11:28:25 [INFO] (LogSystemImpl:90) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 11:28:26 [DEBUG] (ZekrMain:106) - Display splash screen... 11:28:26 [INFO] (ZekrMain:90) - Configure runtime configurations... 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Initializing application configurations... 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Load Zekr configuration file. 11:28:26 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Load C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading keyboard shortcuts. 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading user keyboard shortcuts: C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/shortcut.xml 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Initialize keyboard shortcuts and mappings. 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading language pack files info 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default language pack is en_US 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Found these language packs: [res\lang\arabic.xml, res\lang\bengali.xml, res\lang\bosnian.xml, res\lang\bulgarian.xml, res\lang\chinese.xml, res\lang\dhivehi.xml, res\lang\dutch.xml, res\lang\english.xml, res\lang\french.xml, res\lang\german.xml, res\lang\hebrew.xml, res\lang\indonesian.xml, res\lang\kurdish.xml, res\lang\macedonian.xml, res\lang\malay.xml, res\lang\malayalam.xml, res\lang\pashto.xml, res\lang\persian.xml, res\lang\portuguese-br.xml, res\lang\russian.xml, res\lang\spanish.xml, res\lang\tamil-sr.xml, res\lang\tamil.xml, res\lang\tatar-tr.xml, res\lang\tatar.xml, res\lang\turkish.xml, res\lang\urdu.xml, res\lang\uyghur.xml, res\lang\uzbek.xml] 11:28:26 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:90) - Initializing language engine... 11:28:26 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:90) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default translation is: hi.hindi 11:28:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading translation files info from: res\text\trans 11:28:27 [INFO] (TranslationData:90) - Loading translation pack hi.hindi(hi_IN):(hi.hindi.trans.zip)... 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Verifying translation text. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation is valid 11:28:27 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:90) - Loading Quran properties... 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading base Quran properties: res/text/metadata/quran-properties.xml 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading sura names localization data: res/text/metadata/quran-properties-{1}.xml 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading localized Quran sura names from: quran-properties-en.xml 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Process sura data. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Process juz data. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Process sajda data. 11:28:27 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:90) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 11:28:27 [INFO] (TranslationData:148) - Translation pack hi.hindi(hi_IN):(hi.hindi.trans.zip) loaded successfully. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Loading translation "hi.hindi" took 220 ms. 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default translation is: hi.hindi(hi_IN):(hi.hindi.trans.zip) 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading translation files info from: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\text\trans 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Load custom translation list. 11:28:27 [INFO] (TranslationData:90) - Loading translation pack ur.jalandhry(ur_PK):(ur.jalandhry.trans.zip)... 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Verifying translation text. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation is valid 11:28:27 [INFO] (TranslationData:148) - Translation pack ur.jalandhry(ur_PK):(ur.jalandhry.trans.zip) loaded successfully. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Loading translation "ur.jalandhry" took 113 ms. 11:28:27 [INFO] (TranslationData:90) - Loading translation pack en.sahih(en_US):(en.sahih.trans.zip)... 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Verifying translation text. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation is valid 11:28:27 [INFO] (TranslationData:148) - Translation pack en.sahih(en_US):(en.sahih.trans.zip) loaded successfully. 11:28:27 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Loading translation "en.sahih" took 191 ms. 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading theme .properties files. 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading theme files info from "C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/theme 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading audio .properties files. 11:28:27 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading audio files info from: res\audio 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default recitation is: Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading audio files info from: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\audio 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Initialize player controller. 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default revelation package is: ibn-abbas 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading revelation data packs from: res\text\metadata 11:28:28 [INFO] (RevelationData:90) - Load revelation data pack: Abdullah-ibn Abbas:(ibn-abbas.revel.zip) 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (RevelationData:106) - Revelation pack is valid 11:28:28 [INFO] (RevelationData:148) - Revelation data pack loaded successfully: Abdullah-ibn Abbas:(ibn-abbas.revel.zip) 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (RevelationData:106) - Loading revelation pack "ibn-abbas" took 10 ms. 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default revelation data is: Abdullah-ibn Abbas:(ibn-abbas.revel.zip) 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default paging mode is: uthmani 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading paging data from: res\text\metadata 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default paging data is: uthmani [Not loaded] 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (CustomPagingData:106) - Loading paging data: res\text\metadata\uthmani.page.xml 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (CustomPagingData:106) - Process pagination data: Uthmani 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default paging data loaded successfully: Uthmani (604) 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Initialize network controller. 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Initialize view controller. 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Load search info... 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add stop words for: fa 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add stop words for: en 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add stop words for: tr 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: fa 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: ar 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: bs 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: en 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: tr 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: ru 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: fa 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: ar 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: ur 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: bs 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: en 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: tr 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add diacritics pattern for: fa 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add diacritics pattern for: ar 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add diacritics pattern for: ur 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add letters range pattern for: fa 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add letters range pattern for: ar 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add letters range pattern for: ur 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading Quran root word database... 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Took 178 ms. 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Application configurations initialized. 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 11:28:28 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 11:28:28 [DEBUG] (WindowsNativeKeyboardListener:106) - Registering super global shortcut for KeyboardAction [action=openHideMainWindow, global=false, suprtGlobal=true, key=327770, rtlKey=0, suppressOnModal=false, window=]: Ctrl+Alt+Z 11:28:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 6-14. 11:28:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 11:28:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to multi-trans 11:28:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:28:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 6-14 11:28:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 6-14 11:28:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:28:29 [INFO] (ZekrMain:90) - Startup took 4423 ms. 11:28:29 [INFO] (ZekrMain:102) - Memory info - used: 22,560 kb / total vm memory: 33,472 kb 11:28:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:28:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-1 11:28:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-1 11:28:40 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\293_ur.jalandhry-en.sahih.html 11:28:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:28:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 11:29:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:29:02 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 11:29:02 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 11:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 11:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 18-1. 11:29:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 11:29:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to multi-trans 11:29:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:29:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-1 11:29:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-1 11:29:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:29:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 11:29:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:29:08 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 11:29:08 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 11:29:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 18-1. 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to multi-trans 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-1 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-1 11:29:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:29:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:29:53 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: ghamdi-40kbps-offline, index: 0 11:29:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is -1. 11:29:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\audhubillah.mp3. 11:29:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:29:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018002.mp3. 11:29:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3. 11:30:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\bismillah.mp3. 11:30:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 3. 11:30:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:30:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018002.mp3. 11:30:04 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018002.mp3 11:30:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3. 11:30:04 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3 11:30:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:30:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018001.mp3. 11:30:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:30:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018002.mp3. 11:30:10 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018002.mp3 11:30:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3. 11:30:10 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3 11:30:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:30:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-2 11:30:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:30:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:30:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018002.mp3. 11:30:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:30:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3. 11:30:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3 11:30:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018004.mp3. 11:30:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:30:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-3 11:30:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:30:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:30:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018003.mp3. 11:30:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:30:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018004.mp3. 11:30:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018004.mp3 11:30:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018005.mp3. 11:30:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:30:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-4 11:30:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:30:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:30:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:30:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018004.mp3. 11:30:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:30:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018005.mp3. 11:30:52 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018005.mp3 11:30:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018006.mp3. 11:31:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:31:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-5 11:31:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-5 11:31:00 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\294_ur.jalandhry-en.sahih.html 11:31:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:31:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:31:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018005.mp3. 11:31:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:31:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018006.mp3. 11:31:00 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018006.mp3 11:31:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018007.mp3. 11:31:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:31:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-6 11:31:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:31:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:31:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018006.mp3. 11:31:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:31:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018007.mp3. 11:31:18 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018007.mp3 11:31:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018008.mp3. 11:31:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:31:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-7 11:31:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:31:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:31:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018007.mp3. 11:31:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:31:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018008.mp3. 11:31:32 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018008.mp3 11:31:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018009.mp3. 11:31:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:31:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-8 11:31:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:31:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:31:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018008.mp3. 11:31:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:31:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018009.mp3. 11:31:44 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018009.mp3 11:31:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018010.mp3. 11:31:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:31:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-9 11:31:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:31:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:31:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:31:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018009.mp3. 11:31:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:31:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018010.mp3. 11:31:54 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018010.mp3 11:31:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018011.mp3. 11:32:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:32:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-10 11:32:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:32:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:32:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018010.mp3. 11:32:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:32:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018011.mp3. 11:32:04 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018011.mp3 11:32:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018012.mp3. 11:32:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:32:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-11 11:32:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:32:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:32:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018011.mp3. 11:32:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:32:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018012.mp3. 11:32:25 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018012.mp3 11:32:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018013.mp3. 11:32:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:32:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-12 11:32:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:32:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:32:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018012.mp3. 11:32:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:32:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018013.mp3. 11:32:34 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018013.mp3 11:32:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018014.mp3. 11:32:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:32:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-13 11:32:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:32:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:32:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:32:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018013.mp3. 11:32:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:32:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018014.mp3. 11:32:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018014.mp3 11:32:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018015.mp3. 11:33:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:33:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:33:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-14 11:33:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:33:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:33:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:33:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018014.mp3. 11:33:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:33:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018015.mp3. 11:33:00 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018015.mp3 11:33:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018016.mp3. 11:33:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:33:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:33:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-15 11:33:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:33:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:33:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:33:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018015.mp3. 11:33:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:33:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018016.mp3. 11:33:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018016.mp3 11:33:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018017.mp3. 11:33:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:33:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:33:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-16 11:33:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-16 11:33:46 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\295_ur.jalandhry-en.sahih.html 11:33:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:33:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:33:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:33:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018016.mp3. 11:33:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:33:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018017.mp3. 11:33:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018017.mp3 11:33:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018018.mp3. 11:34:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:34:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:34:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-17 11:34:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:34:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:34:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:34:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018017.mp3. 11:34:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:34:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018018.mp3. 11:34:11 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018018.mp3 11:34:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018019.mp3. 11:34:27 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate view cache. 11:34:27 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate HTML cache directory. 11:34:27 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 11:34:27 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: print-style.css 11:34:27 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: screen-style.css 11:34:27 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: common-style.css 11:34:27 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 11:34:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:34:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-17 11:34:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-17 11:34:27 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\295_ur.jalandhry-en.sahih.html 11:34:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:34:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:34:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:34:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-18 11:34:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:34:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:34:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:34:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018018.mp3. 11:34:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:34:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018019.mp3. 11:34:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018019.mp3 11:34:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018020.mp3. 11:34:49 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: en.sahih 11:34:49 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: hi.hindi 11:34:49 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Unload previous selected translation which is not used anymore: ur.jalandhry(ur_PK):(ur.jalandhry.trans.zip) 11:34:49 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 11:34:49 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate view cache. 11:34:49 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate HTML cache directory. 11:34:49 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 11:34:49 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: print-style.css 11:34:49 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: screen-style.css 11:34:49 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: common-style.css 11:34:49 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 11:34:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:34:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-18 11:34:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-18 11:34:49 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\295_en.sahih-hi.hindi.html 11:34:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:34:59 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: hi.hindi 11:34:59 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: en.sahih 11:34:59 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 11:35:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate view cache. 11:35:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate HTML cache directory. 11:35:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 11:35:00 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: print-style.css 11:35:00 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: screen-style.css 11:35:00 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: common-style.css 11:35:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 11:35:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:35:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-18 11:35:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-18 11:35:00 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\295_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:35:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:35:02 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: hi.hindi 11:35:02 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: en.sahih 11:35:02 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 11:35:02 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate view cache. 11:35:02 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate HTML cache directory. 11:35:02 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 11:35:02 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: print-style.css 11:35:02 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: screen-style.css 11:35:02 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: common-style.css 11:35:02 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 11:35:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:35:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-18 11:35:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-18 11:35:02 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\295_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:35:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:35:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:35:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:35:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-19 11:35:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:35:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:35:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:35:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018019.mp3. 11:35:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:35:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018020.mp3. 11:35:15 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018020.mp3 11:35:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018021.mp3. 11:36:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:36:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:36:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-20 11:36:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:36:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:36:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:36:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018020.mp3. 11:36:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:36:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018021.mp3. 11:36:02 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018021.mp3 11:36:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018022.mp3. 11:36:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:36:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:36:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-21 11:36:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-21 11:36:18 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\296_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:36:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:36:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:36:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:36:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018021.mp3. 11:36:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:36:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018022.mp3. 