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repost: PARKER26 (Susan) ff

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Jul 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/24/96

By Parker
(from an original idea by C)

WARNING: This story concerns sexual situations of a somewhat
non-consensual nature between somewhat non-consenting
adults. If this sort of fantasy offends you, don't read it.

Copyright 1996 by Parker. Feel free to distribute freely
(unchanged of course), but be discrete about it.

NOTE: This story follows on from the Parker story


" get it?"
The blonde looked amused. "Did you think your secretary
didn't know your voice mail password?" The secretary - Judith -
shook her head, smiling.
Susan took a deep, shaky breath and settled back in her
chair. Trying not to be obvious about it, the brunette wiped her
sticky fingers dry on her jeans and stared across the desk at the
cassette tape in the girl's hand. "Soooo...," she said, searching
for a way to take control of the situation, "what are you..."
That wasn't going to work.
The direct approach: "What do you want?"
The girl laughed, her blue eyes bright and shining. "I just
want to know," she answered lightly. "I want to know how *Ms.*
Susan Westbrook, MBA, CA, CCA and god knows what else, came to be
She held up the cassette tape.
Susan frowned and turned away, gazing around her office as
if trying to gain strength from the familiar environment. "And if
I don't?"
Judith shrugged. "Then I'll give the tape to Ms. Langmead,
and you can tell her all about it." The young secretary smiled.
"And I'm sure Jim would be...".
"Leave him out of this," Susan told her, her eyes wide with
fear as she realized the ramifications of what Judith was
threatening. If Ms. Langmead heard the tape, she'd probably -
certainly - be fired; if her husband heard the tape... Her eyes
glistening with impending tears, Susan Westbrook slumped back in
her chair.
She had no choice.
"I... I don't know where to start."
"Start at the beginning," Judith advised her, smirking at
her boss's capitulation. "Go to the end... and then stop."
Sniffling, Susan began to speak...


I'm not certain where to begin.
It started just about two months ago.
I met my... the woman on the phone and we... we made love. I
met her a few times after that and...


"I'm out of here."
Susan looked up in surprise as the young blonde woman stood
up and turned away. "What...".
"I know there's more to it than that," Judith told her,
walking towards the office door. "There has to be. If that's the
way you're going to be, I'm just going to drop the tape off
"No, please," Susan begged her, eyes wide. "I... I'll tell
you the whole thing. Please... don't...".
Judith looked doubtful, but stopped walking away. After a
moment, she returned to her seat and sat back down again. "I'll
give you one more chance," she said. "The next time I stand up,
I'm gone... and so is the tape. Understand?"
Susan nodded, biting her lower lip. The thought of telling
everything to this obnoxious young woman terrified her, but...
she couldn't help but feel that now familiar warmth slowly
spreading out from her crotch. She wanted to reach down... to
stoke that warmth into a flame, but, even behind the desk she was
frightened the other woman would see.
Eyes turned down, she began to speak again...


You know about Christina... I imagine it's been all through
the office by now... about her quitting and about... about what I
saw after... her and that black woman on the street. I... I
couldn't get her out of my mind. I kept wondering what it would
be like... you know... uhmmm... to be like that with another
woman. And not just to be with another woman but to be...
controlled... even, uh, you know... spanked by that woman.
Stuff like that.
After a while, I became obsessed with it. I knew I had to
try it; I couldn't think about anything else. I thought about
calling the black woman, but I didn't have the nerve to do that.
She knew who I was.
Where I worked.
So I thought I'd try downtown. In the city. There's lots of
prostitutes there; they'd never seen me before and wouldn't know
anything about me.
It would be safe.

The first time I went was awful. I got so nervous driving
along the strip that I almost threw up in the car. I drove
slowly... watching all the women along the street. I wanted to
stop and... and get one.
But I couldn't.
I just drove around for a while, staring, and then went
home. That night, I cried myself to sleep, imagining all the
things I wished I'd done.

I tried again a few nights later.
This time, I drank three stiff rum and cokes to loosen
myself up while getting dressed... to give me courage. I put on a
short, pleated, pink skirt and a pink blouse. Underneath I was
wearing no bra, sheer stockings and suspenders and sheer, filmy
nylon panties. Almost see-through but not quite. I put on a pair
of shiny black high-heels and a modest amount of make-up. By the
time I finished getting dressed and finishing off the third rum
and coke, I was ready to go. The thought of what I was going to
do had me buzzing. By the time I got downtown, my panties were
I mean *really* soaking.

