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Iraq weapons of mass destruction described.

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Simple Simon

Apr 11, 2003, 8:41:00 PM4/11/03

download the above and read it. If you are still ignorant enough
to believe no weapons of mass destruction will be found then
you are just a total idiot and a fool.

Here is the html version:

So all you doubters, get your heads out of your asses.

stephen, yachtinguniverse

Apr 12, 2003, 4:16:18 AM4/12/03
Theoretical question...

If Sadam did have WMD's and they where such a threat, why have
we still not found anything worrying and why did he not use them? Was this
just more about regime change and controlling the region?

What is more worrying is the country has been invaded in a war of conquest
not liberation.
Iraq is to be occupied by the US military, headed up by Jay Garner, a pro
Israeli retired general who is unelected and unaccountable to any of the
Iraqi people. The main Iraqi figurehead proposed by the Americans is the
convicted fraudster Ahmed Chalabi, a banker who has not lived in Iraq for 45
years, whose close links with the CIA make him their ideal candidate. The
country will be run as a colony of the west.

It all looks good to me, yeah really good, no worries there then, oh no!

Simple Simon <> wrote in message


Apr 12, 2003, 9:04:48 AM4/12/03
Simple Simon <> wrote:

> download the above and read it. If you are still ignorant enough
> to believe no weapons of mass destruction will be found then
> you are just a total idiot and a fool.

Another fuckwit who doesn't read the links he posts.

> More than 10 years after the Gulf war, gaps in Iraqi
> accounting and current production capabilities strongly
> suggest that Iraq maintains a stockpile of chemical agents,
> probably VX,[3] sarin, cyclosarin,[4] and mustard. 

"Strongly suggest" oh right - incontrovertible proof.

> Iraq probably has concealed precursors, production
> equipment, documentation, and other items necessary for
> continuing its CW effort. 

"probably has" sounds pretty definite to me.

Look tinybrain, if you had actually read through that link you posted,
you would have seen lots of little maps and aerial reconnaisance photos
showing *exactly* where all these WMD factories and storage facilities
are. The CIA have had this information for over 15 years, and (one
hopes) have been keeping an eye on this stuff, where it's been moved to,
where it's stored. Now when we have troops on the ground, onsite,
desperately trying to find the justification for their invasion - all we
get is just a "suggest" and a "probably".

It doesn't matter anyway - the fact is Saddam is a nasty piece of work,
gassed several thousand people in 1988. It's only taken the US 15 years
to think that this was a bad thing, and that liberation is a good thing.

The fact is that your beloved George Bush is a liar and a conman, and if
they'd had "proof" of WMD as they claimed they'd have shown it by now.
No amount of discovery after the invasion will change the fact that
there wasn't proof beforehand.


Simple Simon

Apr 12, 2003, 9:23:10 AM4/12/03
Repeat your blather in a month or two when proof and
documentation (which you and your ilk will continue
to ignore) will be forthcoming. Continue to make an even
bigger fool out of yourself.

You will be the equal in ignorance to Bariatric Bob
if you keep it up.

"PeterD" <pd....@dsl.pipex.invalid> wrote in message news:1ftb2m6.1y01bd5lv5xlvN%pd....@dsl.pipex.invalid...

Simple Simon

Apr 12, 2003, 12:06:38 PM4/12/03
That'll be the day. Hell will freeze over before that

"Oz1" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 09:23:10 -0400, "Simple Simon"
> <> wrote:
> >Repeat your blather in a month or two when proof and
> >documentation (which you and your ilk will continue
> >to ignore) will be forthcoming. Continue to make an even
> >bigger fool out of yourself.
> >
> >You will be the equal in ignorance to Bariatric Bob
> >if you keep it up.

> Better still Cappy. I'll save yours and throw it back at ya!
> Oz1...of the 3 twins.
> I welcome you to crackerbox palace,We've been expecting you.

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