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{ASS/M} Triple Twist by Kim (FM, FF, Rom) 1/1

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Ghost Ex Machina

Apr 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/20/98

A Triple Twist
By Kim

Three short stories, each with a twist.

The first story was written about eight months ago and has languished
on my hard disk ever since. Recently I went back to it and thought I'd
add to it, and make up a trilogy of short stories. In some ways it shows
my progression as a writer. In others I hardly seem to have changed.

See what you think.

(C) 1998 All rights reserved.

Foreign Customs

It had been a whirlwind romance. I had met Andy at an embassy
reception. Somehow we had connected and spent the rest of the evening
together, chatting about this and that. It was only later that I
found out he was a Crown Prince. Had I known I would never have had
the nerve, with me being only a humble secretary to one of our junior

He was charming, sophisticated and handsome. The result of royal
blood and a European education I guess. I knew I was only there for
adornment. Even the expensive dress wasn't mine. It was a perk of the
job, but it went back to the central wardrobe after such occasions.
All us prettier girls from the embassy were routinely cycled to the
various receptions and parties just to look pretty and stand in the
background being pleasant to visiting dignitaries.

His name wasn't really Andy, of course. He did try to tell me what
it was, but I couldn't quite get my vocal chords round it
sufficiently to do it justice. He was happy with Andy though. It was
the name he had adopted during his days at Oxford.

I wasn't supposed to do it, and all the other girls warned me not to,
but I had to. We started meeting on a regular basis. He would show up
in a beat up old Range Rover and drive me off into the desert, for
illicit sex and champagne. He wasn't supposed to drink alcohol, but then
I wasn't supposed to screw the locals either.

One day he asked me to leave my job and live with him in his palace in
the desert. I turned him down, of course. But he kept insisting. In
the end I said I'd compromise and take a week off work to see his
palace, but only on the condition I would be safely back at work the
following Monday. He graciously accepted my offer and so we did.

It was magnificent. Just like you'd expect, or dream, a desert palace
would be. I was somewhat taken aback by the dozens of luxury sports
cars in the courtyard. It dawned on me that maybe Andy was wealthier
than I had imagined.

The week flew by in a blur, a mix of fantasy and dream. Servants
fluttered around us like butterflies. I was dressed in the most
expensive clothes imaginable and I got my first chance to drive
expensive European sports cars. I couldn't believe all this was
happening to me.

On the last day of the week he asked me to stay with him forever. We
had just made exquisite love on an animal skin in front of a roaring
fire. I said yes. He said he would see to it that all the arrangements
were made and I wouldn't have to trouble myself with anything.

The next morning I was descended upon by an army of the Prince's
employees. I was washed, shaved, perfumed and pampered. Eventually a
female doctor came in and told me I had to be prepared for the Prince.
This involved body piercing. I was too overawed to object. I was taken
to a wing that had a full medical facility and laid on a table with my
feet in stirrups. She sprayed me with a local anesthetic. I asked if
she was sure this was what the Prince wanted; she assured me all his wives
went through this. I was suddenly jolted back to reality. "All his
wives?" I thought. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of any other wives in
the week I'd been here.

The doctor held up a mirror and showed me her handy work. I now had a
row of small gold rings down each side of my labia. It hadn't hurt at
all, but I suspected it might when the anesthetic wore off. She
carefully threaded a small gold chain through the rings in a criss-
cross pattern like a corset. She gently pulled the two ends together
and snapped them shut with a miniature padlock. My sex was now
symbolically sealed, though not enough to prevent menstrual flow. She
handed the key to me and told me I was to present it to the Prince at
a formal ceremony the next day. I admired my newly adorned pussy in
the mirror. It was a strange, but arousing sight. The doctor smiled
and wiped away a trickle of lubrication. She told to save it for later.

Andy was seated on a splendid throne, and he was dressed in traditional
robes. I was dressed in a wonderful creation of high French fashion.
I felt like a million dollars. I solemnly strode up to him, curtseyed
deeply, and held up the red velvet cushion on which my special key lay.

He looked down at me and smiled. Picking up the key, he kissed it and
held it up to me between his finger and thumb. He solemnly attached it
to a necklace he was wearing. He told me he looked forward to a year from
now, when he would see me again. In a daze I was led away to a part of
the palace I'd never been to before. It was there that I found out that
the youngest wife must earn her place. Once a year the Prince took a new
bride. For her first year her only role was to see to the pleasure his
other wives.

I looked around at the nine smiling faces of my fellow brides. I hoped I
would get used to the taste of gold and pussy juice.

The End


Would You Hold Her For Me Please?

