her burning, aching pussy. Sometimes, late
a night, alone and chained in the hard darkness of her kennel, Marion would
masturbate herself to orgasm. She cried as she did so, wondering what she was
turning into, but she still did it. It was her only source of pleasure, of

As well as the sex, Angela also forced her unwilling pupil to learn and
practice a number of humiliating poses, positions, mannerisms and gestures.
Under the threat of the cane, Marion was forced to learn how to walk in the
increasingly precarious pumps, her hips swaying and breasts thrust out in an
inviting fashion. She learned how to giggle like a bimbo every time her
mistress attempted the lamest joke. She was taught how to squat on her heels,
knees spread and hands clasped behind her neck, awaiting orders. And, worst of
all, Marion was trained to hold the position she had learned on the first day,
bent over with her hands grasping her ankles while the cane was brought down
onto her ass. This one was a favourite of Angela's, and Marion got lots of
practice. Her pussy was not the only part of her body that was regularly red
and swollen when she was locked into her kennel for the night.

While her training continued, Marion was kept in the dark about what was
happening with the kidnapper's attempts to ransom Sheila. She saw the teenager
once in a while - she was kept chained to a bed in the small bedroom - but was
never allowed to talk with her. Besides a black eye and a bruised, sullen
expression, the girl seemed largely unharmed, for which Marion was thankful.
Despite all that had happened, Marion still felt an elder's - a teacher's -
protectiveness towards the girl. One of the things - in fact, only thing - that
allowed her to bear her torments was the idea that by taking the kidnapper's
abuse, she was somehow protecting the teenager.

One morning, just over a week after the original kidnapping, Marion
entered the living room to find a very grim looking Jimmy awaiting her. Angela
was also there, also looking very sullen and angry. They looked like they had
been arguing. Trembling, the blonde woman assumed the squatting position she
had been taught, and awaited events. She'd learned not to ask questions.

"Hello Darling," Angela growled, obviously angry about something.

"Good morning mistress." Marion kept her eyes cast downward. Her voice
trembled; Angela's anger usually meant the cane.

"We've got a problem." The redhead began pacing, walking slowly around her
frightened, squatting captive. "Apparently your husband didn't believe your
letter. He's raised a fuss with the cops, and they're beginning to put two and
two together. That's attention we don't need. Do you understand?"

"Yes mistress." The blonde woman didn't really understand how anything
Donald was doing could affect her kidnappers, but she was too frightened to
question the redhead. In fact, she wasn't really listening. Marion's entire
attention was focussed on the cane which Angela was carrying in her hand. She
couldn't take her eyes off it.

"Jimmy's solution," Angela continued, "is the same as before. He wants to
cut off the loose ends." Marion shuddered; she knew what that meant. "He and
I..." Angela glanced angrily across the room at her partner, "... we've had a
'discussion' about it. We disagree, but I convinced him - not by much, mind you
- that there's a better way to solve the problem. A less drastic way."

Jimmy snorted from the other side of the room.

The redhead stopped pacing and stood directly in front of the trembling
blonde. "You do want that, don't you Darling?" She grasped the squatting
woman's cheeks in her hand and turned her face upwards. "You don't want us to
use drastic measures?"

Marion again found herself fighting back tears. "No mistress. Please...
what can I do?"

The redhead shot a satisfied grin over at her partner as she released her
captive's face.

"I'll tell you..."

And she told her.

Angela's plan was simple. It involved having Marion appear in public. She
thought that her captive's husband might be convinced that the letter was real
if Marion was seen in public with another man, or men, dancing and laughing and
generally having fun. She also thought that it would be fun to humiliate the
blonde woman in a public place. Jimmy expressed the opinion that it was too
risky, but Angela countered with the fact that they would still have Sheila at
the house. She made it very clear to Marion that should the blonde woman
attempt to escape, the first person to suffer would be the teenager. And,
considering the alternatives...

Marion got the picture.

And so, that same night Marion was dressed in real clothing for the first
time in over a week. Not clothing she would have chosen to wear on her own, of
course, but clothing nonetheless. Treating her like a living barbie doll, the
redhead dressed her captive up in a tight, black tube dress that barely covered
the bottom curve of her ass and the upper curve of her breasts. Sheer, white
stockings ran from just under the hem of the skirt to her feet. Six inch pumps
and lots of dangling silver jewellery completed the outfit.


