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{ASS} Daydreams by Kim -- (F/M F/F)

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Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97


By Kim


You can blame this on another weekend spent at my boyfriend's parents'
house. Thanks to my new portable computer, I can waste my time writing
dirty stories even more now. It's a hard life, but I must endure.

This piece, surprisingly enough for me, contains not a scrap of
autobiographical detail. Yep, that's right, I made it all up. Amazing! But
then again there are some details that... oh the hell with it. Just read the

After my last story, which I admit was very sad, this one is a complete
change. If I really push, I might even describe it as humorous. But I'm not
in the same class as M1ke, so don't expect to die laughing, or anything.

Remember, it's not worth getting into trouble over, so don't read it if
there's a chance it might do that. It's only a story after all.

Final note: My very good friend Taria makes a guest appearance in this
story. I do have her permission for this. Thanks Taria, I owe you one. Or is
that two?


By Kim

The ocean rolled leisurely in across the golden sand. I lay some way up the
beach, luxuriating in the warm breeze blowing gently over my near naked
flesh, and the softness of the blanket underneath me. I looked up at the two
young Polynesian women smiling sweetly at me as they wafted large fans
made of coconut leaves overhead.

I leaned up on my elbows and watched Rob emerge from the surf, slicking
back his hair and shaking his hands, his chest hair flattened wetly against
him. I was glad he still retained his physique, even now in his late thirties.
But I guess I would still have loved him with a beer belly.

My right hand idly found its way to my crotch. I started to massage myself
through my yellow bikini bottoms as he approached. I was looking forward
to another passionate session out here on the deserted beach, with only my
two fan girls for an audience.

"How was the water, my love?" I asked. He turned to look at me and

"Isn't it your turn to do the grocery shop?" he said.

"What?" I said. He had come into the kitchen and disturbed my reverie.

"It's your turn for the shopping," he said. I sighed wistfully. The beach had
evaporated into a mundane Saturday morning at home.

"Yeah, I suppose it is. Ya wanna come with me?" I asked, hopefully.

"Nah, I got work to do. Don't be long, I need your help with something,"
he said.

* * *

I pulled the car out into the traffic and headed for the market. The desert
stretched out before me as I pushed the throttle full to the floor. The speed
climbed to over a hundred as the Corvette throbbed into full flight.

My companion whistled. He was a hitch-hiker I'd picked up only an hour
earlier. He was cute, probably barely in his twenties. I squirmed in my seat,
as I deliberately let my short skirt ride up. I knew he would like the view of
my thighs.

"Man, this thing can really fly," he said, in open admiration.

"Do you like fast cars?" I asked, turning to look at him. It was my turn to
admire. He was a handsome boy. Broad shoulders, slender hips, kissable
lips. I undid the top button of my blouse. And then another.

"Oh, sure. One day I'll own a baby like this," he said, still lost in admiration
for the car.

"How about fast women. Do you like them?" I asked, undoing another
button and putting my hand inside to massage my breast. He turned to look
at me. He was momentarily taken aback by my wanton display, but then
smiled and licked his lips.

"Are you a fast woman, Kim?" he asked. I smiled and ran my tongue around
my lips keeping our eyes locked together, giving him my best "slut" look. I
removed my hand from my breast and slowly slid it between my legs,
pushing my skirt up past the front of my panties. His eyebrows raised as I
continued with my display.

"Would you like to kiss me there?" I said, rubbing my hand over my damp
panties. He didn't say another word, just bent down and put his face in my
lap. I tried to spread my legs as wide as I could. It was getting hard to
concentrate on the road, especially traveling at this speed.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. I'd missed the turning into the parking lot. I snapped
my legs back together as I hurriedly looked for a place to turn. This
daydreaming was getting out of hand. I could kill someone not
concentrating on my driving like that. I managed to do a U-turn, much to
the annoyance of some other drivers, and headed back for the market turn

* * *

I parked and locked the car. I needed some cash so I headed for the bank
adjacent to the shops. The damn ATM was busted again. I sighed and went
into the bank.

