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24.07.1996, 03:00:0024.07.96

By Parker

WARNING: This story contains non-consensual intercourse,
humiliation, d/s and just a hint of incest. If this offends
you, READ NO FURTHER. Consider yourself warned.

Copyright 1994 by Parker (me). Feel free to reproduce and post
this story (unchanged of course), but be discrete.

(1) Well... I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell
anyone else, OK?
I'm not sure where to start.

(2) When you look at me, what do you see? A young woman, maybe
in her late teens or early twenties [maybe]; short blonde hair;
cute face, nice body [*thank you*]... but that's not all. What
you see a young woman about to begin her first year of college.
You know the cliche: bright, young, world-at-her-feet... Well,
that's all true enough, I suppose. But it wasn't always like
that. Not at all.
And that's the story...

(3) I had what is sometimes called a "troubled youth". My
parents were ultra-religious and very strict.

(4) Well, maybe when I say *my* parents I should be saying "our"
parents, 'cause I have an older sister. Of course, they've
kind've disowned her now, but I'll get to that later.
That's part of the story.
Her name is Lara (mine's Julie, but of course you already
know that, don't you). She's almost a year older than me, so I
guess that makes her about nineteen now. I'm eighteen just going
on nineteen. Lara looks a lot like me - not surprising I guess,
us being sisters n'all - but she's a little larger in the body.
Not fat or anything, just bigger tits and ass. Same honey blonde
hair and blue eyes though. Oh, and she likes to wear her hair in
tight curls; mine's straight.
That's not important to the story, though. I really should
try to keep focused. Sorry.

(5) Anyway...
I was always the type to get into trouble. You know,
rebellious. Nothing too earth-shattering, but when your parents
are as strict as mine, any trouble is too much. The biggest thing
was sex. At seventeen - did I mention that the story took place
just over a year ago? - I was already sexually active. Lost my
virginity at fifteen and never looked back. 'Course, I never let
my parents get wind of that. I got into enough trouble for minor
things like skipping school, staying out late or even wearing
makeup, but if they ever found out about the sex... well, I
would've been out on my ass in no time. As I said, my parents
bought the whole religion thing hook, line and sinker.
Sex before marriage?
Birth control?

(6) I was clever though, and they never knew.
Lara, however...

(7) Well, maybe I should tell you a little bit about Lara, so
you can understand what happened. Where I was the rebellious
child (the 'problem child', so to speak), she always conformed.
You know the type: perfect grades; medals at sports; after-school
job. Never questioning or disobeying our parents. I don't think
that she had ever even had a boyfriend, much less kissed anyone.
In other words, she was completely different from me.
We were just about to enter our last year at highschool in
the coming fall (I just made the age cutoff for enrolment, making
me the youngest person in my grade all through school). Our
parents had set aside a trust fund for university tuition and
living, but there was only enough money for one person. It was
made very clear to me who that person would be. Lara was their
little darling, and there was no doubt that the money would go to
her; as for me... well, I was a barely tolerated nuisance.
Well, I was a bit wild, but the fact was, a large part of
the reason why I was always getting into trouble was Lara. My
parents aren't very bright - I did say they were religious,
didn't I? - and I was usually clever enough get away with
whatever I wanted. It was Lara who was always watching. She was
the one who would catch me and turn me in; letting them know what
I'd been up to. Always making certain that she was the favourite
child. She was the biggest tattle-tale a sister could ever hate.
And I did hate her.
Still do.

(8) That summer - like I said, this took place a little over a
year ago - Lara and I ended up staying together at the family
cabin up at Fish Lake. Usually we weren't allowed to stay there
without adults, but dad had to be back in the city for a big
meeting or something and mom said we could stay.
Of course, Lara was put in charge.
"Now you obey your sister young lady," mom ordered.
I nodded, doing my best to look sincere.
As if.
A guy from highschool - Frank Harris - was staying at his
family's cabin about half a mile away. We'd dated a couple times
during the school year, but my parents had put an abrupt stop to
it when they discovered that he was black. (Did I mention that my
parents were bigots?) Once again, it had been Lara who had broken
that choice bit of news.
I was planning on a bit of a reunion.
Of course, there was Lara.
"You heard her," she said, oh-so-superior as we watched our
parents drive away. "You step out of line and I'll be phoning
home so quick your head will spin."
Again, I nodded.
That was Lara, alright.

