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One Birth, Two Breakups and a Crash. (F/F - Sorta Romantic but Kinda Sad)

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17.09.1997, 03:00:0017.09.97

One Birth, Two Breakups and a Crash. (F/F - Sorta Romantic but Kinda Sad)


This story has a short grim beginning, but please stick with it. I
suppose it gets a bit sad in the middle too, but hey, it does have a
happy ending, I think. I'll let you know about that for sure in
twenty, thirty years, or so.

I'm afraid there ain't much in the way of sex, and what there is,
happens all too quickly. When it does, it's between two women well
above the age of consent. There's no whipping, or torture, or bodily
functions and no animals. So, probably not worth reading then, sorry!

Those of you that are still here, I hope you enjoy another slice of
Kim's life.

Oh, and for anyone who read my last story, yes, this was much more fun
to write. Well, maybe "fun" is not exactly the right word, more
refreshing I suppose.

Oh, btw, don't read this if you shouldn't and don't forget, strangers
aren't called that for nothing.

One Birth, Two Breakups and a Crash. (F/F - Sorta Romantic but Kinda Sad)

By Kim

I looked up at the two ropes tied round my wrists. They led up to the
overhead frame pulling my arms up above my head. I tugged on them but
they didn't give an inch. I looked down past my naked breasts at my
distended belly. I couldn't see past it to my feet, but I could feel
that they too were securely tied to the frame, forcing them apart. I
was as naked as the day I was born.

I looked round at all the people I knew, calmly seated in a circle
surrounding me. They were all watching, in anticipation of the main
event to come. My parents were there, all my past boyfriends and
girlfriends and my work colleagues. I couldn't tell if the stares were
gloating or just morbid fascination.

The nurse bent down and felt somewhere between my legs, out of my
sight. She stood up and nodded then waved her hand in the air to
show the audience the bloody fluid. They applauded gently. She turned
back to me and offered me a small wooden plate to bite on. I opened my
mouth and meekly accepted it. She tied it round the back of my head. I
looked at her pleadingly for relief from my ordeal, but she just
smiled. She placed some aluminum steps next to me and climbed up to
grasp the top of the frame.

I watched in alarm as she lifted up her left foot and placed it on the
top of my belly. A searing pain coursed through me like I had never
known before. I tried to scream, but the sound was muffled by my own
teeth, too tightly clenched on the wooden plate to let much sound

"That's it darling, push. We don't want to keep them all waiting, now
do we?" the nurse said, as she leant her weight on to the top of my
swollen stomach. I felt another hideously sharp pain as something tore
inside me. I tried screaming past the plate again, but to not much
avail. The audience began to clap and cheer more enthusiastically.

There was another gut wrenching tug inside me and something started to
give. She pressed harder. The pain was now beyond belief, as I felt
myself turn inside out. Fluids were pouring down my legs and forming
puddles all around my feet. I looked up to the nurse for mercy, but
she stomped down all the harder.

I sat up with a start. What... where... my mind spun with incoherence.
I pulled back the bedclothes and felt my stomach. Flat, thank God!.
Well, not as flat as it was when I was twenty maybe, but at least not
filled with child. I mentally, and physically, sagged in relief.

"Thank Christ," I mumbled to nobody in particular. I put my head in my
hands to try and recover. It had been awesomely vivid and real. I was
bathed in sweat despite the air-con steadily blowing cold air into the
bedroom. I felt chilled, despite the sweating. I looked forlornly at
the empty bed beside me. It was only my second night alone since he'd
left me. And already I was reduced to goddamned nightmares.

I gave in, rolled over onto my stomach and wept into the pillow till I
drifted off to sleep again.

* * *

I stirred my bowl of Cheerios morosely, not really feeling hungry. I
felt so miserable and alone. I contemplated the endless arguments we'd
had, the bitter recriminations and the days of not speaking to one
another. It had been hell, but now I wasn't sure if I wouldn't have
all that back, in place of the emptiness that he'd left in my life
since our parting. The problems had all stemmed from his desire to get
married and start a family. At twenty seven I just wasn't ready.