11:36:18 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018022.mp3 11:36:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018023.mp3. 11:36:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:36:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:36:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-22 11:36:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:36:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:36:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:36:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018022.mp3. 11:36:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:36:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018023.mp3. 11:36:58 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018023.mp3 11:36:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018024.mp3. 11:37:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:37:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:37:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-23 11:37:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:37:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:37:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:37:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018023.mp3. 11:37:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:37:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018024.mp3. 11:37:40 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018024.mp3 11:37:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018025.mp3. 11:37:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:37:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:37:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-24 11:37:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:37:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:37:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:37:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018024.mp3. 11:37:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:37:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018025.mp3. 11:37:51 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018025.mp3 11:37:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018026.mp3. 11:38:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:38:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:38:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-25 11:38:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:38:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:38:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:38:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018025.mp3. 11:38:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:38:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018026.mp3. 11:38:13 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018026.mp3 11:38:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018027.mp3. 11:38:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:38:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:38:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-26 11:38:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:38:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:38:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:38:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018026.mp3. 11:38:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:38:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018027.mp3. 11:38:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018027.mp3 11:38:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018028.mp3. 11:38:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:38:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:38:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-27 11:38:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:38:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:38:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:38:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018027.mp3. 11:38:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:38:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018028.mp3. 11:38:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018028.mp3 11:38:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018029.mp3. 11:39:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:39:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:39:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-28 11:39:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-28 11:39:03 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\297_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:39:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:39:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:39:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:39:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018028.mp3. 11:39:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:39:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018029.mp3. 11:39:03 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018029.mp3 11:39:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018030.mp3. 11:39:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:39:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:39:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-29 11:39:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:39:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:39:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:39:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018029.mp3. 11:39:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:39:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018030.mp3. 11:39:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018030.mp3 11:39:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018031.mp3. 11:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:40:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:40:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-30 11:40:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018030.mp3. 11:40:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:40:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018031.mp3. 11:40:16 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018031.mp3 11:40:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018032.mp3. 11:40:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:40:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:40:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-31 11:40:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:40:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:40:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:40:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018031.mp3. 11:40:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:40:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018032.mp3. 11:40:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018032.mp3 11:40:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018033.mp3. 11:41:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:41:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:41:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-32 11:41:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:41:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:41:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:41:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018032.mp3. 11:41:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:41:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018033.mp3. 11:41:08 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018033.mp3 11:41:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018034.mp3. 11:41:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:41:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:41:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-33 11:41:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:41:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:41:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:41:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018033.mp3. 11:41:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:41:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018034.mp3. 11:41:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018034.mp3 11:41:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018035.mp3. 11:41:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:41:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:41:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-34 11:41:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:41:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:41:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:41:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018034.mp3. 11:41:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:41:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018035.mp3. 11:41:41 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018035.mp3 11:41:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018036.mp3. 11:42:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:42:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-35 11:42:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-35 11:42:01 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\298_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:42:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:42:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:42:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018035.mp3. 11:42:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:42:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018036.mp3. 11:42:01 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018036.mp3 11:42:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018037.mp3. 11:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:42:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-36 11:42:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018036.mp3. 11:42:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:42:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018037.mp3. 11:42:17 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018037.mp3 11:42:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018038.mp3. 11:42:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:42:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-37 11:42:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:42:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:42:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018037.mp3. 11:42:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:42:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018038.mp3. 11:42:34 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018038.mp3 11:42:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018039.mp3. 11:42:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:42:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-38 11:42:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:42:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:42:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:42:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018038.mp3. 11:42:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:42:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018039.mp3. 11:42:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018039.mp3 11:42:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018040.mp3. 11:43:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:43:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:43:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-39 11:43:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:43:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:43:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:43:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018039.mp3. 11:43:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:43:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018040.mp3. 11:43:08 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018040.mp3 11:43:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018041.mp3. 11:43:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:43:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:43:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-40 11:43:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:43:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:43:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:43:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018040.mp3. 11:43:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:43:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018041.mp3. 11:43:28 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018041.mp3 11:43:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018042.mp3. 11:43:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:43:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:43:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-41 11:43:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:43:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:43:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:43:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018041.mp3. 11:43:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:43:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018042.mp3. 11:43:51 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018042.mp3 11:43:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018043.mp3. 11:44:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:44:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-42 11:44:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:44:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:44:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018042.mp3. 11:44:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:44:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018043.mp3. 11:44:02 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018043.mp3 11:44:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018044.mp3. 11:44:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:44:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-43 11:44:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:44:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:44:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018043.mp3. 11:44:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:44:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018044.mp3. 11:44:25 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018044.mp3 11:44:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018045.mp3. 11:44:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:44:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-44 11:44:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:44:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:44:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018044.mp3. 11:44:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:44:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018045.mp3. 11:44:38 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018045.mp3 11:44:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018046.mp3. 11:44:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:44:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-45 11:44:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:44:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:44:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:44:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018045.mp3. 11:44:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:44:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018046.mp3. 11:44:51 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018046.mp3 11:44:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018047.mp3. 11:45:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:45:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:45:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-46 11:45:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-46 11:45:26 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\299_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:45:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:45:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:45:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:45:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018046.mp3. 11:45:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:45:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018047.mp3. 11:45:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018047.mp3 11:45:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018048.mp3. 11:45:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:45:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:45:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-47 11:45:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:45:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:45:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:45:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018047.mp3. 11:45:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:45:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018048.mp3. 11:45:44 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018048.mp3 11:45:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018049.mp3. 11:45:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:45:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:45:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-48 11:45:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:45:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:45:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:45:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018048.mp3. 11:45:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:45:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018049.mp3. 11:45:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018049.mp3 11:45:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018050.mp3. 11:46:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:46:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:46:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-49 11:46:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:46:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:46:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:46:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018049.mp3. 11:46:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:46:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018050.mp3. 11:46:16 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018050.mp3 11:46:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018051.mp3. 11:46:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:46:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:46:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-50 11:46:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:46:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:46:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:46:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018050.mp3. 11:46:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:46:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018051.mp3. 11:46:45 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018051.mp3 11:46:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018052.mp3. 11:47:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:47:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:47:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-51 11:47:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:47:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:47:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:47:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018051.mp3. 11:47:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:47:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018052.mp3. 11:47:15 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018052.mp3 11:47:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018053.mp3. 11:47:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:47:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:47:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-52 11:47:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:47:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:47:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:47:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018052.mp3. 11:47:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:47:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018053.mp3. 11:47:31 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018053.mp3 11:47:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018054.mp3. 11:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:47:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:47:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-53 11:47:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018053.mp3. 11:47:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:47:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018054.mp3. 11:47:52 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018054.mp3 11:47:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018055.mp3. 11:48:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:48:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:48:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-54 11:48:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-54 11:48:07 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\300_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:48:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:48:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:48:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:48:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018054.mp3. 11:48:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:48:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018055.mp3. 11:48:07 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018055.mp3 11:48:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018056.mp3. 11:48:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:48:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:48:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-55 11:48:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:48:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:48:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:48:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018055.mp3. 11:48:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:48:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018056.mp3. 11:48:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018056.mp3 11:48:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018057.mp3. 11:48:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:48:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:48:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-56 11:48:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:48:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:48:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:48:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018056.mp3. 11:48:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:48:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018057.mp3. 11:48:48 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018057.mp3 11:48:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018058.mp3. 11:49:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:49:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:49:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-57 11:49:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:49:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:49:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:49:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018057.mp3. 11:49:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:49:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018058.mp3. 11:49:13 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018058.mp3 11:49:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018059.mp3. 11:49:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:49:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:49:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-58 11:49:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:49:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:49:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:49:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018058.mp3. 11:49:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:49:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018059.mp3. 11:49:47 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018059.mp3 11:49:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018060.mp3. 11:50:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:50:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-59 11:50:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:50:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:50:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018059.mp3. 11:50:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:50:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018060.mp3. 11:50:07 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018060.mp3 11:50:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018061.mp3. 11:50:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:19 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:50:19 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-60 11:50:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:50:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:50:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018060.mp3. 11:50:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:50:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018061.mp3. 11:50:20 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018061.mp3 11:50:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018062.mp3. 11:50:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:50:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-61 11:50:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:50:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:50:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018061.mp3. 11:50:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:50:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018062.mp3. 11:50:33 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018062.mp3 11:50:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018063.mp3. 11:50:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:50:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-62 11:50:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-62 11:50:45 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\301_hi.hindi-en.sahih.html 11:50:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:50:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:50:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018062.mp3. 11:50:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:50:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018063.mp3. 11:50:45 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018063.mp3 11:50:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018064.mp3. 11:50:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:50:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-63 11:50:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:50:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:50:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:50:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018063.mp3. 11:51:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:51:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018064.mp3. 11:51:00 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018064.mp3 11:51:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018065.mp3. 11:51:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:51:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-64 11:51:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:51:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:51:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018064.mp3. 11:51:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:51:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018065.mp3. 11:51:20 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018065.mp3 11:51:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018066.mp3. 11:51:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:51:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-65 11:51:31 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:51:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:51:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018065.mp3. 11:51:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:51:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018066.mp3. 11:51:31 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018066.mp3 11:51:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018067.mp3. 11:51:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:51:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-66 11:51:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:51:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:51:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018066.mp3. 11:51:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:51:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018067.mp3. 