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John Hall

não lida,
10 de fev. de 1994, 16:12:4210/02/1994
Welcome to the new site of the Toolbook list, The University of Arizona
in Tucson, Arizona. If any questions or problems surface, give me
a call.

To subscribe, use (Bitnet syntax) list...@arizvm1.bitnet
(Internet syntax) list...@arizvm1.ccit.arizona.edu
In mail message type: subscribe toolb-l

To post messages, use (Bitnet syntax) too...@arizvm1.bitnet
(Internet syntax) too...@arizvm1.ccit.arizona.edu


John Hall 602-626-7343
Biomedical Communications 602-626-2145 (FAX)
Arizona Health Sciences Center jh...@ccit.arizona.edu
Tucson, Arizona 85724

Harald Osmundsen

não lida,
11 de fev. de 1994, 15:16:5011/02/1994
At 09:12 AM 10/2/94 -0700, John Hall wrote:
>Welcome to the new site of the Toolbook list, The University of Arizona
>in Tucson, Arizona. If any questions or problems surface, give me
>a call.
>To subscribe, use (Bitnet syntax) list...@arizvm1.bitnet
> (Internet syntax) list...@arizvm1.ccit.arizona.edu
> In mail message type: subscribe toolb-l>
>To post messages, use (Bitnet syntax) too...@arizvm1.bitnet
> (Internet syntax) too...@arizvm1.ccit.arizona.edu

Are old subscribers automatically transferred to the new site, or should they

Harald Osmundsen
Harald Osmundsen
Professor of biochemistry
Inst. for biochemistry & physiology
University of Oslo
Box 1052 Blindern
0316 Oslo 3

Tel: 4722856026
Fax: 4722856025
E-mail: har...@ulrik.uio.no

John Hall

não lida,
11 de fev. de 1994, 16:02:2711/02/1994
Yes, all old and young subscribers should automatically have been
transferred. Of course, if any problems arise, drop me a mail message
at jh...@ccit.arizona.edu.

John Hall

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