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OHMSS: ABC's 1976 Version

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Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
Does anyone else remember this when they cut the film in two parts and
had a voice over? It made me so mad.

Never the less does anyone know how to get a VHS tape of it?

Devon Hart

Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99

I remember quite clearly, and thought I had gone insane for a
moment. Then it dawned on me, my memory hadn't been faulty, ABC
had. And no, have no idea how to get a tape.

Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
They aired it one more time in 1980 before Eon made them pull it. For
some strange reason I now want to see it again.

Jan 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/22/99
You know, I remember it too. All three networks were famous in the 70s
for shoots extra footage and adding it in. Remember "Two Minute Warning"
on NBC.

Daniel Bolton

Jan 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/23/99
to wrote:

> Does anyone else remember this when they cut the film in two parts and
> had a voice over? It made me so mad.
> Never the less does anyone know how to get a VHS tape of it?

What the hell?!? Could you elaborate on exactly what this version was like
please? I can't believe a TV network would edit, well, destory, an
original film for viewing on television.

Daniel Bolton

HNK 999C

Jan 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/23/99
>What the hell?!? Could you elaborate on exactly what this version was like
>please? I can't believe a TV network would edit, well, destory, an
>original film for viewing on television.
I'm not being anti-American here but your TV stations can massacre anything. I
remember seeing my all-time favourite film, Ken Russell's "The Devils" years
ago on US TV and it was incomprehensible. It had been cut so much it just
didn't make any sense at all. They ruined a masterpiece.



Jan 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/23/99
Daniel Bolton <> asked for a Vodka
Martini, shaken, not stirred, and added:

>:|What the hell?!? Could you elaborate on exactly what this version was like

>:|please? I can't believe a TV network would edit, well, destory, an
>:|original film for viewing on television.

It gets brought up here from time to time Dan - apparently,
one of the US stations showed OHMSS in two parts and linked
the two (and voiced over some cuts) with a narrative

**** /\/\/\/\+-+- Rhino -+-+/\/\/\/\ ****
**** ****
**** James Bond, Carry On Films, Prisoner ****
**** Hammer Horror, Trivia, Black Adder ****
**** John Wyndham, James Herbert, etc etc ****

The Dyslexia Praty needs your veto now!

Jan 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/23/99
It was the first network airing of OHMSS and was show in two parts, both
on a Tuesday night. Part one open with 007 putting on the skis and going
down the mountain. A voice claming to be Bond (not Lazenby's) said "you
maybe wondering how I got into this mess" as the Spectre agent chased
after him. And it was told in flashback, cut back and forth with the ski
chase and stock car chase with voice over.

A week later, the same voice came on and gave highlights from part one.
The cerdits started and it was intact. In 1980 ABC ran both parts back
to back in a three hour block. It would be in 1982 when ABC started
running the "normal" but edited version.

In 1978 or 79 in Bondage magazine they asked Cubby in a interview why he
allowed this and he said that it was news to him and he would look into
it. He must have finally stoped it.

It was awful, and like I said before cable or home video the three
networks would do all sort of things in the 70s. NBC was worse then ABC.

Jan 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/24/99
I was in a state of shock when I saw it. Thank god it is gone forever.

Not a Bond site but some of you might like it anyway.

Peredur Glyn

Jan 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/24/99
In the ancient parchments of <>, the one
known as Daniel Bolton <> wrote something vaguely
similar to this:

>What the hell?!? Could you elaborate on exactly what this version was like
>please? I can't believe a TV network would edit, well, destory, an
>original film for viewing on television.

This was discussed in detail am few months ago, and it really did
happen. They separated the film into two nights, with somebody dubbing
over a Bond-esque voice (not Lazenby's) to explain the constant
flashbacks between the ski chase from Piz Gloria and the events leading
up to it. I haven't seen it, but there are many who have. They can
explain it in further detail, I think.


***----- P.G.C. Davies -- -- ICQ: 12712530 ------***
"Let Hercules himself do what he may, | - William Shakespeare, 'Hamlet'
The cat will mew, and dog will have his day."| Act 5, Scene 1
"And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns,
horns. In dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the North
wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last." - JRR Tolkien, 'The Lord Of The Rings'

Daniel Bolton

Jan 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/25/99
to wrote:

> It was the first network airing of OHMSS and was show in two parts, both
> on a Tuesday night. Part one open with 007 putting on the skis and going
> down the mountain. A voice claming to be Bond (not Lazenby's) said "you
> maybe wondering how I got into this mess" as the Spectre agent chased
> after him. And it was told in flashback, cut back and forth with the ski
> chase and stock car chase with voice over.
> A week later, the same voice came on and gave highlights from part one.
> The cerdits started and it was intact. In 1980 ABC ran both parts back
> to back in a three hour block. It would be in 1982 when ABC started
> running the "normal" but edited version.

Absolutely sickening. What a disgrace and insult to Bond fans.