11:51:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018067.mp3 11:51:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018068.mp3. 11:51:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 11:51:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-67 11:51:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 11:51:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 11:51:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 11:51:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018067.mp3. 11:51:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 11:51:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018068.mp3. 11:51:59 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018068.mp3 11:51:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018069.mp3. 13:02:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:02:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018067.mp3. 13:02:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:02:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018068.mp3. 13:02:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018068.mp3 13:02:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018069.mp3. 13:02:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018069.mp3 13:02:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:02:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:02:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-68 13:02:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:02:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:02:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:02:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018068.mp3. 13:02:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:02:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018069.mp3. 13:02:38 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018069.mp3 13:02:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018070.mp3. 13:02:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:02:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:02:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-69 13:02:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:02:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:02:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:02:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018069.mp3. 13:02:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:02:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018070.mp3. 13:02:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018070.mp3 13:02:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018071.mp3. 13:02:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:02:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:02:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-70 13:02:59 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:02:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:02:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:02:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018070.mp3. 13:02:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:02:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018071.mp3. 13:02:59 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018071.mp3 13:02:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018072.mp3. 13:03:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 13:03:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 1. 13:03:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:03:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-71 13:03:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:03:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:03:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018071.mp3. 13:03:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:03:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018072.mp3. 13:03:20 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018072.mp3 13:03:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018073.mp3. 13:03:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:03:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-72 13:03:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:03:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:03:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018072.mp3. 13:03:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:03:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018073.mp3. 13:03:38 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018073.mp3 13:03:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3. 13:03:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:03:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-73 13:03:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:03:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:03:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018073.mp3. 13:03:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:03:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3. 13:03:47 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3 13:03:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 13:03:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 13:03:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 13:03:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 13:03:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 13:03:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 13:03:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3. 13:03:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 13:03:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 13:03:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3 13:03:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 13:04:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 15:14:53 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to separate 15:14:53 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 15:14:53 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-74 15:14:53 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create simple Quran HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\quran\301.html 15:14:53 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 15:14:53 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create simple translation HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\trans\301_hi.hindi.html 15:15:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to mixed 15:15:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 15:15:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-74 15:15:27 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\301_hi.hindi.html 15:15:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to multi-trans 15:15:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 15:15:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-74 15:15:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to trans-only 15:15:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 15:15:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 15:16:14 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Change translation layout to block layout. 15:16:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 15:16:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 15:16:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 15:16:14 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create simple translation HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\trans\301_hi.hindi.html 15:16:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 15:18:27 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Change translation layout to line by line layout. 15:18:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 15:18:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 15:18:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 15:18:27 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create simple translation HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\trans\301_hi.hindi.html 15:18:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:42:27 [DEBUG] (MessageBoxUtils:106) - Files chosen: [C:\Users\Hamdaan\Downloads\walk-64kbps-offline.recit.zip] 17:42:30 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Adding recitation pack "walk-64kbps-offline.recit.zip" to res/audio 17:42:30 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add new recitation: C:\Users\Hamdaan\AppData\Local\Temp\1352472150532-recitation.properties 17:42:30 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Start uncompressing recitation: walk-64kbps-offline.recit.zip with size: 489 MB to res/audio. 17:44:35 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Uncompressing process done: walk-64kbps-offline.recit.zip 17:44:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:03:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:03:46 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: walk-64kbps-offline, index: 0 18:04:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:04:20 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: ghamdi-40kbps-offline, index: 0 18:04:24 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: ghamdi-40kbps-offline, index: 1 18:04:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 18:04:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:04:24 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 18:04:24 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 18:04:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 18:04:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 18-74. 18:04:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 18:04:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to trans-only 18:04:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:04:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 18:04:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 18:04:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:04:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:05:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Remove selected recitation from index: 1, id: ghamdi-40kbps-offline 18:05:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 18:05:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:05:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 18:05:26 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 18:05:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 18-74. 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to trans-only 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 18:05:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:05:33 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: ghamdi-40kbps-offline, index: 1 18:05:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 18:05:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:05:33 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 18:05:33 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 18:05:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 18:05:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 18-74. 18:05:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 18:05:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to trans-only 18:05:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:05:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 18:05:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set translation location to 18-74 18:05:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:05:51 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: walk-64kbps-offline, index: 1 18:05:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:05:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3. 18:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3. 18:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 18:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:06:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:06:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018074.mp3. 18:06:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:06:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 18:06:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:06:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to mixed 18:06:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-74 18:06:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-74 18:06:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:06:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-75 18:06:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-75 18:06:29 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\302_hi.hindi.html 18:06:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:06:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:06:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 18:06:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:06:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 18:06:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3 18:06:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:06:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:06:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:06:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018075.mp3. 18:06:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:06:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:06:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:06:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:06:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-76 18:06:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:06:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:06:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:06:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:06:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:06:47 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3 18:06:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:06:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:07:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:07:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018076.mp3. 18:07:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:07:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:07:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:07:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:07:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-77 18:07:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:07:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:07:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:07:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:07:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:07:14 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3 18:07:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:07:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:07:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:07:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018077.mp3. 18:07:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:07:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:07:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:08:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:08:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-78 18:08:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:08:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:08:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:08:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:08:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:08:04 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3 18:08:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:08:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:08:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:08:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018078.mp3. 18:08:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:08:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:08:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:08:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:08:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-79 18:08:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:08:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:08:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:08:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:08:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:08:28 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3 18:08:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:08:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:08:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:08:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018079.mp3. 18:08:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:08:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:08:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:09:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:09:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-80 18:09:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:09:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:09:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:09:00 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3 18:09:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:09:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:09:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018080.mp3. 18:09:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:09:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:09:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:09:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-81 18:09:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:09:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:09:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:09:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3 18:09:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:09:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:09:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018081.mp3. 18:09:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:09:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:09:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:09:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-82 18:09:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:09:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:09:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:09:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3 18:09:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:09:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:10:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:10:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:10:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018082.mp3. 18:10:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:10:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:10:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:10:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:10:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:10:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-83 18:10:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:10:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:10:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:10:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:10:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:10:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:10:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3 18:10:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:10:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018083.mp3. 18:11:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:11:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:11:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-84 18:11:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-84 18:11:20 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\303_hi.hindi.html 18:11:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:11:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:11:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:11:20 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3 18:11:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:11:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018084.mp3. 18:11:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:11:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:11:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-85 18:11:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:11:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:40 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3 18:11:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:11:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:11:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018085.mp3. 18:11:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:11:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:11:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:11:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-86 18:11:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:11:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:11:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:11:47 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3 18:11:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:11:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:12:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:12:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018086.mp3. 18:12:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:12:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:12:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:12:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:12:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-87 18:12:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:12:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:12:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:12:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:12:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:12:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3 18:12:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:12:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:12:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:12:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018087.mp3. 18:12:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:12:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:12:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:13:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:13:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-88 18:13:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:13:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:13:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:13:01 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3 18:13:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:13:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018088.mp3. 18:13:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:13:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:13:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-89 18:13:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:13:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:13:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:13:27 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3 18:13:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:13:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018089.mp3. 18:13:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:13:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:13:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-90 18:13:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:13:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3 18:13:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:13:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:13:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018090.mp3. 18:13:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:13:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:14:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:14:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-91 18:14:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:14:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:14:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:14:00 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3 18:14:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:14:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018091.mp3. 18:14:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:14:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:14:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-92 18:14:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:14:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:14:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:14:13 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3 18:14:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:14:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018092.mp3. 18:14:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:14:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:14:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-93 18:14:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:14:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:21 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3 18:14:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:14:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:14:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018093.mp3. 18:14:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:14:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:14:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:14:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-94 18:14:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:14:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:14:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:14:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3 18:14:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:14:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:15:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:15:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018094.mp3. 18:15:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:15:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:15:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:15:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:15:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-95 18:15:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:15:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:15:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:15:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:15:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:15:24 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3 18:15:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:15:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:15:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:15:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018095.mp3. 18:15:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:15:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:15:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:15:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:15:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-96 18:15:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:15:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:15:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:15:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:15:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:15:50 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3 18:15:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:15:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:16:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:16:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018096.mp3. 18:16:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:16:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:16:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:16:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:16:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-97 18:16:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:16:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:16:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:16:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:16:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:16:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3 18:16:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:16:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:16:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:16:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018097.mp3. 18:16:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:16:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:16:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:16:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:16:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-98 18:16:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 18-98 18:16:46 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\304_hi.hindi.html 18:16:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:16:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:16:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:16:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:16:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:16:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3 18:16:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:16:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:17:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018098.mp3. 