There were long lines of miserable looking people. We shuffled along at a
snail's pace. Suddenly there was shouting and screaming. I froze in horror.
A man and a woman were waving guns about and shouting it was a hold up,
like something from a movie. We all stood stock still, not knowing what to
do. The man waved his gun at us and told us to get on the floor. Nobody
moved for a moment, so he angrily stepped forward and hit a woman
customer. She shrieked and fell to the ground. We all followed suit. I looked
over the other way. The woman bank robber held the door guard by his
collar and thrust a gun into his neck. She looked round nervously, backing
away from the door. She screamed to her friend to hurry up.

The man pointed the gun at the nearest teller and ordered her to back away.
He jumped over the counter and started to fill a paper sack with bills.

I eased my hand behind my back and flipped the safety off my nine
millimeter pistol. I carefully pulled it free from its holster and tucked it
under the front of my jacket. I looked over to the woman bank robber. She
was busy looking out the door, only occasionally looking our way. I
checked the other bank robber again. He was busy filling his sack and had
even put his gun down.

I stood up and with one fluid movement jumped the counter and landed next
to him putting one hand on his gun and pointing mine at his crotch.

"One wrong move and kiss these goodbye," I whispered. Over the years I'd
found pointing a gun at a man's balls a far better deterrent than merely
threatening to kill him. He raised his hands, and mouthed a silent "Ok". I
dropped down to a squatting position, pulling him with me. I cuffed him to a
foot rail running along the base of the counter. I leaned forward and
whispered "Don't move honey, I'll be back for you later". I gave him a
quick kiss on the cheek and started to crawl along behind the counter,
towards the front where his girlfriend was.

When I was level with where she was holding the guard I stopped and
turned back to look at the handcuffed man. I put my finger to my lips telling
him to stay quiet. I peeked over the counter. She was still holding the guard
tightly and looking out the door. She glanced back towards where her
companion should be and looked puzzled. She shouted out to him, asking
him what the hell was he doing and to hurry up.

I ducked down and looked back at the cuffed man. I was worried for the
first time. Up close, I realized the woman wasn't just holding a gun on the
guard, she had a machine pistol. Enough fire power to kill us all.

I shrugged at the man and made a throat slitting gesture to him and then
pointed at the girl. He shook his head frantically. I reached up to a nearby
desk and quietly picked up a bag of quarters and mouthed a "Sorry" to him.

I threw the money across the room at a water cooler. It made a satisfying
crash. I went to stand up. The man tried to rise, but was held down by the
cuffs. He shouted a warning to the girl, as I knew he would. I looked over
the counter and then ducked down again holding my fingers over my ears.
As I'd hoped, the combination of the water cooler crash and his warning
had resulted in her letting rip.

The sound of the machine pistol emptying its clip at the cooler, in such a
confined space, was awesome. It lasted only a couple of seconds before the
silence returned. As I had covered my ears I was probably the only one who
could hear the distinctive tinkling of the empty shells hitting the marble
floor. I stood up and carefully climbed over the counter, keeping my gun on
the girl. She looked as shocked as everyone else, at the fury of the machine
gun. She'd emptied the thing, of course, as I'd hoped.

I pulled it from her grasp and placed the barrel of my gun against her
forehead. I roughly spun her around and pushed her up against the wall.

"Ok, Honey, spread 'em," I barked.

"I beg your pardon?" the girl behind the counter said. I went to say
something, but for a moment nothing would come out.

"Sorry, miles away," I eventually managed.

"Sounds like you were having fun," she said, smiling. I blushed furiously
when I realized how it must have sounded to her. I hurriedly collected my
cash and left as quickly as decorum would allow.

* * *

I pulled the shopping cart from the rack and headed into the shop. I was still
groaning at myself for that last display. This really was getting out of hand. I
had to get a grip.

I carefully placed items in the cart and tried desperately to keep my mind on
the job in hand. It was the vegetable aisle. I picked up a bag of carrots and
studied them for any imperfections. It occurred to me that I knew exactly
who would like these.

She was right on time. She stood there carrying her briefcase and dressed
immaculately in her tan pants suit and prim white blouse. She'd come
straight from work.