I pushed the pram along the edge of the lake. The newly rising sun
cast a golden glow across the water. The waterfowl darted about,
energetically looking for food. I stopped to admire the scene of
tranquil beauty that lay before us. I squatted down, smiling at my
six month old baby daughter. She looked at me sweetly and gurgled
contentedly. I shielded my eyes and looked back out across the still
water and sighed.

I checked my watch. Only another hour till I had to report to the
officials. I didn't feel tired, even though I'd been walking all
night. Little Jean had slept most of the time, snug in her heated
baby suit.

"Where does the time go, little one?" I said. She giggled and
carefully put her hand out to touch my face, her eyes full of wonder
and inquiry. I touched the back of her hand to my cheek and closed my
eyes, savoring the moment. She pulled away and tried to grab my nose,
but I stood up and pushed the pram slowly away from this place of

The monorail passed overhead in an eerie silence, the magnetic
inverters keeping the carriages from touching anything as it slid by
on a cushion of air. We watched it till it was out of sight, like a
ghost passing by. I wondered how soon it would be before Jean spoke
her first words. I smiled, thinking of her life ahead. It was
spread out before her, her own mystery journey into the future,
toward some unknown destination.

I pushed her along the quiet sidewalks towards my own destiny. We
reached the unimposing building. There were a few people beginning
to move about, and some cars floated by, their automated pilots
keeping the traffic flowing freely. I touched the glass pad at the foot
of the stairs and a section of the steps sank into the floor, making
it easier for me to push the pram up into the building. The steps
pushed silently back up into place as we reached the top of the ramp.

The front doors revolved continuously in a slow pedestrian dance, never
ending nor beginning. I pushed the pram into the next opening and
ambled around, matching its stately gyration.

I looked at the display on the wall and put my hand on the angled
panel at its base. The screen flickered for a moment and then welcomed
me, provideding a three dimensional map of where I needed to go.

The elevator rose swiftly to the thirteenth floor, the sultry voice
of the controller announcing our arrival. I stepped out and pushed
the pram along the long corridor to the right. We eventually reached
our destination. The door opened automatically as I approached it.

It was a small theater with a glass booth at one end. A few women were
already seated in the front row. I didn't recognize them, the obligatory
witnesses, I guessed. A woman in a white coat came up to me
with a pad in her hand. She held it out and I put my palm to it. It
beeped and verified my identification. She looked down at my baby and
frowned. I reached in and unclipped Jean. She had fallen asleep again
and I hefted her easily to my shoulder.

The woman led me to the booth and pointed out the controls. I nodded
in understanding.

"Would you hold her for me please?" I said. She looked up and
grimaced slightly, but relented and held out her arms. I kissed Jean
on her sleeping cheek and whispered "Be a good girl for mommy," and
handed her over.

I sat in the booth and the thick glass door slid into place behind
me. I pressed the button on the armrest of the chair. Two large banks
of lenses folded out on either side of the chamber. A soft voice told
me that the random timer had started to count down and the process
would terminate within the next five minutes.

I looked at the people in the front row. They seemed bored and
disinterested. I looked across at the woman in the white coat holding
my baby. Thankfully Jean was still asleep and resting her head
peacefully on the woman's shoulder, her little legs dangling out from
under the woman's crooked arm.

Five minutes or less to go. I thought back to the magistrate. She had
peered at me over the top of her glasses. Too old-fashioned to have
had her eyes corrected surgically, I guessed.

"So, you admit you caused Kate Fellows' death?" she asked. I nodded;
there was no other answer I could give. I'd only just returned to
work full time, after having Jean, and I was still not fully back
into the swing of working nine to five again. My boss had been
sympathetic and she'd let me go home early that day.

The bedroom door was slightly open and I could hear voices and moans
coming from within. I looked round the door in apprehension at what I
might see. My partner, Trudy, was sliding a large silver dildo into a
woman I'd never seen before. I later found out her name was Kate.
Trudy stopped her thrusting and turned to look at me, putting her
hand up to her mouth in surprise.

"Oooh don't stop baby, don't stop, I'm almost there," the other woman
said, breathlessly. When nothing happened, she opened her eyes and
our gazes met. "Oh," she said.

"Oh," that was what she said. Funny the things you remember. I picked
up the small statue of the Venus de Milo that we kept on the dressing
table to hang our necklaces on, and threw it the woman. It hit her on
the side of the head. She shrieked and collapsed. I stood stunned at
what I'd done in a moment of anger. She sat up rubbing her head,

"I think you'd better leave," Trudy said. We looked at each other,
dreadfully aware at what this would probably mean.

"What about the baby?" I said.

"Take her, she's yours. You were the one who wanted her anyway. The two
of us wasn't ever enough for you, was it?" I turned and fled, her
accusing tone ringing in my ears. I went straight to the nursery and
collected Jean, the one cornerstone left in my collapsing world.

