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{ASS/ASSM} Your Wish... (F/M, F/F love story, Oral, Anal, Vibrator)

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Oct 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/2/97

Your Wish...

By Kim

This story is dedicated to Anne, my very dear friend and fine author
of erotica. It came about as a dare almost. Anne didn't like my last
story very much, as she felt it was too sad to be sexy. I don't know
about that, but I do know I have tried to respond to her request that
I write a story that concentrates on the sex, instead of the story.

I won't bore you with explanations or excuses or anything else this
time. Just believe what you want, and take from it what you will. I
hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

I should point out that I have Anne's full permission to post this. It
was entirely up to her. When I told her I had written it just for her,
with the words "I did it for you", she wrote back saying that she
would now always think of me as standing on a tall building with a
high powered rifle.

So the question is: "Do ya feel lucky?"

Your Wish...

By Kim

I clicked on the mail icon with the usual accompanying anticipation. I
ran it through the decryption program holding my breath. It would be
so disappointing if it was only some more dumb spam. "You can make
thousands of dollars. blah, blah, blah". Yeah, and you can go screw
yourself, dipshit!

It was from Anne. My breath quickened, what would she tell me to do
this time?

Perhaps I should step back and explain what's going on. It started
about three or four months back. I'd written some stories and posted
them to the newsgroups. They had been received pretty well,
considering they were my first attempts at anything like that. Amongst
the fan mail I'd somehow made a connection with a fellow author, Anne.

She was a much better writer than I was and had written dozens of top
quality erotic stories. To say I was flattered to be complimented by
someone of Anne's stature was an understatement.

Pretty soon we were writing each other most every other day. I
remember seeing a quite beautiful film, oh way back, called "84
Charring Cross Road" starring Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins. It
tells the bittersweet story of two people who slowly fall in love,
through nothing but the letters they write to each other. At the time
I thought what an unlikely story. Now I see with crystal clarity how
wrong I was.

I'm presently in a loving relationship with my best friend and lover
Rob. Nothing could alter that, least I hope not. However, I now
realize it's very possible to fall in love with more than one person
at once. It's a painful situation to be in. The feelings of guilt, the
ache of unrequited love, the knowledge of knowing some things can
never be, no matter how much I want them. And damn me, if I hadn't
gone and done it twice. Not content with one extra burden of forlorn
love I'd saddled myself with another as well. But that's another
story, that I may tell you about one day. Still, despite the pain, I
wouldn't have it any other way.

One of my remote loves, Anne, had started to send me graphic
descriptions of her sexual desires and thoughts. At first they had
been quite mild, but they escalated. I have to admit I responded in
kind, with very little prompting. Soon we were trading all sorts of
sexy stuff. It was whilst I was writing one of these steamy letters
that it dawned on me that I had fallen in love with Anne. It was silly
really. I'd never met the woman, nor yet even seen a picture of what
she looked liked. It didn't matter. I had a description, and my
imagination filled in the rest. I was in love with e-mail Anne, not
necessarily the woman behind it, who I didn't really know at all. But
that didn't matter and wasn't important

Being in love with another woman wasn't a problem for me. I had been
to bed with other women and found it as exciting as being with a man.
Different in some ways, but exactly the same in others. Rob knew of my
past and didn't mind. I'd once asked him if he'd ever had sex with
another man, but he just looked at me funny and never really answered
the question. I didn't pry any further.

Our latest flurry of e-mails had produced the notion that we should
trade real life stories and situations with each other. We had agreed
to describe a sex fantasy for the other to carry out, either with or
without our real partners. After the fantasies were completed, we were
to turn them into a story and send it for the other's delectation.

The first fantasy fell to me to perform.

Anne had instructed me to remove all my clothes and bend over holding
my ankles. Rob was to tease me for twenty minutes with my small
vibrator. I wasn't allowed to fall down, else the timer would start
again. Nor was I to come in that time. If I felt myself getting close
than I was to warn Rob so he could stop until I was ready to continue.
It didn't go quite according to plan. To begin with Rob was busy when
I suggested it, so I sat and played with myself as I sat at the
computer desk, waiting for him to come to me. Rob was aware I had
been instructed to do this by Anne, and with an amused relish decided
he would play ball. This is the story I wrote for Anne the next day.

* * *


From: Kim

Subject: My evening.

