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Presidential Candidate Urges Full Disclosure of E.T. Treaties

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Spunky the Wonder Toad

Feb 2, 2004, 1:39:23 PM2/2/04

Presidential Candidate Urges Full Disclosure of E.T. Treaties

Sterling D. Allan calls for U.S. government to come clean with the American
People about the extent of their interaction with extraterrestrial visitors, and
to involve the citizens in the dialogue about how to respond to our stellar
neighbors. Anticipates develpment of space travel to allow low cost commercial
fights to moon and mars within 5 - 10 years.

Ephraim, UT (PRWEB) January 26 2004--"Any thinking person can see that the U.S.
government conceals the extent of its knowledge about and involvement with
extraterrestrial visitors to this planet."

So says independent, write-in Presidential candidate, Sterling D. Allan, who
promises he will stop the government's hiding of this information from the
public if he is elected president.

"Area 51 is probably the most well known secret on the planet. Who does the
Government think it is fooling when they deny that the facility even exists?
That's like the president of Egypt saying the pyramids do not exist."

"If what they are doing there and other locations is beyond the pale of human
ethics, then it must be cleaned up."

The Roper Poll, conducted in Sept. 2002 of over 1000 adults chosen randomly,
showed that the vast majority of Americans believe in life elsewhere in the
universe, and that they are generally excited at the thought of learning more
about their closest neighbors in nearby star systems. The poll also shows
decidedly that the majority of Americans are convinced that the government knows
far more than it is telling. Close to half believe some extraterrestrials have
visited our planet, and that it is probable that they have communicated with
U.S. leaders. (

"The secrecy is an assault to human dignity, treating the populace of the nation
and the world as if they are unable or unworthy to know what is going on with
such weighty matters," says Allan.

He not only believes that the government is withholding information about the
extent of its knowledge, but also that the government of the United States and
other nations have actually formed compacts with certain extraterrestrial
visitors, including such terms as trading of technology for rights to minerals
as well as abductions for research or needed genetic material.

"They [the U.S. leadership] are behaving like dictators in this regard, acting
outside of the knowledge and wishes of those who elected them," says Allan.

The Constitution calls for treaties to be made with the consent of Congress, and
for such records to be a matter of public disclosure.

"They are not only violating basic human rights by granting such terms to these
extraterrestrials, but they are acting contrary to the Constitution that they
are sworn to uphold."

"We are not a bunch of imbeciles or sheep who cannot think or handle heavy
matters. It is time for the United States government to come clean, admit to its
violation of the Constitution in this regard, as well as its errors in allowing
unethical practices to take place."

Allan proposes that there are many Americans who would willfully participate in
extraterrestrial experiments, and that abductions against a person's will are
completely unnecessary and should be defied.

"If there are extraterrestrials who would threaten to annihilate us if we do not
give them what they demand, then as sure as there is a God, there are also sure
to be extraterrestrials who will come to our aid if we do not wish to comply
with terms with which we do not agree."

"It is a coward who acquiesces in the face of a greater power when we have God
as our protector -- if we deserve his protection."

Allan says that the most pressing need for this country is to return to the
moorings of individual uprightness and responsibility.

"Extraterrestrials should not be feared, they should be welcomed, if they come
in peace. Think of what the world gained when it expanded to America once the
barrier of the ocean was surmounted."

Allan thinks that crop circles, "at least the ones that are not clever
fabrications by pranksters," are likely creation of extraterrestrials seeking to
communicate with us on a global scale.

"We live on the threshold of a new frontier. Such a thrill should not be limited
to just the 'elite' who keep that information from others. It should be shared
by all."

Allan is in process of forming a non-profit company that will be developing
alternative energy technologies that tap into what he refers to as the "vast
reservoir of inexhaustible energy that surrounds us, spoken of by Tesla and
other great scientists of days past as well as present." Allan says that "some
of these technologies tap into counter-gravity as well."

Not only does Allan look at extraterrestrial visits here as an obvious fact, but
he says, "it is conceivable that within five to ten years we could have
commercial flights to the moon that take ten minutes. A trip to Mars would take
a day or so."

Allan is also in favor of forming a world government "but not based on
socialism, which tends to be the thrust of the U.N., but one based on principles
of freedom, with checks and balances on power."

It is this body that he believes should be given power by virtue of
representative government, to form treaties with extraterrestrial beings.

In December of 2001, Allan founded a world body ( to begin
forging the documents that would comprise the constitution of a world government
based on principles of freedom. He used the declaration of principles of that
organization as his platform for his present run for the U.S. presidency.

