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repost: PARKER24 (Christina) ff

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Jul 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/24/96

(for C)
By Parker

WARNING: This story contains material of an adult nature.
Specifically, it deals with sexual activities between two
women. If this bothers, offends, horrifies, disgusts or
appals you, I suggest that you read no further.

Copyright 1995 by Parker. Feel free to distribute hither and yon,
but do not feel free to change the text without permission. That
would be a bad thing to do.


"Enjoy your week off," Susan told her, smiling. "You've
earned it. Tax season's always pretty intense."
Christina nodded happily. She opened her mouth to say
something, but instead let out a loud hiccup. The two women
giggled. They had just left the staff party where they had been
celebrating end of tax season. It was Christina's first year
with the new firm and everything had gone well, particularly with
Susan helping her out. The "end of the season" party had gone on
well into the night and both women were more than a little tipsy.
The giggling subsided.
"There's your taxi," Susan said, gesturing towards the
street as a yellow car pulled up.
Christina looked at her boss, suddenly serious. "I wanted to
say... thank you for giving me the chance to work..."
"Really," Christina said, careful not to slur her words.
"Most of the partners wouldn't have let a junior accountant..."
"I said 'nonsense'," Susan repeated, smiling again. "I knew
you could do it. You just get yourself home and enjoy your week
off. There'll be plenty to do when you get back."
She leaned over and gave her junior associate a quick kiss
on the cheek. Christina reached up and touched the tall brunette
on the arm. The two women looked at each other in silence for a
"Well..." Christina looked uncomfortable for a moment.
"Goodnight." Her head spinning from the alcohol, Christina
pulled open the door and dropped heavily into the back seat of
the car.
"See you next week," she called, shutting the door.
Susan waved as the taxi drove away into the night.


Christina gave the driver her address and leaned back in the
car seat, thinking of Susan. Still smiling, the young woman
sighed and brushed a loose strand of light blonde hair away from
her face. The work had gone so well... for the first time, she
began to believe that her career with Parker & Associates was
It wasn't easy for a young, female accountant to make it in
a big, established firm, particularly a young woman who looked
like Christina. With her slight build and large, green eyes set
in a young, almost elfin face, she appeared ten years younger
than her 26 years. It was a constant struggle to get the clients,
and some of the other accountants (particularly the older male
accountants) to take her seriously. She had always dressed in
the most severe, unflattering business suits, kept her wavy,
blonde hair confined to a tight bun and wore an unflattering
style of glasses, but it wasn't until Susan Westbrook, a female
partner in the firm, took her under her wing and gave her a
chance to show her ability that people finally began to look past
her appearance. And now, with the her work during the yearly tax
rush, it looked like...

"Nice lookin' friend y' have there."
Startled from her thoughts, Christina shook her head and
leaned forward. "Excuse me?"
"I said she's nice lookin'," the driver repeated. "Your
Christina frowned for a moment, puzzled by the driver's
comment. Girlfriend? And what...
The young accountant sighed in understanding and sat back in
her seat. The kiss! The driver must have thought that her and
Catherine were...
Christina closed her eyes for a moment and imagined it. Her
and Susan...
"I didn't mean nothin' by it."
The taxi came to a halt at a red light and Christina opened
her eyes as the driver turned to look at her passenger. It was a
black woman, middle-aged, with very short hair. "I jus' couldn't
help notice the kiss she layed on you back there." The woman
grimaced and rolled her eyes. "Surprised me." The light turned
green and the driver turned her attention back to the road.
"Not," she called out over her shoulder, "that I got anythin'
against it, mind you. Not me. Just a surprise, tha's all. Don'
see a lot a' that sort a' thing, y'know?"
Christina opened her mouth to explain to the other woman
that she and Catherine were not "girlfriends" and that they just
worked together, but something stopped her from speaking.
Instead, she smiled.
Maybe she could have some fun here.
And, inexplicably, the thought of her and Susan being like
that was... well, interesting. It might be fun to pretend for a
Not that she was really like that.
"I'm glad it doesn't bother you," she said quietly. "A lot
of people are turned off at the way me and Susan... go on
together." Christina saw the cabbie's eyes go wide, staring at
her in the rear view window. This *was* kind of fun. "Actually,"
she continued, trying not to giggle, "that kiss was pretty tame.
