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{ASS/ASSM} Carole -- Entry for Celeste's Christmas Contest (FM,Rom)

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Ghost Ex Machina

no leída,
19 dic 1997, 3:00:0019/12/97

By Kim

It is entered into the Christmas Competition set by Celeste.
This work is copyright.

It had started, as so many things do, from something trivial. Christmas
shopping should be fun right? Well it rarely is in my experience. Me and
Rob were braving the crowds and the snow to get the presents that we still
needed to get. Every year I promised myself, next year I'll get it done by
November. Every year I never did.

We started discussing what to buy for whom. Organization isn't our strong
point, we should have made a list or something, but we just drove to the
shops and started wandering.

I have no idea what made me do it. The thing that started all this off, I
mean. I told him I resented paying that amount for a gift for one of his
colleagues at work. It just suddenly rankled with me. What the hell was he
doing buying presents for this woman friend anyway, I wanted to know.
God knows why, we're both very well paid, and I knew he was just being
seasonal and all that. But it... just seemed too much to me. We bickered
about it for a while. Then each time I thought we'd managed to get over it,
one of us would make some dumb comment and off we would start again. It
was, I have to admit, pretty mean-spirited of me, all things considered.

Half-way though the afternoon the shopping was abruptly abandoned,
with me stomping off and telling Rob he could damn well do what the hell
he wanted. I wasn't having anything more to do with him and his present
buying. I was so angry. And what was worse he had simply said "Fine"
though gritted teeth and turned away. I waited at the other end of the mall's
main hall with my back to him, waiting for him to come and say he was
sorry. When I eventually gave in and turned round he was nowhere in sight.

A momentary panic, then guilt, then cold anger passed though me in as
many heart beats. Well fuck the son-of-a-bitch I thought.

I pulled my fake fur collar tighter around my neck and looked out at the
snow sprinkling down outside the glass walls of the mall. Shit, this couldn't
get any worse. My anger was seeping away into self-pity and doubt. As I
looked out at the pretty flakes, fluttering down into a white carpet, what
should have been lovely sight was now tinged with another of my bouts of
self-loathing. Will I never learn? I thought miserably.

I braved the icy blasts of wind to venture into the parking lot. Rob's car was
gone. It meant I walked, got a bus or had to find a cab. I had no idea where
to get the bus from, so I sullenly started trudging though the snow looking
for a cab. After forty minutes my feet were numb from the cold and I wished
I was home drinking a hot cup of tea, laughing and joking, or hell, even
crying on Rob's shoulder. I would've settled for either at that moment.

Cars sped by spraying snow and slush onto the sidewalk. Still no taxis.
There was an old bag-lady pushing a shopping cart. I side-stepped to let her
pass. As we drew level she looked up at me. Our eyes met momentarily. A
glint of recognition flashed across her face.

"You're that woman aren't you?" she said gruffly. I sighed, it had been
some time since I was recognized in the street. That was a lifetime ago, I
didn't even think of it anymore. I didn't feel like smiling, but I forced
myself. She leaned closer and whispered something. I didn't hear it so I got
as close as I could, ignoring the smell.

"I can see you meeting some people tonight. You should listen to them, they
will tell you things that are important," she said. I frowned. It wasn't what
I'd expected her to say at all. Looking at her, I realized that she was as
surprised as I was. She looked at me quizzically for a moment, shrugged
and moved on pushing her cart down the sidewalk. I watched her go for a
few moments but she didn't look back. I contemplated her and her words.
Soaking your brain in alcohol really doesn't do you any favors, I thought.

It was getting dark and the snow wasn't letting up. Across the street there
was a bar. Its neon lit window looked desperately inviting compared to
standing out here in the cold. Caring nothing for the possible consequences I
crossed the street and went in.

It was dimly lit and there were a few people sat at the bar. Two guys and a
woman were playing pool in the corner. Nobody turned to look at me. I was
glad. Sitting in a warm bar, having a quiet drink and then phoning Rob was
all I intended to do.

I ordered a small whiskey. I was cold, I wanted the fire in my belly.
Somebody sat next to me but I didn't take any notice of them.

"Hello Kim. Long time no see," he said. I turned to see who it was. I silently
groaned, but smiled and held out my hand.