The collar remained.

Marion put her hand expectantly to it, but Angela just smirked and said
that the collar wouldn't be out of place where they were going. Silent and
submissive, Marion let them dress her up, just as though she were a barbie
doll. Her thoughts were a jumble of confusion. The thought of going out in
public both terrified and exhilarated her. The chance of escape! But, of
course, there was Sheila.

At last, Angela was happy with Marion's appearance.

"Perfect," she pronounced, dragging her blonde dress-up doll in front of
the bathroom mirror. "Darling's quite the little club slut."

The blonde woman stared silently at her reflection in the mirror, eyes
wide. Was that really her? The black tube dress was wrapped tightly around her
body, covering - if that was the right word - her skin from just above her
breasts down to just under the bottom swell of her ass cheeks. Her sheer, white
stockings, held up with clearly visible garters, served more to highlight her
sleek legs than to cover them up, all the more so with the way the pumps made
the muscles stand out in her calves and thighs. Her face was heavily made up,
almost in a punk style, and her blonde hair was teased up in a modern, slutty
look. The heavy, dangling jewellery on her wrists and ears, along with the dark
leather collar, put the final touches on her appearance. Marion fought back a
sob as she saw Angela's triumphant expression in the mirror behind her. She had
been transformed from a married, conservative school teacher into... well, she
wasn't sure what.

Not something she wanted to be.

Jimmy was suitably impressed and seemed happier with the whole plan as he
led Marion into the garage and seated her in the back of the van. A pair of
handcuffs were added to the collection of jewellery on Marion's wrists; her
hands were fastened to a rail and the van door was slammed shut. She sat in
darkness, trembling, as the engine started up and the vehicle began to move.

"You remember," Jimmy warned her, his hand tight and painful on her bare
upper arm. "Any trouble and Sheila's dead. And you too. Got it?"

Wincing in pain at his grip, Marion nodded.

The man stared at her for a second and then led her across the shadowy
parking lot towards the building. The bass throb of the music got louder as
they approached a heavy door. There was a lineup, but Jimmy seemed to know the
bouncers. One of them leered at Marion as Jimmy talked. Money changed hands and
then the two were allowed to enter. Jimmy pulled her in front of him and shoved
her into the main room of the club.

Marion was immediately overwhelmed with sensation. After a week of being
kept indoors a single house, of sleeping in a garage kennel, of seeing the same
four or five people day after day, the blonde woman was staggered by the press
of the crowd as it bounced and seethed in directionless violence on the dance
floor. Angela had been right about the collar. The club was fashionably punk,
and many of the patrons were dressed in that style. Collars were common, as
were clothespins, teased hair and heavy makeup. In her present dress, Marion
fit right in.

"C'mon," Jimmy yelled, pulling her through the crowd. "I'll buy you a

Helpless, Marion followed behind him as he bulled his way up to the bar.
Almost immediately, she noticed men looking at her lustfully. More than once on
the way to the bar, she felt unseen hands brush across her barely covered
breasts and ass. She squirmed, trying to avoid the unwanted attention, but she
was helpless to prevent it.

At the bar, Jimmy ordered two of something; Marion didn't hear what it
was. When the drinks arrived, he handed her one and told her to drink it down
quickly. She obeyed. Whatever it was, it was strong. Marion's throat burned and
she almost coughed it up. Laughing, Jimmy ordered another drink. And then
another. By the time she finished her third, Marion's head was beginning to
spin. The alcohol combined with the flashing lights and sweaty, throbbing music
to make her dizzy and disoriented. She staggered backwards, and only kept from
falling by grabbing another man's arm to steady herself. The man looked at her
and smiled, but Jimmy pulled her away.

"Let's dance," he mouthed, pulling her onto the dance floor.

Dizzy as she was, Marion followed him into the seething mass of dancers
and, at his prompting, began to bounce and twist more or less in time with the
music. Jimmy smiled in approval and, under the influence of the alcohol, she
began to relax a bit. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad. The loud, throbbing music
slowly overwhelmed her senses as she began to dance more emphatically.

