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2003/02/09 21:31:282003/02/09

Yikes! .hack//SIGN is sure taking its time getting going. It seems
like there's a lot of talking but not a lot accomplished. Granted
this is only the second episode, but here are some thoughts.

The characters seem to be just there. Except for Sora, I can't
remember anyones name. I know the main character (Tsukasa -- I
cheated and looked it up) has had his name mentioned a few times.
Mimiru (another lookup as are all of the other names mentioned) had
her name mentioned in the first episode. Maybe the others did too but
if so, it didn't leave an impression on me.

I remembered Sora's name because he started out by killing the
sorceress (wavemaster). She complained to Bear that she had to
restore her character from a backup and mentioned Sora's name when
asked. I guess Sora's actions as a player killer made him stand out
in my mind.

So, we know Sora's motives in "The World" -- he's a player killer and
apparently wants their personal information (possibly just the female
ones if Bear's theory is correct). So apparently that's his goal in
the game. Tsukasa's motives for being in "The World" is just to
escape the RW. As to the others, who knows what they are playing for
(other than the obvious fun of the game).

Then there's the RW aspects. I'm sure that future episodes will have
the characters revealing something of their RW personas. So that's
not an issue yet.

I guess what I'm trying to ramble is that it is taking a long time to
reveal any useful information as to plot, story, or characters.

<start spoilers>

We do have some interesting questions like who's the floating girl?
Who/what is the guardian? The cat? What happened to Tsukasa's RW
persona? How was the Crimson Knight (hey -- I remembered him)
defeated by the guardian? How did he get put into a coma from a game
(not to mention not being able to remember what happened)? Who are
the RW persona's of the characters?

I like the series, but boy it moves like a snail -- SLOW! :-)



2003/02/10 2:49:482003/02/10
Heh... better get used to it. It's pretty much that way for the whole
series. I'm finding I like .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu MUCH
better... ^)^

Jack Bohn

2003/02/10 6:21:122003/02/10
AstroNerdBoy wrote:


>The characters seem to be just there. Except for Sora, I can't
>remember anyones name. I know the main character (Tsukasa -- I
>cheated and looked it up

Tsukasa is the name I remember. Of course, I think of him as
Mikasa S. Tsukasa.


Andrew Hollingbury

2003/02/10 8:16:592003/02/10

"DrWho2002" <> wrote in message

> Heh... better get used to it. It's pretty much that way for the whole
> series. I'm finding I like .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu MUCH
> better... ^)^

I'm sort of enjoying the new .hack, but the girl with the cute animal will
annoy me if she just cowers against walls every time there's a fight and
since EVERY FIGHT ends with a Data Drain it's a little dull - the whole
thing is just a little too formulaic.

(says the guy who just watched Someday's Dreamers 5, where virtually nothing
happens at all, and still really enjoyed it)

Andrew H


2003/02/10 8:36:292003/02/10
And there are very few fights in the series. I can count the major ones on one
hand, and even those are slightly abbreviated as it's the character's
motivations that's highlighted.

If this turns you off, STOP WATCHING. I don't want to wade through posts
complaining about this. It was never the point of .Hack//sign in the first
place. Rather it's an exploration of people and how they interact.

I suspect people will ignore this.

"I have been a word in a book."
The Song of Taliesin

"If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that
fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and
Richard Bach -- "Illusions"

Andrew Hollingbury

2003/02/10 8:40:272003/02/10

"Andy00" <> wrote in message

> And there are very few fights in the series. I can count the major ones
on one
> hand, and even those are slightly abbreviated as it's the character's
> motivations that's highlighted.
> If this turns you off, STOP WATCHING. I don't want to wade through posts
> complaining about this. It was never the point of .Hack//sign in the
> place. Rather it's an exploration of people and how they interact.
> I suspect people will ignore this.

Oh, I'm not ignoring this. I have to admit I was annoyed at the lack of
fighting for a MMORPG though ^_^

I like character based shows, but .Hack//Sign was a) too static to make it
interesting for me (very pretty, but the characters didn't really move to
convey any sort of emotion), b) I didn't have a clue what the heck was going
on most of the time due to amazo-fansubs, and c) I couldn't find anything
much to like about anyone, and Tsukasa was such a jerk that I could find no
way to sympathise with him after 5 episodes.