18:17:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:17:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:17:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:17:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-99 18:17:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:17:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:17:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:17:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:17:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:17:15 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3 18:17:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:17:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:17:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018099.mp3. 18:17:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:17:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:17:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:37 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:17:37 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-100 18:17:37 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:17:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:17:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:17:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:37 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3 18:17:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:17:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:17:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:17:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018100.mp3. 18:17:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:17:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:17:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:17:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:17:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-101 18:17:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:17:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:17:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:17:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:17:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:17:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:17:51 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3 18:17:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:17:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:18:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018101.mp3. 18:18:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:18:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:18:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:18:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-102 18:18:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:18:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:18:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:18:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:18:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:18:11 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3 18:18:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:18:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:18:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018102.mp3. 18:18:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:18:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:18:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:18:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-103 18:18:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:18:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:18:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:18:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:49 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3 18:18:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:18:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:18:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:18:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:18:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018103.mp3. 18:18:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:18:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:18:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:19:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:19:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-104 18:19:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:19:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:19:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:19:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:19:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:19:05 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3 18:19:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:19:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:19:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:19:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018104.mp3. 18:19:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:19:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:19:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:19:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:19:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-105 18:19:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:19:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:19:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:19:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:19:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:19:25 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3 18:19:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:19:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:19:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:19:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018105.mp3. 18:19:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:19:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:19:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:19:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:19:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-106 18:19:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:19:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:19:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:19:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:19:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:19:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:19:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3 18:19:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:19:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:20:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018106.mp3. 18:20:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:20:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:20:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:20:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-107 18:20:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:20:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:20:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:20:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:20:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:20:21 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3 18:20:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:20:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:20:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018107.mp3. 18:20:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:20:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:20:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:20:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-108 18:20:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:20:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:20:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:20:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:43 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3 18:20:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:20:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:20:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:20:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018108.mp3. 18:20:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:20:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:20:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:20:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:20:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-109 18:20:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:20:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:20:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:20:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:20:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:20:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:20:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3 18:20:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:20:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:21:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:21:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:21:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018109.mp3. 18:21:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:21:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:21:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:21:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:21:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 18-110 18:21:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:21:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3 18:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:21:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:22:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\018\018110.mp3. 18:22:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:22:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:22:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:22 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:22:22 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-1 18:22:22 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-1 18:22:22 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\305_hi.hindi.html 18:22:22 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:22:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:22:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:22:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:22:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:22:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3 18:22:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:22:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\bismillah.mp3. 18:22:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 3. 18:22:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:22:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:22:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:22:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019001.mp3. 18:22:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:22:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:43 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3 18:22:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:22:43 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3 18:22:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:22:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-2 18:22:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:22:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:22:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:22:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:51 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3 18:22:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:22:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:22:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:22:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:22:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019002.mp3. 18:22:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:22:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:22:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:23:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:23:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-3 18:23:04 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:23:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:23:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:23:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:23:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:23:04 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3 18:23:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:23:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:23:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:23:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019003.mp3. 18:23:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:23:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:23:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:23:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:23:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-4 18:23:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:23:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:23:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:23:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:23:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:23:17 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3 18:23:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:23:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:23:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:23:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019004.mp3. 18:23:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:23:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:23:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:23:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:23:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-5 18:23:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:23:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:23:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:23:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:23:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:23:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:23:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3 18:23:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:23:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:24:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019005.mp3. 18:24:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:24:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:24:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:24:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-6 18:24:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:24:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:24:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:24:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:24:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:24:12 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3 18:24:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:24:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:24:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019006.mp3. 18:24:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:24:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:24:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:24:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-7 18:24:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:24:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:24:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:24:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3 18:24:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:24:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:24:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:24:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019007.mp3. 18:24:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:24:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:24:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:24:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:24:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-8 18:24:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:24:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:24:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:24:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:24:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:24:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:24:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3 18:24:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:24:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:25:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:25:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:25:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019008.mp3. 18:25:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:25:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:25:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:25:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:25:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:25:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-9 18:25:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:25:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:25:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:25:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:25:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:25:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:25:21 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3 18:25:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:25:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:25:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:25:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:25:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019009.mp3. 18:25:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:25:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:25:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:25:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:25:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:25:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-10 18:25:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:25:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:25:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:25:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:25:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:25:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:25:47 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3 18:25:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:25:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:26:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019010.mp3. 18:26:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:26:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:26:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:26:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-11 18:26:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:26:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:26:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:26:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:26:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:26:15 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3 18:26:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:26:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:26:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019011.mp3. 18:26:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:26:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:26:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:26:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-12 18:26:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-12 18:26:40 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\306_hi.hindi.html 18:26:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:26:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:26:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:26:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:40 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3 18:26:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:26:40 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:26:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:26:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:26:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019012.mp3. 18:26:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:26:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:26:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:27:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:27:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-13 18:27:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:27:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:27:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:27:00 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3 18:27:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:27:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019013.mp3. 18:27:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:27:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:27:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-14 18:27:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:27:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:27:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:27:15 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3 18:27:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:27:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019014.mp3. 18:27:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:27:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-15 18:27:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:32 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3 18:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:27:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019015.mp3. 18:27:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:27:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:27:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:27:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-16 18:27:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:27:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:27:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:27:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:27:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:27:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:27:50 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3 18:27:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:27:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:28:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019016.mp3. 18:28:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:28:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:28:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:28:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-17 18:28:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:28:12 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3 18:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:28:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:28:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019017.mp3. 18:28:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:28:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:28:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:28:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-18 18:28:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:28:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:28:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:28:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:39 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3 18:28:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:28:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:28:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:28:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:28:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019018.mp3. 18:28:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:28:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:28:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:29:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:29:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-19 18:29:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:29:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:29:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:29:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:29:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:29:01 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3 18:29:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:29:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:29:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019019.mp3. 18:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:29:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-20 18:29:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:29:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:29:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:29:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:29:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:29:20 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3 18:29:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:29:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:29:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019020.mp3. 18:29:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:29:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:29:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:29:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-21 18:29:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:29:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:29:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:29:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:39 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3 18:29:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:29:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:29:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:29:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:29:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019021.mp3. 18:29:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:29:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:29:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:30:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-22 18:30:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:30:13 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3 18:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:30:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:30:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019022.mp3. 18:30:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:30:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:30:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:30:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-23 18:30:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:30:27 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3 18:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:30:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 2. 18:30:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:30:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019023.mp3. 18:30:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:30:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:30:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:30:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:30:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-24 18:30:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:30:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:30:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:30:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:30:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:30:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:30:58 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3 18:30:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:30:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:30:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 18:33:27 [DEBUG] (MessageBoxUtils:106) - Files chosen: [C:\Users\Hamdaan\Downloads\husary-40kbps-offline.recit.zip] 18:33:30 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Adding recitation pack "husary-40kbps-offline.recit.zip" to res/audio 18:33:30 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add new recitation: C:\Users\Hamdaan\AppData\Local\Temp\1352475210797-recitation.properties 18:33:30 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Start uncompressing recitation: husary-40kbps-offline.recit.zip with size: 715 MB to res/audio. 