It was two days later that the court had summoned me to appear. It
seemed Kate had died in her sleep that night. An unlucky break for both
of us. The magistrate had been considerate, but her hands were tied.
There was nowhere to run, nowhere to escape justice. I accepted the
court's decision. I'd been given a month to get my affairs in order
before I had to report to have my sentence carried out.

I hoped the state orphanage would see Jean right. The panels started
to vibrate. There was a blinding flash. Darkness was within.

The End.



I checked my appearance in the elevator mirror one last time. I tugged
at my short skirt, but the leather didn't really give any, my
stocking-tops stayed resolutely uncovered. I licked my lips and
fluffed my hair, and gave myself a quick squirt of breath freshener
then dropped it back in my small, shiny black purse. I got out on the
fourth floor and wandered the corridor looking for the right room.

I stood outside room 409, waiting... for what? I didn't really know. I
was always nervous at this point, no matter how often I did it. I knocked
and waited. The door opened a crack and half a face appeared around
the edge.

"Hi," I said, putting on my best 'gosh it's good to see you' smile.
The door opened some more and the whole face came into view. Not too
bad, so far.

"You my... date?"

"If you're looking for a good time, then yes, I guess I am." I took
a step toward the door and he opened it to let me in. It was a typical
hotel room, not too expensive, not too cheap.

"Wanna drink?" he said.

"Sure, a mineral water would be nice." He snorted, but made no
further comment. He poured himself a stiff whiskey and gulped it down
in two big gulps. My heart sank, the last thing I needed was for him to
get drunk.

"How would you like it?" I asked. He looked me up and down, then
motioned for me to turn round. I put my purse down on the bed and did
a slow spiral, holding my hands out like a ballet dancer. As I turned
to face him again he nodded, but didn't say anything. I stood waiting
for instructions, not quite sure what to do next. We just stared at
each other, for what seemed like a long time, but was probably only a
few moments.

"Here," he said, holding out a small bottle of Perrier. I took it from
him and twisted off the cap. It tasted cool and refreshing as I tipped
the bottle back.

"Stay like that, don't move," he said. I looked sideways at him mid-
gulp and pushed my tongue into the bottle to prevent any more from
coming out. He picked up an expensive-looking camera and held it up
to his face. There was some rapid firing and winding as he took several
shots. He advanced and took some close-ups, circling me as he snapped. I
tried to follow him, but he brusquely told me not to move. I lost him
from my periphery as he went behind me.

"Now, don't you move a muscle, sweetie," he said. I felt his hands on
the zipper at the back of my skirt. He loosened it and tugged it down
over my hips. It was a very tight skirt and he only got it as far as
my hips before he stopped pulling.

"Keep your legs parted enough to hold it up," he ordered. He took my
free left hand and directed it down to the front of my panties. I
felt him pull the waistband away from my belly and guide my hand
down the front of them. He stood back and considered my pose.
Apparently liking what he saw, he picked up the camera again and
took some more pictures.

"I want you to let some water out of the bottle, but don't swallow" he
said. I pulled my tongue out of the bottleneck, and my mouth quickly
filled and began to overflow. The water felt cold as it splashed onto
the thin material of my blouse. He kept shooting.

Eventually the bottle was empty and my breasts were soaked. I could
feel the water all the way down to my feet. I didn't think the hotel
was going to be too pleased with a big wet patch in the middle of
their room. But that wasn't my problem.

I pulled the bottle away and took my hand out of my panties. Tilting
my head back for that long was getting painful.

"Can we do something else?" I asked, in what I hoped was my most
seductive voice. I'd had enough of his silly games and just wanted to
get on with the main event. He put down the camera and sat down in
the armchair in the corner of the room. He curled his index finger
and motioned me to come closer. I moved away from the damp patch and
pushed my skirt to the floor and stepped out of it. I started to put
the bottle down, but he told me to keep hold of it. I wondered about
that for a moment, but hell, he was the one calling the shots. I stood
in front of him, thrusting my hips forward provocatively, my pussy now
level with his face.

"Rub yourself with the bottle."

I hesitated, but then shrugged mentally and spread my legs enough to
rub the bottle across my crotch. My panties were already see-though
from the water that had run over them.

It did feel kinda nasty, standing there rubbing myself with the
smooth bottle though my wet panties. He just sat and watched. I
closed my eyes and started to groan and grind my hips in a steady

"Forget the acting," he growled. I abruptly stopped the thrusting and
opened my eyes to look at him, slightly shocked. The bastard wasn't
going to let me hide behind a performance.

"Keep rubbing," he said. I started to rub again, but maintaining eye
contact this time. I could feel myself starting to blush, like a
stupid teenager. He grinned unpleasantly at my discomfort.

