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Bubble Chart in a Coloured Quadrant

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Yong Kim Sang

Nov 10, 2002, 6:11:37 AM11/10/02
I have successfully incorporated the XY Charter in the Colored Quadrant
given by Joe Peltier. Unfortunately, it does on Bubble Charts. Anyone knows
how to combine both the Colored Quadrants and Bubble Charts together? Let
say I have the following details:

X Axis 0 - 10
Y Axis 0 - 10

The 4 quadrants - Green, Yellow, Blue and Brown

1st Coordinate (1,1) - Economic Risk - Bubble Size 2
2st Coordinate (1,3) - Political Risk - Bubble Size 5
3st Coordinate (5,3) - Regulatory Risk - Bubble Size 2

Anyone knows how to do this, please let me know....!!

Thanks a million

Yong Kim Sang

Jon Peltier

Nov 10, 2002, 9:54:49 PM11/10/02
Draw some circles in the worksheet, make them whatever size and color you
need for your bubbles. One-by-one (it's tedious, so you might feel like
writing a macro to do this) select the bubble you drew for each point and
copy it, then select the point (two single clicks to select just the point)
and paste using Ctrl-V, and the selected point will take on the pasted shape
as its marker. Repeat for all the points.

If you select the series, not a single point, the entire series will use the
pasted shape as its marker. You can use any shape, not just a circle.

I have a description of this and similar techniques here:

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP

In article <#C#nfkKiCHA.1840@tkmsftngp08>, Yong Kim Sang said...

Andy Pope

Nov 11, 2002, 4:21:53 AM11/11/02
How about the reverse approach to the problem.
Rather than formatting the points why not format the plotarea.

Take Jon's example of how to achieve quadrants. Go thru the steps to
create the four coloured areas. Then remove all axis numbering and
bordering. Make the plot area fill the chart area. Format the chart area
to have no fill and no border. You can now export the chart as a picture
. Now in your bubble chart you can format the plotarea to use a picture
as it's background.

For info, I exported the chart by using the following;
select chart
ALT+F11 ( bring up the VBE )
CTRL+G to goto the Immediate window pane
the enter this command, changing the file location and name as appropriate.
Activechart.Export "C:\temp\quad.jpg"

Yong Kim Sang wrote:
> Thanks and it works fine. The only problem I have is that
> I could not put in the different sizes of the bubbles in
> the chart i.e., the colored quadrant where it's plotted
> using XY charter.
> Correct me if I am wrong; the only way to have the sizes
> in place, is to plot using the bubble chart and then put
> in the image!
> Anyway, if you could think of a way, perhaps you can let
> me know. I have enclosed the end result and perhaps you
> can modify my file to have different colors for different
> bubbles and different sizes.
> Thanks




Jon Peltier

Nov 11, 2002, 8:56:39 AM11/11/02
Andy's right. Using a picture as a fill for the plot area is probably much
easier way to go.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP

In article <ugnhQKWiCHA.1544@tkmsftngp09>, says...

Andy Pope

Nov 13, 2002, 5:47:31 AM11/13/02
I can't see for looking, what is the problem?

If you delete the columns D:E the formula values in B:C return #REF,
this is to be expected. The chart takes these as zero, so all of the
points are plotted at the origin. What did you expect to happen?

I notice that you are still using the xy scatter chart with columns to
mimic quadrents, also there is not data for bubblesize in your example.
Have you stopped trying to do bubbles?

Yong Kim Sang wrote:
> Big Problem! In need of you help.
> I have enclosed my file i.e., using the method provided by
> Jon i.e., putting the images in the colored quadrant and I
> am kind of surprise that the following happens:
> - If I delete the records, all my coordinates of the
> bubbles runs.
> - Even if I have deleted the records, the bubbles still
> stay in X-Axis but the Y will be zero.
> You can try by testing out the file that I have enclosed.
> Try deleting all the records in column D and column E
> i.e., all the records. Click on Bubble Chart Sheet. Take a
> look at the second graph below. You will notice that
> everything tends to run.
> Same applies to when you deleting H and I.
> Also, I will need to let you know that I have put in a
> formula in Column B and Column C. This is to get the
> coordinates.
> Please help me out... It's urgent!
> Thanks a million

Jon Peltier

Nov 13, 2002, 1:34:34 PM11/13/02
The problem is that some of the formulas returned "" instead of NA(), so there
were spurious symbols along the axes. I think he's building his app piece by
piece, and the formula piece was the latest problem. The bubbles come next.
He is using a variation of a vector diagram routine of mine (url below) to
draw bubbles.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP

In article <#HdscDwiCHA.1368@tkmsftngp09>, says...

Ed Ferrero

Nov 17, 2002, 5:32:20 PM11/17/02
I have not followed this thread closely. Let me know if this helps.

However, I remembered that I had built a BCG analysis chart some time ago.
This is a bubble chart with 4 coloured quadrants. The size of the bubbles is
proportional to the competitor size. Also each bubble is itself a pie chart
that indicates that competitors market share.

I have put this on my web site at
There may be some delay in setting the right permissions for the 'BCG
Matrix' download. If it does not work for you, and you can't wait for me to
sort out my ISP, email me privately (not the group) and I will send you the

How it works (for the DIY crowd);

The bubble chart is fairly standard.

The pie charts are built separately. A bit of VBA code copies each pie onto
the bubble chart points. (You can copy any picture onto a point).

The coloured quadrants are a picture fill for the plot area.

Ed Ferrero

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