18:35:07 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Uncompressing process done: husary-40kbps-offline.recit.zip 18:35:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:40:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:40:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:40:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:40:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:40:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:40:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019024.mp3. 18:40:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:40:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:40:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:40:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:40:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-25 18:40:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:40:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:40:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:40:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:40:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:40:25 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3 18:40:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:40:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:40:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:40:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019025.mp3. 18:40:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:40:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:40:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:40:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:40:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-26 18:40:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-26 18:40:45 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\307_hi.hindi.html 18:40:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:40:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:40:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:40:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:40:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:40:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:40:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3 18:40:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:40:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:41:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019026.mp3. 18:41:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:41:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:41:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:41:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-27 18:41:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:41:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:41:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:41:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:41:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:41:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3 18:41:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:41:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:41:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019027.mp3. 18:41:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:41:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:41:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:41:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-28 18:41:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:41:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:41:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:41:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3 18:41:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:41:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:41:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:41:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:41:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019028.mp3. 18:41:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:41:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:41:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:42:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:42:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-29 18:42:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:42:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:42:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:42:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:42:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:42:06 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3 18:42:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:42:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:42:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019029.mp3. 18:42:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:42:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:42:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:42:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-30 18:42:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:42:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:42:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:42:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:42:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:42:27 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3 18:42:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:42:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:42:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019030.mp3. 18:42:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:42:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:42:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:42:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-31 18:42:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:42:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:42:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:42:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3 18:42:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:42:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:42:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:42:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:42:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019031.mp3. 18:42:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:42:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:42:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:43:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:10 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:43:10 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-32 18:43:10 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:43:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:43:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:43:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:43:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:43:10 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3 18:43:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:43:10 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:43:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019032.mp3. 18:43:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:43:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:43:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:43:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-33 18:43:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:43:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:43:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:43:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:43:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:43:27 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3 18:43:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:43:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:43:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019033.mp3. 18:43:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:43:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:43:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:43:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-34 18:43:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:43:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:43:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:43:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:44 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3 18:43:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:43:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:43:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:43:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:43:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019034.mp3. 18:43:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:43:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:43:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:44:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:44:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-35 18:44:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:44:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:44:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:44:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:44:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:44:03 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3 18:44:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:44:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:44:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:44:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019035.mp3. 18:44:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:44:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:44:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:44:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-36 18:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:44:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:44:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:44:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:44:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:44:34 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3 18:44:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:44:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:44:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:44:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019036.mp3. 18:44:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:44:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:44:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:44:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:44:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-37 18:44:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:44:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:44:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:44:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:44:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:44:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:44:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3 18:44:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:44:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:45:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019037.mp3. 18:45:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:45:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:45:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:45:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-38 18:45:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:45:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:45:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:45:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:45:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:45:21 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3 18:45:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:45:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:45:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019038.mp3. 18:45:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:45:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:45:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:45:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-39 18:45:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-39 18:45:43 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\308_hi.hindi.html 18:45:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:45:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:45:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:45:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:43 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3 18:45:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:45:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:45:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:45:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:45:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019039.mp3. 18:45:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:45:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:45:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:46:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:46:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-40 18:46:08 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:46:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:46:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:46:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:46:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:46:08 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3 18:46:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:46:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:46:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019040.mp3. 18:46:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:46:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:46:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:46:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-41 18:46:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:46:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:46:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:46:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:46:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:46:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3 18:46:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:46:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:46:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019041.mp3. 18:46:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:46:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:46:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:46:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-42 18:46:44 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:46:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:46:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:46:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:44 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3 18:46:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:46:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:46:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:46:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:46:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019042.mp3. 18:46:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:46:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:46:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:47:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:47:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:47:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-43 18:47:09 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:47:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:47:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:47:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:47:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:47:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:47:09 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3 18:47:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:47:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:47:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:47:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:47:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019043.mp3. 18:47:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:47:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:47:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:47:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:47:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:47:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-44 18:47:41 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:47:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:47:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:47:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:47:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:47:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:47:41 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3 18:47:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:47:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:47:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019044.mp3. 18:47:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:47:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:47:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:48:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:48:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-45 18:48:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:48:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:48:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:48:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:48:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:48:02 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3 18:48:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:48:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:48:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:48:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019045.mp3. 18:48:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:48:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:48:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:48:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:48:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-46 18:48:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:48:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:48:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:48:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:48:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:48:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3 18:48:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:48:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:48:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:48:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019046.mp3. 18:48:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:48:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:48:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:48:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:48:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-47 18:48:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:48:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:48:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:48:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:48:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:48:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:48:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3 18:48:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:48:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:49:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:49:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:49:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019047.mp3. 18:49:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:49:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:49:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:49:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:49:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:49:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-48 18:49:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:49:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:49:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:49:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:49:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:49:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:49:21 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3 18:49:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:49:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:49:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:49:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:49:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019048.mp3. 18:49:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:49:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:49:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:49:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:49:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:49:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-49 18:49:50 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:49:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:49:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:49:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:49:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:49:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:49:50 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3 18:49:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:49:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:50:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019049.mp3. 18:50:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:50:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:50:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:50:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-50 18:50:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:50:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:50:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:50:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:50:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:50:17 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3 18:50:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:50:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:50:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019050.mp3. 18:50:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:50:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:50:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:50:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-51 18:50:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:50:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:50:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:50:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:34 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3 18:50:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:50:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:50:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:50:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019051.mp3. 18:50:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:50:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:50:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:50:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:50:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-52 18:50:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-52 18:50:56 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\309_hi.hindi.html 18:50:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:50:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:50:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:50:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:50:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:50:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:50:56 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3 18:50:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:50:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:04 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019052.mp3. 18:51:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:51:04 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:51:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-53 18:51:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:51:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:51:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:51:12 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3 18:51:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019053.mp3. 18:51:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:51:25 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-54 18:51:26 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:51:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3 18:51:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:51:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019054.mp3. 18:51:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:51:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:51:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-55 18:51:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:51:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:48 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3 18:51:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:51:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:51:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:51:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:51:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019055.mp3. 18:51:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:51:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:51:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:52:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:52:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-56 18:52:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:52:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:52:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:52:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:52:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:52:07 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3 18:52:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:52:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:52:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:52:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019056.mp3. 18:52:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:52:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:52:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:52:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:52:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-57 18:52:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:52:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:52:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:52:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:52:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:52:24 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3 18:52:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:52:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:52:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:52:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019057.mp3. 18:52:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:52:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:52:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:52:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:52:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-58 18:52:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:52:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:52:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:52:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:52:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:52:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:52:33 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3 18:52:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:52:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:53:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:53:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:53:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019058.mp3. 18:53:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:53:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:53:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:53:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:53:36 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:53:36 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-59 18:53:36 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:53:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:53:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:53:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:53:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:53:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:53:36 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3 18:53:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:53:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:53:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:53:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:53:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019059.mp3. 