Normally, Susan likes to be a lot more... public in her
affections. If you know what I mean."
"Uh..." The black woman's eyes turned away in the mirror as
she made a quiet, strangled sound. "Uhm...".
Christina took the opportunity to let out a quick grin. Then
she composed herself and went on: "She likes it in public, you
know. Takes a lot of chances. Me, I prefer a quiet night at
home... a warm bath...". Christina felt giddy with laughter and
alcohol; she'd teach the woman to make assumptions. "...there's
nothing like the feel of a woman's skin after a long bath...
don't you agree?"
"Uhmm..." The driver now seemed thoroughly embarrassed.
"I... uh... I guess. I mean, I don't know... I've never... I
"Never been with another woman?" Christina feigned surprise,
trying not to laugh. "From the way you were talking, I just
assumed...". The blonde woman smirked. "Maybe you should try it."
The driver's wondering brown eyes were on her again, wide
and staring in the mirror. Feeling daring, Christina stared back
at her, licked her upper lip and slowly undid the top button on
her blouse. Stretching languorously, she reached up and undid her
blonde hair from its tight, little bun, letting it fall loose on
her shoulders.
The driver kept staring.
"After all," Christina went on, trying not to laugh, "you
are an attractive woman."
"Oh uhm... I dunno about that." Clearly flustered, the black
woman turned her attention back to the road. "I dunno 'bout
The taxi slowed down and took a left turn. Christina noticed
with disappointment that they were nearing her apartment. The
game was almost over. Just time for a couple more salvos.
She'd give that woman something to remember!
"Well, *I* think you are," Christina assured her, trying to
sound as sultry as possible. She couldn't help but giggle at the
way her voice sounded. To her ear, she sounded like a little kid
trying to sound sexy in an exaggerated manner.
That gave her an idea for a finish to her off her little
joke. Reaching up, she twirled a lock of blonde hair around her
finger and looked directly at the rear view mirror. The taxi was
stopped at a red light and the driver was staring at her
intently. Speaking in almost a little girl's voice, she licked
her lips and asked: "Do you think that I'm... attractive?"
Christina looked at the driver in the mirror, her green eyes
wide and innocent. Again, she slowly ran her tongue along her
lower lip. "Well?"
The driver coughed.
"Yes," she whispered, her voice rough. "I do."
The light changed to green, but black woman didn't turn away
from the mirror. She just kept staring at her passenger's
reflection, eyes wide. Christina smiled in what she hoped was a
seductive manner; she really had this woman mesmerized!
Not taking her eyes from her passenger, the driver reached
down, picked up a cigarette from a pack sitting on the seat
beside her and, hands shaking, put it in her mouth.
Christina frowned, keeping her saliva-moistened lower lip
stuck out for effect. "Please," she said quietly. "I'd rather you
didn't smoke."
The driver froze for a moment and then flicked her lighter,
calling up a small flame. She brought it up to the cigarette,
keeping her eyes focused on her passenger. Christina opened her
mouth to say something, to complain, but her throat went suddenly
dry. Gathering her nerve, she tried again: "I said..."
The car behind the taxi belched a rude reminder that the
light was green. The driver cursed and let the flame die in her
hand. Letting She turned her attention to the road, accelerated
through the intersection and turned onto Christina's street.
The blonde woman let out a sigh of relief and relaxed in her
seat. Something had happened back there she didn't understand.
She quickly did up the top button of her blouse and tried to
straighten her hair as the taxi pulled up and slid into a parking
spot in front of her apartment.
Whatever it was, she home now.
"How much?"
The driver told her.
Christina reached into her purse and...
No money. Christina closed her eyes and bit her lip. She had
forgotten about that final round at the restaurant. It had taken
the last of her cash. Now what was she going to... Oh, of course.
She had some "mad" money in her apartment. More than enough to
cover the cab fare.
The blonde woman leaned forward "I'm afraid I don't have
enough on me to cover it," she said, "but I do have some money
inside. If you'll wait a minute, I'll go get it." The black woman
turned and stared at her. Christina felt her throat go dry.