My mother hadn't been any help. She'd told me it was only natural to
have doubts and if I gave it time I'd find out if I loved him enough
to settle down. Mothers!

He did have, let's say unusual tastes, when it came to sex, but he
wasn't hurting anybody so I went along with it. He had taught me most
of what I knew about computers, so at least there was something I
could thank him for.

I pushed the Cheerios around some more.

Luckily, I worked from home for much of my job, so at least I didn't
need to drag myself to work. I couldn't face anyone at the moment.
Martin had been such a part of my life, for the last three years, that
I felt lost without him being there.

I gave my uneaten breakfast to my cat, Snoopy, and dropped my empty
bowl in the dishwasher. I looked over at my work. I knew I should be
doing it, but I couldn't face it. I decided to try and cheer myself up
by going out and doing some shopping, and maybe stop and have a coffee
at my favorite coffee shop.

* * *

Two hours later I gratefully dropped my bags down and settled into an
empty booth. The waitress brought me a huge foaming cup and I settled
down to a relaxing drink.

"Hey Kim, how ya doing?" said a voice in front of me. I was lost in my
own thoughts and was startled by the intrusion. I looked up at the
smiling girl who had sat down in my booth. I didn't recognize her at

"You don't remember me do ya?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't, I'm afraid," was all I managed, as I groped for
the right words in embarrassment.

"I'm Kathy," she said, as if that explained everything.

I still sat there looking stupid, giving her my best "deer caught in
the head lights" look.

"Silly, I'm Julia's little sister," she said, as she reached out and
clasped my hand. Julia had been one of my closest friends at college.
I remembered an obnoxious twelve year old little sister, but I found
it difficult to relate her to the grown woman now sitting before me. I
hadn't seen Kathy in over ten years. I hadn't even spoken to Julia for
nearly six years. Yet another of my losses.

"What's the matter Kim, you look kinda down?" she asked. Once again
she pulled me out of my reveries. I looked at her and tried to smile.

"Oh nothing, I'm just tired" I replied. Well it was half true, I just
didn't feel the need to explain why.

"How's Julia," I asked, trying to take the initiative.

"Oh, you know, doing her thing," she said. I nodded, not really
knowing what she meant, but I let it pass. Julia and I had drifted
apart, and it seemed somehow false to try and pretend otherwise.

We sat there for a moment in silence, not knowing what to say next.
She suddenly looked up over my shoulder and produced a warm,
attractive smile. She stood up and waved.

"Hey, Umiko, over here," she called out.

I looked round to see a beautiful Asian girl, of about the same age as
Kathy, walking our way. Just my luck, I thought. I do my best to get
away from everyone, and now I've got more damn company!. Umiko was a
remarkable vision. Her hair was cut spiky short and dyed bright
yellow. She wore a ring in her left eyebrow and several more in her
left ear. Very dark lipstick, a short PVC dress and large, knee-high,
lace up boots, finished off the striking look.

Without acknowledging my presence she sat down and started talking to
Kathy in, what I confirmed later, was Japanese. Kathy responded in
fluent Japanese. I had no idea what they were talking about, of
course. Hell, I have enough trouble with English.

During the conversation Umiko momentarily looked over at me, with what
I thought was a barely disguised look of contempt. During the rapid
exchanges I thought I heard the word "vanilla", but it was hard to
tell. They finally finished their conversation and Umiko got up to
leave. She looked down at me and gave me a most disconcerting smile.
It reminded me of the look Snoopy gives some of the poor critters she
manages to catch, before I try and rescue it from her clutches.

With a creak of her dress, Umiko turned and stalked off. "Bye," I said
quietly to nobody. Kathy looked at me and smiled her captivating smile

"Oh, don't mind Umiko. That's just her way. Once ya get to know her
she opens up," she said. I wasn't convinced. She had been most

"Was that Japanese you were talking?" I asked.