After he'd finished watching television he wandered over and told me
he's ready to play. By now I'm somewhat off the boil and have put my
panties back on.

He wanted to know what your gameplan was, so I told him. I also showed
him the wet patch on the computer chair.

I think he liked the idea, but thought he'd add a few of his own, damn
him. He knew I was already worked up and in a deliciously submissive
frame of mind, so would probably go along with anything he said. His
first idea was I could use some furniture to balance on, whilst
bending over if I wanted. I should have known it wasn't out of
kindness that he was offering. The choice was, as you suggested, bent
nearly double holding my ankles, which we both knew I probably
wouldn't be able to manage for that length of time. Or I could bend
over and lay my head on a chair, on condition I kept my hands on my
ass cheeks keeping them pulled apart.

Taking what I thought was the easier of the two options, he then
played his joker. I had to use the computer chair!

Resting my face in a damp patch of my own cold, pussy juice was a
unique experience. Thanks, Anne.

I was soon stripped off and in the assumed position. Standing behind
me, so I couldn't see him, he switched on the vibrator and began to
gently run it along my pussy lips. I quivered and squirmed.

I only lasted about ten minutes before I told him I was about to
come. When I'd calmed down a bit and the tingles had passed, he
gently pushed the vibrator into me, switched off and left me standing
there, displaying my all. It's only a small vibrator I've got. I've
had it since college. It's smooth, ivory colored, slim and about five
inches long.

He only pushed it in about half way and told me I had to keep it in or
the timer would start again. He went off and got undressed leaving me
there trembling, trying desperately not to clench suddenly and flip it
out. Bastard!

Even bigger bastard. When he came back he started snapping pictures
with our new digital camera. He loves gadgets. And NO, I am not
sending any pics!

I was begging for him to continue by now, and so he starts again on my
tender places, switching back on the vibrations.

This time I only last three or four minutes before I know I'm about to
pop. He stops and wipes the vibrator on my ass cheeks. He says I can
rest a minute, but I can only let go my ass if I play with my
nipples. I keep hold my ass.

I tell him I'm ok once more. He starts again, but this time he's right
behind me and I can feel him brushing his erect prick on my ass. He
rubs the vibrator up and down between my ass cheeks, across my
asshole. I'm begging him to let me come. He just slides in me. I'm so
wet and open, I don't really register for a moment, and I think it's
the vibrator. He isn't the most well endowed guy ya ever saw <giggle>,
but he fits me perfectly.

I beg him to use the vibrator on my clitty but he doesn't. I nearly
lose it and drop to my knees but he holds me up by wrapping his arms
under my stomach. It doesn't take him long to come and I feel him
tense and shudder against me. He stops moving and rests his head on my
back, and mumbles stuff I can't hear. I beg him more than ever to
finish me, or at least let me do it myself. He still refuses.

He climbs off and puts the switched off vibrator back inside me. He
backs away and sits down on another chair facing my exposed cunt, full
of his cum and stoppered with my vibrator. He takes more pictures.

I plead with him to let me come too, but he says no. I have to wait
for twenty minutes, that's the deal. Two or three minutes of standing
there, bent over like that and I'm almost crying now, begging for

He tells me I can stand up, but the vibrator mustn't fall out, or I
don't get to come at all tonight. I stand up slowly, still holding my
ass apart and trying my best to grip the vibrator evenly. I try to
bring my legs together but he tells me not to. My back and arms are
aching quite a bit now, but I'm burning up with lust. I want to come
so bad!

I look down and watch his cum slide down the vibrator and drip on the
carpet. Again I beg to come. Finally he relents. He says I must turn
round and sit spread legged on the chair I've been leaning on, without
removing the vibrator. I do as he says and very carefully sit on the
chair, with my legs still splayed wide for him to see. The vibrator
pushes further up inside me as my wet, distended lips touch the
already damp material of the chair.

He finally allows me to reach in and switch on the vibrator and finish
myself off. He takes more pictures of me as I do. It isn't easy to
turn on the vibrator when it's so far inside me, but I manage by
lifting slightly off the chair.

I don't look at him as I finger my clitoris, I close my eyes. It only
takes a couple of seconds. I cry out in pleasure and have to bite down
on my right hand knuckle. My orgasm goes on and on.