"Uhmm...". She turned away, unable to meet the other woman's
gaze. "If you like, why don't you keep the meter running. I'll
only be a moment."
"Uh huh." The black woman was sceptical. "I wasn't born
yesterday, honey. I'll jus' tag along to make sure you find your
Christina started to say something, but the black woman had
already shut off the engine and was reaching for the door handle.
Resigned, the young accountant opened her door and got out.


"Nice place," the black woman said, looking around the foyer
of Christina's apartment.
"Just wait here," Christina told her, still nervous. "I'll
get your money." She turned and walked quickly through the living
room and into her bedroom. The cab driver had stood extremely
close in the confines of the elevator and she was more than a
little jittery. There was something about the black woman that
The money was right where she had left it. Christina pulled
a couple of bills from her drawer and turned to walk out of the
bedroom. She would pay the bitch and get her the hell out...
Christina came to an abrupt halt as she turned the corner leading
from the bedroom into the living room, almost bumping into the
cab driver. The black woman was standing just outside the bedroom
door, smoking a cigarette. Christina's anger finally overcame her
fear. She opened her mouth to tell the woman to leave, but before
she could say anything...
"I've been thinking," the black woman told her, exhaling
smoke, "about what you said before... in my cab."
Christina's throat went dry and she suddenly felt woozy from
the alcohol she had consumed at the restaurant. She tried to
speak, but nothing came out. "After all," the black woman
continued, taking a deep drag of her cigarette and then letting
it fall to the carpet, "you are an... attractive woman."
Christina stared down at the cigarette smouldering on her
carpet, not noticing that the cab driver's voice had become
different, her language more refined. She felt the black woman's
fingers on her chin, pushing her gaze upwards... forcing her to
look at the other woman's face, only inches away...
"Shhh..." Christina froze like a deer caught in headlights
as the black woman brought her face closer and, still exhaling
the smoke from her last drag of the cigarette, kissed the young
accountant. Christina let out a quiet squeal as her lips parted
and she felt the black woman's tongue invade her mouth,
aggressive and demanding. She tried to pull away, but the black
woman's hand had snaked around behind her head and, with a
handful of blonde hair, held her face close and tight. The
driver's other hand came around behind her back and pulled the
young accountant into a tight embrace. Christina struggled
helplessly for a moment and then, dizzy from the alcohol and the
feel of the other woman's tongue in her mouth, melted into the
other woman's arms.
The kiss seemed to last forever. When the black woman
finally pulled back, Christina was panting in fear and confusion.
Her body trembled as the cab driver, a fistful of thick, blonde
hair keeping her head immobile, slid her tongue out and traced a
slow, wet line from her chin up and around her trembling lips.
Christina's voice was a tremulous whimper as the driver used
her free hand to caress the young blonde's small, tight breasts
through her blouse.
"I... I've never... d-done this w-with... another...".
"Never been with a woman?" The driver smirked. "From the way
you were talking, I just assumed...".
To Christina's amazement, she felt her nipples harden under
the touch of black woman's the black woman's fingers. Her mind
reeled, horrified at the thought of being felt... caressed... of
being used like this by another woman, but her body...
"Oh... you *do* like this, don't you." The black woman slid
her hand in underneath her captive's blouse and began to caress
her breasts directly. Helpless, Christina moaned and twisted
weakly, her arms limp and heavy at her side, as the black woman's
hands twisted and tweaked her nipples, sending sharp messages of
pain and pleasure through her trembling body. "You really *are*
quite the little dyke."
"Oh..." Through a haze of alcohol and arousal, Christina
flinched at the word, but she couldn't deny the feelings in her
body. What was happening to her.
Inexplicably, she thought of Susan.
The black woman brought her face close and began to place a
series of soft, wet kisses all over Christina's open, panting
face. Her head held steady by the other woman's hand, the blonde
woman could do nothing but squirm as the other woman's lips and
tongue moved slowly over across her forehead and cheeks.