"Hello Matthew," I said, as we shook hands. A past boyfriend from several
relationships back was not who I wanted to share a quiet moment with. We
had been pretty tight at one time, but his requests for weirder and weirder
sex had put a strain on us that got finally bust beyond repair when I came
home early one day and found him in bed with a hooker. Both of them were
dressed head to toe in rubber and both had gas masks on. They were just
lying there stroking each other.

I just sighed and went and got my suitcase. They both lay there and watched
me pack. I kissed him on the cheek and wished him a happy and rubbery
future. I never said a word to the girl. It was one of the more odd moments
in my life. I wasn't surprised, or even really angry. I simply accepted it and

"How's my favorite vanilla girl?" he said, grinning. I ignored the barb. I was
already feeling mellow from the whiskey.

"Doing fine," I replied. The conversation stopped. I hoped he would take
the hint and get up and leave me alone.

"Hey, you remember that girl you caught me with?" he suddenly asked. I
turned to look at him and arched my eyebrows, in what I hoped was my best
'Do you think I give a flying fuck about that girl' look. He didn't take any

"We got married two years ago. We got two lovely daughters now," he
said, with a big sloppy grin on his face. He even fumbled about in his jacket
pocket till he found his wallet and pulled out some small photographs. I
took them from him and looked at them. An attractive woman with two
desperately cute toddlers, with matching blond hair and gap toothed grins,
stared back at me.

I don't know why, but I suddenly had a pang of longing. That could have
been me, I thought. They all looked so happy and contented. I thought of
my present argument with Rob and it suddenly seemed so petty and
pathetic. I dry swallowed and clenched my eyes together a moment.

"Nice family," I said as I handed them back to him.

"The best," he said, simply. My curiosity had been aroused now.

"So... " I said pointing to the woman.

"Trish," he said.

"Yes, Trish. She wasn't a hooker then?" I asked, before I thought how that
might sound out loud. He looked at me a moment, his brows knitting

"No. she wasn't," he said, beginning to smile again.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that... oh, it doesn't matter now, does it. It was
a long time ago. All in the past," I said, shrugging my shoulders. He nodded
in silent agreement.

"How's your love life, you let anyone catch you yet?" he asked. I grinned.

"As it happens... " I said, letting the words hang. I opened my purse and
pulled out a small photograph of Rob and me crammed into a photo booth. I
gave it to him to look at. He smiled. I'd seen it so often I'd kinda forgotten
it actually showed Rob hugging me from behind, both his large hands firmly
grasping my breasts. I laughed.

"We're getting hitched soon," I said.

"Wow, you know, I honestly never thought you were the marrying kind," he
said. The conversation faltered again. We both resumed our drinks and
stared at the bar.

"One of the reasons I went looking for it elsewhere," he said quietly, almost
to himself.

"What was that?" I said, taking another sip of my drink.

"Oh nothing," he said smiling.

"Do you still get off on rubber, the both of you?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Every now and again. It's difficult with two little ones," he said.

"It just wasn't my thing," I said.

"It's ok, things probably turned out for the best anyway," he said, hurriedly
draining his beer. He put his glass down and stood up. He leaned down and
kissed me on the cheek.

"Nice seeing you Kim. Be happy," he said and left. I watched him go,
reflecting on the past. I pondered on decisions, maybe made in haste. You
make them so easily, yet they ripple out in front of you down the years.
Eventually some small reflection comes back to show you what has
happened in the interim. I ordered another whiskey. I knew too many more
and I'd either be on the bar doing a striptease, or else doing my celebrated
crying on some passing stranger's shoulder. But I wanted the mellow feeling

While I'd been watching Matthew leave the bar somebody had sat on the
stool the other side of me. When I turned back to my new drink she held up
her glass to me and said "Cheers". I held up my glass out of politeness and
returned the toast. Why couldn't I be left alone, I thought grumpily.

"Here's to the day when all men get some horrible disease that makes their
nuts drop off," she toasted some more. I chuckled in surprise. Maybe my
new drinking companion wasn't so bad after all. She was about my age,
maybe a little older I guessed. Attractive and well groomed, wearing
expensive clothes and perfume.