18:53:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:53:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:53:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:53:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:53:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:53:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-60 18:53:57 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:53:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:53:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:53:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:53:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:53:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:53:57 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3 18:53:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:53:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:54:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:54:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:54:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019060.mp3. 18:54:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:54:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:54:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:54:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:54:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:54:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-61 18:54:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:54:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:54:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:54:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:54:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:54:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:54:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3 18:54:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:54:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:54:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:54:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:54:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019061.mp3. 18:54:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:54:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:54:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:54:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:54:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:54:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-62 18:54:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:54:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:54:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:54:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:54:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:54:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:54:49 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3 18:54:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:54:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:55:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019062.mp3. 18:55:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:55:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:55:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:55:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-63 18:55:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:55:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:55:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:55:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:55:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:55:14 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3 18:55:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:55:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:55:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019063.mp3. 18:55:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:55:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:55:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:55:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-64 18:55:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:55:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:55:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:55:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:32 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3 18:55:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:55:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:55:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:55:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:55:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019064.mp3. 18:55:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:55:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:55:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:56:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:56:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-65 18:56:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-65 18:56:03 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\310_hi.hindi.html 18:56:03 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:56:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:56:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:56:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:56:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:56:03 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3 18:56:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:56:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:56:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019065.mp3. 18:56:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:56:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:56:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:56:28 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-66 18:56:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:56:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:56:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:56:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:56:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:56:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3 18:56:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:56:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:56:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019066.mp3. 18:56:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:56:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:56:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:56:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-67 18:56:46 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:56:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:56:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:56:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:46 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3 18:56:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:56:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:56:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:56:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:56:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019067.mp3. 18:56:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:56:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:56:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:57:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:57:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-68 18:57:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:57:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:57:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:57:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:57:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:57:05 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3 18:57:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:57:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:57:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019068.mp3. 18:57:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:57:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:57:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:57:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-69 18:57:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:57:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:57:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:57:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:57:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:57:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3 18:57:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:57:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:57:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019069.mp3. 18:57:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:57:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:57:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:57:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-70 18:57:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:57:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:57:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:57:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:51 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3 18:57:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:57:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:57:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:57:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:57:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019070.mp3. 18:57:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:57:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:57:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:58:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:58:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-71 18:58:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:58:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:58:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:58:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:58:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:58:07 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3 18:58:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:58:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:58:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:58:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019071.mp3. 18:58:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:58:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:58:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:58:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:58:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-72 18:58:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:58:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:58:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:58:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:58:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:58:32 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3 18:58:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:58:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:58:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:58:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019072.mp3. 18:58:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:58:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:58:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:58:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:58:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-73 18:58:49 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:58:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:58:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:58:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:58:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:58:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:58:49 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3 18:58:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:58:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 18:59:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:59:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:59:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019073.mp3. 18:59:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:59:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:59:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 18:59:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:59:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:59:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-74 18:59:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:59:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:59:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:59:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:59:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:59:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:59:23 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3 18:59:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 18:59:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 18:59:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:59:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:59:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019074.mp3. 18:59:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:59:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 18:59:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 18:59:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:59:42 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:59:42 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-75 18:59:42 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:59:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:59:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:59:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 18:59:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:59:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 18:59:42 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3 18:59:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 18:59:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:00:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:00:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:00:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019075.mp3. 19:00:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:00:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 19:00:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:00:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:00:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:00:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-76 19:00:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:00:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:00:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:00:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 19:00:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:00:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 19:00:45 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3 19:00:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:00:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019076.mp3. 19:01:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:01:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:01:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-77 19:01:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-77 19:01:13 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\311_hi.hindi.html 19:01:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:01:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:01:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:01:13 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3 19:01:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019077.mp3. 19:01:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:01:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-78 19:01:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:01:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:33 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:33 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3 19:01:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:33 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:01:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019078.mp3. 19:01:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:01:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:01:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-79 19:01:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:01:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:48 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3 19:01:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:01:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:01:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:01:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:01:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019079.mp3. 19:01:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:01:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:01:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:02:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:02:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-80 19:02:05 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:02:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:02:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:02:05 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3 19:02:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:02:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019080.mp3. 19:02:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:02:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:02:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-81 19:02:20 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:02:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:02:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:02:20 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3 19:02:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:02:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019081.mp3. 19:02:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:02:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:02:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-82 19:02:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:02:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3 19:02:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:02:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:02:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019082.mp3. 19:02:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:02:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:02:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:02:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-83 19:02:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:02:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:02:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:02:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:02:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:02:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:02:54 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3 19:02:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:02:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019083.mp3. 19:03:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:03:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:03:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-84 19:03:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:03:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:03:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:03:15 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3 19:03:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019084.mp3. 19:03:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:03:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-85 19:03:30 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:03:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3 19:03:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:03:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019085.mp3. 19:03:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:03:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:03:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-86 19:03:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:03:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:45 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3 19:03:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:03:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:03:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019086.mp3. 19:03:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:03:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:03:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:03:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-87 19:03:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:03:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:03:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:03:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:03:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:03:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:03:58 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3 19:03:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:03:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019087.mp3. 19:04:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:04:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:04:15 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-88 19:04:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:04:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:04:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:04:16 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3 19:04:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:16 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019088.mp3. 19:04:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:04:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-89 19:04:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:04:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:27 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3 19:04:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:04:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019089.mp3. 19:04:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:04:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:04:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-90 19:04:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:04:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3 19:04:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:04:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:04:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:46 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019090.mp3. 19:04:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:04:46 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:04:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:55 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:04:55 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-91 19:04:55 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:04:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:04:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:04:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:04:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:04:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:04:55 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3 19:04:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:04:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019091.mp3. 19:05:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:05:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:05:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-92 19:05:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:05:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:05:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:05:06 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3 19:05:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:14 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019092.mp3. 19:05:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:14 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:05:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-93 19:05:21 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:05:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:22 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3 19:05:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:05:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019093.mp3. 19:05:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:05:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:42 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:05:42 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-94 19:05:42 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:05:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:42 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3 19:05:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:05:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:05:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019094.mp3. 19:05:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:05:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:05:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:05:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-95 19:05:54 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:05:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:05:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:05:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:05:54 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3 19:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:05:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3. 19:06:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:06:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:06:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019095.mp3. 19:06:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:06:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:06:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3. 19:06:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:06:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:06:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-96 19:06:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-96 19:06:06 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\312_hi.hindi.html 19:06:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:06:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:06:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:06:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:06:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:06:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:06:07 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3 19:06:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3. 19:06:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019098.mp3. 19:06:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:06:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:06:15 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019096.mp3. 19:06:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:06:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3. 19:06:15 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019098.mp3. 19:06:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:06:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 19:06:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-97 19:06:24 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 19:06:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 19:06:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 19:06:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3. 19:06:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 19:06:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3. 19:06:24 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\019\019097.mp3 19:06:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\019\019098.mp3. 19:06:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\020\020001.mp3. 19:06:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 20:09:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 20:09:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 20:09:39 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 20:09:39 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 20:09:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 19-97. 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to mixed 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-97 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-97 20:09:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 20:11:51 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Update general model. 