And, as she danced, the burning feeling in her pussy began to grow. Slowly
at first, but definitely growing. Not really aware of what she was doing,
Marion slid a hand down the front of her stomach until it came to rest over her
crotch and began to buck her hips in time with the music. She closed her eyes
and let the feelings grow within her. For the past several days, she had been
forced to masturbate almost continuously (when not actually having sex), and
she did so now without really thinking about it. It just seemed natural.

In a world of her own, she spun slowly around the dance floor. Her hips
swayed sexily, in time with the music as she danced. One hand rubbed, with
increasing speed, up and down over her crotch, massaging her sopping pussy
through the thin material of the tube dress while the other combed through her
blonde hair, slid down her face, across her wet, pouting lips and then rubbed
up against her rock-hard nipples. Her breathing became harsh and ragged as the
passion began to build in her twisting, sweating body. She danced harder and
harder, rubbed harder and harder as the feelings built... built... built... and
finally, she came. A loud moan escaped her parted lips as an orgasm rolled over
her body in a single, massive wave of pleasure.

When the feeling finally ebbed, she opened her eyes.

Jimmy was nowhere to be seen. A small circle had opened up around her on
the dance floor and everyone was watching her. Men looked on with lusting,
hungry eyes while women just eyed her with a queasy contempt. With a gasp,
Marion looked down at herself, suddenly self-conscious. There was a large wet
spot on the front of her dress, just over the crotch, and her nipples were
clearly visible as they poked like hard little pebbles through the thin
material covering her breasts.

Someone laughed.


The blonde woman turned away, trying to cover or protect herself, but not
before another thrill of lust shot through her body. With a half-choked sob,
she realized that it was the humiliation itself that was causing her pussy to
become excited. What was happening to her?

Marion frantically tried get off the dance floor, but the crowd around her
slowly closed in, trapping her where she stood. Another song started, and she
was no longer the centre of attention. She tried to slip away, but one of the
men stepped up and began dancing directly in front of her.

"Hey, babe," he half-yelled, his upper lip glistening under the lights
"you look like you need a man." Confused, Marion shook her head, but the man
just put his arms around her neck and pulled her into his chest. The blonde
woman tried to break away, but the pressure of the bouncing, surging crowd was
too great. The dizziness, momentary forgotten, once again overcame her. With a
helpless sigh, she sagged forward, allowing the man to support her. He grinned
knowingly, pulling her even closer to his body while guiding her in a slow,
tight circle on the dance floor. Almost unconsciously, she let her hands fall
around behind his back. Tired, she closed her eyes and let him lead.

The dancing continued for a song or two. Slowly, as they danced, the man
became increasingly bolder with his hands. Keeping one hand around her neck, he
slid the other one down and cupped the curves of her ass. Only partially
conscious, she squirmed and let out a quiet whimper, but didn't really pull
away or protest; she was just too dizzy. Emboldened by her lack of protest, the
man slid his hand down her ass until he came to the hem of her dress. Careful
not to alert her, he tugged upwards, slowly pulling the dress up until her ass
was completely exposed.


Marion gave a start, and jerked her hips forward when she felt his bare
hand on her ass.

"Fuck," the man whispered, a grin spreading across his face. "No panties."
He slid his middle finger in between her ass cheeks and fingered the entrance
to her anus.

"No," she mumbled, slurring her words. "Don't..."

She tried to squirm away from his finger, but succeeded only in rubbing
her pussy up against his crotch. The spark of lust, which had been momentarily
dampened by her recent orgasm, burst into being again. Without realizing it,
she ground her hips against him, enjoying the sensations which emanated through
her body at the feel of him body against her crotch. He brought his lips
against her's for a kiss; a sudden warmth flooded over her as she opened her
mouth to welcome his tongue, all the time...

He slipped a finger into her anal passage.

"Noooo..." The sudden pain of the intrusion cut through the fog of lust,
and she remembered where she was.

And who she was.

With a strength born of fear and humiliation, she brought her knee
straight up, hard, into the man's groin. The effect was immediate; he let out a
loud groan and crumpled onto the floor in front of her. A few of the other
dancers looked over, but most of them ignored the disturbance. Marion put a
hand to her mouth to stifle a scream and backed away. A few steps later, the
man was out of sight, lost behind the crowd.