(9) Sure enough, when Frank came by the next day, she was
immediately on the phone to mom and dad: "Julie's seeing that
black guy again." When dad was through yelling at me over the
line, I was grounded for a month, and it felt like my ear was
going to fall off. All through it, Lara just smiled at me from
across the room.

(10) Sorry.
I haven't really thought about it for a while now, and it
still makes me so mad.

(11) Things changed not too long after that.
After a few days, Lara started hanging around with a couple
of girls from the neighbouring cottages. She was not really
friends with them, but I guess she just got sick of spending time
with a younger sister who wouldn't even speak with her.
What did she expect after finking on my like that?
Anyway, she went out with them, leaving me alone. After a
couple of hours of sitting around the cabin, I took my camera (I
guess I should mention that it was a polaroid) and went for a
walk along the shore of the lake. As it turned out, the camera
was a stroke of luck.
For me, anyway.
I'd gone about a mile down the shoreline when I heard some
giggling coming from the bushes up ahead. I don't know why I did
it, but at the time it made sense to cut back through the woods
and approach the sounds from cover. Good thing I did.
It was Lara and some other girls. One of them - not Lara -
had lit a small cigarette and was just starting to inhale. In a
flash I realized... marijuana!
I really couldn't believe it. From where I was crouching, I
could see that Lara wasn't really happy about what was going on,
but she didn't protest or walk away. Quickly, I pulled the camera
up to my face and started snapping pictures. When the toke came
around to Lara, she took it and brought it hesitantly to her
lips. I took a couple of pictures just as she sucked it in; she
had a funny look on her face, but not like she wasn't enjoying it
or anything. Right afterwards, she started coughing and choking,
but I didn't take any pictures of that. I just used up the rest
of the film taking shots of the group as the toke was passed
around. Lara refused it the next time it came to her, but she
still didn't leave.
I snuck away...

(12) That night, I showed Lara the pictures.

(13) Things went pretty much as you might have expected. At
first, she tried to bluff her way out, but we both knew that I
had her. The stuff I was constantly getting in trouble for was
nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to what she had done. Or at
least appeared to have done. We both knew that our parents would
take a fit if they ever found out that their oh-so-precious angel
of a daughter had been smoking an illegal drug.
And so I got what I wanted. Total freedom to do what I
wanted at the cabin. Stay up late; drink; and, of course, see
And that was just what I did.

(14) Frank was big for his age.

(15) A couple of nights later, Frank and I ended up back at my
parent's cabin after spending some time at a beach party. We were
both pretty drunk and were getting drunker by the moment (Frank
still had almost a full bottle of Southern Comfort with him).
We'd been going at it pretty hard at the party - you know,
necking and petting and that sort of stuff - and I think we both
knew that tonight was the night. Frank was a bit uptight, but the
drinks had loosened him up a bit.
And me... well, I'd been ready back in school.

(16) Lara glared up at us from her book as we stumbled, laughing
and giggling, into the cabin. She'd been pretty quiet ever since
I'd showed her the pictures, and hadn't once tried to tell me
what to do.
There were other ways of showing disapproval, though. I'm
not sure, but I think that was why she didn't leave the front
room when Frank and I came in and flopped down together on the
couch. Even when we began necking, she just sat there, reading
her book and pretending not to notice. After a while, Frank got a
little nervous about her being there, but by then I'd resolved
not to budge. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. As far as I
was concerned, she was welcome to sit there for as long as she
Frank and I were going to have sex right there in front of
her if we had to.