I nearly fall off the chair as I tremble so violently. I sag down onto
the ground and reach back between my legs to pull out the vibrator. It
drops to the ground, still buzzing, slick with our fluids. I lie flat
on the ground face down with my head laying in the upturned crook of
my elbow. I'm shattered. I can't speak.

I drifted into near unconsciousness until I feel Rob lifting me to my
feet and virtually carrying me to bed. I sleep almost straight away.
Next thing I know, Rob is bringing me my early morning cup of tea.

Well, that was my evening, how was yours?

Needless to say, Anne liked the story <grin>.

* * *

It was now my turn to think of something for her to do, but what? We'd
agreed that we wouldn't involve third parties other than our partners.
Which is just as well, as Anne had suggested, jokingly I hoped, that I
ought to wear my shortest, tightest miniskirt and go searching for
interesting books on the bottom shelf of my local public library,
minus my panties. I'd shuddered at the thought, both in fear and
arousal, but I'd had to talk her out of embarrassing ourselves in
public. I was both relieved and disappointed when she'd agreed to the

I decided she was to act as a cliched porn queen. She would dress in
her sexiest clothes and drag her man, Dan, to bed as soon as he got to
her apartment. She was to keep alternating positions every few
minutes, and when he was ready to come, she was to let him do it on
her upturned face with her mouth open. Pretty much the plot of every
dismal porno movie Rob had made me sit through.

I sent it off not knowing if she'd do it. I knew she was anything but
submissive, and I didn't know if this would be a bit much for her.

A few days passed with no word. I was beginning to wonder if I'd gone
too far. I needn't have worried. When the e-mail came it was
blistering. Anne had done all I asked and more. I read it over and
over. I was so worked up I just sat and masturbated at my computer
desk. I shuddered and convulsed and then just sat there, eyes closed,
resting my head on the desk, next to my keyboard. I found myself
mumbling half silent thank yous to my fabulous Anne.

That evening as I lay in bed with Rob, I was as tender and loving as I
could be. He seemed to sense something was different but he didn't say
anything, bless him. He too made love in a sweetly gentle manner. It
was wonderful. Afterward I lay my head on his shoulder and thought
of Anne, wherever she was. I tried to hold them back, but I could feel
some stray tears run down on to Rob's chest. He asked me what was
wrong, but I told him nothing, I was crying because I was happy. Well,
it was sort of true. Guilt can be a harsh mistress.

We lay like that for ages, not saying anything. Eventually I just came
right out with it and told him was in love with somebody else. The
tears really flowed then. He quietly asked me who, so I told him. He
breathed a huge sigh and held me close to him. He told me not to worry
him like that again, and started to laugh. He really didn't mind me
having virtual affairs as long as I had no intention of making them
real. I kissed him so much he had to eventually hold me off . I was
laughing and crying and kissing almost dementedly. I don't think he
had any idea what a weight he had lifted from my shoulders. I was
beyond joy, at his understanding.

On a roll, I told him it was more than one. He frowned at me. But
after a moment's thought he just shrugged and told me not to tell him
anymore. He would just trust my judgment not to let it get out of
hand. I solemnly promised. His final comment was as long as was just
other chicks anyway, what did it matter. I thought it best not to
mention all the men I flirted on- line with. Besides, none of them was
as intense as Anne, and to a lesser extent my other love, who seemed
to lead such a busy life she couldn't sustain a continuous affair like
this anyway.

Next day I was at the computer doing my work. For the second time I
clicked on the mail icon in as many minutes. I knew it would be coming
soon. It was my turn to act out one of Anne's fantasies. It was
distracting me from my work, but I could feel the pull of the icon.
This is stupid, I thought, get a grip. It could be days, or horrible
thought, even weeks before she sent any instructions. I returned to my
work sullenly.

My pointer wandered over to the icon almost of it's own will. There
was mail.

And this is where you came in. if you can remember back to the start
of the story.

Anne was exacting her revenge for the porn queen stunt, I'd pulled. I
was to be a hooker and present Rob with a list of my prices. I was to
really charge him and keep the money. I was to include things on the
list that I didn't like doing, but just charge more for them, to see
if he would pay for normally exempt pleasures.

I read it again, slightly shocked. My mind whirled in panic. Could I
do it? How would I explain it to Rob? Should I tell him it was
Anne's idea or should I tell him it was mine?