Frightened, the blonde woman took another step backwards, but the crowd
was too thick. She started to try to push people away, to free up some space,
but then froze as a set of arms reached around from behind her. She tried to
turn, but instead stumbled and fell back into the man reaching around her. In a
flash, the man had his hands on her breasts, squeezing and fondling. Marion
attempted to pull away, but the crowd was still too thick, and she couldn't get
her balance in the pumps. And the man kept holding her back. Marion let out a
cry as one hand kneaded and fondled her breasts while the other slid down to
her crotch. Terrified, looked around for help. A number of other people on the
dance floor were watching her, but she saw no help there. They just sneered,
and stared at her as her body responded automatically to the fondling hands.

It was too much for her. With a quick, violent twist of her upper body,
she broke away. Half running, she squirmed through the crowd and was almost off
the dance floor when she ran straight into another man.

"Hey," he said, holding her arms to steady her. "What's the hurry?" The DJ
was between songs, so they could converse without yelling.

Marion drew a deep breath, gathering her thoughts as best she could before
speaking. Her mind considered her options, while she glanced around for Jimmy.
The man was nowhere to be seen. Was this her chance? She briefly considered
Sheila, but decided that it was worth it. If the man would help her get to the
police, they would be there quickly enough to catch Jimmy before he went back
to the house. It was worth a try.

The music started up again, so she had to lean forward and speak almost
directly into the man's ear to make herself understood.

"I need your help," she told him. "Can we go somewhere?"

She glanced around, still worried that Jimmy might be watching, so she
didn't see the look on the man's face as he nodded. He took her hand in his own
and pulled her off the dance floor and towards an exit sign at the back of the
club. "Through here," he said, pulling her through a heavy curtain and into a
short hallway. The hallway led to a door and before long, the two of them were
standing outside, in a quiet alley behind the club.

Marion breathed a sigh of relief and looked around. "Thank you so much,"
she said. "I..."

Her sentence was cut off as the man brought his lips down against her's in
a passionate kiss. Surprised, she opened her mouth and let his tongue explore
the inside of her mouth for a few moments, enjoying the sensation, before
pushing him away. "D-don't," she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.
"That's not what I..."

"I know what the fuck you want," the man growled, taking a handful of
blonde hair. "And I'm going to give it to you." Marion let out a cry as he used
his grip in her hair to propel her forward into the a low, iron rail fence
beside the doorway. Her cry was abruptly cut off as the railing slammed into
her stomach and drove the breath out of her lungs. Unable to breath, she
struggled weakly as the man forced her to bend over the rail and pulled her
dress up over her ass.

"Ha," he grunted, "no panties. What a slut."

Marion fought for air, wanting to struggle or, at least, scream, but she
couldn't draw a full breath. All she could do was squirm helplessly and gasp
for air as the man undid his zipper and placed his rigid cock up against her
pussy. To her shame, it was sopping. She couldn't help it.

The man laughed. "Guess I was right about you, bitch." With a hard thrust,
he rammed his cock straight up her pussy. Tears rolled down the blonde woman's
face as the man began to fuck her from behind while she was bent over the iron
railing. Against her will, she felt her pussy welcome the intrusion and start
to grow even wetter. Soon, she was humping her ass back against the man's cock
and grunting with quiet lust at each stroke. Her passion built until finally
she came just as the man stiffened and spewed jets of sperm into her
over-heated pussy.

Humiliated, she trembled on the rail as her orgasm slowly subsided. The
tremors and spasms had just about ended when she heard a voice from a few feet

"Hey, man... that's quite a slut you got there. Mind if I have a go at

Marion looked up from her bent-over position to see who had spoken. It was
the man she had kneed on the dance floor.


She started to straighten up, but the man who had just fucked her to
orgasm pushed her back down over the railing. "Be my guest," he laughed.
"There's plenty to go around; she's a real slut." He held her down while the
second man came around behind the rail and took over. With no warning, he
plunged his cock into her sopping pussy and began pistoning his hips. The first
man did up his pants and went back into the club; the music swelled and then
died away as the door opened and closed.