Andrew H


2003/02/10 9:31:262003/02/10
On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 20:31:28 -0600, AstroNerdBoy wrote:


The whole series goes at that pace. Its not everyone's


Tomar:aka |"Women who know swordplay
--- A slightly mysterious net entity --- | should be treated very | kindly..."


2003/02/10 10:54:312003/02/10
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:40:27 -0000, "Andrew Hollingbury"
<> wrote:

>Oh, I'm not ignoring this. I have to admit I was annoyed at the lack of
>fighting for a MMORPG though ^_^

You'd hate the way my friends and I play MMORPGs then. We just stand
around gabbing. You'd think we were the main cast of .hack or
something. ^_^


Andrew Hollingbury

2003/02/10 11:06:102003/02/10

"Chibi-Light" <> wrote in message

At least you know each other and have something worth talking about. It's
not much fun watching complete strangers nattering on about something that
completely disinterests you though, is it? More so on TV than in real life,
I'll bet.

Andrew H


2003/02/10 12:32:552003/02/10
"Andrew Hollingbury" <> wrote in

I honestly tried to get into this show. I like the format, but I fall
asleep halfway through each episode. If it were Nabeshin talking about his
socks, it would be more interesting.


2003/02/10 13:49:322003/02/10
In article <b288ss$eo4$>,
"Andrew Hollingbury" <> wrote:

> I'm sort of enjoying the new .hack, but the girl with the cute animal will
> annoy me if she just cowers against walls every time there's a fight and
> since EVERY FIGHT ends with a Data Drain it's a little dull - the whole
> thing is just a little too formulaic.

That's because you haven't figured out yet that it's really intended to
sell a game... a DRINKING game!

I've got a few of them figured out already.

One drink when:

Rina drools over a guy
extra drink: Rina drools over Balmung

Mirelle drools over a rare item (or says "rare item")

Shuugo drools over a doggie

Shuugo drools over a girl
extra drink: Shuugo drools over Rina
two extra drinks: Rina drools over Shuugo

An unbeatable monster appears

A high-level character attacks the unbeatable monster, and it instantly

Shuugo uses Data Drain
extra drink: Shuugo uses Data Drain in public

Shuugo gains a level

Shuugo loses a level

Shuugo loses a tooth


2003/02/10 15:35:082003/02/10
> Shuugo loses a tooth

Two drinks when it re-appears the very next scene!
Make mine a double~!



2003/02/10 16:11:342003/02/10
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:06:10 -0000, "Andrew Hollingbury"
<> wrote:

>At least you know each other and have something worth talking about. It's
>not much fun watching complete strangers nattering on about something that
>completely disinterests you though, is it? More so on TV than in real life,
>I'll bet.

No, we'd do that too. ^_^;



2003/02/10 17:57:512003/02/10
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:31:26 GMT, Tomar <> wrote:
> On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 20:31:28 -0600, AstroNerdBoy wrote:
> [clip]
> The whole series goes at that pace. Its not everyone's
> style.

I'll say this for it, though. Even though it's twice as long, it
seems to move twice as fast (and about four times as comprehensibly)
as Serial Experiments Lain. :)
Chris Meadows aka | If this post helped or entertained you, please rate
Robotech_Master | it at |
| Homepage:

Fish Eye no Miko

2003/02/10 17:56:202003/02/10
"Jack Bohn" <> wrote in message

> Tsukasa is the name I remember. Of course, I think of him
> as Mikasa S. Tsukasa.

Madre de dios! That was a bad pun.

Catherine Johnson. And damn you for mentioning it before I did... ^_^
no mail
"When Catherine thinks you're too gay, you're too gay."
-Rob Fontenot, aka The Midnight Rambler, RATMM.


2003/02/10 21:49:382003/02/10
>>Tsukasa was such a jerk that I could find no
>>way to sympathise with him after 5 episodes. >><

Two things.

1. He's got reasons. He's one very messed up person, and it's a miracle he
turned out the way he did.

2. He gets a lot better.

Andrew Hollingbury

2003/02/10 22:24:172003/02/10

"Andy00" <> wrote in message

> >>Tsukasa was such a jerk that I could find no
> >>way to sympathise with him after 5 episodes. >><
> Two things.
> 1. He's got reasons. He's one very messed up person, and it's a miracle
> turned out the way he did.
> 2. He gets a lot better.