"Yep, I majored in Japanese studies. It's how I met Umiko," she

"I'm impressed," I said. She smiled in acknowledgment at my

"Hey, ya doing anything for the next hour, or so?" she asked.

"Well, I should be getting back to my work," I replied.

"Can't it wait?" she asked imploringly.

"Um, I suppose so, why?" I said.

"Umiko was supposed to be coming with me to get a tattoo, but she's
got to go someplace else. I'd really like someone to come with me.
Please say you'll come. Please!" she pleaded. I didn't know what to
say. Here I was trying to come to terms with my breakup, trying my
best to avoid people, and now I was being asked, unexpectedly, to go
with a woman, I hardly knew, to a tattoo parlor, of all places.

"I don't think I can... " I trailed off, as I saw the pleading in her

"Aw, come on, it will get you out of yourself, cheer you up. Go on, I
dare you," she said, with that bewitching smile. I sat and thought a
moment. Hell, why not!. When was the last time I did something

"Ok, you're on," I said smiling back.

* * *

Now there's spontaneous and there's spontaneous. An hour and a half
later we walked out of the tattoo parlor, both sporting a small
oriental dragon on the tops of our right breasts. Kathy's was yellow,
whilst mine was green. I was somewhat dazed that I had let her talk me
into this. It still seemed somehow unreal. If someone had told me that
morning, that I would end the day with a tattoo on my breast, or
anywhere on my body, for that matter, I would have told them it was
impossible. And yet, here it was. It had hurt more than I thought it
would, but not so much that I wanted it to stop. We'd held each
other's hands while we were under the needle. It seemed natural.

I was feeling a bit light headed. We walked along the sidewalk not
saying anything, just occasionally sneaking a sideways glance at each
other and grinning. We were like a couple of high school girls
sneaking off on some secret mission and reveling in the naughtiness of
it all.

She suggested we go for a walk in the park. We walked and talked for
another hour, or so. We finally sat on a park bench, overlooking a
pond. I poured my recent past out to her in one long cathartic rush.
She dutifully sat and listened. She drew me to her and I lost it and
wept on her shoulder. I couldn't help it.

When I had recovered sufficiently, she gently lifted my face up and
kissed both my eyelids. I kissed her back, but full on the lips. I
don't know what made me do it, but I was emotionally wrecked and in
need of any loving comfort I could find.

She picked up my bags of shopping, and holding out her hand, motioned
for me to take it and follow her. I did. We walked back through the
park hand in hand. I wasn't really thinking straight. I never
questioned her as we hailed a cab and went back to her apartment.

Still in a daze I found myself standing in the middle of her room,
wanting her to touch me, to hold me, to comfort me some more.

She put her fingers to her lips and quietly said "No talking". I went
to say something but she put her index finger gently on my lips and
silenced me. She unbuttoned the first three buttons of my top and
pulled it up over my head. As I went to let my arms back down she
gently pushed them back up again, and brought my hands together on the
top of my head. I was immediately embarrassed about my pits. God, why
hadn't I shaved them this morning. I tried to mumble an apology, but
she shushed me again. I blushed as she moved to my exposed pits and,
one after the other, kissed and licked them.

Nobody had ever done that to me before, and I started to tingle and
shiver with the first tremors of lust.

She brushed her lips across the top of my left breast, stopping
momentarily to give me gentle kisses as she went. I closed my eyes
sighing, and let it all happen.

She reached over to my new tattoo, and carefully removed the Band-Aid
covering it. I winced as it was still tender. She slowly kissed and
licked her way round it. It was an odd feeling, uncomfortable yet
strangely arousing.

Her hands slid up my sides and around my back, making me quiver
involuntarily. She reached the clasp of my bra and released it,
revealing my breasts. She pulled my bra free and threw it on the
floor. As she sucked one of my nipples, into her mouth, I sighed and
brought my hands down to hold her head. She immediately bit my nipple

"Ah-ah, put 'em back and don't move 'em again," she said. I froze for
a moment wondering if she was kidding. She bit my nipple again. I
quickly put my hands back on my head and she went back to sucking once

"Good girl" she said, between sucks. I didn't know what to think. I
was letting a younger woman dictate to me so fully, and I was loving
every moment. My nipples were so erect it was almost painful, and I
could feel myself getting wonderfully squirmy between my legs.