I dropped one hand to my crotch and began to play with
myself as I drove slowly along the strip, searching for the right
girl. I felt my nipples harden as I slid my fingers up and down
along my pussy. I looked down and could clearly see their outline
through my blouse. I felt mortified at the sight; what would the
girl would think of me? My nipples were *very* erect. Almost sore
as they sort of grazed against my blouse as my body moved.
Finally, I chose a girl.
I got a good look at her as I pulled over. She was in her
early twenties, about ten years younger than me. Quite
attractive, I thought, with a good figure and blonde hair cut
into a bob. Her clothes were really slutty. I mean *really*
slutty. She wore high patent black stilettoes, fishnet
stockings - sounds like a cliche but true - *very* tight,
high-cut, black P.V.C. shorts, with a black P.V.C. waistcoat type
of jacket. She had on a tight black, lycra top that showed off
her ample cleavage as she bent into the window of the car.
Although *her* nipples weren't erect it was obvious that she
wasn't wearing a bra.
I'd never done anything like this before and I was terrified
that she would laugh in my face. But she didn't. She just asked
in a bored tone of voice what I wanted. What I wanted at that
moment was for the earth to open up and swallow me down, but,
after a slight hesitation, I managed to half-whisper the words:
'Will you spank me?'.
She seemed surprised for a moment, but then just shrugged
her shoulders. It was all business to her.
'Hundred dollars," she told me.
I nodded.
She opened the passenger door and slid into the car.
The creaking sound of the P.V.C. was weird as she sat down.
Quite weird. And the overpowering smell of her cheap body
spray... it was almost overcoming. I began to feel very
claustrophobic... trapped. I almost stopped the car and put an
end to it then and there, but... I couldn't. I was too scared.
Scared of what I wanted... or what I thought I wanted. And I'd
already come this far.
I didn't stop.
And I didn't tell her to leave.
Jaw working on a wad of gum, she directed me to a large,
deserted parking lot, about two or three minutes drive away. She
got out and want into the back seat, gesturing for me to follow.
I did.
'Money,' she demanded.
I reached over onto the front seat for my purse and opened
it. My hands were trembling as I took out the hundred dollars and
handed it to her. I was so nervous and I fumbled and dropped the
purse to the floor.
I almost burst into tears as the contents spilled out,
including a vibrator and lubricant I'd put there...
For the trip home.
The girl looked at me, sneering.
'It'll cost extra if you want me to use that monster.'
I tried to stammer something - some sort of explanation - as
I reached down to retrieve the contents of the purse from the
floor of the car. The girl put a hand on my shoulder and
straightened me up. 'I haven't got all night,' she told me,
settling herself back in the seat. 'Let's get on with it. You can
clean up later.'
She gestured for me to lie over her knee.
I stared for a second, taking in her slender fishnetted legs
and black shorts. And then, swallowing, I did as she ordered and
lay down over her lap. So there I was in the back of my car, my
face *scarlet* as this woman flipped up my skirt and started rub
her hand over my ass cheeks.
I can't describe it.
It was so *humiliating*.
'Fuck... you're wet; it's dripping down my thigh.'
I was mortified. I could have died right then and there. But
it was so hot! I couldn't help myself. It was everything I
imagined it would be.
'What a slut.'

Then she began to spank me.
Moaning quietly, I shivered and writhed on her lap as blow
after blow rained down on my exposed ass. 'You are a nasty little
slut, aren't you,' she hissed, as her open hand slammed into me
again and again, 'And mommy has to punish nasty sluts like you.'
She continued on, talking like that, as the blows continued. The
spanks were really hard now and soon I was almost crying. I bit
my lip to keep from yelling in pain, frightened that I might draw
attention to the parked car. Then I felt her free hand slide
underneath my blouse. Before I could move or say anything, she
got my nipple between her thumb and finger and pinched my nipple.
I gasped at the sudden, exquisite pain.
And then I came.
Letting out a loud groan, I stiffened up and then shuddered
on her lap, twisting and kicking as waves of sheer bliss swept
over and washed through my body. I don't know what I said... I
think I begged for... for what, I don't know: to keep spanking...
to stop spanking... All I remember is panting the word 'please...
please...' over and over again.
I heard her laughing at me... mocking me as I moaned and
wriggled on her lap. That laugh set off a second, smaller orgasm
as she continued to spank me.
The humiliation...