"Oh yes," the black woman whispered, her voice close and
heavy as she kissed... and licked... "There's a honey... there's
a good girl...". Christina closed her eyes and felt the black
woman's lips on her eyelids. "Oh yes... goo-ood girl..." The
driver continued her whispers of encouragement and seduction, and
the young woman felt herself drifting... drifting on the feel of
the black woman's lips... and tongue... the feel of her expert
hand, massaging... kneading... twisting her nipples... and
slowly, ever so slowly, sliding down over her fluttering tummy
and down... lower... under the waist of her skirt... lower...
under her panties...
The blonde woman jerked forward as she felt the driver's
fingers slide down and over her... her moist pussy...
The black woman continued to whisper calming words as she
slid her fingers slowly up and down over Christina's pussy,
expertly massaging her sensitive clit. The blonde woman again
felt herself sinking down... overcome the sensation of the other
woman's touch on her body. She felt like she was in a dream as
the woman's fingers... and lips... and tongue continued their
Soon - she didn't know how long... second? minutes? - she
felt herself reaching the point of no return... the sensations
cresting within her body as she began to buck her hips against
the other woman's fingers, desperate for that little bit of extra
Almost there... almost...
Christina let out a whimper of frustration as she felt the
black woman's hand pull away from her soaked crotch. Moaning, she
opened her eyes to look imploringly at the black woman's face,
just inches away. She didn't understand, or even know, what was
happening to her, but she knew what she needed.
"P-please," she breathed, her heart beating wildly in her
chest, "Please...".
"Oh, but we hardly know each other."
The black woman smiled mockingly as she raised her left hand
up and began toying with the younger woman's breasts. Christina
couldn't restrain a moan of lust as she felt the other woman's
fingers, still wet with her pussy juice, sliding over her
nipples. "I'm Selene," the driver whispered, tongue snaking out
from between her lips. "What's your name?"
Christina tried to concentrate. "C-Christ... ahh!" The
blonde woman let out a loud gasp as Selene suddenly pinched a
nipple. The brief burst of pain was followed by a wave of
pleasure. "Christina."
"Christina." The black woman - Selene - smiled as her hand
cupped the young accountant's small, firm breast and jiggled it
up and down. "That's an awful grown up name for a girl with such
little titties." She opened her hand and rubbed her palm over the
blonde woman's nipple. "I think I like the first one better. It
suits a little girl like you, don't you think?"
Christina fought to concentrate as the black woman worked on
her breasts. First one? What was she talking about? She *had* to
come. Desperate, she brought her own hand up to her pussy, but
the black woman just batted it away.
"Don't you think so?" she asked again.
"Ah..." The young accountant struggled to figure out what
the black woman was wanted from her. What did she have to do to
Selene smiled at the look of confusion and desperation on
the young blonde's face. "'Christ... ahhh,'" she explained.
"That's a better name for a little girl. For a little slut.
Krista. Don't you think?" Christina felt herself going red at
the mocking, condescending tone in the black woman's voice, but
the ache in her breasts and pussy overcame her pride.
She had to come.
She *had* to.
She nodded in agreement, green eyes wide in hope.
Please let me come.
Selene smirked at the look in the younger woman's face. "Say
it," she ordered, trapping the woman's nipple between her finger
and thumb and squeezing. "Say 'Hello Selene. My name is Krista.'"
Christina gasped in pain.
"Hello S-Selene," she stuttered, trying vainly to rub her
crotch against the black woman. "My name is... is K-Krista."
"Why..." Selene released her grip and dropped her hand to
the other woman's crotch, rubbing her pussy through her skirt.
Christina moaned and pushed her hips forward. Selene resisted for
a moment, giving Christina the pressure she desired so much, and
then moved her hand away. "... that doesn't sound much like a
Krista." She rubbed again for a moment and then pulled her hand
away again. Christina whimpered in frustration. "The Krista I
know has a much higher voice. She sounds like the little girl she
is. Like she sounded in the taxi."
Christina whined in frustration and humiliation, recalling
the little girl voice she had used in the taxi. Did she want...
"Try it again," Selene ordered.
"Hello Selene," Christina repeated, speaking in a little
girl's breathy voice. "My name is Krista."
"Better," Selene told her. "But it's 'Miss Selene' to a
little girl like you."
Christina didn't even wait to be told. "Hello Miss Selene,"
she whined. "My name is Krista."
