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repost: VACATION (by parker)

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Jul 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/23/96

by parker

Angela and Tami came over a week early. They'd be watching the
house while Jeff and I went on the cruise: three glorious weeks
in the Caribbean. We'd been planning this trip for what seemed
like forever; just one more week to go. I couldn't wait.

Angela was a distant cousin of Jeff's. I didn't like her very
much; I'd always had the feeling that she was after Jeff. Nothing
obvious, but every once in a while at a family function I'd see
them talking and alarm bells would go off. Still, nothing ever
seemed to come of it, and Angela eventually moved away. I was a
bit concerned when Jeff told me that Angela would be minding the
house while we were gone, but my fears were allayed when I found
out that she was bringing her niece to stay with her. I figured
she wouldn't try anything with her niece here, and it looked like
I was right. As a matter of fact, we barely ever saw her. She was
out almost every day - who knows where - leaving Tami by herself
at our house.

Tami turned out to be an attractive young woman, with long blonde
hair and a gorgeous body. A real California girl. In appearance,
anyway. She was actually quite shy, rarely talking and then only
in monosyllables. She seemed to spend most of the time working on
her tan on our deck.

At first I was amused; it seemed like such a waste of time, but
you know teenagers. After a couple of days, though, I found
myself watching her. Often, I'd just stand at the window, staring
at the younger girl's body as she lay, stretched out on the deck.
There was something about her... almost hypnotic. It seemed
ridiculous; I'd certainly never been attracted to other women
before, but there was something about this girl that drew me to
her. By mid-week, it had almost become a ritual for me: wait
'till Tami was on the deck and then install myself in the study,
staring out the window at her.

I began to bring things to her: juice, a sandwich... it really
didn't matter what. Just so I would have an excuse to go out and
visit her. Not that I was going to *do* anything, of course. I
was happily married, and Tami was just a teenager. Almost a
child. It was silly. Still, I kept bringing things out to her...
After all, with Jeff at work and Angela god knows where, it was
just the two of us around the place. It was nice to have someone
to talk with.

As the days went by, I made a point of spending more time on the
deck with Tami. I even went out in a bikini to do some sunbathing
with her. More than once, while I was lying there, I caught her
staring at me with a look that caused me to shiver. If I wasn't
mistaken, young Tami was developing a bit of a crush...

Tami and I were alone in the house the night before Jeff and I
were to leave. Jeff was off making some last minute arrangements
and Angela... well, I didn't know where she was.

I was sitting in my bedroom, just finishing my packing when Tami
walked in. She had just stepped out of the shower, so she was
clad in nothing more than a towel. Try as I might, I couldn't
keep my eyes from straying down to where her sleek, tanned legs
disappeared under the towel.

A little flustered, I raised my eyes to her face. She was
blushing! I immediately felt a little guilty - I was making her
uncomfortable - but that only made her more attractive. I *liked*
the idea that this young girl felt a little... what, frightened?
nervous? of me. Gaining confidence, I patted a spot on the bed
next to me and gestured for her to sit. She seemed uncertain, but
I just smiled at her: "Have a seat," I offered. "I won't bite."

Was that *me* saying things like that?

She was definitely nervous by now, but she obeyed, sitting beside
me on the bed. As she sat, the towel slid loose, affording me a
view of the top of her breasts. I had been watching them all week
from the study window, but to be so close... I wanted to reach
out and touch them, but I held back. I didn't want to scare her
away. She seemed so vulnerable.

We talked about nothing for a few moments, just chattering. Then,
her face flushing red, she looked at me and said: "Joan... do you
find me... attractive?" She looked down at the floor. She was so

What could I say?I reached up my hand and ran it through her
long, blonde hair. "Tami," I told her, "You're an extremely
beautiful young woman."

"N-no. That's not what I mean." She raised her blue eyes until
they met mine. "Do *you* find me attractive?" The poor girl
looked like she was about to burst into tears. At once I felt
both protective and... well, powerful. In control. She was just a
kid. I put my arm over her shoulder and drew her close. She
resisted for a moment, but then allowed herself to be pulled in.
Her head dropped until it rested on the top of my chest. I ran my
hands through her long, blonde hair, feeling its softness.

After a few moments like that, she raised her head from my chest
and looked me in the eye. Her face was so close I could feel her
breath on my lips. "J-Joan," she stammered, still blushing, "I...
I've never..."

"Shhh..." Unbelievably - was this me? - I leaned forward and
brought my lips against hers. She trembled for a second, but then
melted in my arms; her lips parted and I lost myself in her. By
the time we broke apart, I was breathing heavy and my pussy was
moist. Tami was trembling in my arms like a frightened animal,
but she didn't try to pull away. Using my superior strength, I
pulled her in and kissed her again.

Things progressed quickly as I completed my seduction of the
young girl. Before long, I was kneeling in front of her, sliding
my tongue down her chest and towards her pussy. Just as I reached
my goal, however, she put her hand on my forehead. "N-no," she
protested, "not there." I was panting. "Tami..."

"I don't want anyone to see me l-like... like that," she said,
blushing. I was about to argue, but she reached over and grabbed
something from the bed. "Here. Put this on." She slid a thick,
elastic headband over the top of my head and down over my eyes.
Blindfolding me. Instinctively, I reached up to push it away.
"No," she said, "I don't want you to look." Then, gently but
insistently, I felt her pull my wrists together and wrap a cloth
around them. I was pretty sure I could slip my hands free, but I
decided to be magnaminous. If it made her feel better, why not?

"OK," she said, voice a little stronger; more confident. "Now." I
felt her hand at the back of my head, pulling me forward; guiding
me. Trembling, I pushed my face in between her legs and began to
lick. My first taste of pussy juice sent tremors through my body.
As I licked and sucked at her clit, I couldn't help but wonder
how it would feel when she was between my legs; when her

"By god, you were right!" It was Jeff! I tried to pull my face
away, but Tami tightened her thighs, keeping my mouth firmly
pressed against her pussy.

"I told you." Angela! Desperate to escape, I attempted to free my
hands, but the binding was tighter than I'd thought. My hands
were bound in front of me and I couldn't get any leverage.

Jeff chuckled. "You win," he said. He didn't seem too upset.
"Grab your suitcase and we'll head out. I'll meet you in the
car." Blind and helpless, overwhelmed by the smell of Tami's
pussy, I heard him walk away and down the stairs. Tami's thighs
tightened even further and I felt a hand run down my back and
under my shorts. I went wild, kicking and bucking, as a finger
slowly slid into my ass.

"Take good care of her." It was Angela. "I expect things to be
well in hand by the time Jeff and I get back."

"Don't worry, Angela." It was Tami. Her voice was stronger. She
sounded amused. "Just have a nice vacation."

Three weeks...

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