Eventually she eased up on the spanking and my orgasm
subsided. Trembling, I began to push myself off her lap, but a
firm hand on the small of my back kept me in place. I felt her
bend over and pick something off the floor.
Oh no...
'Quiet, slut.'
Roughly she pulled my tight panties to the side and I felt
the cold squidge of lubricant slide up the crease of my ass -
right to my very asshole.
'Oh please...' I turned my head, trying to look up at her.
'Oh please...'
She sneered down at me. 'Do you want it?' she asked, waving
the vibrator in front of my tear stained face. I wanted to say
no... that I couldn't take any more... that I'd had enough... but
I couldn't say the words. I *did* want it.
God... I wanted it.
Tearfully, I nodded my head.
"It'll be an extra hundred and fifty."
I turned my head away and nodded again.
Without another word, she pulled my ass cheeks apart with
her free hand. I squealed a bit as I felt the plastic vibrator
push up against my anus and then steadily slide inside. I
couldn't help myself; with a deep groan, I pushed myself up on my
elbows and leaned back into the plastic invader. 'Wait for it,
slut,' she laughed, pulling it back and then slowly sliding the
vibrator all the way into my ass. When it was completely inside,
she pulled it back a bit and began to slide it in and out.
Again, I couldn't help myself. I slipped my hand under my
body and masturbated as she fucked the vibrator in and out of my
hole. My clit felt *immense* as I diddled it, sensitive and
throbbing against my finger. I silently willed her to turn on
the vibrator, but she never did. I guess I should have asked but
I couldn't find the courage. Moaning and crying, I came twice
more on the prostitute's lap, impaled like a stuck pig on my own
vibrator, frantically rubbing my clit. Tears rolled down my face
as I bucked and writhed.
I was such a slut...
The prostitute just laughed.
After I came for the second time, she slipped the vibrator
out of my ass. I was half fearful, half hopeful that she would
make me suck it clean, but she didn't. Instead, she just tossed
it aside onto the car seat.
I started to get up, but she grabbed me by the hair and
pushed me to the floor. I lay there, shocked as I saw her hands
fumble at her shorts and heard the crinkly P.V.C. being removed.
She brought her leg up over my head so that I was crouched
between her thighs and pushed her ass forward on the seat.
'Eat me.'
I almost fainted at the rush of feeling in my body. Those
simple words - that *order* - were almost enough to put me over
the edge again. I'd never done it before, but I did as I was
told. I ate her... her pussy for maybe fifteen minutes.
On my knees, in the back seat of my own car.
Between her legs.
After a while, I looked up at her from my position on the
floor. To my surprise, her face seemed to betray nothing more
than... well, boredom. I tried my best, but she never came. I
felt worthless... a complete failure.
After a while, she pushed me away and told me to take her
back to the street. Without a word, I got back into the front and
started up the car. From the back seat, I heard the rustle of the
P.V.C. as she put her shorts on again. When we got back she
stepped out of the car then leaned back in through the window.
'You'll be back, Susan.'
I didn't know what to say. I just turned away from her and
listened to her mocking laughter as she walked away. It wasn't
until I got home that it occurred to me to wonder how she knew my
name. The answer became obvious when I cleaned out the back seat
of my car.
And discovered that my wallet was no longer in my purse.

I spent the next few days in a state of complete terror.
Every time the phone rang, I dashed to get it, certain that it
was her. Jim must have thought it a bit strange, but he didn't
say anything. Maybe he just put it down to work pressures.
I don't know.
After a week passed, I began to feel a bit safer. I'd long
since cancelled all my credit cards and I came to the conclusion
that the girl had just stolen my money and dumped the wallet. It
made sense. In quiet moments, I even felt my mind wandering back
to the events of that night... the perfect fodder for fantasy!
I'd shut my office door, sit back in my chair and remember each
and every detail, all the while slowly massaging myself to a
delicious climax.