> In 1978 or 79 in Bondage magazine they asked Cubby in a interview why he
> allowed this and he said that it was news to him and he would look into
> it. He must have finally stoped it.

Eon didn't know? Surely they must have had grounds for legal action against
networks doing this.

> It was awful, and like I said before cable or home video the three
> networks would do all sort of things in the 70s. NBC was worse then ABC.

I don't live in America, but even though I could only imagine TV networks
editing films for offensive scenes or violence, sex and language, but to
actually reorganise an entire film, cutting in two and adding voice overs
just makes me sick.

Daniel Bolton

John Martin

Jan 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/25/99
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 01:51:13 -0700 (MST),

>Does anyone else remember this when they cut the film in two parts and
>had a voice over? It made me so mad.
>Never the less does anyone know how to get a VHS tape of it?

Someone posted this a few months ago:

This is his take on it:

>Tape 5-On Her Majesty’s Secret Service- 1st ABC Broadcast-Reedited with Voice over narration-Attrocious but fun!

he sells copies of tapes and stuff. I haven't bought/traded with him.
Anyone ever have?

John Martin

Jan 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/25/99
Thanks for the information.

Jan 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/25/99
If it makes you sick Daniel reading about it now, just think how it was
seeing it at the time. I told so many people to watch that night who had
never seen OHMSS before and had to get on the phone right after it was
over to explain what happen. Even then, I was not sure what happen. This
is one reason the big three networks started losing viewers when cable
TV came out.

Thanks to JGProductions for giving a detailed report, I could not have
done it better.

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
OHMSS aired in the last half of February 1976. It was sweeps month and ABC
was on a roll. This was the first time ever in it's history that ABC was
beating CBS and NBC in the ratings race. The big hit of the season was the
mini-series "Rich Man, Poor Man" and on Monday February 16th, OHMSS - part 1
premiered at 8pm and ended at 9:30pm. RMPM's latest episode came afterwards.
The following Monday, Feb 23, OHMSS - part 2 was shown.

Now, part one begins with the gunbarrel scene and fades into a close-up of
Bond placing his foot into one of the skis. A man's voice, (not Lazenby's)
begins to narrate by saying, "Bond, James Bond here of Her Majesty's Secret
Service" We then watch the entire ski chase progress with this inane
narration. My guess is that the person narrating is not British but just
imitating. The ski chase seques into Bond at the Winter Carnival being
chased through the chaotic crowds. We watch as he meets up with Tracy and
both escape in her red couger. This scene seques into the opening beach
scene with Bond chasing after Tracy on the road (the entire scene with M,Q
and Moneypenny was cut out). The movie follows in correct sequence until
after the credits. The credits end and we pick up with Bond being shot at by
Irma Bunt and her men at the phone booth. The narration continues as well.
The chase continues with Bond and Tracy eluding their enemies through the
snow covered roads. The scene fades again with the narrator mentioning how
Bond has become fond of Tracy's red Couger and we see Bond's Aston Martin
pulling up to the hotel. The movie continues in its original order until
Bond is forced by gunpoint by Draco's men to go for a ride. As the roof of
the convertible is being raised, the scene fades to Bond and Tracy being
chased into a stock car race. A few exciting moments of the stock car chase
and then the scene fades again to Draco's office and the movie continues
again in it's original format. There is one more interuption and this
happens after Bond and Tracy fall in love at Draco's birthday party. The
scene fades from the romantic interlude to the stock car chase one more time.
As soon as the chase is over the scene fades to Bond arriving at Gumbold's
office in Bern. After that, the rest of the film was shown in the original

Interesting, the first part of the ABC showing ends with Bond finding Ruby's
room number lipsticked on his thigh. In the original film, there is a
musical sting that sounds sexy but silly. In the ABC version, they used the
music sting when Blofeld introduced his hypnotic tapes. Then the scene is
interrupted by the ABC announcer who tells the audience that OHMSS will
continue next week but then shows a few highlighted scenes from the second
half. One of the scenes is the famous avalanche and Blofeld's smug look as
he realizes he has buried 007.

On February 23rd, ABC showed the second half of OHMSS and even used the
narrator's voiceover to show us what has happened in a montage of scenes
previously shown the week before. Fortunately, the narrator does not continue
after the short montage.

Now, you are probably wondering how I remember all of this? Well, since I am
one of those "obsessed" Bond fans, I use to record on audio tape all of the
Bond movies which came on ABC up until 1977. I just happen to still have in
my collection an audio copy of the first half of this "unique" version of

I hope this clears up any confusion and/or speculation to the existance of
this version.

Stuart Basinger
Dr. Shatterhand's Botanical Garden

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Dan Hartung

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:44:12 +1000, Daniel Bolton
<> wrote:
>> In 1978 or 79 in Bondage magazine they asked Cubby in a interview why he
>> allowed this and he said that it was news to him and he would look into
>> it. He must have finally stoped it.
>Eon didn't know? Surely they must have had grounds for legal action against
>networks doing this.