He reached up to me and grasped the edge of my panties. In one
violent tug he ripped them from my body, forcing me to stagger
slightly. I stood there not sure what to do. Did he want to rub
myself with the bottle directly now, on my exposed pussy?

"Get on the bed, on your hands and knees," he ordered. I turned and
climbed onto the bed, wondering what he had in mind.

"I hope you're wet, honey, because we both know where that bottle's
going." I looked at the bottle in my hand with dismay. It didn't
seem that big, but I was apprehensive never the less.

"I... I don't think it'll fit," I said, blushing again.

"Oh, a big girl like you? I'm sure it will. Now are you gonna do it,
or do you want me to do it for you?"

"Wait... I brought something to help," I said. I grabbed my purse and
pulled out a tube of KY gel and squeezed a large blob into my hand. I
smeared the entire Perrier bottle's sides and base with the gel, and
then reached back between my legs and slathered my lips. I wiped my
hand on the bedsheet so that I could grip the neck of the bottle. I
closed my eyes and willed my pussy to relax as I slowly began to push
it between my legs.

I took a quick look over my shoulder to see him staring intently as I
filled my intimate place with the foreign object. I grunted and
groaned, this time for real, as I pushed it steadily into me. I
wriggled my hips trying to get myself more open to accept it. Just as I
thought it would never go in, I felt something slide deep inside
me and the bottle suddenly pushed all the way home. I carefully felt
about my crotch. My lips had closed back around the neck, which now
jutted out proudly an inch or so.

I'd never felt so full. It was an odd feeling, not like a dick or a
vibrator at all.

"Ok, now the real show can begin. Hand me that gel," he said. I
handed the KY back to him without looking around. I didn't feel like
twisting about too much. I just rested on my elbows and concentrated
on keeping my back arched and my ass in the air, trying desperately
to relax the muscles I knew were going to be stretched next.

The first touch of the cold gel on my anus made me clench my pelvic
floor muscles instinctively. I groaned out loud as I squeezed down
involuntarily on the bottle. I panted rapidly and willed my body
to relax again.

He pushed a slippery finger into my ass and began to slide it in and
out. I heard him unzip and drop his pants. The next thing I felt was
something much bigger than his finger pushing at my asshole.

"Push back, honey. Push yourself onto me. I wanna feel that bottle
rubbing on my dick." I slowly did as he asked. The KY did its job and
I felt his engorged dick head enter my ass. The bottle began to feel
even bigger as both my holes became filled. I dropped my face to the bed
and began to groan louder and louder as he drove in all the way to the

"Ok, honey, now your job is to rub that clit of yours. I want to feel
you tighten around my dick as you come. When you've done that, I'll
start to fuck you. Now rub, honey, rub that clit!"

I gripped the bedclothes into a mound under my face and bit down on
it. I pushed my hand back between my legs and began to rub my clit.
It felt so swollen and sensitive I could barely touch it without
bucking. I flicked it a few times and grunted into my impromptu gag.
It only took about a dozen quick rubs till the first orgasm hit me
like an armored truck. I shrieked and jumped in convulsions of
pleasure that felt like they'd been ripped from me.

I momentarily blanked and would have sagged to the bed had I not been
still impaled on him. I squeezed my eyes shut so tight that even the
tears I felt forming couldn't escape. I lay there panting and feeling
light headed.

Then he started to thrust.

I felt the bottle again, and sensation began to flood back into me. I
bit down on the bedclothes again and just rode the storm. He fucked
me a good ten minutes. By the time he came in my ass I was past
screaming, I could barely keep my eyes open, they were flickering open
and shut like demented butterflies. I lost count of the number of orgasms
I had.

He stopped thrusting and growled a deep rumbling groan as he emptied
his seed into my bowels. We collapsed to the bed, both stunned by the
intensity of the experience. We lay huddled together for ages, not
speaking, just lost in our closeness.

"Fuck me, that was something else," he said, eventually.

"Not bad," I said, sleepily. We lay silently for another five
minutes. At last his prick slipped from my ass with a plop, and a
small fart from me. We both giggled.

"So, sweet-thing, what the hell are we going to do for your birthday

"I'll think of something," I said. "Now, would you mind getting that
damn bottle out of me!"

The End

I would like to thank DG, Delta, Morgan, The Bear, and Bronwen for taking
the trouble to read them and offer opinions. And also special thanks to
DG and Delta for proofing and saving me from my own bad grammar.

This work can not be used for any commercial venture, and any non-commercial
venture must ask my permission first before use.

If you feel the urge to write me then do so to I will
endeavor to answer all email.

My previous stories can be read at
thanks to my very generous good friend The Bear.

Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.

April 1998

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