Kathy unbuttoned my skirt and pushed it down to my hips. She stood

"Wiggle for me baby," she ordered.

I gripped my entwined fingers together and started to wiggle my hips.
The skirt slowly slid down and hit the floor. I stepped out of it and
kicked it to one side. She reached down and pushed my pantyhose down
to my feet. I lifted up each foot in turn, so she could remove them
completely. She held the pantyhose up in front of me.

"I wonder what use we can put these to?" she said, mischievously. I
choked back a little whimper and shook my head from side to side.

"Yeah, you're right. Not the first time. There's no need to rush
anything is there?" she said. I was grateful, I wasn't sure if I was
in too deep already.

She threw the pantyhose away and went back to kissing my breasts. At
the same time her hands were beginning to explore my legs and
backside. She kissed her way down my stomach until she reached my
pubic bone. She squatted down, on her haunches, and gazed at my
crotch. She ran the back of her crooked index finger up and down the
front of my panties. I groaned and thrust my hips forward trying to
get more pressure. She laughed and pulled her finger away.

"Hah!, naughty Kimmy wants some fun, hey?" she goaded.

"Please... " I whimpered. She flicked me hard at the top of my slit,
through my panties. I yelped and pulled back.

"I said no talking, and I mean no talking" she admonished.

I blushed deeply, but remained quiet and passive, still with my hands
on my head and now only wearing my panties. Kathy, of course, was
still fully clothed.

She stood up and gave me a deep and sensuous kiss on the mouth. Our
breasts squashed together between us. She brought her right thigh up
between my legs and, twisting her body back and forth, started to rub
my crotch with a slow, leisurely rhythm.

I moaned into her mouth and had to concentrate hard to maintain my
balance. It wasn't easy without the use of my arms. Kathy was in
control and I just let her do what she wanted.

Stepping away from me, she pointed to her left cheek. I leant forward
and kissed it. She then pointed to her right cheek and I kissed that.
Next was her right breast, then her left breast, and so on, down her
body, till we reached her crotch. I knelt down and kissed her as
intimately as I could though her jeans. She leant down and pulled me
up to face her.

"Ok, Kimmy, you've proved you worship me, now lets go to bed and have
some real fun," she whispered in my ear. I sagged onto her shoulder
and started to weep again.

"Jesus, Kathy, you're a cruel bitch," I said, as we hugged each other.

"Much more of that and I was either going to slug you one, or get the
hell out of here," I sobbed. I wasn't sure if they were tears of joy,
or relief, or both.

I helped her out of her clothes and we lay on the bed together. We
kissed, stroked, licked and sucked for over an hour. It was glorious.
At one point I sucked all her toes till they wrinkled, whilst she put
on a lewd show of spreading her legs and masturbating for me.

I had a momentary panic, when Kathy first pulled off my panties and
leant her forehead on my lower abdomen. She stopped doing anything and
just lay there. I didn't know what she was doing, till I realized she
was taking deep sniffs of my pussy. I took it for granted that men
hang around a cunt, like the proverbial "bees round the honeypot", but
it hadn't occurred to me another woman would ever be so appreciative
of my odors. I stroked her head in sublime affection, and relaxed, as
I felt the first gentle brushes of her tongue on my lips and clitoris.

After she'd licked me to a fabulous orgasm we reversed positions. I
pushed a pillow under her ass, so I could get better access to her.
She placed her feet on my shoulders and pulled herself open with her
hands for my inspection.