(17) As I said though, Frank was a little nervous.
"What about her?" he hissed as I unbuttoned my blouse.
By this time, I was more than a little annoyed with Lara.
She'd stayed far longer than I would have expected. "Don't worry
about it," I answered loudly, making certain Lara would hear,
"she just likes to watch."
Her face turned red.
At last, a reaction.
"Lighten up," I told her, slurring my words a bit. "Have a
drink." I tossed her the half-empty bottle of Southern Comfort.
Lara caught it, but made a face as though she were holding
something slimy or unpleasant. For some reason, that made me mad.
"Have a drink," I repeated.
"No, thank you," she answered, in her best 'stuckup bitch'
I'd had enough. I slid off the couch and walked over to her.
"Take a drink," I ordered angrily, "or I'll be forced to show...
well, you know what to mom and dad." A look of fear came over
her, but she didn't answer back. Slowly, she undid the cap and
took a swallow.
That may have been her first taste of alcohol.
"Another," I ordered. She obeyed, but there was something in
the way she did that just drove me wild. I can't explain it now,
but I felt this wave of anger overcome me. As she took the second
drink, I reached down, grabbed her by her curly blonde hair and
held the bottle firmly in her mouth. "Drink it," I growled.
"Until I tell you to stop." She brought her hands up as though to
pull the bottle away, but quickly thought better of it; she knew
what would happen if I squealed on her about the marijuana. After
a few seconds, I pulled the bottle away from her lips. She gasped
and sputtered, but didn't say anything. When she finally regained
control, I handed the bottle back to her; it was now only a
quarter full. "I'm going to fuck Frank now," I told her. "Right
there on the couch. You're going to sit there and finish the
bottle. If it isn't finished by the time we are, mom and dad will
be seeing those pictures first thing when they get back." Lara
looked up at me with wide, frightened eyes
"Julie," she whined, "I..."
"Don't argue," I told her. "If I hear another word from you,
the pictures go public."
Lara shut up.
Satisfied, I left her there with the bottle and went back to
the couch where Frank waited...

(18) The sex was great.
I ended up sitting on Frank's lap with my back against his
muscular chest, slowly sliding myself up and down... up and down
on his long, black cock while his wonderful hands slowly massaged
my breasts... and my face... and my breasts... and my neck... and
my breasts...
His cock felt so good sliding in and out of me...
Looking back, I think of that as my first adult fuck. It was
a long, slow ride, very different from the sweaty, anxious 'back
seaters' I'd experienced up to that time. It took a while to get
there, but when I eventually did, that orgasm was like nothing
I'd ever felt before: a warm, tidal rush of pleasure that
radiated out from my lower belly and spread throughout my body.
It seemed to last forever.

(19) But it didn't of course.
When I finally came down, I found myself still on Frank's
lap. His cock was still rigidly pumping in and out of my pussy.
He was picking up speed, just about to come.
Just about to come!
"Frank," I cried, pushing myself up off his cock. "Don't do
it inside. Not inside." I wasn't protected - my parents would
have thrown a fit if I'd asked for birth control pills - and
Frank wasn't wearing a condom. I wouldn't take the risk of
becoming pregnant.
"No," he mumbled thickly, pretty drunk "I wanna come
inside." He grabbed my naked shoulders and pulled me back down on
his lap. I tried to squirm away, telling him 'no', but he
wouldn't listen; he was too close to coming to reason with.
Now scared, I looked over at Lara for help. She'd finished
the bottle like I had ordered, and was just sitting there,
obviously drunk. Useless bitch. No help there.

(20) I don't know why I did it; at the time, it seemed to be the
only way to keep him from coming inside me.

(21) "Frank." I finally managed to squirm free of his grasp. His
cock, still rock hard, left a sticky trail of pussy juice and
pre-cum along my leg as I slid off his lap. "You can do it
inside, but not me. Do it with Lara!"
"Lara?" He looked over at my older sister where she sat
blankly on the chair.
"Yes." I ran over and grabbed her by the hair. She squealed
in pain as I pulled, dropping the empty bottle, but didn't
otherwise resist. I don't think she realized what was happening.
The booze must have hit her hard. "Help me," I ordered, pulling
Lara over to the couch by her hair. Frank at last seemed to
understand what I was going on about. He still looked a little
puzzled, but he helped me wrestle Lara to the couch and then held
her down while I undid and then pulled off her skirt.
"J-Julie!" At last she seemed to be waking up a bit. She
began to struggle and squirm as I pulled her panties down her
long legs and then moved over to lie on her chest.
"Do it," I cried. By now, I was more than a little excited
at the prospect of seeing my bitch of an older sister get fucked.
Frank hesitated for a second, but the alcohol and lust overcame
his inhibitions. He fell to his knees on the couch between her
flailing legs. Lara tried to wriggle free, but I used my weight
to hold her down while Frank forced her legs further apart.
Grunting with the effort, he bent forward and shoved his hard,
glistening cock straight into her exposed pussy with one thrust.
Lara went nuts!
She bucked and heaved wildly, screeching with pain, but
between us, Frank and I were able to hold her down. Frank didn't
fuck her for a couple of minutes; he just held on while she
struggled uselessly, riding her like he would ride a bucking
horse. At last, her strength began to fade and she settled down a
bit. Frank immediately began moving his hips, sawing his cock in
and out of her pussy.
She began screeching again.