'Hello Susan.'
It was *her* voice on the phone.
She'd contacted me at work!
I looked around the room. She'd managed to get in touch
with me during a meeting with the senior account manager and a
major client! I didn't know why she'd been put through - I'd told
that twit Judith...
Oh... sorry...
Well, I'd asked that no calls be put through.
What had she said?
The client checked his watch and the account manager glared
at me. Turning away, I tried to play stupid, pretending I didn't
know her. But it was no use. 'Don't fuck with me, slut,' she
laughed. 'I know who you are.'
I fell silent.
I could feel the others staring at my back.
Was I shaking?
'Besides... I don't know why you wouldn't want to talk to
me. You seemed to like me well enough the other night... my leg
was sopping with your cunt juice by the time I was finished with
I felt a shiver go down my spine at her words. My mind
drifted back to the events in the back of the car. Involuntarily,
my hand dropped to my crotch and then jerked away as I remembered
where I was. Had anyone seen? I was already moist, and I knew my
panties would soon be soaked through.
Oh god...
Why now?
Eyes closed, I asked her what she wanted.
'To begin with, you owe me a hundred dollars from the other
night. Your wallet only had fifty of the extra hundred and
fifty.' Relieved and disappointed at the same time, I stammered
out my agreement to the payment, hoping that would end the
matter. 'Next, I'm thinking I might like to... encourage some
repeat business...'
I shuddered.
'Haven't had a trick like you before... beats the hell out
of blow jobs in the alley.' I bit my lip. By now, my panties were
sopping and I felt a trickle down the inside of my thigh.
'Besides, Suzie...' - I winced at the name; I *hated* being
called that - "...I think you owe me something else... your cunt
lapping was pretty pathetic. Maybe you need some practice.'
Given the circumstances, I was limited in what I could say,
but I tried to tell her that I couldn't do it... that I'd pay her
the money, but that I couldn't see her again. She just laughed
and told me that her next call would be to my husband.
The picture; there had been a picture of Jim in my wallet.
I had no choice.
I agreed to meet her the next night.
In the parking lot...

Despite - or maybe because of - the fact that I was there
under duress, the second night was even hotter than the first.
The girl seemed a lot more into it this time... really getting
into the spanking. And she brought her own vibrator this time - a
big, black thing that buzzed and shook like a freight train; and
this time, she turned it on. I almost kicked out the car door,
screaming and bucking on her lap.
For me, it was like a dream and nightmare come true all at
once. I didn't want to be there... I had no choice, really. She
knew who I was.
And that's what made it so hot.
This time, she made me lick her until she came. It took a
while... I must been there on my knees for almost an hour,
licking and chewing and sucking on her pussy while she gave
directions. By the end of it, my tongue was numb and my jaw ached
with the strain.
'I could get used to this,' she told my, smirking down at me
as I tried to wipe her pussy juice from my face.
I came three times.

Soon, she had me visiting her two and then three times a
week. I told Jim that I was working late on a new account. I felt
terribly guilty when he told me that he was proud of me, but what
could I do?
I had no choice.
For the first few weeks my mistress - I still don't know her
name - kept me to herself. At first, the sessions were all pretty
much like the first couple of times - spankings... fucking me
with a vibrator... having me lick her to orgasm - but she
gradually began to find more and more enjoyment in just
humiliating me. It started when I made the mistake of letting her
know how much I hated being called 'Suzie'; after that, I was
always 'Suzie' to her. To make matters worse, after a while she
made me refer to myself in the third person: 'Suzie wants this...
Suzie is that...'. Every time I said it, I felt like I wanted to
curl up into a little ball and expire.
But I couldn't stop coming...

Then she started calling my up at work... forcing me to stay
on the phone while she told me what she was going to do to me -
to make me do to her and to myself - that night. For a hour at a
time, I'd sit in my office, eyes closed, listening to her tell me
what a slut I was... going over all the things I'd done and would
do for her... all the while masturbating myself to orgasm after
orgasm. By the second month I was keeping a number of spare
panties in the office so I could change myself.

The worst part was when she started bringing in the other
prostitutes. At first, she'd call some of her friends to join us
at the car... to watch her put 'little Suzie' through her paces.
They laughed and jeered as my mistress jammed the vibrator up my
ass and then spanked me into orgasm after orgasm and then begged
for more.
Soon, though, watching wasn't enough for them. They all
wanted a go at me. One evening, they rented a room at a sleazy
motel and they made a night of it. They each brought along their
sleaziest outfits... their strangest sex toys... and made me put
on a show for them. They even brought along a video camera to
record the whole event... I tried to refuse, to object to being
filmed, but I had no choice.
So, all night I served them.
I paraded about in the sluttiest outfits, begging them to
let me satisfy them: 'Please, can Suzie suck your pussy'...
'Please, can Suzi kiss your feet'... 'please spank, Suzie...
Suzie's been a good girl'...
'Please let Suzi come.'
And I came.
Screaming... shuddering... bucking... my ass jerking up and
down on the big, black vibrator in my ass... my hands banging the
floor... with tears running down my face...
God, I came.

That was two nights ago... last Thursday.
My mistress must have called last night, 'cause when I came
in this morning, she's put the whole thing on my voice mail... in
detail. I was listening to her and... and masturbating when...