I sat and thought about the whole scenario. Jesus, Anne could be
nasty. I started to get aroused at the thought of demeaning myself to
Rob, at the behest of another woman. She hadn't set down any
categories, they were entirely up to me. I knew I could write a list
of things I liked to do, but I also knew that wasn't what Anne
demanded of me.

With slightly trembling hands I called up a new document and started
to compose a list of "Kimmie the hooker's prices". I didn't have the
faintest idea what I should charge or what I would do for the money. I
vowed to myself to give Anne a more positive role next time, hoping
she would return the compliment.

* * *

I sat Rob down and explained I wanted to try something out for the
book I was researching, the book that one day I would get around to
writing. I had become fascinated by the sex industry.

I told him I wanted to know what it was like to prostitute myself. As
I wasn't about to go out and do it for real, he would have to be my
"john". He laughed and told me I was mad. I rebuked him and told him
I was serious. I handed him the list. He read it, then looked at me
with a quizzical look in his eyes. He asked me again if I was serious.
I confirmed I was. He re-read the list and whistled. I could see his
reticence being overcome with his rising lust. He asked if he could
pick the clothes I should wear. I agreed, smiling at his new-found

He pulled out his wallet and swore. He got up and told me follow him
to the bedroom. He went though my wardrobe and lingerie drawers, and
picked out the sexiest clothes he could find. He told me to get
dressed and he would be back in a moment. He had to go to an ATM and
get some more cash. I'd told him I wouldn't accept a check, hoping
that would remove some of the more disagreeable items from the list.
So much for connivance.

When he returned I was dressed to kill, with extra heavy makeup and
bathed in perfume. He made a big show of peeling off some bills and
pushing them down my newly created cleavage, courtesy of a Wonderbra.

I can definitely say that Rob enjoyed himself that evening, and I'm
kinda proud to admit I made quite a bit of money. If only it was so
easy in real life, you know I might be tempted.

This is the story I wrote to Anne as a result.

* * *


From: Kim

Subject: Kim The Hooker

Rob read the list and picked out what he wanted. Oral and anal. He
also told me it didn't matter if I came or not, as I was only there
to please the client. Bastard!

He'd handed over the two hundred dollars without a qualm. Hmmm, makes
me wonder if he's not more used to this sort of thing!

He just stood there grinning, the big oaf. I had on a sparkly purple
mini dress, that I'd last worn to a party about five years before. It
was very tight and I had to struggle to get into it. I was also
wobbling about on stupidly high stilettos that he'd begged me to buy
previously. I knelt down in front of him and unzipped his pants. I
reached in and pulled out his prick. It was only semi-hard. I looked
up at him. He just smiled back down at me. I sucked him into my mouth
and just let it sit there for a moment. I started to softly lick it on
the underside of its head. It's such a strange feeling having a prick
get hard in your mouth. The heat of the blood as it swells, the strong
odors, the smoothness. I pulled back as his prick swelled to the back
of my mouth.

I started to move back and forward on him. I could taste his
lubrication starting to flow. I kept pumping with my mouth, as a
sudden wicked thought crossed my mind. If I could make him come, them
maybe he wouldn't want the other thing he'd asked for. As I was
pondering whether that meant I would have to give him a refund, he
suddenly pulled out, snapping me out of my reverie and ordered me to
the bed. I gave him my best disgruntled look and got up and went and
did as he asked. He pulled off his pants and boxers and stood proudly
waving his prick at me. I told him to come and do something useful
with it as time was money.

He told me to roll over and get on all fours. This was the part I
really wasn't looking forward to. I was so nervous I new I wasn't even
lubricating yet, even though normally giving a blow job gets me wet as

I felt him tug my tight dress up over my ass and rest something cold
on my bare back. I flinched. It was a tube of K-Y. I closed my eyes
and groaned. I'd tried anal before, but each time it had been too
painful and I couldn't get past the grim warnings I received as a
teenager about hygiene and infections.

I clasped a pillow and prayed he'd get on with it. Thanks Anne, this
was just what I wanted out of my sex life.

I felt him pull my panties down to my thighs. I expected him to slide
them down to my knees and then right off, but he just left them there.
It meant I couldn't spread my legs too far apart. Oh, he wanted his
pound of flesh all right.