(22) Lara was - had been - a virgin.

(23) I stared down at my sister's agonized face as Frank fucked
her. From where I lay on top of her chest, I could see her eyes
widen as she fully realized what was happening to her. She had
started crying during the struggle, and the tears now flowed
freely down her face.
I can't tell you how much this turned me on.
I couldn't help myself. I reached down and licked her cheek,
lapping up a salt tear. Lara opened her mouth to say something -
to protest - but no words came out. For once, my stuck up bitch
of an older sister had nothing to say. She just gasped and
moaned, squirming beneath us, as Frank fucked his big cock in and
out of her inexperienced pussy.

(24) I'm not gay.
Not that I have anything against being gay.
But I like men.
Still, there was something about Lara's face... the pain and
humiliation that was irresistible.

(25) Once again, I couldn't help myself; I moved my face over and
put my lips against hers, opening my mouth to kiss her. She
groaned and tried to turn away, but I just followed her face from
side to side. Eventually, I trapped her face against the back of
the couch. I held my lips firmly against her mouth until she
opened it with a quiet moan of defeat; my tongue immediately
snuck out and ventured between her lips and into her mouth. She
seemed to relax a bit, and allowed me to kiss her.
In fact, I was running my tongue along the back of her front
teeth when Frank came. I felt him stiffen and grunt behind me.
Lara bucked and tried to close her mouth, mumbling something that
sounded like 'no', but I just kept kissing her. Frank pumped
wildly for a few moments, and then held still, shooting a load of
cum into her. The feel of her cries and moans on my lips was

(26) Lara rolled off the couch, threw up all over the floor and
then stumbled, still crying, into the bedroom. I looked over at
Frank, who sat, panting, on the couch.
"How's that," I asked, "for birth control."

(27) Half an hour later, Frank was hard again.
And still big for his age.
I was still sore from the first fucking, but in my drunken
state, I knew what to do. After rubbing his cock into full
erection, I led him into the bedroom where Lara, half-conscious,
lay sprawled on the bed. She began to cry when we climbed onto
the bed, but didn't put up a real struggle. She was too far
gone - maybe too drunk - to fight. This time, I just had Frank
fuck her from the beginning, while I played with her breasts and
forced her to neck with me. Every time she balked, I just
squeezed a nipple until she gave in. By the time Frank came -
inside her again - we sisters were going at it hot and heavy.
I admit that it may seem a bit strange, us being sisters
n'all, but what can I say? She had a great tongue.

(28) During the course of the next three days before our parents
arrived at the cabin, Lara and I fucked Frank five more times. I
saw Lara always got the cum. The thought of using my older sister
as a form of birth control - some kind of living condom - was...
well, I can't describe it.
Funny. I would have expected her to put up more of a fight.
I guess the first couple of fuckings broke her a bit. And, every
time she balked at anything, I just threatened to use the
The last time was my favourite. After Frank and I fucked for
a while, we stretched her out on her hands and knees across a
small footstool. Frank fucked her from behind while I jammed my
pussy into her face. She didn't like that much, but I just
threatened to have Frank fuck her in the ass. She began licking
almost immediately.
And so Frank and I necked and fondled each other while Lara
- our little "birth control device", as I had begun calling her -
took Frank's cock from behind and licked my pussy from the front.
Frank and I came at the same time.
It must have been love.

(29) I put Lara to work cleaning the cabin, and by the time our
parents arrived, things were back to normal. I thought - was
afraid - that Lara might blurt everything out to them, but she
didn't. In fact, she was silent the whole trip back to the city.
Maybe she thought it was over.