"...when I came in." The brunette dropped her eyes to the
floor, nodding. "With a tape of the voice mail." Judith held the
tape up.
Susan bit her lip and nodded again. "I still don't know...".
"It does make for interesting listening," Judith smirked,
slipping the tape into her pocket. "I had no idea you had such
an... interesting social life." Susan opened her mouth to say
something, but then changed her mind and kept silent.
Judith smiled. "I particularly enjoyed it in light of the
last two performance evaluations you submitted about me."
Susan's face went white as she raised her eyes to look
across the desk. " weren't supposed to see...".
"Oh, I saw them. I looked into it when I didn't get my bonus
last Christmas."
Susan swallowed; she'd never liked Judith and she definitely
hadn't been happy with the secretary's work. The performance
evaluations had been scathing; Judith's conclusion that they had
affected her bonus were entirely justified. Her mind reeled with
visions of the impact that tape would have on her life... her
job... her relationship with her husband...
She had to convince the other woman to keep silent!
"J-Judith," she stuttered, "I... I'm sorry about the
evaluations. I'll see the office manager in the morning and...
and straighten it out."
Judith just smirked.
"P-please... I... I'll do whatever... whatever...".
"Not good enough," the secretary told her. "I want to know
what 'Suzie' will do. For me."
Susan's eyes went wide. "No. I... Judith, I... can't...
Judith just shook her head and reached for the phone. Susan
fell silent as the secretary picked it up and began to dial.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
Judith ignored her, holding the phone for a few seconds and
then: "Hello, Jim? It's Judith... Susan's secretary...". Susan
jumped out of her seat and came around the desk, shaking her head
frantically and mouthing the word "no".
Judith just smiled and continued talking: "I just wanted to
tell you about...".
"Please..." Susan whispered.
"Oh... sorry, can you hold on just a second? Thanks." Judith
put her hand over the phone and looked up at her boss. "Last
chance." The young blonde leaned back and spread her legs. "What
would Suzie like to do for me?"
Susan stared for a second and then dropped her gaze. Falling
to her knees between the younger girls legs, she looked up and
said: "Suz... Suzie wants to... to lick you... lick your pussy."
She looked down, her face flushed as she realized that the other
woman wasn't wearing any panties underneath her short skirt. "P-
please let Suzie l-lick you...".
Judith smirked.
"If that's what you want." She spread her legs further and
gasped as Susan - Suzie - crawled between her legs and started to
lick. She took her hand off the phone and continued talking:
"Sorry about that, Jim... another call... the reason I was
calling was that I was wondering if Susan was coming in to the
office today... yes, I know it's Saturday, but...". She continued
speaking, making small talk with Susan's husband, while Suzie's
experienced tongue nuzzled and lapped at her now sopping pussy.
By the time she hung up the phone a minute later, Judith's breath
was coming in short, sharp gasps. The blonde secretary leaned
back in her chair and groaned as her boss sucked hungrily at her

The office door opened.
"Not bad, huh?"
Suzie stiffened at the new voice and tried to pull her head
back, but Judith squeezed her thighs and held her in place. Oh
god, it was...
"Hi Sandy," Judith moaned, wriggling in her chair as Suzie's
tongue went back to work at her pussy. "I wondered it you'd show
"Wouldn't miss it," the other woman said, walking closer.
"Do you have a copy of the video?"
"Right here." Suzie heard something being put down on her
desk. "It turned out great." Suzie tried again to pull away, but
Judith's thighs held her in place. "You remember the deal?"
"Oh yeah... she'll still be visiting you twice a week. I've
got some great ideas for you, too. Can't wait to try them out."
The other woman laughed.
"Did you bring it?"
Sandy laughed. "Yeah... it's right here." Suzie heard a
click and then a quiet buzzing.
"Great," Judith said. "I can't wait to see how she does at
staff meetings with that monster buzzing in her ass."
Helpless to resist, tears trickled down Suzie's face as she
continued to eat the blonde girl's pussy. Finally, Judith's
thighs eased up. Suzie felt a hand grab her by the hair and pull
her face out from between the secretary's legs. The brunette
squinted up at Judith and the hooker... her mistress - Sandy -
looking down at hair. Tears of humiliation and helpless lust ran
down her glistening face as the two woman laughed at her. "Things
are going to be different around here from now on Suzie," Judith
told her. "A lot different."
Suzie sniffled and tried to say something, but the blonde
woman shoved her face back between her legs. Defeated, she opened
her mouth and began sucking as her hands drifted down between her
own legs and started desperately rubbing her own pussy through
the thick jeans. She imagined trying to function at the office
with the vibrator in her ass and came almost at once, whining her
lust into Judith's overheated pussy.
Judith laughed...


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