"I'll drink to that, sister," I said and took a large gulp of my drink. It opened
my insides like a feather-edged knife. I gasped and gulped air involuntarily. I
should remember to sip whisky, not gulp it like a soda.

"Steady, hon, there's plenty of time yet" the woman said, smiling at my
antics. I smiled back and held out my hand.

"Kim," I said.

"Victoria. How'd ya do," she said. We shook hands.

"Fucking Christmas!" she said, downing another good measure of her

"Oh tell me," I said. We smiled at each other again. Coming into this bar
wasn't turning out to be such a bad idea after all.

"Say, don't I know you from somewhere?" she asked. I sighed. I had never
been comfortable with public recognition, and I liked it even less now that
that side of me was passed.

"Some people think I look like a model from a few years back," I lied. She
nodded in understanding. It wasn't difficult to fool her, she was already
slightly drunk.

"Hey, could have been worse. Ya could've looked like Hillary Clinton or
something!" she said, giggling.

"She ain't so bad," I said. But we both giggled like school girls anyway.

"You got a man?" she asked.

"Yes. Least I think I've still got one. We. erm, had a bit of a fight today.
Over Christmas shopping of all things," I sighed.

"Men can be so dumb," she said.

"No, it was my fault. " I tried to interject. She ignored me.

"Bastards, every Goddamned one of 'em," she said, with surprising venom.
I frowned at her.

"Well, they are. Take my husband f'rinstance. Do you know what the son-
of-a-bitch gave me for Christmas last year?" she asked. I shook my head.

"He gave me an envelope. A fucking brown envelope," she said, morosely. I
was at a loss as what to say.

"Was there something inside the envelope?" I eventually asked, tentatively.

"Oh sure. There was two thousand dollar bills. Had a sticky note on one of
'em. It said 'Get yourself a new coat, or something'. Bastard. I would've
settled for a single rose and a passionate kiss. The bastard!" she said. I could
see the tell-tale signs. Her face was sinking and her lips were beginning to
tremble. Her eyes clenched shut and some tears trickled their way out the
sides and ran down her face. I reached out and squeezed her hand.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. Two puzzled pools of hurt and
sadness. Why did people mistreat each other like that? I wondered. I
squeezed her hand again and smiled my best sympathy smile.

"It could be worse, he could have forgotten altogether," I said, trying to
cheer her. She rubbed the back of her free hand across her face and sniffed.

"Yeah, I suppose so. But Lord I wished he loved me like he did when we
first met. He couldn't do enough for me then. I'd wake up and find love
letters on the pillow next to me," she said. I wished I could make things
better for her, but I couldn't.

"Anyway, hon, how's your man treat you. I bet you still get love letters,"
she said. I remembered Rob's continued attempts at romance. He was
hopelessly inept, but it didn't stop him from keep trying.

"Yes, I still get letters," I said, smiling at the memories. The flowers with
my hayfever, the chocolates with my diet, the stupidly high-heeled shoes,
the skimpy little red panties. Yes, I still got letters.

A man entered the bar and looked around. When he saw Victoria he strode
directly over to us.

"Come on Victoria, we should be getting home," he said to her brusquely.
He put his hand out and tilted her face to the light. He noticed the tear stains
and shook his head.

"Really Vicky, there's no need for this. Come home with me and I'll cook
you your favorite dinner," he said. I let go her hand and she stood up. She
buttoned up her coat and checked her face in a small mirror. She shook her
hair, shrugged in resignation and put it back in her purse.

"See, always just enough," she said to me shaking her head. They left arm in
arm. I felt the cold draft as the door went to shut behind them. It didn't
get very far before it was pushed open by a woman who almost fell in. She
recovered her balance and carefully made her way over to the bar, close to
where I was sitting.

She was dressed in the latest kids' fashions and her hair was streaked with
garish colors. She wore lots of junk jewellery and I could smell her perfume
from where I sat. She was at least fifty, maybe older. The heavy makeup
failed to cover the wrinkles. I felt sorry for her.

I turned back to my drink and thought about my love for Rob. About how
on earth he tolerated me and my stupid tantrums. Sure I looked good on his
arm, and I know he liked what I did for him in bed, but for all that, I guess
he really did love me for putting up with my bouts of craziness. I sipped
some more of my drink, and wished today's fight had never happened.