I was nervous as a kitten waiting for it to start. I flinched again as
I felt him start to work the cold lubricant around my anus. Something
small entered me and I let out another involuntary groan. He told me
to relax. I tried, but every time he moved I clenched again. I
couldn't help it. The small thing withdrew and something bigger
entered me. I held my breath and forced myself to accept it. A second
thing entered me. I could feel the pain beginning to mount as I was
being stretched open. I groaned again. He now had both his thumbs in
me. He started to gently stretch them apart. I was panting in short
bursts trying to control myself. All the while he was urging me to
relax, relax, relax. Hah!, it wasn't him on the receiving end.

Both his large hands cupped a cheek, as he squeezed them for few
moments. I was starting to relax at the sensations. I must have been
large enough for him to enter as I could now feel him rest the head of
his prick against the rim of my ass. In one smooth, and well
lubricated maneuver, he slid his thumbs out and his prick in.

I groaned loudly this time. I couldn't help it. The pain was as bad as
I remembered it the last time I'd let someone talk me into this. How
often had I teased him about the size of his manhood in the past? Now
it felt like a fucking baseball bat. I felt like I needed to have a
shit and not at all sexy.

It got worse. He started to fuck me. I tried my best to push back for
him but in the end all I could do was keep as still as possible and
endure it.

Then a curious thing happened. My muscles finally relaxed and I began
to realize I was getting substantial feelings sweeping through my
lower guts, not at all dissimilar to getting a good fucking in my
pussy. I opened my eyes and tried to get a glimpse over my shoulder. I
couldn't quite twist my head round enough, and besides Rob was
starting to build up his tempo. I started to grunt in unison with each
of his thrusts. It really was beginning to feel good. No, more than
that, it was beginning to feel fucking fantastic. I experimentally
started to push back to meet him. His balls were starting to slap on
my lips. I tried to arch my back even further so that I could reach
under me and get a finger to my pussy.

Rob grunted and told me to let go my pussy and stroke his balls
instead. I grudgingly complied, as the client comes first.

By now I just knew I was lubricating like a bitch. God, all of a
sudden I wanted to come so bad. Anne I could just hug you, you nasty
evil bitch. Oops, sorry, forgot you don't like to be called names
like I do.

Rob started to let out a low steady moan, modulated by his rapid
thrusts. I joined him in a cat's chorus. I was getting close to an
explosive orgasm despite not being allowed to play with myself. He
stopped thrusting and rasped out a loud shuddering groan. I felt his
rhythmic spasms pulsing past my tightly stretched sphincter. I moaned
in frustration. I was so close. He became quiet and leant down on my
back. I buckled not being able to take the weight. We both collapsed
onto the bed, him still embedded in me. The sudden change of position
made me clamp my asshole again and the pain shot back into my guts.
All thoughts of an orgasm were suddenly quashed.

We waited for him to shrink like a pair of dogs. Eventually he pulled
out of me. A very strange feeling, I thought I'd just shit myself. I
daren't look at the state of his prick, I'd have died of embarrassment
if it was covered in what I thought it might be covered in.

He rolled off me and lay on his back with his legs dangling over the
edge of the bed. I got up and went to the bathroom to wipe myself. It
was a strange feeling, being still stretched and dripping lubricant
and cum. I tentatively wiped myself and winced at the tenderness of my
poor asshole.

As I sat there, I pondered whether prostitution was worth it. One
thing I did know though, was I was damn sure I wouldn't be leaving it
so long before I tried anal sex again. Despite the pain, if Rob had
let me, I knew I would have had one hell of an orgasm. Funny how
things turn out really.

Well Anne, how was that?

I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, or should that be
the heart of my bottom. ;)

* * *

I sat at my desk. Rob had just told me he knew all along that it was
probably Anne who'd put me up to it. I was sulking at my lack of
guile, and my gullibility at believing him when he apparently believed
me. Men! I hate them. I'd already warned Rob he owed me a massive
licking session. He'd laughed and said it would cost me two hundred
bucks. I glowered at him.

Now what can I think of for Anne's next staring role?

The End

This is not to be used on any website, especially commercial, without
my express permission. Comments, good or bad, to
where I will do my very best to reply to all e-mails.

I can thoroughly recommend you take a look at Anne's webpage for some
excellent erotica at but
don't you dare steal any of her fine work. Promise me?

Kim October 1997

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