"Bitch," the man grunted, slapping his hand down against her thigh. Marion
cried out at the pain, but immediately felt the spark of lust rekindle. The man
slapped her a few more times and then began to fuck her in earnest. He slammed
his hips into her as hard as he could, driving her stomach into the railing
again and again. And, despite the pain and humiliation, or perhaps because of
it, she felt her body begin to react.

The man laughed. "You really like this, don't you bitch?"

Marion didn't answer. He grabbed a handful of blonde hair and jerked her
head painfully back. "I said, 'you like this, don't you bitch'?"

Whimpering at the pain, she moaned out a quiet "yes". Satisfied, the man
dropped her head and went back to fucking her. "Tell me," he growled.

"Yes," she grunted, her body jerking and bucking with each hard thrust, "I
like it... please... I love it..." She babbled on, growing increasingly
incoherent as the feelings of lust grew in her battered body. Finally, all she
could do was grunt in time with the man's thrusts:

"Hunh... huhn... huhn... Huhn... HUHN... HUHNN.... Ahh...."

She came, her body bucking and spasming as her third orgasm of the evening
ripped through her body.

"Fuck!" It was everything the man could do to hold on as she kicked and
bucked beneath him. He came, but his cocked slipped out as she twisted away,
and he spewed ropes of hot, sticky cum down the back of her dress.

"Shit man..."

In a daze, Marion felt another pair of hands grip her ass. She looked up
blearily. The music was loud again - the door was open - and more and more men
were leaving the club and entering the alley. She felt anther cock enter her
pussy and, when she opened her mouth to protest, another one was slipped in
between her lips. Instinctively, she began to suck at it with the skills she
had learned over the previous week.

And, once again, her traitorous body began to react...

She quickly lost track of how many men had taken her. Had fucked her. All
she knew was cocks and orgasm... cocks and orgasms... cocks and orgasms...

When Jimmy found her some time later, she was alone, on her hands and
knees up against the wall in the alley. Her black dress was bunched up around
her waist, torn and soaking with cum. Her shoes were gone and stockings ripped.
The insides of her thighs were coated with the cum which still flowed freely
from her red, aching pussy. A long trail of cum and vomit hung down from her
lips as her stomach heaved, trying to reject at least some of the many pints of
sperm she had been forced to swallow.


The blonde woman groaned quietly as Jimmy grabbed her hair and dragged her
to her bare feet. She coughed, spitting out another wad of cum as he pulled her
to the mouth of the alley and over to where the van was waiting. He didn't
bother handcuffing her; she had passed out on the floor before the door was
shut behind her.

She never even heard the engine start.


Marion's training continued the next day almost as though nothing had
happened. Almost. When she entered the living room the next morning, Angela was
waiting with the cane. Marion knew what was expected of her; she assumed her
caning position and begged to be punished.

The redhead obliged her.

The only other consequence of Marion's outing to the club was that Angela
placed her off-limits to Jimmy and the other men. Her captive's pussy, Angela
decided, needed time to recover from its ordeal. Marion almost fainted with
relief when Angela made the order - her pussy was red and raw after the gang
bang in the alley - but soon discovered that any slackening in her duties
towards the men was more than made up by an increase in the time she had to
spend satisfying Angela. For the next three days, she spent almost every waking
moment with the redhead, her nose buried in the woman's pussy or ass. By the
end of each day, both her tongue and her pussy were aching, one with fatigue
and the other with unsatisfied lust. When Angela had decreed Marion's pussy off
limits, she had meant it.

Even to Marion.

And so, the blonde woman lived each waking moment in a haze of sexual
subservience and frustration. She forgot all else: Sheila; her previous life;
Donald... her entire consciousness was focussed on one thing: satisfying her

That was why, when she heard a woman's embarrassed giggle from behind her
in the room while her face was jammed up between the redhead's sopping thighs,
she was so surprised. Another woman? Her instinct was to look up, but she had
been too well trained for that. She just kept right at work, using her tongue
to excite her mistress's clit and trying desperately not to think about the
dreadful lust burning in her own deprived pussy while Angela greeted the
newcomers and invited them to take a seat. It was only when the redhead had
orgasmed that Marion, her face wet with pussy juice, was allowed to straighten
up and turn around.