20:11:51 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Update view model. 20:11:51 [INFO] (OptionsForm:90) - Table is not changed! 20:11:51 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Store configuration changes to disk. 20:11:51 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 20:11:57 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Update general model. 20:11:57 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Update view model. 20:11:57 [INFO] (OptionsForm:90) - Table is not changed! 20:11:57 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Store configuration changes to disk. 20:11:57 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 20:12:00 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Update general model. 20:12:00 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Update view model. 20:12:00 [INFO] (OptionsForm:90) - Table is not changed! 20:12:00 [INFO] (OptionsForm:148) - Store configuration changes to disk. 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set current language to en_US 20:12:00 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:90) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 20:12:00 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Update localized sura names if available. 20:12:00 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading localized Quran sura names from: quran-properties-en.xml 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set current theme to sky 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate view cache. 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Recreate HTML cache directory. 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 20:12:00 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: print-style.css 20:12:00 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: screen-style.css 20:12:00 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:106) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: common-style.css 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 20:12:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 20:12:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 20:12:00 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 20:12:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 20:12:00 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 19-97. 20:12:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 20:12:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to mixed 20:12:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 20:12:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-97 20:12:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-97 20:12:01 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\312_hi.hindi.html 20:12:01 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 20:12:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Recreating Quran form... 20:12:16 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 20:12:16 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 20:12:16 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 20:12:16 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 19-97. 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to mixed 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 19-97 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 19-97 20:12:17 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 22:03:39 [DEBUG] (MessageBoxUtils:106) - Files chosen: [C:\Users\Hamdaan\Downloads\sudais-64kbps-offline.recit.zip] 22:03:41 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Adding recitation pack "sudais-64kbps-offline.recit.zip" to res/audio 22:03:41 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add new recitation: C:\Users\Hamdaan\AppData\Local\Temp\1352487821403-recitation.properties 22:03:41 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Start uncompressing recitation: sudais-64kbps-offline.recit.zip with size: 573 MB to res/audio. 22:04:47 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Uncompressing process done: sudais-64kbps-offline.recit.zip 22:04:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 22:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-1 22:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 29-1 22:29:02 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\396_hi.hindi.html 22:29:02 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 22:29:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:29:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029001.mp3. 22:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029001.mp3. 22:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3. 22:29:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\bismillah.mp3. 22:29:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 3. 22:29:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:29:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3. 22:29:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:29:30 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029001.mp3. 22:29:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:29:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3. 22:29:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3 22:29:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:30 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3 22:29:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 22:29:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-2 22:29:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 22:29:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:29:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3. 22:29:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:29:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3. 22:29:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3 22:29:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:29:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:29:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029002.mp3. 22:29:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:29:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:29:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 22:29:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-3 22:29:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 22:29:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:29:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:29:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:29:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:29:58 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3 22:29:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:29:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:30:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029003.mp3. 22:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:30:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 22:30:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-4 22:30:27 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 22:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:30:27 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:30:27 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3 22:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:30:27 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029006.mp3. 22:30:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 22:30:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:30:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:30:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029004.mp3. 22:30:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:30:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:30:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029006.mp3. 22:30:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:30:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 22:30:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-5 22:30:48 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 22:30:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:30:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:30:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:30:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:30:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:30:48 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3 22:30:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029006.mp3. 22:30:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029007.mp3. 22:31:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 22:31:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 22:31:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029005.mp3. 22:31:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 22:31:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029006.mp3. 22:31:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029007.mp3. 22:31:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 15:31:41 [DEBUG] (MessageBoxUtils:106) - Files chosen: [C:\Users\Hamdaan\Downloads\shuraim-64kbps-offline.recit.zip] 15:31:44 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Adding recitation pack "shuraim-64kbps-offline.recit.zip" to res/audio 15:31:44 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add new recitation: C:\Users\Hamdaan\AppData\Local\Temp\1352550704460-recitation.properties 15:31:44 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Start uncompressing recitation: shuraim-64kbps-offline.recit.zip with size: 495 MB to res/audio. 15:32:35 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Uncompressing process done: shuraim-64kbps-offline.recit.zip 15:32:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:53:40 [DEBUG] (MessageBoxUtils:106) - Files chosen: [C:\Users\Hamdaan\Downloads\abdulbasit-48kbps-offline.recit.zip] 23:53:44 [INFO] (QuranFormMenuFactory:90) - Adding recitation pack "abdulbasit-48kbps-offline.recit.zip" to res/audio 23:53:44 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add new recitation: C:\Users\Hamdaan\AppData\Local\Temp\1352753624882-recitation.properties 23:53:45 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Start uncompressing recitation: abdulbasit-48kbps-offline.recit.zip with size: 627 MB to res/audio. 23:56:25 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Uncompressing process done: abdulbasit-48kbps-offline.recit.zip 23:56:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:22:35 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 23:22:36 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-39 23:22:36 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 29-39 23:22:36 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\401_hi.hindi.html 23:22:38 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 23:22:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:23:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:23:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:24:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:24:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:24:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:24:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:24:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:24:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:24:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:24:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:24:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:24:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:24:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:24:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:24:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:24:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:25:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:25:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:25:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:25:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:25:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:25:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:25:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:25:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:25:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:25:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:25:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:25:19 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 23:25:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:25:19 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 23:25:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:25:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:25:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 23:25:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:25:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:25:37 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 23:25:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:25:37 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 23:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:25:55 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 23:25:55 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-40 23:25:55 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 23:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:25:55 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 23:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 23:26:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:26:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:26:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:26:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:26:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:26:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:26:31 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 23:27:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 23:27:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 23:27:08 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:27:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 23:27:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 23:27:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 23:27:08 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 23:27:31 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 16:08:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:08:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-39 16:08:40 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:08:40 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:20:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:20:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 16:20:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:20:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 16:20:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:20:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:21:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:21:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:21:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 16:21:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:21:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:21:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:21:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:21:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:21:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 16:21:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:21:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:21:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 16:21:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:21:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 16:21:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:21:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:21:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 16:21:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:21:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:21:53 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 16:21:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:21:53 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 16:22:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:22:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:22:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-40 16:22:11 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:22:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:22:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:22:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:22:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:22:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:22:11 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 16:22:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:22:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:22:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:22:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:22:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:22:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:22:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:22:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:22:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:23:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:23:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:23:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:23:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:23:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:23:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:23:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:24:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:24:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:24:00 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:24:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:24:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:24:00 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:24:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:24:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:24:28 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:24:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:24:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:24:28 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 16:24:28 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:24:28 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 16:25:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:25:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:25:01 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 16:25:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:25:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:25:01 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 16:25:01 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:25:01 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 16:25:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:25:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:25:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-41 16:25:29 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:25:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:25:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:25:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:25:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:25:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:25:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 16:25:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:25:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:25:55 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:25:55 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:26:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:26:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:26:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:26:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:26:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:26:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:26:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:26:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:26:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:26:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:26:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:26:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:26:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:27:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:27:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:27:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:27:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:27:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:02 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 16:27:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:27:02 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 16:27:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:27:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:27:17 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 16:27:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:27:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:17 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 16:27:17 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:27:17 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 16:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:27:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:27:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-42 16:27:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:27:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:32 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 16:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:27:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:27:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:27:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:27:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:27:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:27:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:27:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:27:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:27:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:27:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:27:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:27:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:28:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:28:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:28:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:28:24 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:28:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:28:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:24 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 16:28:24 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:28:24 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3 16:28:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:28:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:28:35 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 16:28:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:28:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 16:28:35 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:28:35 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3 16:28:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:28:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:28:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-43 16:28:45 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:28:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:28:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:28:45 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:28:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:45 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 16:28:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:28:45 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:28:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:28:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:28:57 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:28:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:28:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:28:57 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:29:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:29:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:29:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:29:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:09 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:29:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:29:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:29:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:29:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:29:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:29:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3 16:29:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:29 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3 16:29:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:29:38 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 16:29:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:29:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:38 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3 16:29:38 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:38 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3 16:29:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:29:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-44 16:29:47 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:29:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:29:47 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:29:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:47 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3 16:29:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:47 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:29:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:29:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:29:59 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:29:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:29:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:29:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:30:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:30:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:30:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:30:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:30:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:30:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:30:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:30:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:30:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:30:34 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:30:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:30:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:30:34 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3 16:30:34 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:30:34 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3 16:30:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:30:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 16:30:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:30:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:30:42 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3 16:30:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:30:42 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3 16:30:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 16:30:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-45 16:30:51 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 16:30:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 16:30:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:30:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 16:30:52 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Update configuration file. 16:30:52 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Save user config file to C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 16:30:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Disposing all resources... 16:30:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 16:30:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3. 16:30:54 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029045.mp3 16:30:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029046.mp3. 16:30:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\029\029047.mp3. 16:30:55 [INFO] (ZekrMain:102) - Memory info - used: 47,284 kb / total vm memory: 81,256 kb 16:30:55 [INFO] (ZekrMain:90) - Zekr is now down. 17:44:23 [INFO] (Logger:69) - System information: OS info: Windows 7 - 6.1 - x86 VM info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.) - 1.6.0_37 (20.12-b01) - mixed mode, sharing User info: C:\Users\Hamdaan - C:\Program Files (x86)\Zekr - en-US Encoding info: Cp1252 Zekr info: Worspace: C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr 17:44:23 [INFO] (ZekrMain:90) - Starting The Zekr Platform 1.1.0 (build: 2012071900) on Wed Nov 14 17:44:23 AST 2012. 17:44:23 [INFO] (LogSystemImpl:90) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 17:44:23 [DEBUG] (ZekrMain:106) - Display splash screen... 17:44:31 [INFO] (ZekrMain:90) - Configure runtime configurations... 