"Hey, chestnut, what you got to be miserable about," she said. The old
woman had sidled up to me when I wasn't looking. I considered ignoring
her, but I couldn't, it wasn't in my nature.

"Not really miserable," I said, trying to be as non-committal as possible. She
carried on talking.

"Believe me darlin' you got nothing to be miserable about. Ya got youth
and beauty, what more do ya want? I bet you have to fight 'em off," she
said reproachfully. She was swaying a bit, so I pointed to the bar stool next
to me and offered her to sit down.

"Thanks, don't mind if I do," she said, her tight mini-skirt sliding up above
her garters and stocking tops, as she sat down. She winced a bit and rubbed
her calf muscles. Her heels must have been at least four inches, maybe
higher. I smiled and shook my head. Just the sort of clothes to wear when it
was snowing.

"You waiting for your fella?" she asked.

"Sort of," I said ruefully.

"You love him?" she asked. She was very direct and said everything twice
as loud as it need be said. I found myself getting quieter, trying to balance
us out.

"Yes, very much," I said.

"He love you?" she asked.

"Yes... yes he does," I said, with conviction. She knocked back her drink
and ordered another one, at the same time she pointed at my near empty
glass and said "Same again for my friend". I thought of declining, but then I
thought what the hell. One more then I'll phone Rob and beg forgiveness.

"So, chestnut, what's your name?" she asked, slightly slurring her speech.

"Kim, and no I'm not a model," I said. She looked at me and grinned.

"I'm Carole. And I'll let you into a little secret. I am a model. I'm just in
between shoots at the moment," she said, laughing and swaying on her
stool. I started laughing with her. Everything suddenly seemed hysterically
funny. Carole laughed so much she fell off her stool and hit her head on the
edge of the bar. I stopped laughing when I saw the blood.

I bent down and looked at the damage. Carole had a nasty cut above one
eye. I helped her to her feet. She was still giggling. I looked around for the
powder room and helped her across the bar to its sanctuary. I pushed open
one of the cubicles and sat her on the toilet. I got some paper towels and
wetted them. I held them on her cut and made her hold it there. She moaned
slightly when I had a quick look. It was still bleeding pretty bad. Eventually
it started to skin over.

"Hell of way to carry on," she mumbled. I smiled. I was a bit unsteady on
my feet too, having three whiskeys on an empty stomach was taking its

She did her best to restore her makeup and we tottered back out to the bar.
A great bear of a man had settled himself on my stool. I didn't feel like
arguing, so I leaned round him and retrieved my drink. I moved up the bar a
few stools, expecting Carole to follow. Instead she sat down next to the guy
and started talking to him. I smiled to myself and sat down. It obviously
took more than an open wound to keep Carole from partying. I drank in
silence for another fifteen minutes.

I realized I needed to pee. I got up off my stool and headed for the powder
room. Carole and her friend were nowhere to be seen.

I looked at myself in the mirror, flicked my hair back over my shoulders
casually with my hand. No matter how often and for how long I stared, I
could still never penetrate those steely blue eyes looking back at me. It was
a pointless game. If eyes were the windows to your soul, then as far as I
could see I was soulless. Now Rob's eyes, well they were a whole different
ball game.

I went into the cubicle that I'd earlier sat Carole on. I hoisted up my skirt
and pulled my panties down and sat down to pee. There was a noise from
the cubicle next door. I ignored it.

"Get off of me ya big ape!" came from next door. She repeated it, but
louder this time.

"Is that you Carole?" I said, tentatively.

"Kim, ya gotta help me," she cried. I finished peeing. She sounded so
anguished I just stood up and stepped out of my panties. I climbed up on the
seat and peered over into Carole's cubicle. She was sitting on the edge of
the toilet with her legs bent back under her. The big guy she'd started
talking too was slumped over her. His pants were round his ankles. He had
obviously been attempting to fuck her, but had passed out mid-stroke. My
heart sank. Why was I so Goddamned nice. I didn't know this woman at all,
yet here I was about to help her in the most unpleasant of circumstances.