I too, took the trouble to enjoy the wonderful smells coming from her
very aroused pussy. She was so wet, lubrication was running down her
perineum and soaking her slightly protruding anus. I buried my face
between her legs and rubbed it round and round her crotch. I wanted my
face to be covered in her juices. I wanted to lick her so much it
hurt. I wanted her to scream the place down when she came. I wanted to
send her to a state of ecstasy. I wanted, above all, to please my new
found soul mate, with every fiber of my being.

I recognized the signs only too well. I was falling in love. Jesus,
why did I have to fall so easily?

I licked and sucked her gorgeous sex as best I could. It was difficult
with her bucking and grinding herself into my face. I felt my way up
to her breasts and squeezed both nipples. She pressed the back of my
head hard, with her hands, forcing my face to her cunt in one savage
grind of her hips. She let out a strangled scream, but I wasn't sure
how loud it was, as her thighs were gripping the side of my head in a
vice-like grip.

She slowly relaxed her hold on me and lay back smiling on the bed. Her
upper body had turned a deep glowing shade of pink, from navel to
forehead. I was overjoyed that I'd managed to get her off so

When it was all over we just held each other, gently drifting in and
out of consciousness. I had wanted to go and get washed, but Kathy
held on to me and insisted we cuddle. She didn't seem to care that we
both were sweaty, smelly and covered in each other's juices. She said
she liked it that way.

I vaguely heard the opening of her apartment door. I opened my bleary
eyes to see Umiko nonchalantly strolling into the room, and watched in
amazement as she sat down on the end of the bed. Without saying a
word, she undid her boots and pulled them off. She stood up and
started to wriggle out of her tight PVC dress.

I prodded Kathy into wakefulness and demanded to know what the hell
was going on. Completely unfazed she just sat up and let the bedcovers
fall off her, revealing her breasts. Clasping her right breast and
pushing it upward, she proudly showed it off to Umiko.

"See, told ya I'd do it," Kathy said. By now I had sat up too, pulling
the bed clothes above my naked breasts to cover them from Umiko's
eyes. She leant over and inspected Kathy's tattoo. She reached out and
deliberately wiped her thumb across it, presumably to see if it would
smear. Kathy flinched and complained. Our tattoos were still sore.
Umiko spoke in Japanese and nodded her head in my direction.

"Sure she did. Don't think I've lost my touch do ya?" Kathy said. She
took hold of the bed clothes I was holding across my chest, and yanked
them down. I shuddered and closed my eyes in embarrassment.

"Kathy, what's going on?" I pleaded. Umiko did the same thumb rub
routine on my tattoo. I grabbed her wrist and pushed it away from me.
She grinned and in one fluid motion spun her arm round and
effortlessly broke my hold on her.

"Careful sister," she said in perfect English. I flinched at the
menace in her voice. This was all getting far too weird for me. I
looked at Kathy, but she just seemed to be enjoying the confrontation.

"Kathy bet me she could get you into bed on your first date. I said
she couldn't. She even bet she could get you tattooed. So it looks
like I lost twice, doesn't it?" Umiko said.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I looked at Kathy for
confirmation of Umiko's revelation. She produced one of her
devastating smiles.

"Aw, don't feel bad, honey, you had a good time didn't ya?" Kathy

I was reeling. A moment ago I had been close to heaven, and now I was
in hell. I got out of bed, not bothering to hide my nudity from Umiko
any more. I gathered all my clothes together and began to get

"Don't go, Umiko's got to pay her debt. We can have some more fun,"
Kathy said.

I looked back at Kathy and Umiko sitting together, side by side,
Umiko's right arm casually draped round Kathy's naked shoulders.

"No!" I almost shouted.

"No... you two, have your fun without me" I said more quietly. I was
too numb to get really angry. I felt so stupid for having been used
like this. To be the victim of a simple bet instead of the intimate
joy I thought I was getting, was such a cruel reversal of fortune, I
just wanted to leave. I wanted to forget the whole thing. I wanted to
get out and breathe some fresh air.

"Well, anytime you wanna come back for some more fun, you know where
to find us," said Kathy, as I picked up my shopping and headed for the

"Give my love to Julia," was all I could manage. I pulled the
apartment door shut behind me. Still holding the door handle I closed
my eyes and leant my head against the cool wood of the door frame. I
banged my head softly against it.

