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Juuni Kokuki (The Twelve Kingdoms) terms

閲覧: 15 回

Rodrick Su

2002/09/16 19:42:102002/09/16
Well, someone asked once, and I went back to watch all episode up to 9 to
refresh all of the terms.

First, the Map of the Twelve Kingdoms

Hou Ryu Tai
Kyu En
Han Kokai Kei
Sai Kou
Ren Sou Shun

The 8 Inner Kingdoms are Han, Kyu, Ryu, En, Kei, Kou, Sou, and Sai
The 4 Island Kingdoms are Hou, Tai, Shun, Ren

The 4 inner seas are:

White Blue

The island in the center of the 4 inner seas is call Kokai, which is a
series of 5 mountains surrounded by the sea of forest.

The outer sea is call the Sea of Emptiness


Shouku (Eclipse, boundary of the world)

Taiho (Great Protector, the Kirin of each Kingdom)

Kirin (Sacred Beast, selects the Emperor of their respective Kingdom, has
control over Youma. Ki is the male Kirin, Rin is the female Kirin. To
name one Kirin, you take the country's name and specified what gender it
is. Thus, Kei-ki [male Kirin of Kei] and Kou-rin [female Kirin of Kou].

Youma (Demons, can be employed by Kirin)

Kaikyaku (The One from the Sea, Outworlder)

Tai (North East Island Kingdom, currently without a Kirin. Rokuta is
looking for the Kirin of Tai when he was went to Japan)

Hourai (actual ancient Chinese name for Japan, also the name used by The
Twelve Kingdom to describe Japan)

Ranka (Embryo Fruit. All creatures in The Twelve Kingdoms came from such

Taika (Embryo Fruit that's been displaced beyond Shouku)

Riboku (human fruit tree)

Yaboku (beast fruit tree)

Sui-Gu-Tou (Water Monkey Blade, proof of kingship of Kei. An imprisoned
youma in the shape of a sword).

I need one point clarified in episode 3 in an conversation by the pond
between Rokuta (En-ki) and Shoryu (Emperor of En). Shoryu mentioned that
there is to be an ascension in Kei, and Rokuta ask if "something" have
sanctioned it. Is it my understanding that that "something" is another
sacred beast, from Kokai?

Also the first appearance by Kou Emperor, he actually order his troops to
move into Kei. Is the pretender with the sealed away Keiki the sister of
Kou Emperor?

[ Rodrick Su [ ]
[ [ I might be crazier than you think ]

Anthony D. Baranyi

2002/09/16 22:08:262002/09/16

"Rodrick Su" <> wrote in message

Hey Rod, guess what Part 2 of Juuni Kokuki is about.

Yes, I got to see the first episode of the second part and it is very
different from the first episode of Part 1. If it continues this way, this
could become a big disappointment.

> Hourai (actual ancient Chinese name for Japan, also the name used by The
> Twelve Kingdom to describe Japan)
> Ranka (Embryo Fruit. All creatures in The Twelve Kingdoms came from such
> fruits)
> Taika (Embryo Fruit that's been displaced beyond Shouku)
> Riboku (human fruit tree)
> Yaboku (beast fruit tree)
> Sui-Gu-Tou (Water Monkey Blade, proof of kingship of Kei. An imprisoned
> youma in the shape of a sword).
> I need one point clarified in episode 3 in an conversation by the pond
> between Rokuta (En-ki) and Shoryu (Emperor of En). Shoryu mentioned that
> there is to be an ascension in Kei, and Rokuta ask if "something" have
> sanctioned it. Is it my understanding that that "something" is another
> sacred beast, from Kokai?

You've got to see further on in the series to understand this. But if you've
seen "Saiyuuki", you will get a bit of a hint.

> Also the first appearance by Kou Emperor, he actually order his troops to
> move into Kei. Is the pretender with the sealed away Keiki the sister of
> Kou Emperor?

Good question, I should go back and check on that.

Dave Baranyi

D B Malmquist

2002/09/30 0:52:342002/09/30
Rodrick Su wrote:
> Well, someone asked once, and I went back to watch all episode up to 9 to
> refresh all of the terms.

Well this turned out to be helpful, as ep 10 was another explanatory
episode - aside from Rakushun (sp?) surprise for Yoko.