(30) Back to school.
Lara quickly settled into her former habits at school and at
home, usually ignoring me except to get me in trouble whenever
she could. I dunno; my only guess is that she somehow pushed the
question of the rapes and the pictures out of her mind. Maybe the
events up at the cabin had been so traumatic that she just wasn't
able to deal with them.
As for me, I bided my time. To tell the truth, I was a
little scared about what had happened, and I considered myself
lucky to have gotten away with it. And, of course, the pictures
were always there if I needed them.

(31) It wasn't until one morning a couple of months into the
school year that it happened. As usual, I had been forced to
spend several minutes banging on the bathroom door before Lara
would finish up inside. This particular morning - in mid-October
as I recall - it took her even longer to get out, and when she

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24.07.1996, 03:00:0024.07.96

By Parker

did, she looked kind of sick. I didn't think much of it until it
happened for the third day in a row. On the fourth day, I didn't
bang on the door; I just stood their silently with my ear up
against the door.
Sure enough, the sound of retching and vomiting could
clearly be heard from the bathroom. I remember that my first
thought was that Lara might not be finishing school that year
after all.

(32) The shit hit the fan alright.
The first thing my parents did when they found out Lara was
pregnant was pull her from school. The pretext was some sort of
family emergency (which eventually developed into an unnamed
illness), but I saw to it that word got out as to the real
reason. Within days, everyone at school knew the real reason Lara
was no longer there. Actually, at one point there was even some
talk of pulling me from school as well, but mom backed me up when
I pointed out that it was not fair that I should suffer just
because Lara was a slut (I really used that word). For once my
parents backed me up over Lara. It was the beginning of a deep
change in our respective relationships.
As for Lara, well...
She was more or less banished to the small room off the
garage. She was grounded of course; mom and dad wouldn't hear of
her leaving the house in her 'condition'. The only thing they
didn't do was kick her out of the house.

(33) After that, I didn't really have much to do with Lara for a
while. Not until that night my parents were out at a party, and
Robbie came over. Robbie Travers. Alone in the house, we did what
we wanted: dancing to loud music; drinking... Well, one thing led
to another and we ended up in my bedroom. Things got a little
heavy, and we were soon half naked and ready to fuck.
Then I had an idea.
I explained it to Robbie. He thought it was kind of weird,
but didn't object. He wasn't like Frank; Frank was basically a
pretty nice guy. Robbie, on the other hand, came from the wrong
side of the tracks if you know what I mean.
That was one of the things I liked about him.

(34) I led him outside to the garage and to Lara's room. There
was no lock on the door, so I just turned the handle and pushed
it open. As we entered, Lara looked up from where she was lying
on the bed. For some reason, she had her hair done up in a little
ponytail and had one of her old dolls lying on the bed beside
her. Weird. It made her look years younger.
The baby didn't show yet.
I explained what was going to happen.
Lara began crying as I spoke, shaking her head. She even got
up off the bed and tried to leave the room, but Robbie just
laughed and blocked the door. I reached up from behind and
grabbed her hair. She winced in pain as I pulled back, but didn't
struggle. "Quit snivelling you little bitch," I told her, pushing
her back down on bed. "You do what I say or I'll show them the
pictures." She continued to sob, but didn't try to get away.
[Strange, now that I think of it; how much more trouble could she
possibly have been in?] "Besides," I added, enjoying the
opportunity to be cruel to her, "it doesn't matter any more
anyway. Everyone knows you're a slut."
She knew what I meant. I'd told everyone at school about her
pregnancy. Still crying, she fell back on the bed and grabbed the
I said it was weird, didn't I?

(35) Anyway, Robbie and I started fucking on the bed beside her.
As usual, I came first. Then, when Robbie thought he was just
about to come, he pulled out. I watched him climb on top of Lara
and helped guide his cock into her pussy. She just lay there,
crying, as he thrust wildly for about thirty seconds and then
came inside of her.
She was still lying on the bed when we left, legs spread and
a small pool of cum congealing just under her crotch.