"Hello Taria," I said, in my best sexy voice. She smiled and bent forward for
a kiss. I smiled back and obliged. I liked it so much I leaned forward and
kissed her again. We hugged like lovers. I ran my fingers through her hair
and closed my eyes in pleasure. She smelled so good I wanted to drag her to
bed then and there. But I didn't.

I ushered her into the living room, told her to kick off her shoes, took her
briefcase and put it away. I returned with a drink and handed it to her.

"So, you decided to come after all," I said. She smiled her wicked smile.

"As if I could refuse," she said. She had been extremely busy lately, I wasn't
sure if she would come.

"How could I turn down a special birthday treat from you?" she said, licking
her lips.

"You can't. It's as simple as that!" I said, laughing. We sat and sipped our
drinks, just gazing at each other and smiling. Nothing needed to be said.

"Are you ready?" I asked, putting down my drink. She nodded. I stood up
and took her hand and led her to the middle of the room. I picked up the silk
scarf and wound it round to form a blindfold. I gently placed it over her eyes
and tied it behind her head.

"Is that comfortable?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded. I reached round
and removed her jacket. I came round to her front and started to unbutton
her blouse. With each button I kissed her on the cheek, alternating with each

I pulled the fully open blouse clear of her pants and slid it down over her
shoulders. I kissed down her arms as I slowly uncovered them. I went round
to her back, ran my fingers up and down her spine as I kissed her neck and
murmured how beautiful she was. I undid her bra and pushed both the straps
from her pale shoulders. The sudden exposure of her breasts made her gasp
and flush slightly.

I reached under her arms and cupped both breasts as I licked the back of her
left ear. She moaned and leaned back against me. We stayed like that for
several moments. Regretfully I let go her breasts and picked up the bra I
wanted her to wear for her birthday treat.

I put it on her and fastened it at the back. I tenderly lifted each breast to
settle it comfortably into the low-cut cup, leaving them thrusting forward
and completely exposed. Bending down I nibbled each nipple, till it was firm
and jutting.

I carried on kissing down her belly till I reached her pants. I undid them and
pulled them down. She held on to my shoulder as she lifted up each foot and
allowed me to remove the pants completely.

I reached up and pulled down her pantyhose and pulled them off. I kissed
her feet then kissed my way back up her legs to her panties. I placed my
forehead on her lower belly, letting my nose nestle into the curve of her
inviting mound. I closed my eyes and slowly rubbed my face up and down as
I squeezed both of her buttocks with my hands. I wanted so much to pull
down her panties and lick her. But I managed to restrain myself.

Still kneeling in front of her I gently put my fingers into the top of her
panties and pulled them down to her feet. She stepped out of them. They
were soaked. I smiled, I hadn't lost my touch.

I gave her one quick kiss on the top of her pubic bush and stood up. She
groaned again.

"Not long now, gorgeous, not long now," I reassured her. I put a matching
garter belt on her and rolled up some sheer black stockings and attached
them. The last item was a pair of four inch black shiny stiletto heels. I stood
back to admire her sexy appearance. She was so beautiful. I wanted so
much to go to bed with her.

I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. Before we went in I kissed her
as passionately as I could. Two last things to do. I applied some of the
reddest lipstick I had to her full lips and then carefully felt between her legs.
My middle finger slid in with no resistance at all. She was panting and
trembling as I opened the door and led her inside.

Laying naked on the bed, with a sheet totally failing to cover his impressive
erection, was Taria's husband. I bowed to him.

"I bring you your Queen," I said. Reaching up behind Taria I kissed her
neck, and whispered "Enjoy your birthday treat, my darling," as I undid her
blindfold and withdrew, closing the door behind me.

I smiled as I sucked on my slippery middle finger.

I looked up and focused my eyes on the present. A little old lady was
watching me. I withdrew my finger from my mouth as nonchalantly as I
could. She grinned and winked at me. I smiled weakly back at her and
blushed. I left the vegetable aisle as quickly as I could.

* * *

Shopping done, I stood in the line waiting to pay for my goods. There was a
rack of magazines nearby to tempt bored shoppers. On the cover of one of
them was a picture of the Russian space station with one of our shuttles

It had been an uneventful mission so far. Even my hastily learned Russian
had held up. The place was a mess, but I expected that with mostly men
living here. I had been on board only three days before the subject of sex
came up. I suppose it was only natural, three men cut off from their wives
and girlfriends for so long.