It was her husband. He was sitting comfortably on a chair on the other
side of the room, a big grin on his face. Standing behind him, her hand on his
shoulder, was a beautiful woman with long, brown hair. Her face was a little
flushed, as though she were somewhat embarrassed... or aroused. As Marion
watched in stunned silence, the brunette bent down and whispered something in
Donald's ear. Donald nodded and laughed out loud.

Finally, Marion recovered her voice: "Donald! What are..."

"Position!" Angela interrupted.

The blonde woman hesitated for a split second, torn between her training
and the imminence of rescue, but a quick slap on her ass with the cane made up
her mind for her. Smoothly, she assumed the squatting position she had been
taught so well: sitting back on her heels; knees bent; thighs spread; hands
behind her neck; and eyes down. Her face, splotchy with drying pussy juice,
burned with a humiliation she hadn't felt since the second day of her training.
The thought of Donald was seeing her like this was almost unbearable.

Still, she bore it.

She had no choice.

"Well Donald," Angela purred, her voice smug, "shall you do the honours or
shall I?"

Marion heard Donald get to his feet. "I think I will," he answered. "It's
my buck paying the ticket, or at least part of it." The brunette giggled again
as Donald walked forward, towards his squatting wife. "But I'd like to explain
it in my own way."

Angela laughed.

The blonde woman felt her head being pulled back. She looked up to see
Donald's cock sticking in her face. With a soft cry, she cringed; this was the
first cock she'd seen since the gang rape at the club. It frightened and
repulsed her, but once again the sharp sting of the cane against her ass
compelled obedience.

"Open your mouth," Donald ordered. "Don't suck it, just let it sit there
while I... 'fill you in'." The brunette let out another giggle. A tear trickled
down Marion's face as she obediently opened her mouth and accepted her
husband's cock. He slid it in about two or three inches, just enough so that it
sat heavily on her tongue. "Ahhh..." Donald looked down with a large grin on
his face. "That feels great. Too bad I couldn't get you to do this when we were
married." Marion felt a tingle in her pussy, but didn't acknowledge it. What
did he mean 'when we were married'?

"Look up at me," Donald ordered. Obediently, Marion looked up, staring at
her husband as she knelt in front of him, his cock in her mouth.

Donald began to speak: "Let me tell you about my problem. I had this wife,
you see, a prim little school teacher. She was cute enough, but she was just
too fucking uptight to be much fun. I tried to be patient with her, but she
just never got into it. As a result, I went elsewhere. This went on for a
while, but the stupid bitch never caught on; she was too busy playing teacher.
One day, I met Barbara here..." he gestured towards the brunette, who walked
over and stood beside him, resting her hand on his shoulder "...and things
changed." He paused for a moment and Marion watched, tears streaming down her
face, as her husband and the brunette - Barbara - indulged themselves in a
long, passionate kiss. She felt his cock twitch on her tongue, and barely
suppressed a moan of shame and lust.

Finally, they were done kissing. "You can start sucking, now, but keep
looking up at me." Her eyes blurred with tears, but Marion did as she was told.
Slowly, with all the skill she'd painfully acquired over the last two weeks of
training, she began to suck her husband's cock, all the while staring up at him
with her big, blue eyes.

Grinning, Donald resumed his story: "You see, Barbara changed my life. Not
only did she work wonders for my company, turning things around and making me a
fortune, but I fell in love with her. And she fell in love with me: the perfect
couple. Except for one thing: I was already married."

Marion let out a sob, but continued work slavishly on her husband's cock.
While she was sucking, the burning in her pussy was quickly growing greater.
After ten days of almost constant masturbation and sex, Angela's refusal to let
her come over the last few days was driving her wild. Even with all the hateful
things Donald was saying, even with the humiliation of being forced to suck his
cock like some kind of whore in front of his girlfriend, she still felt herself
growing more and more excited. Her hand trembled with the urge to reach down
for her pussy, but she held back. No matter how much she wanted it, she feared
Angela more.