Please let me come.
The black woman laughed. "Good Krista," she chuckled.
"That's your 'Krista voice' from now on. Understand."
"Yes Miss Selene," Christina panted obediently, jerking her
hips forward at the black woman's hand.
Without another word, Selene brought her lips down to
Christina's face in a fierce kiss. Moaning in passion, the blonde
woman accepted the kiss, bringing her arms up around the black
woman and pulling her closer.
Immediately, Selene pulled her mouth away.
"Keep your hands clasped behind your back," the black woman
Christina looked up at her, dazed. "But....
"Do it," Selene insisted, pulling her other hand away from
the woman's crotch. "And don't forget the voice."
"Yes Miss Selene."
Christina put her arms behind her back and clasped her hands
together. She shuddered as a thrill of lust ran through her body
at the submissive act, but didn't have time to contemplate it as
the black woman went to work on her.
The two women kissed, the black woman's tongue aggressively
searching out and toying with that of the moaning blonde.
Selene's right hand roamed up and down Christina's back while her
left hand grabbed hold of the blonde woman's blouse and ripped it
open, scatting buttons across the living room. Christina's moans
raised to a fever pitch as she felt the other woman's hands
teasing and playing with her rock hard nipples. She ached to
reach around and pull the other woman close to her, to wrap her
legs around the other woman's waist and squeeze her tight, but
knew that the moment she moved her hands from behind her back,
the other woman would pull away. So all she could do was writhe
and moan and wriggle in the other woman's grasp, giving Selene
complete control of her body letting the woman play her like a
finely tuned instrument.
Selene knew what she was doing.
Time and again she brought the whimpering blonde to a near
climax only to back off at the last moment.
"What's your name?" she whispered, her tongue exploring the
other woman's neck.
"Oh...". The blonde twisted and bucked, parting her legs to
give the black woman complete access. " name is Krista...
Miss Selene... oh, please... please...".
Helpless under the black woman's expert touch, the blonde
accountant moaned her little girl name over and over again, in
her little girl voice, begging for the release that she so
desperately needed.
"Oh, please..."
Tears ran from her green eyes to mingle with the glistening
tracks left by the black woman's tongue on her face. Her small,
firm breasts bounced and jiggled wildly, peeking out from her
torn blouse as she bounced herself up and down... up and down...
on the black woman's finger as it mercifully slid in and out of
her sopping pussy... rubbing against her inflamed clit until,
finally, her world exploded in a riot of lust and pleasure,
spiced with pain and humiliation, as her body shook with an
incredibly intense orgasm. Head thrown back, moaning and panting
her new name in her new voice, she threw herself against the
black woman as a second and then third wave of pleasure crashed
over her body, sweeping her under and carrying her up... up...
"Oh god..."
Christina let out a final shudder and slumped back against
the doorframe. Selene released her grasp and the young blonde
slowly slid down the side of the door until she sat with her back
against the frame. The black woman smiled as she looked down at
her. The blonde's mouth was open and panting; her wide, green
eyes were empty and vacant, staring blankly upwards as the final
tremors of orgasm swept through her body soaking body.
Selene knelt down.
Christina's green eyes focused on the black woman, kneeling
in front of her. "Oh god," she repeated. "That was... I..."
"Shhh...". Selene shook her head, smiling. "That was just
the beginning."
Christina looked puzzled. "But, I..."
Selene frowned. She reached forward, grabbed the blonde
woman's nipples and twisted viciously. Christina let out a squeal
and tried to squirm away, but the black woman's grip was firm.
"You've forgotten already? This is going to be a long night."
Releasing one of the girl's nipples, Selene grabbed a handful of
blonde hair and twisted her captive's head around until it faced
the wall mirror in the bedroom.
"Look," she commanded.
Christina looked.
She saw herself: her wavy, blonde hair teased, tousled and
matted with sweat; her eyes, open and vacant in a face still
glistening with sweat and spittle; her small breasts, red and
abused jiggling from behind the torn fabric of her blouse; her
slender legs spread wide and inviting on the floor; her work
skirt bunched up at her waist, exposing her gaping pussy and wet,
glistening thighs...