Thanks for the post; though I suspect that rewatching the show wasn't
too much of a burden :)

> First, the Map of the Twelve Kingdoms
> Hou Ryu Tai
> Kyu En
> Han Kokai Kei
> Sai Kou
> Ren Sou Shun
> The 8 Inner Kingdoms are Han, Kyu, Ryu, En, Kei, Kou, Sou, and Sai
> The 4 Island Kingdoms are Hou, Tai, Shun, Ren
> The 4 inner seas are:
> Black
> White Blue
> Red
> The island in the center of the 4 inner seas is call Kokai, which is a
> series of 5 mountains surrounded by the sea of forest.

Also called (?) "Houzan", the center of the world, where Kirin are born.
Mt. Hou is in the center of Houzan, it's where an Emperor needs to go
to receive his/her calling.

> The outer sea is call the Sea of Emptiness
> Shouku (Eclipse, boundary of the world)

Sometimes the fansubbers are translating this as "Shock". They're wrong?

> Taiho (Great Protector, the Kirin of each Kingdom)
> Kirin (Sacred Beast, selects the Emperor of their respective Kingdom, has
> control over Youma. Ki is the male Kirin, Rin is the female Kirin. To
> name one Kirin, you take the country's name and specified what gender it
> is. Thus, Kei-ki [male Kirin of Kei] and Kou-rin [female Kirin of Kou].
> Youma (Demons, can be employed by Kirin)
> Kaikyaku (The One from the Sea, Outworlder)
> Tai (North East Island Kingdom, currently without a Kirin. Rokuta is
> looking for the Kirin of Tai when he was went to Japan)

How odd that he stumbled on the <spoiler> of <spoiler> instead...

> Hourai (actual ancient Chinese name for Japan, also the name used by The
> Twelve Kingdom to describe Japan)
> Ranka (Embryo Fruit. All creatures in The Twelve Kingdoms came from such
> fruits)
> Taika (Embryo Fruit that's been displaced beyond Shouku)
> Riboku (human fruit tree)
> Yaboku (beast fruit tree)
> Sui-Gu-Tou (Water Monkey Blade, proof of kingship of Kei. An imprisoned
> youma in the shape of a sword).

Tentei - the supreme god & creator of the 12 countries world. The
emperors rule by the grace of Tentei.

Koucho - the large Roc-like Youma.

Shitsudou - an illness that comes upon a Kirin if its emperor acts against
the will of the heavens. Eventually fatal if the Emperor continues to

Meikun - Basically a just ruler. "A ruler who won't subjugate his people,
will protect the country and will maintain the peace."

Hinman - a water spirit-type Youma that can infuse itself into a person,
thereby granting that person some of the Hinman's abilities.

> I need one point clarified in episode 3 in an conversation by the pond
> between Rokuta (En-ki) and Shoryu (Emperor of En). Shoryu mentioned that
> there is to be an ascension in Kei, and Rokuta ask if "something" have
> sanctioned it. Is it my understanding that that "something" is another
> sacred beast, from Kokai?
> Also the first appearance by Kou Emperor, he actually order his troops to
> move into Kei. Is the pretender with the sealed away Keiki the sister of
> Kou Emperor?

- dbm


2002/09/30 8:07:222002/09/30
D B Malmquist <> wrote in <3D97D892...@com.swap-com-and-rcn.rcn>:

>> The island in the center of the 4 inner seas is call Kokai, which is a
>> series of 5 mountains surrounded by the sea of forest.
>Also called (?) "Houzan", the center of the world, where Kirin are born.
>Mt. Hou is in the center of Houzan, it's where an Emperor needs to go
>to receive his/her calling.

err, Houzan is surroundded by Koukai ...

>> The outer sea is call the Sea of Emptiness
>> Shouku (Eclipse, boundary of the world)
>Sometimes the fansubbers are translating this as "Shock". They're wrong?

it's "Shoku", anyway. and fansubbers are wrong.

>> Taiho (Great Protector, the Kirin of each Kingdom)

this word is taken from the rank of chinese dynasties. more like
great chancellor.

>> Kirin (Sacred Beast, selects the Emperor of their respective Kingdom, has
>> control over Youma. Ki is the male Kirin, Rin is the female Kirin. To
>> name one Kirin, you take the country's name and specified what gender it
>> is. Thus, Kei-ki [male Kirin of Kei] and Kou-rin [female Kirin of Kou].

exactly speaking, a kirin "employs" youma as shirei.
when he/she dies, the shirei gets the reward:his/her fresh meat.