Donald continued speaking: "So I didn't know what to do. My wife didn't
know how rich I'd become, but I was pretty certain that her lawyer would find
out in any divorce proceeding. So we couldn't go down that road: Barbara and I
agreed that whatever happened, we wouldn't give any of our money to my wife.
So, we were stuck. We even toyed with the idea of doing away with her, but we
just couldn't do it. Then it even seemed to get worse. We were caught together

"Don't say it," Angela interrupted. "Leave that part out."

By now, Marion was sliding her entire face up and down on her husband's
cock, taking it all the way down her throat and then sliding it out. She wanted
to do something - to bite, to scream, to cry, to rage - but she couldn't. All
she could do was stare upwards, her mouth full of cock, while Donald went on
with his hateful story.

"Fair enough," he agreed, groaning slightly. Marion's efforts on his cock
were beginning to effect him. "To make a long story shorter, this person didn't
rat on us. Instead, she suggested a possible solution. A way out so that we
would both get what we wanted: me, Barbara and her. And she even knew the
perfect person to hire to do the job."

Angela laughed.

"And so," Donald concluded, his breath short and heavy with arousal, "I
got these." He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and waved it in front
of her face. It was the letter; the letter she had been forced to write to him,
explaining about how she needed to be free to find other men. "And this." He
flashed some pictures in front of her wide eyes. They were obviously taken in
the club a few nights earlier: Marion dancing with different men; Marion openly
masturbating on the dance floor; Marion leaning back and allowing her breasts
to be fondled, a dreamy look on her face; Marion kissing another man while
grinding her crotch into him. "With this," Donald concluded, "I can get a
divorce in no time."

He fell silent and stiffened as his cock twitched and began to spurt cum
down Marion's throat. Marion swallowed, as she had been trained to do, but the
taste repulsed her. Nevertheless, there was a burning in her pussy.

"And you," Donald continued as he pulled his cock from her mouth, "won't
get a thing. You were the one who abandoned me." He grinned down at her as he
placed his cock back in his pants and backed away.

Her mouth sticky with cum, Marion looked up at him from her squatting
position. "But... but, what about me? I'll testify..."

"Oh I don't think so," Angela laughed. "Your new mistress is taking you
home tonight. As far as anyone will know, you'll be long gone with your

Marion fell silent and looked around, bewildered.

New mistress?

Sheila walked out of the bedroom, fully dressed in skirt and blouse.
"Hello Mrs Seward," she sneered, an arrogant look on her young face. "Or should
I say 'Darling'".

Speechless, Marion gaped at the teenager.

Sheila smiled and walked slowly forward towards the still squatting woman.
"I gather Donald's told you all about your impending divorce." The teenager
smirked. "My condolences. It's so sad when marriages don't work out." She came
to a halt directly in front of her ex-teacher. "Still, there's a bright side,"
she continued. "Now you'll have more time to fulfil your new duties."

The blonde woman looked up at the teenager, her mind dizzy with confusion.
"New d-duties?"

"Didn't Angela tell you?" Sheila looked over at the redhead, her eyebrows

"I left it for you," the older woman told her, nodding slightly.

"Ah." Sheila turned her attention downward again, a tight smile on her
face. "I'm your new mistress. You're coming home with me."

Marion froze for a moment, her mind struggling to take it all in.
Donald... and that woman, Barbara... the kidnapping... Sheila... Her body began
to shake as it slowly became clear to her just what had happened.

And what was going to happen.

"Nooo..." Her lower lip trembled; a tear welled up and rolled out of one
watering eye and trickled down her cheek. "Nooo..."

"Oh, yes," Sheila told her, laughing at the other woman's reaction. "My
father arranged the whole thing. He bought me a house just off campus for
college next year, complete with basement and kennel." Sheila smirked. "And a

This couldn't be happening! Marion's gaze darted around the room, looking
for... she wasn't sure what. Sympathy? Escape? Someone to tell her it was all a
bad joke?

"But that's for the future." The teenager grinned and raised her skirt.
"And we'll have plenty of time together." She wasn't wearing any panties.
"Angela tells me you've turned into quite the little cunt-hound. That'll be one
of your duties, of course, so I thought I'd see if her praise was justified."