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Initializing application configurations... 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Load Zekr configuration file. 17:44:31 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Load C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/config.properties 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading keyboard shortcuts. 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading user keyboard shortcuts: C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/config/shortcut.xml 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Initialize keyboard shortcuts and mappings. 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading language pack files info 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default language pack is en_US 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Found these language packs: [res\lang\arabic.xml, res\lang\bengali.xml, res\lang\bosnian.xml, res\lang\bulgarian.xml, res\lang\chinese.xml, res\lang\dhivehi.xml, res\lang\dutch.xml, res\lang\english.xml, res\lang\french.xml, res\lang\german.xml, res\lang\hebrew.xml, res\lang\indonesian.xml, res\lang\kurdish.xml, res\lang\macedonian.xml, res\lang\malay.xml, res\lang\malayalam.xml, res\lang\pashto.xml, res\lang\persian.xml, res\lang\portuguese-br.xml, res\lang\russian.xml, res\lang\spanish.xml, res\lang\tamil-sr.xml, res\lang\tamil.xml, res\lang\tatar-tr.xml, res\lang\tatar.xml, res\lang\turkish.xml, res\lang\urdu.xml, res\lang\uyghur.xml, res\lang\uzbek.xml] 17:44:31 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:90) - Initializing language engine... 17:44:31 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:90) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default translation is: hi.hindi 17:44:31 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading translation files info from: res\text\trans 17:44:31 [INFO] (TranslationData:90) - Loading translation pack hi.hindi(hi_IN):(hi.hindi.trans.zip)... 17:44:31 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Verifying translation text. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation is valid 17:44:32 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:90) - Loading Quran properties... 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading base Quran properties: res/text/metadata/quran-properties.xml 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading sura names localization data: res/text/metadata/quran-properties-{1}.xml 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Loading localized Quran sura names from: quran-properties-en.xml 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Process sura data. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Process juz data. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:106) - Process sajda data. 17:44:32 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:90) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 17:44:32 [INFO] (TranslationData:148) - Translation pack hi.hindi(hi_IN):(hi.hindi.trans.zip) loaded successfully. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Loading translation "hi.hindi" took 277 ms. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default translation is: hi.hindi(hi_IN):(hi.hindi.trans.zip) 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading translation files info from: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\text\trans 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Load custom translation list. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation already loaded: hi.hindi 17:44:32 [INFO] (TranslationData:90) - Loading translation pack en.sahih(en_US):(en.sahih.trans.zip)... 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Verifying translation text. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Translation is valid 17:44:32 [INFO] (TranslationData:148) - Translation pack en.sahih(en_US):(en.sahih.trans.zip) loaded successfully. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (TranslationData:106) - Loading translation "en.sahih" took 54 ms. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading theme .properties files. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading theme files info from "C:/Users/Hamdaan/.zekr/theme 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading audio .properties files. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading audio files info from: res\audio 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default recitation is: Saad Al-Ghamdi 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading audio files info from: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\audio 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Initialize player controller. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default revelation package is: ibn-abbas 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading revelation data packs from: res\text\metadata 17:44:32 [INFO] (RevelationData:90) - Load revelation data pack: Abdullah-ibn Abbas:(ibn-abbas.revel.zip) 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (RevelationData:106) - Revelation pack is valid 17:44:32 [INFO] (RevelationData:148) - Revelation data pack loaded successfully: Abdullah-ibn Abbas:(ibn-abbas.revel.zip) 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (RevelationData:106) - Loading revelation pack "ibn-abbas" took 20 ms. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default revelation data is: Abdullah-ibn Abbas:(ibn-abbas.revel.zip) 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default paging mode is: uthmani 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading paging data from: res\text\metadata 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default paging data is: uthmani [Not loaded] 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (CustomPagingData:106) - Loading paging data: res\text\metadata\uthmani.page.xml 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (CustomPagingData:106) - Process pagination data: Uthmani 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Default paging data loaded successfully: Uthmani (604) 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Initialize network controller. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Initialize view controller. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Load search info... 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add stop words for: fa 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add stop words for: en 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add stop words for: tr 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: fa 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: ar 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: bs 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: en 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: tr 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add replace patterns for: ru 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: fa 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: ar 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: ur 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: bs 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: en 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add punctuation pattern for: tr 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add diacritics pattern for: fa 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add diacritics pattern for: ar 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add diacritics pattern for: ur 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add letters range pattern for: fa 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add letters range pattern for: ar 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Add letters range pattern for: ur 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Loading Quran root word database... 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (ApplicationConfig:106) - Took 191 ms. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Application configurations initialized. 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Create common configuration files... 17:44:32 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:90) - Creating common configuration files done. 17:44:32 [DEBUG] (WindowsNativeKeyboardListener:106) - Registering super global shortcut for KeyboardAction [action=openHideMainWindow, global=false, suprtGlobal=true, key=327770, rtlKey=0, suppressOnModal=false, window=]: Ctrl+Alt+Z 17:44:33 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Loading last visited Quran location: 29-45. 17:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - UI somewhat initialized. 17:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set layout to mixed 17:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-45 17:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 29-45 17:44:34 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:44:35 [INFO] (ZekrMain:90) - Startup took 12492 ms. 17:44:35 [INFO] (ZekrMain:102) - Memory info - used: 15,359 kb / total vm memory: 19,968 kb 18:05:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:05:13 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: husary-40kbps-offline, index: 0 18:05:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:05:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-39 18:05:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:05:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:05:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is -1. 18:05:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\audhubillah.mp3. 18:05:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:05:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:05:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:05:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:05:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:05:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:05:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:05:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:05:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:05:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:05:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:06:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:06:25 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:06:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:06:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:06:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:06:25 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:06:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:06:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:06:51 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:06:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:06:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:06:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:06:51 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:07:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:07:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:07:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:07:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:07:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:07:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:07:36 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:07:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:07:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:07:36 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 18:07:36 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:07:36 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 18:07:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:07:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:07:54 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029039.mp3. 18:07:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:07:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:07:54 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 18:07:54 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:07:54 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 18:08:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:08:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-40 18:08:12 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:08:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:08:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:08:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:08:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:08:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:08:12 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3 18:08:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:08:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:09:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:03 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:09:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:09:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:09:03 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:09:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:09:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:09:53 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:09:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:09:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:09:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:09:53 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:10:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:10:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:10:44 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:10:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:10:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:10:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:11:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:11:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:11:12 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 18:11:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:11:12 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 18:11:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:11:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:11:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029040.mp3. 18:11:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:11:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:11:39 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 18:11:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:11:39 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 18:12:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:12:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-41 18:12:07 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:12:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:12:07 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:12:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:12:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:12:07 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3 18:12:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:12:07 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:12:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:12:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:12:48 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:12:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:12:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:12:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:12:48 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:13:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:13:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:13:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:13:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:13:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:13:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:13:30 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:14:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:14:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:14:11 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:14:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:26 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:14:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:14:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 18:14:26 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:14:26 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 18:14:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029041.mp3. 18:14:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:14:41 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 18:14:41 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:14:41 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3 18:14:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 18:14:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 29-42 18:14:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 18:14:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:14:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:14:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:14:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:14:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:14:56 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3 18:14:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:14:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 18:15:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:15:19 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:15:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:15:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:15:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:15:19 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 18:15:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:15:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:15:42 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:15:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:15:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:15:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:15:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\husary-40kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 18:16:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 18:16:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 18:16:05 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029042.mp3. 18:16:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 18:16:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029043.mp3. 18:16:05 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\029\029044.mp3. 18:16:11 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to false. Current status is 0. 17:20:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:20:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-1 17:20:14 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set Qur'an location to 31-1 17:20:14 [INFO] (HtmlRepository:90) - Create Quran mixed HTML file: C:\Users\Hamdaan\.zekr\cache\mixed\411_hi.hindi.html 17:20:23 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:20:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:20:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:20:43 [INFO] (ApplicationConfig:90) - Set selected recitation to: ghamdi-40kbps-offline, index: 0 17:21:09 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:21:10 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:21:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:21:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:21:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:21:20 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:21:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:20 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:21:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:21:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:21:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\bismillah.mp3. 17:21:37 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 3. 17:21:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:21:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:37 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:21:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:21:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:21:50 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031001.mp3. 17:21:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:21:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:50 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3 17:21:50 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:21:50 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3 17:21:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:21:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:21:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-2 17:21:56 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:21:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:21:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:21:56 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:21:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:21:56 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3 17:21:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:21:56 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:02 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031002.mp3. 17:22:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:22:02 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:22:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-3 17:22:06 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:22:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:06 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:22:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:22:06 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3 17:22:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:06 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:12 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031003.mp3. 17:22:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:12 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:22:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-4 17:22:18 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:22:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:18 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:18 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3 17:22:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:18 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:22:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:29 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031004.mp3. 17:22:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:29 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:22:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:22:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-5 17:22:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:22:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:39 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3 17:22:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:22:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:22:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:49 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031005.mp3. 17:22:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:22:49 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:22:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:22:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-6 17:22:58 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:22:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:22:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:22:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:22:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:22:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:22:59 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3 17:22:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:22:59 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:23:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:23:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:23:21 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031006.mp3. 17:23:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:23:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:23:21 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:23:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:23:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:23:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-7 17:23:39 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:23:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:23:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:23:39 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:23:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:23:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:23:39 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3 17:23:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:23:39 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:23:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:23:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:23:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031007.mp3. 17:23:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:23:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:23:58 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:24:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:24:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-8 17:24:13 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:24:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:24:13 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:24:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:24:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:24:13 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3 17:24:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:24:13 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:24:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:24:23 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031008.mp3. 17:24:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:24:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:24:23 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:24:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:24:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-9 17:24:32 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:24:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:24:32 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:24:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:24:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:24:32 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3 17:24:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:24:32 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3. 17:24:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:24:41 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031009.mp3. 17:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:24:42 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3. 17:24:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:24:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-10 17:24:52 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:24:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:24:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:24:52 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:24:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:24:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:24:52 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3 17:24:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3. 17:24:52 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031012.mp3. 17:25:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:25:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:25:22 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031010.mp3. 17:25:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:25:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3. 17:25:22 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031012.mp3. 17:25:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:25:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Start updating view... 17:25:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Set location to 31-11 17:25:43 [INFO] (QuranForm:90) - Updating view done. 17:25:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:25:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2. 17:25:43 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Open playable object: res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3. 17:25:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetching next 2 playable objects. 17:25:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3. 17:25:43 [DEBUG] (DefaultPlayerController:106) - Already exists in cache: res\audio\walk-64kbps-offline\031\031011.mp3 17:25:43 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031012.mp3. 17:25:44 [INFO] (AudioCacheManager:90) - Pre-fetch res\audio\ghamdi-40kbps-offline\031\031013.mp3. 17:25:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Player stop status. 17:25:58 [DEBUG] (AudioPlayerUiController:106) - Play/pause status changed to true. Current status is 2.