I was having this argument with someone in UMAA the other day over Juuni
Kokki - many people find Yoko to be an insufferable whiney spineless waste
of space. However, she "gets a backbone" as it were around the sixth or
seventh episode, so I was encouraging someone to watch further to see that
(personally, I thought she was realistic, but YMMV). Someone pointed out
that you shouldn't HAVE to tell someone "it gets better, just keep going"
because if they don't like the series before that point why should they make
the effort to get any further just because it MIGHT get better?

Andrew H


2003/02/11 1:05:252003/02/11
:shrugs: I'm not telling them to keep watching. Just that Tsukasa _does_ get
more interesting and more explained, and his character developes enormously.
No "might" involved.

But like I've said.....hack//sign is NOT for people who want things to happen
RIGHT NOW in each and every episode. It's slow, and very drawn out. If not
your cup of tea....:shrugs:


2003/02/11 2:06:042003/02/11
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:57:51 -0600, Robotech_Master wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:31:26 GMT, Tomar <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 20:31:28 -0600, AstroNerdBoy wrote:
>> [clip]
>> The whole series goes at that pace. Its not everyone's style.
> I'll say this for it, though. Even though it's twice as long, it seems
> to move twice as fast (and about four times as comprehensibly) as Serial
> Experiments Lain. :)

Actually that is a very fair description. ^_-


2003/02/11 4:37:162003/02/11
To: (Andy00) wrote in message news:<>...

> And there are very few fights in the series. I can count the major ones on one
> hand, and even those are slightly abbreviated as it's the character's
> motivations that's highlighted.
> If this turns you off, STOP WATCHING. I don't want to wade through posts
> complaining about this. It was never the point of .Hack//sign in the first
> place. Rather it's an exploration of people and how they interact.
> I suspect people will ignore this.

Lack of action doesn't bother me. There have been GREAT movies or
episodes that have no action. What I'm stating is that the characters
are talking a lot but saying little. It is like the guy at work who
always looks super busy but never gets anything done.

I have no plans to stop watching as one has to give these things a
fair shake. I didn't get into Cowboy Bebop until episode three. I
never got into Lain but that's OK.

The exploration aspect is something I looked forward to. So far the
pacing of the exploration leaves much to be desired.

Thanks for the feedback though! :-) I look forward to episode 3.



2003/02/11 4:41:452003/02/11
Robotech_Master <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:31:26 GMT, Tomar <> wrote:
> > On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 20:31:28 -0600, AstroNerdBoy wrote:
> >
> > [clip]
> >
> > The whole series goes at that pace. Its not everyone's
> > style.
> I'll say this for it, though. Even though it's twice as long, it
> seems to move twice as fast (and about four times as comprehensibly)
> as Serial Experiments Lain. :)

I will say I'm more intrigued by .hack//SIGN than I was over Lain.
Both are similar in that they expore the "online world", but I guess
the online RPG aspect is something I can relate to better.

I hear the pacing gets a little better in the 2nd half of the series.



2003/02/11 8:22:382003/02/11
On 10 Feb 2003, Andy00 wrote:

> And there are very few fights in the series. I can count the major ones on one
> hand, and even those are slightly abbreviated as it's the character's
> motivations that's highlighted.
> If this turns you off, STOP WATCHING. I don't want to wade through posts
> complaining about this. It was never the point of .Hack//sign in the first
> place. Rather it's an exploration of people and how they interact.

Although by that admission, begs to ponder why is it in Toonami
where the typical watchers are turned off by that? ;-)
(Yet, once could say same concerning Hamtaro,
though that one can be explained as a welcoming gesture to Viz.)

Laters. =)

_______ ________ _______ ____ ___ ___ ______ ______
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|__ | | | | _ | |\ | |___| ____|| ____|
|_______| |__| |__| |__|___| \ ___|_______|______|______|
__| | ( )
/ _ | |/ Stanlee Dometita
| ( _| | U of Rochester
\ ______| _______ ____ ___
/ \ / \ | _ | \ | |
/ \/ \| _ | |\ |
/___/\/\___|__| |__|___| \ ___|


2003/02/11 8:28:272003/02/11

Well of course you hear that!
When has anyone heard of the contrary?! ^_^

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