Alas, this sort of thing used to be very common. For instance, there
was nothing anyone could do about Ted Turner's plans to colorize many
black&white classics: he owned the rights, flat out. The Director's
Guild of America waged a fierce fight against it, resulting in
stronger protections in future contracts. This is why, for example,
you now see the notice "This film has been altered for broadcast. It
has been formatted to fit your TV." This, in particular, is a reaction
against pan&scan re-editing that is done to make widescreen movies fit
in a 4:3 television screen.

In 1996 the DGA approved a new standard contract that includes new
"Creative Rights provisions", such as "an historic Code of Preferred
Practices detailing basic creative rights guidelines for directors"
and the "Right of directors to edit versions of their films for
post-theatrical release."

Before this, it was literally at the whim of the studio -- or whoever
purchased the distribution or broadcast rights.

(I don't think it was the kind of thing that would make Broccoli, or
Peter Hunt, for that matter, get into an auteur snit. Remember, in
those days this was what you expected from TV presentation, and the
networks pretty much had no competition -- so you let them do it. Back
then, remember, there was *no* video market whatsoever! Once a movie
finished its theatrical run, aside from minor residuals from college
film festivals and so on, TV revenue was all that was left.)


Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
to (Dan Hartung) asked for a Vodka Martini,

shaken, not stirred, and added:

>:|I don't think it was the kind of thing that would make Broccoli, or

>:|Peter Hunt, for that matter, get into an auteur snit

Auteur snit???

I am just going to have to learn to bring that phrase into a
few conversations this month! Excellent!

**** /\/\/\/\+-+- Rhino -+-+/\/\/\/\ ****
**** ****
**** James Bond, Carry On Films, Prisoner ****
**** Hammer Horror, Trivia, Black Adder ****
**** John Wyndham, James Herbert, etc etc ****

You look a little peaky Mr Bond...
A herbal enema should fix you up!

Willard Whyte

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
thanks for the rundown stuart.

i would have loved to have seen this hacked version of ohmss, just to see
how badly re-arranged it was. does abc still have a copy that they could
duplicate onto tape for their viewers? wrote in article <78j9hs$oo8$>...

Jim Paul

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
I remember the on-air promos for this film quite clearly. ABC promoted
Telly Savalas (riding high at the time with "Kojak") with top billing. The
assault of ads during the '76 Winter Olympics was OHMSS promo
aired during every other commercial break, alongside "Rich Man, Poor Man."

To confuse audiences further, the announcer read "Meet the new 007!' and
cut to a closeup of Lazenby on the beach, uttering the "Bond, James Bond"
line. They never mentioned Lazenby's name. I remember many of my friends
wondering if Roger Moore had been replaced...remember this was a low point
in the Bond series, before the release of TSWLM.

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
Thanks to JGProductions and basinger for their reports. I guess I am not
the only who remembers this. I must admit, I am surprized at how many
responed to this subject.

Dan Hartung

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
On 26 Jan 1999 17:48:14 GMT, "Willard Whyte" <>

>thanks for the rundown stuart.
>i would have loved to have seen this hacked version of ohmss, just to see
>how badly re-arranged it was. does abc still have a copy that they could
>duplicate onto tape for their viewers?

Somebody posted in this thread that they had a copy ... check again

Dan Hartung

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:12:15 GMT, (Rhino) wrote:
> (Dan Hartung) asked for a Vodka Martini,
>shaken, not stirred, and added:
>>:|I don't think it was the kind of thing that would make Broccoli, or
>>:|Peter Hunt, for that matter, get into an auteur snit
>Auteur snit???
>I am just going to have to learn to bring that phrase into a
>few conversations this month! Excellent!

"We are going to have to implement this paradigm into the new revenue
structure, lest our team management descend into an auteur snit"

Willard Whyte

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
any chance of you getting a copy? wrote in article

Willard Whyte

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
yeah, he said he had it on audio tape.

Dan Hartung <> wrote in article

Dug Weir

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
How was it hacked and re-aranged. I have an awfull version from the
Brittish channel ITV. It was recorded in 1987. Their are rediculous bits
e.g. When Piz Gloria is being attacked by the copters their is one shot
of piz gloria showing no copters and no people running about but you can
here them. The shot looks out of place.


Jeffrey Westhoff

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
This was the first time I saw OHMSS, and I just assumed that's the way the
movie was. I was shocked (then happily surprised) when I finally saw it on
home video. wrote in message

Nate Pfeffer

Jan 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/28/99
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:40:11 +0000, Dug Weir <>

ABC showed it over two nights. It started out with the car chase on
the ice rink with a voice over by Lazenby that was totally inane.This
lasted several minutes and they cut to the start of the movie but I
believe they left out the opening scene on the beach.


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