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Free Sex by Kim -- Short Story for Malinov's Competition

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27 Sep 1997, 03.00.0027/09/97

Free Sex
by Kim

Below is the Spam that inspired this short story.

Now you don't have to be alone anymore. Top of the
line ladies will make you happy and relaxed with
tried and true techniques that are sure to please
you to the maximum. Discreet and delicious - always.
You must be over 18 only

Free Sex

By Kim - Entered for the competition set by Malinov

I picked up a sex magazine I'd bought earlier and flipped to the personals
page. There were dozens of sex phone lines listed. I started to make the
calls. I dismissed the automatic systems, I was looking for real people to
talk to. They all followed the same pattern. First I'd be put through to some
person who'd want to take my credit card number before anything else.
When I tried to explain I was a journalist just interested in talking to
someone about phone sex they always rang off.

After failing miserably to get a willing interviewee, I eventually bit the bullet
and gave the next one my card number. I figured I'd be able to claim it all
back on expenses later anyway. There was a slight delay and then a sexily
voiced woman came on the line and asked me what my preferences were. I
told her not to hang up and that I'd give her a hundred dollars if she'd let
me interview her. There was a pause. She simply asked me for my number. I
gave it to her and she rang off. Now what?, I thought.

The phone rang. A woman asked me who I was and who I was working for.
I told her. She then asked me how much was I willing to pay for an
interview. I swallowed and said a hundred dollars was all I could afford. She
laughed. She said she didn't know why the hell she was doing this, but she
gave me an address and a name and told me to come and see her tomorrow
afternoon after two o'clock, but before six o'clock. I agreed and thanked
her for seeing me.

* * *

It was an elegant part of town. I pressed the button and was buzzed in. An
old fashioned elevator graced the center of the entrance hallway. I rode it to
the top floor, where my interviewee had said to come. She was standing in
the doorway as I departed the car. Somehow the person didn't match the
sexy voice I'd heard on the phone. She was short, at least eight inches
shorter than me. She wore thick glasses, and had her hair in a short bob. She
reminded me of one of my aunts. I guessed she was in her early forties. Just
shows you what the imagination will make of limited information.

We shook hands and she invited me in. She said her name was June and she
was just making a cup of tea and would I care to join her. I said I'd love to.
Over tea she told me all about herself and how she came to be doing what
she was doing. She explained how the set-up worked and showed me all her
equipment and props. I was amazed by it all. It was fantastic, just the sort of
stuff I needed for my article. We got on famously, so much so that she,
almost demurely, asked me if I'd like to stay for the evening and listen in on
her shift. I readily agreed.

We sat down on her comfy sofa and she donned her cordless headset. She
picked up a remote control and pointed it at the control system. She
apologised that I would have to make do with an ordinary handset
connected to her ritzy phone. She told me it was time for her to start her
shift and pressed a button on her remote.

The system clicked "on line" and almost immediately informed us that three
calls were waiting. She told me that any calls she didn't pick up were
automatically re-routed to other workers. I whispered an acknowledgment,
but she told me not to worry about whispering she had her thumb on a mute
button, we could hear them, but they couldn't hear us.

"Hi, this is Alicia speaking, what would you like to talk about?" she said to
the first caller.

"Er, I'm not sure. this is the first time I've done anything like this," he

"That's ok baby. What's your name," she asked.

"Urm, Bob," he said.

"Ok Bob, what do you think I'm wearing?" she asked.

"Have you got any, er. latex on?" he asked, hesitantly.

"You're in luck, I'm wearing a red latex mini skirt" she told him. Of course
she wasn't, but he didn't know that.

"How old are you, you sound young?" he said.

"Do you like young girls?" she asked, without missing as beat.

"Oh sure, doesn't every man?" he said.

"Well I had my nineteenth birthday last week, how's that?" she said, looking
over at me and smiling. I tried my best to suppress a giggle.

"I bet your a virgin," he said.

"Do you like virgins, or do you prefer your women to have some
experience?" she asked.

"Er, both I guess," he said. June shook her head and gave me a withering
look of exasperation. It was proving tough to not laugh out loud. June
suddenly looked up and beamed.

"You're a lucky boy, Bob, I've got my younger sister here with me today,
she's just turned sixteen and she's a virgin. Would you like to say hello to
her?" she said.

"Sure, put her on," he said. June looked over to me and nodded.

"Hi Bob, how ya going?" I said.

"Ok, I guess. Works getting me down at the moment though," he said. I
looked at June and shrugged. She pressed the mute button.

"Talk about sex, nothing else, ok" she said tersely and released the mute

"Guess what I'm wearing?" I said hurriedly.

"White satin?" he said

"Er, right, lucky guess. I've got white satin panties and matching bra on
today," I said.

"You got any stockings on?" he asked.

"Yeah, shear white ones. They're attached to my white satin garter belt. I'm
so hot I've taken everything else off," I said. June raised an eyebrow and
nodded in approval. She waved her hand for me to continue.

"I think I'll take my bra off. I love to rub my nipples" I said

"Wow, you teenagers, you're all so fucking sexy. Bet you can't wait to be
fucked and get your little bubble burst," he said. His sudden lurch into
crudity brought me up sharp. I looked over to June for help.

"Would you like to fuck both of us?" June said.

"Sure would, but I think you should lick your sister first," he said. June
looked at me and shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm gonna do that right now. I know she's wet, she taken off her
white satin panties so I can see her hot little pussy," she said. She started to
lick the back of her hand and make slurping noises, waving at me with her
other hand. I groaned into the telephone.

"How. how did you know I like my big sis to lick my pussy?" I moaned.
There was quiet on the other end of the phone. I looked at June who
checked her console.

"He's still there," she said. There was a faint groan and a whimper over the

"Say it!" he panted

"Say what?" I said

"You know, say the word. Don't say pussy," he said.

"Ok Bob, she's... she's licking my cunt so hard. I think I'm gonna come" I
said. There was a strangled groan on the other end of the line followed by
"Jesus". The phone line went dead.

"I'd say you ain't a virgin no more," said June, smiling. We both laughed.

It was an extraordinary evening. The calls came one after another. Some of
the things June came out with made me blanch, she seemed to take it all in
her stride without a qualm. Any sexual kink you care to think off and June
would talk about it. I'd never been so involved with such a wide variety of
sexual imagery. The funny thing was it was completely unarousing. We
might as well have been discussing needlepoint.

After her three hour shift was over I was mentally exhausted. I wasn't used
to having to act and think on my feet quite so determinedly. June seemed
just as lively as when I'd first met her. She told me she was glad of the
company and that I was always welcome to drop by and assist any time I
wanted. She waived the fee I had agreed to pay her for the interview. She
said I'd earned it on the phones. I thanked her and left for home, believing
I'd made a new friend. It was only on the way home that it dawned on me
that I had effectively been paid for sex. What did that make me?

The End

This short story has been entered into the spam competition set by Malinov.
It is not to be used for any commercial venture by anyone without my express
permission. Comments to good or bad.

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