"Take a good look," Selene hissed, her mouth inches from the
blonde's ear. "That's not a Christina... that's my little Krista.
My little lesbian toy... a barbie doll who loves - who needs - to
have her pussy stroked by other women... who's going to learn all
about pleasing me with her tongue... who's going...". The blonde
woman began to pant as a fresh wave of lust arose within her at
the driver's words. The feel of Selene pinching her breast, pain
at first, had become pleasure, and she felt an ache burning in
her pussy... spreading upwards...
" you understand?"
Christina understood.
She turned away from the mirror.
"I'm sorry, Miss Selene," she whispered, speaking in her
little girl voice. She clasped her hands behind her back,
offering up her body for the other woman's use.
Selene wasted no time. Dropping one hand to the blonde
woman's pussy, she leaned forward and brought her lips to the
young blonde's face for a long, passionate kiss. When their lips
finally parted, Christina was panting and squirming on the floor.
"That's alright, Krista," Selene murmured, her face inches
away from Christina's glazed, green eyes. "You're a good girl,
aren't you?"
"Yes, Miss Selene," Christina whispered, eyes wide. "I'm a
good girl."
"You'll learn."
"Yes, Miss Selene."
The black woman leaned forward and...


Susan Westbrook stopped in her tracks and took another look.
She couldn't be sure, but it looked like... yes, it *was* her!
After a quick glance to make certain there was no traffic, the
tall brunette dashed across the street.
Two women turned to look.
One was a tall, black woman, with short, black hair, dressed
in jeans and a plaid work shirt. The other, the object of Susan's
shout, was a small, slender blonde woman...
"Christina," Susan said as she approached the two women,
breathing heavily from her dash across the street. "What
happened? I heard that you'd quit and when I called, your line
had been disconnected. Are you...". She halted in mid-sentence,
finally taking a close look at her ex-associate. "Jesus... what
happened to you?"
The blonde girl standing in front of her was very different
from the young, professional she had last seen just six weeks
earlier. That Christina had taken pains to make herself appear
older and de-emphasize her attractive features. This Christina
looked like... she looked like an over-sexed teenager. Her blonde
hair was streaked with platinum and was teased up into a high
ponytail. Her ears, formerly sporting nothing more than a tiny
stud or tasteful earring, were now triple-pierced, and held long,
dangling pieces of junk jewellery. The conservative business suit
that the old Christina would have worn was replaced with a tight,
pink tube top and short, leather miniskirt with pink, plastic
Inexplicably, Susan felt a surge of warmth in her lower
belly. "Christina?"
The blonde, her green eyes wide and vacant over pouty, pink
lips, turned to the black woman. "Miss Selene," she whined in a
high, little girl voice,"I'm sorry, I...".
"It's alright, Krista. Hush now. I'll deal with this." The
black woman soothed her friend. The blonde - Krista - sighed and
rested her head on her friend's shoulder.
"I... what...". Susan didn't know what to say as the black
woman turned to her.
"You're the woman who said goodbye to her," Selene stated,
staring, "when she got into the taxi after the staff party."
Susan just looked at her, uncomprehending. "I saw the kiss," the
black woman continued. "I know what you wanted." She smiled.
"What you still want."
Susan looked confused. "I don't know what...".
"You could have had her, you know." Selene nodded at the
blonde. "She wanted you."
Susan fell silent, turning her attention to Christin...
Krista as the young blonde pouted prettily on the black woman's
arm. For the first time, she noted the black choker - a collar -
on the girl's neck.
She could have had her.
The brunette felt her throat go dry.
She could have...
"Give me a call, sometime." The black woman pulled a card
out of her pocket and handed it to the accountant. "Something can
be arranged." She grinned. "If you're nice to me."
Susan, stunned, just watched as the black woman turned.
"Come along, Krista honey. We've got friends waiting."
"Yes, Miss Selene." The blonde woman followed along, her ass
wiggling beneath the tight, black skirt.
The brunette watched them go and then stared down at the
card, biting her lip. 'If you're nice to me,' the black woman had
said. What did she mean by that? Looking around to see if anyone
was watching, she opened her purse and carefully put it inside.
Maybe she'd find out.

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