In a very ungainly manner I leaned over the partition and groped for the
door lock. I could feel my naked wet ass stuck up in the air. This was crazy,
I thought. I managed to reach the lock and open it. I hauled myself back
over to my side of the partition and quickly picked up my panties and thrust
them into my coat pocket. I went round to her cubicle and pushed open the
door as far as I could.

The guys legs were in the way, but I managed to push it open far enough to
squeeze in with them both. He was huge. Carole was beginning to panic, she
said she couldn't breath properly. I grabbed his collar and pulled as hard as I
could. He slowly started to move but then stopped. At least Carole could
now breath again.

We both took a breather. On a count of three she pushed and I pulled.
There was some resistance at first but he eventually came clear and slid
down onto his knees between her legs. I realized with great embarrassment
that the reason he wouldn't move at first was that he was still impaled in
Carole. His prick was enormous, much bigger than anyone I'd ever slept
with. His face was now resting on her crotch. I held his head up while
Carole slithered out from under him. I was too gone with alcohol to really
take in the deep embarrassment of the whole situation.

I looked at Carole, now stood up with her legs straddling the toilet bowl.
Her dark patch of glistening pubic hair, framed between the straps of her red
garter belt. Her mini-skirt pulled up round her waist, and her blouse undone
to her exposed navel. The man had been sick down her side and her wound
had opened up again so that blood was trickling down her face. Her hair
was slicked with his vomit. I couldn't help but wrinkle up my nose and
shake my head in disgust.

"Don't waste your pity on me you fucking patronizing bitch," she slurred, as
she stood there swaying.

"I take my loving where I can find it. You will too one day," she said. I
pulled the door open and backed out. I started walking quickly for the door.

"You'll see, one day when your looks are gone, this will be you," she
sneered, her taunts echoing round the room.

I pulled the door open and almost ran out into the bar. The guys playing
pool stopped to look at me. I ran towards the main door. I felt trapped and
threatened, I needed fresh air.

As I charged out into the street I almost ran into Rob who was about to
enter the bar.

"Christ Kim, where the hell have you been?" he almost shouted. I looked at
him in shock, then surprise, then elation. I burst into tears and held him so
tight neither of us could breath properly. I wouldn't let go. He eventually
had to pry me off.

"Jesus Kim, I go out to move the car to be closer to the exit, make it easier
to carry the shopping, and you've disappeared. Where the hell did you go?
Another half hour I was going to call the police. Sweet Jesus, you had me
worried. I've been wandering up and down the street looking for you. I've
driven home twice to see if you were there," he babbled on for a few words
more, but I could see the tears forming in his eyes. He stopped talking,
words were becoming difficult for him.

I pulled him to me again and gave him a deep kiss.

"I'm so sorry Rob, please forgive me," I pleaded. He just held me in his
arms and we rocked back and forth, hugging each other like it would be the
last time ever.

We walked back to the car and started out for home. Neither of us had said
much for the last fifteen minutes.

"What were you running from back there at the bar?" he said. I sat for a
moment contemplating the extraordinary events of the day.

"Oh nothing much, I was reminded of my past, I thought about my present
and then somebody was kind enough to show me a possible future. I didn't
like what I saw," I sniffed slightly. I wanted to blow my nose. I rummaged
around in my pocket for a tissue. I pulled out what I thought was one. Rob
looked over to me just in time to see me pull my panties out from my coat
pocket. I looked at them in silent contemplation. I went to try and explain
why they were in my pocket and not where they should be, but Rob held up
a hand.

"Kim, I don't wanna know. I know you've led a strange life before we met.
I just don't wanna know, ok?" he said. I grinned at him and put them back
in my pocket.

"Rob, when we get home will you take me to bed and make love to me?" I
asked. He looked away from the road momentarily and looked into my eyes.

"They say the old Chinese proverb 'May you live in interesting times' is a
curse. Well living with you, and loving you, sure is interesting," he said.

"Still wanna marry me?" I asked.

"Damn straight," he said.

The End

This work is copyright and is not for redistribution in any form. If you want
to put it on your own personal web site then please ask me first. No
commercial sites will be given permission, so don't bother asking.

I like e-mail so send me some if you would like to. Send it to

December 97

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