The blonde woman continued to shake as she stared at the teenager's pussy,
just inches from her face. It was quite different from Angela's. The redhead's
pussy had been fully developed, and covered with thick, red pubic hair.
Sheila's pussy was much smaller and covered with a much finer sheen of hair. It
was a teenager's pussy; and the pussy of her new mistress.

Her new mistress!

A thrill of lust shot through Marion's body. With a quiet moan of
submission, she leaned forward and began work. Using every ounce of skill she
had acquired over the last ten days, she did her best to satisfy her young
mistress, slurping and sucking at the girl's clit as best she could. Behind
her, Donald let out a booming laugh, and Marion was almost overcome with a wave
of shame and humiliation. And, as was the case over the last week of her
captivity, those feelings were closely followed by a burning, hungry lust in
her pussy. Inevitably, Marion felt herself growing moist as she serviced her
new mistress's pussy.


Marion was barely aware that Sheila had said anything before... [THWACK!]
the cane landed on her ass with a brutal impact.


The blonde woman let out a muffled scream into the younger girl's pussy,
causing her to squirm in lust at the feeling.






Marion twisted and writhed under the painful caning, but didn't take her
mouth away from Sheila's now sopping pussy. She had been too well trained.
Besides, the taste of the teenager's pussy juice combined with the humiliation
of her situation and the burning pain of the caning to send powerful waves of
lust swelling out from her pussy and through the rest of her body. With a
whimper of lust, she drove her well-trained tongue deep into the girl's pussy,
her screams and writhing pushing the younger girl closer and closer to orgasm.

"Darling," Sheila breathed, gripping her slave's blonde curls and pulling
her face even harder into her wet pussy. "Touch yourself. Come for your

The blonde woman mewled with sluttish pleasure as her hands began their
work. One hand flew up to her naked breasts, pinching and squeezing and
kneading as it had the very first time she had been forced to give Jimmy a
blowjob. The other hand went down to her swamp-like pussy, furiously driving
one, two and then three fingers in and out while scraping the side of her hand
up against her burning clit. [THWACK!] Angela brought the cane down harder and
harder on the blonde woman's reddened ass as the two women, the teenage
mistress and her teacher-slave grunted and moaned with lust.

Finally, it was too much for the teenager. With a loud cry, her legs gave
way and she fell back onto her ass, her hands still gripping Marion's blonde
hair. As she fell, she drew the older woman forward so that she was lying
almost flat on the floor, her face still jammed hard into the teenager's pussy.

The extra pressure from the fall sent Sheila over the edge. Letting out a
scream, she wrapped her legs around her slave's head and began to thrash wildly
about, bouncing her ass up and down off the floor with the force of the orgasm.

Marion came.

Face trapped between Sheila's bucking thighs, one hand twisting and
pulling on her aching nipples while the other clawed desperately at her slut
pussy, Marion came. Her legs kicked out at random as her body was buffeted by
wave after wave of orgasm so intense it was mostly pain. She screamed her
ecstacy into Sheila's steaming pussy while Angela, sweating with exertion,
repeatedly slammed the cane into her red, writhing ass, sending shockwaves of
agony through the blonde woman's bucking, heaving body and sending her to new
heights of pain and pleasure.

When her senses returned, Marion found herself lying on the floor in a
pool of tears, sweat and pussy juice. Donald and his girlfriend had left the
room, and Angela was giving Sheila a small suitcase. Sheila smiled and handed
over an envelope. The transaction completed, the brown-haired teenager walked
over and attached a chain leash to Marion's leather collar.

"Well Darling," she asked, smirking, "ready to go?"

Marion looked up at Sheila as she stood, towering over the crouching
woman. The teenager looked so confident; so beautiful. Briefly, the blonde
school teacher contemplated the future - being kept as a sex slave by a former
student; sleeping chained and naked in a basement kennel like some kind of
degraded, sluttish animal; being forced to serve her former student in any way
the girl demanded - and a shudder of lust racked her abused body. She looked up
at her ex-student, fighting back an urge to plunge her hand once again back
into her spasming pussy.

"Yes mistress," she answered, meaning every word. Just as she had been
trained to do. "I'm ready."

As usual, I am interested in any comments you may have
regarding this story, or any of my other stories.

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