Allan also is supportive of a quest for colonization of the moon and of Mars,
"once technologies are in place for economical travel to and from." His reasons
are not just to satisfy mankind's quest for a new frontier, but have thoughts of
survival contingencies as well.

"The earth's geological record shows that the earth's poles have shifted many
times. The recent mega cycle that the sun is exhibiting, as well as the recent
activity of the Yellowstone super volcano, among other mega earth changes,
bespeak the likelihood of a major calamity awaiting our planet. Biblical and
other holy writings point to a time of great upheaval on earth."

Allan thinks that colonization's on the moon and on Mars "could help preserve
mankind through these massive cleansings."

"However," he is quick to add, "individual uprightness before God should never
be overlooked as the most important protection for spiritual survival."

Allan views the coming calamities as a "baptism of fire akin to the baptism of
water at the time of the great flood, during which Noah and his family were
sequestered safely, to then repopulate the earth."

However, this time around, Allan "[hopes] there will be a great many who will
survive, to form the nexus of an ideal society that has learned from the
mistakes of the past."

"Like with the flood, we may be called upon to take our entire way of living
with us, so as to be able to return and re-seed the earth."

"When we return, will be build a garden of Eden, or will the earth become
another Mars?"

Allan believes that if mankind can work together, we could preserve the entire
civilization, and in so doing evoke an era of peace and harmony by our common
goal of preserving one another through the coming earth changes -- some of which
we have brought about ourselves through the way we have treated our mother earth
with abject disregard for so long.

Many prophecies, perhaps the most obvious of which is the Mayan calendar, point
to the year 2012 as being when the pole shift takes place.

"Had more people listened to Noah, there could have been far more than just
eight people on that boat that took him 120 years to build."

"If we pull together as a civilization, and stop all the aristocracy and
secrecy, and pool our resources, we could do it in the short span of time we are
allotted; and when we return, we could build the ideal society dreamed of by
poets and prophets down through time."

As part of this ideal society, Allan believes that "ancient cities that were
taken from the earth will return, such as the cities of Enoch and of

"These are not extraterrestrials in the traditional sense of the word that
implies foreigners. Rather, they are former inhabitants of this planet who come
back to dwell with us in peace, once we get our act together."

"Could it be, that at least some of these extraterrestrials are our own progeny
from many eons hence, time traveling to help us set the course properly?"

In all of this, Allan is sure that a basic rule of the universe must not be
violated -- free will.

"The choice is ours," he says.

"Will we use these new technologies that are emerging, to blow each other off
the planet, or to help preserve life, including possibly the ability to lift
ourselves as a team above the earth as it undergoes its baptism of fire?"

"Some may be able to stay on the earth proper and survive, having underground
concrete bunkers and such, but the more safe place would be to be lifted up
above the clouds."

"Perhaps the 'rapture' is something we create together by working together in an
unprecedented way."

"At the heart of this choice is a decision each individual needs to make to turn
his heart to God, and to seek for a mighty change; or the change that takes
place externally will be to annihilation, not rebirth."

"Surely some of the the extraterrestrials who are visiting here have knowledge
and skills that can help us survive what is coming. If they are our progeny come
back through time to seek to influence this era of time to influence their
outcome for better, can you blame some of them for perhaps being less than
friendly when they resort to methods of selfish self-preservation as they see
the human condition at present that is so unlikely to change the outcome that
their present miserable condition entails? And if they seem cold and almost
lifeless, perhaps that is a condition we created for them because we didn't
change for the better."

"It's not too late to change that," he says. "Let's do it -- by the grace of
God. As an act of our free will, let's forge a better future."


The above press release, along with images, is available here:


Ric Carter

Feb 2, 2004, 3:22:47 PM2/2/04
----- Original Message -----
From: "Spunky the Wonder Toad" <>

> Presidential Candidate Urges Full Disclosure of E.T. Treaties


> The above press release, along with images, is available here:

Mr Allen didn't argue for disclosure of govt dealings with any
chupacabras, telepathic giant squids, vampire lesbians, cyborgs,
the races that live within the hollow earth, evolved robots, or
the Illuminati. Why these sinister omissions? What secrets will
never see the light of day? And what is Mr Allen's background?
Is he a member of Skull and Bones, 35th-degree Freemasonry, the
REAL Illuminati, or the sinister underground chapter of MENSA
(which is the model for Ian Fleming's SPECTRE)? What's true?

Spunky the Wonder Toad

Feb 2, 2004, 1:39:23 PM2/2/04

Presidential Candidate Urges Full Disclosure of E.T. Treaties

Sterling D. Allan calls for U.S. government to come clean with the American


The above press release, along with images, is available here:


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