>> Youma (Demons, can be employed by Kirin)
>> Kaikyaku (The One from the Sea, Outworlder)

and Sankyaku (The One from the Mountain, also Outworlder)

basically Kaikyaku is from Japan/Hourai, Sankyaku is from China/Konron.


>> Riboku (human fruit tree)

human fruit tree in the center of town

>> Yaboku (beast fruit tree)

beast fruit tree in the wilderness

>> Sui-Gu-Tou (Water Monkey Blade, proof of kingship of Kei. An imprisoned
>> youma in the shape of a sword).
>Tentei - the supreme god & creator of the 12 countries world. The
>emperors rule by the grace of Tentei.
>Koucho - the large Roc-like Youma.


>> I need one point clarified in episode 3 in an conversation by the pond
>> between Rokuta (En-ki) and Shoryu (Emperor of En). Shoryu mentioned that
>> there is to be an ascension in Kei, and Rokuta ask if "something" have
>> sanctioned it. Is it my understanding that that "something" is another
>> sacred beast, from Kokai?

"Yoou hougyo irai, youma ga shutsubotsu shi ... tai hodo ja nai kedo na"
(After the death of Yoou(former Kei King), demons have been appearing ...
less serious than the case of Tai, though)

"shin ou ga sokui sareru to iu hanashi mo aru"
(there is a rumor that the new king will ascend the throne)

"houmei ha ?"
(has the Hou crowed (about it) ?)

in the conversation, "hou" is the bird living in "godoukyu" palace of each
kingdom. it crows when something important (king's death, ascend, etc.)
happens in other kingdom.

>> Also the first appearance by Kou Emperor, he actually order his troops to
>> move into Kei. Is the pretender with the sealed away Keiki the sister of
>> Kou Emperor?

err, he says, "tadachi ni torae, kei wo kudase"(arrest them asap and punish
them). and then troops go out to achieve his order.

then he orders Kourin to bring Keiki to the (fake) king of Kei.

>- dbm


D B Malmquist

2002/10/01 2:24:252002/10/01
TAKEUCHI Shoichi wrote:
> >>
> >> The island in the center of the 4 inner seas is call Kokai, which is a
> >> series of 5 mountains surrounded by the sea of forest.
> >
> >Also called (?) "Houzan", the center of the world, where Kirin are born.
> >Mt. Hou is in the center of Houzan, it's where an Emperor needs to go
> >to receive his/her calling.
> >
> err, Houzan is surroundded by Koukai ...

OK, got it, thanks.

> >> The outer sea is call the Sea of Emptiness
> >>
> >> TERMS:
> >>
> >> Shouku (Eclipse, boundary of the world)
> >
> >Sometimes the fansubbers are translating this as "Shock". They're wrong?
> >
> it's "Shoku", anyway. and fansubbers are wrong.

Thought they might be.


> >Koucho - the large Roc-like Youma.
> >
> kochou

I had sorta thought that's what Keiki said, but the fansubber spelled
it in ep 1 as I wrote it.

My impression is that they're struggling with some of the vocabulary
and kanji in "Juuni Kokuki".

> >> I need one point clarified in episode 3 in an conversation by the pond
> >> between Rokuta (En-ki) and Shoryu (Emperor of En). Shoryu mentioned that
> >> there is to be an ascension in Kei, and Rokuta ask if "something" have
> >> sanctioned it. Is it my understanding that that "something" is another
> >> sacred beast, from Kokai?
> >>
> Rokuta:
> "Yoou hougyo irai, youma ga shutsubotsu shi ... tai hodo ja nai kedo na"
> (After the death of Yoou(former Kei King), demons have been appearing ...
> less serious than the case of Tai, though)
> Shoryu:
> "shin ou ga sokui sareru to iu hanashi mo aru"
> (there is a rumor that the new king will ascend the throne)
> Rokuta:
> "houmei ha ?"
> (has the Hou crowed (about it) ?)
> in the conversation, "hou" is the bird living in "godoukyu" palace of each
> kingdom. it crows when something important (king's death, ascend, etc.)
> happens in other kingdom.
> >> Also the first appearance by Kou Emperor, he actually order his troops to
> >> move into Kei. Is the pretender with the sealed away Keiki the sister of
> >> Kou Emperor?
> >
> err, he says, "tadachi ni torae, kei wo kudase"(arrest them asap and punish
> them). and then troops go out to achieve his order.
> then he orders Kourin to bring Keiki to the (fake) king of Kei.

Thanks for the clarifications,

- dbm

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