"Shit, shit, fucking shit," I said, quietly. How could I have been so
fucking dumb?

"Are you all right my dear?" a little old lady asked.

"I'm fine, thank you" I mumbled as I turned and nearly ran down the
hallway. I wiped my hand over my face as I reached the outside. I
realized I still hadn't washed from my frantic servicing of Kathy. Her
smell wasn't quite so intoxicating to me now.

I caught a cab back to my home, but I had him drop me off by the local
supermarket. Even in my miserable state I remembered I had no proper
food for Snoopy. It's funny how mundane thoughts will rise to the
surface when your mind's in a state of turmoil.

I pulled a shopping cart out of the racks and dumped my other bags in
it. I pushed the cart down the aisles like a robot on valium. I found
I'd walked down the same aisle three times without noticing. I
couldn't seem to find the damn pet food anywhere. I was about to give
up and go home when I felt a terrific bump from the front of the cart.

"Hey, watch it lady. That hurt!" the man, whom I'd carelessly ran
into, said. He was rubbing the back of his barked ankle and hopping
about on one foot. I started to laugh. I couldn't help it. It suddenly
struck me as hugely funny. The more he hopped, and the more he got
madder at me, the more I laughed. I felt my control melting and my
hysterical laughing turned to hysterical sobbing. I gripped onto the
cart and broke down crying again.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm not too damaged. I expect I'll recover. I won't
even press charges, honest," he said gently, as he put his hand on my
shoulder. I instinctively held on to him and cried onto his shoulder.
Christ, I seem to do nothing but cry onto strangers shoulders these
days, I thought. I pulled back and apologised for my loss of control.
I looked up and realized everyone was looking at me. I felt myself
blushing furiously.

"Look, I'm really sorry about that. I've been under a lot of pressure
lately. I don't know what came over me. You must think me a compete
fool. I must look a terrible mess, I've left my make-up at home. I was
looking for some cat food and I couldn't find it... " I trailed off as
I realized I was babbling.

"Hi, my name's Rob", he said, holding out his hand.

"Kim," I said.

The End


I'm sorry if the beginning was a bit grim, but I really did have that
dream. In a way, it's the inspiration that triggered off the whole
story. My apologies to all you mothers, if my description of
childbirth bears no reality. It's a process I've never labored under,
so I can only relate to it from third-hand experience, and my dream,
of course.

I did meet my present boyfriend by accidentally running into him at a
supermarket. You should try it girls, it's a good introduction. Hey,
it worked for me :)

I have had carnal knowledge of other women in my time, but I guess
I'll stick to men for my long term relationships. I'm not sure why
exactly. As my Momma says "Men, you can't live with 'em, and you can't
shoot 'em."

I should also add, that most of the lesbians I've met have been
perfectly nice ordinary people. Hell, I've met many more unpleasant
straights than gays.

I wish fervently that I could speak Japanese. I find Japan, it's
culture and it's people fascinating. I would love to go and live there
for a year or so, to get to know it more intimately.

I suppose I have to admit, I can get a bit emotional at times, but I
try not to cry on too many passing stranger's shoulders.

Is the rest autobiographical?

Nah, couldn't be. My cat's name is "Pfeiffer" for a start and I don't
like coffee much either, and Pfeiffer positively loathes Cheerios.

Finally, if you're wondering about the blizzard of commas, then blame
Celeste. She told me recently you can never have enough commas. So,
who am I to argue?

Ok, so it wasn't finally... The standard disclaimers apply, NO
archiving without my permission, especially commercial sites. On the
other hand, if you're a publisher of classy sex stories, and ya wanna
buy it off me for a thousand bucks, then ya got a deal.

Tell me just how much you loved it and how it's changed your life by
e-mailing me at

Check out my previous works at and where, unfortunately for me, you'll
find much better stories than mine<sob>.


September 1997

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