To cut a long story short, pretty soon they were becoming resentful. They
wouldn't talk to me any more than they had to. I had to do something to
alleviate the situation, and save the mission. But I wasn't about to become
just a fuck-toy for three horny cosmonauts.

One evening Dimitri called us all together and produced a bottle of vodka.
He proposed a wager. If I could perform a certain task he had in mind, then
they would do my bidding for the rest of the mission. If I failed then I would
do theirs. At first I refused to have anything to do with it. But the vodka and
the worsening relations persuaded me I had to do something to turn things

We floated into the biggest room. He took up position in one corner and I
took the opposite corner. We both began to remove our one-piece coveralls.
I did an elegant back somersault as I jettisoned my thermal panties. It was
like being inside a giant washing machine as the discarded clothes floated
freely about. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail. It was fun watching it
drift about, but it would be no help in this situation. Even my normally small
breasts gently undulated with a life of their own in the weightlessness.

Yuri swam about collecting the clothes and removing them from the arena.
Both Dimitri and I were now as naked as nature intended us. The contest

Holding onto a hand grip I watched as Dimitri started to play with himself.
He pumped away enthusiastically for about five minutes. I was beginning to
think he wasn't going to be able to do it under the unusual circumstances,
but he started to grunt and shudder. A long string of goo shot forth across
the room, followed by several smaller strings and globules. They floated into
the middle of the room with surprising speed.

I launched across to intercept them, as the wager decreed. My side of the
bet was to catch every drop before it stuck to any of the bulkheads or
instrumentation. I was allowed to use any orifice I chose, but I figured I'd
stick to my mouth, it was a lot easier to maneuver than my pussy.

I had to laugh when one of them switched on some music and the strains of
the Blue Danube filled the station.

I was after the initial squirt, as it was moving the fastest. It was beginning to
form a complex pattern and tumble over itself. I had to try and get in front
of it and let its momentum take it cleanly into my open mouth.

I got in position and let it come to momma. It was a bit like sucking up a
piece of spaghetti. I had to keep twisting in space to follow the length of its
curved pattern. Having successfully swallowed the first jet I went after the

I swam from side to side sucking up floating spheres of cum like some mad
vacuum cleaner. Eventually I managed them all, though it had been very
close run thing. I triumphantly floated over to Dimitri and sucked the last
string of cum floating free but still attached to his shrunken member. He
bucked as I roughly licked the end of his prick.

He congratulated me on my performance. Why shouldn't he, it had been
brilliant, even if I say so myself. With a wonderfully wicked grin I floated
back over to my original corner and grabbed a couple of hand grips. I lazily
floated up parallel with the floor and spread my legs as wide as they go.
This was going to be a fun mission after all.

"Ok boys, dinner is served. Come and get some American fast food.
Tongues only, no pricks invited," I said.

The girl on the checkout frowned at me. "What?!?!" she said.

"Oh nothing, my mind was just... floating for a moment. I paid and left
hurriedly with my shopping.

* * *

Nothing much happened on the way home except for the incident with the
traffic cop, his lady partner, and the handcuffs.

I got home and dropped the shopping in the kitchen. I almost ran to our
home office, where I knew Rob would be working.

"Hi darlin'," he said casually ,without looking up. I grasped the back of his
chair and spun it round to face me. I frowned at him. Without saying a word
I reached up under my skirt and pulled down my panties and stepped out of
them. Tuning them inside out I sat down in his lap and rubbed the wet
panties over his face. My juices gleamed across his nose and forehead. I
leaned down and licked him clean.

"Excuse me, but... did you just do what I think you just did, or am I just
imagining it?" he said. I grinned and kissed him.

The End

This work of fantasy is not in the Public Domain. I will consider any request
to place it on a personal web site, but not any commercial sites.

I'm vain enough to love any, and all, fan mail. So if you want to stroke my
ego then do so at the following address I do my best to
answer all letters.

This and my other stories can be found at my very own web site, courtesy of
my good friend The Bear.


November 1997

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