(36) Robbie came over a couple more times and eventually word got
out. It was inevitable, I suppose. Before long, other guys came
over - guys I didn't really know - and wanted to fuck Lara. At
first I said no, but when one of them offered my money, I quickly
changed my mind.
For fifty buck, anyone could fuck my slut sister.
After a while, it became an almost nightly occurrence. I had
to be careful that my parents didn't catch on, but the small room
was not directly attached to the house, and it wasn't difficult
for boys to sneak in.
Lara fought back the first couple of times, but quickly
realized that there was nothing she could do. In fact, she would
probably have gotten in even more trouble if our parents found
out about the guys. As far as mom and dad were concerned, Lara
was a 'loose woman', and there was no way they'd believe that she
was less than willing.
Over the next few months, Lara must have been fucked by half
the guys at school. At least once each.

(37) By January, the baby was starting to show.
I thought that would be it for the tricks - for some reason,
I thought that fucking an obviously pregnant girl would be a
turn-off - but that didn't prove to be the case. One day, a man
met me on the way home from school. I was a bit nervous at
first - strange men and all - but when he explained what he
wanted, I was more than interested. Basically, he - his name was
Rod, by the way - had heard that I was pimping for a pregnant
girl. He wanted to use her, both for sex and for pictures. Well,
it sounded a bit weird, but the money was great! Much better than
selling her off night by night to highschool kids.
And so, that's what Lara did for the next few months. The
business from the younger guys trailed off, and I didn't even use
her for birth control any more (by this time, I'd bought my own
Three times a week, Rod would come over with his camera and
other stuff. I sat in on a couple of sessions. If you think I'm
weird, you should've seen him. I remember that Rod seemed to like
fucking Lara from behind with her on all fours. As she grew
larger, he started having her 'moo' like a cow. Strange, but a
real turn on. The sight of my bitchy sister, fat and bloated with
pregnancy, being forced to utter long, miserable 'mooo's while
being fucked from behind was... well, let's just say the image
was never far from my mind.
I guess it was never far from Rod's either. He videotaped
almost every session.

(38) Still, all good things come to an end.
The baby was born in mid-June. Rod said that was a little
late, but he didn't seem to mind the opportunity to enjoy his fat
little girl-cow for a couple of extra weeks.
And I didn't mind the money.

(39) The baby, of course, was black. Not completely black, as it
was as much Lara's baby as Frank's, but it was most definitely a
negro. A little negro boy.
Well, that was enough for my parents. More than enough. For
one of their daughters to have sex and get pregnant out of
wedlock was an almost unimaginable shame (oh, however would they
hold up their heads in church on sundays?), but a black baby!?!
Lara was no child of theirs.
To make a long story short (well, too late already; I hope
I'm not boring you), Lara and the baby were kicked out of the
house, sent to live in a welfare house for unwed mothers.
I became their only daughter.

(40) Did I mention the trust fund?
Well, it turned out that it was worth a little more than my
parents had originally thought. And it all went to me. I was the
one going to college now.

(41) The first thing I did with the money was move out. I was
going to be attending Bakersville College North in the fall, so I
rented the main floor and basement of a house on the outskirts of
Bakersville; a wonderful six hours by car from home.
And my parents.
Of course, I took Lara with me. She had been living on
welfare for the last few months, and the welfare office was more
than happy to have me take her off their hands. So happy, they
didn't even seem to care when she protested that she didn't want
to go. They said she'd lost the right to object. In a small town,
word gets out, and I guess they had better things to do than
spend money on a slut who's stupid enough not to use birth
Especially with a black baby.

(42) So, that's the story.
You know the rest. I let Lara and the baby live downstairs
in the my small basement. It gets a bit cold sometimes, but she
has blankets. And she has more than paid for her upkeep in the
last couple of months; college kids have more money than
highschool kids, and seem to be even hornier, if that's possible.
And Lara is cheap as hookers go.
She looks a little different now. I've had her grow her hair
and tie it up in ponytails all the time. It makes her look a lot
younger, and the clients seem to like it. Especially when they
first see her lying on the bed with her little doll...

(43) Of course, I still use her as birth control. The thought of
her taking a load of sperm in her pussy in order to protect me
from pregnancy is delicious.
In fact - well, I shouldn't really be telling you this
but... - she's pregnant again! I've been meaning to give Rod a
call. I'm sure he'll be interested.

(44) I hope it's a niece this time.

As usual, all comments are appreciated. I can be reached as P or Parker.

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