Inserting BLOBs

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chưa đọc,
06:30:29 13 thg 2, 201013/2/10
đến Xerial
Hi all,

I'm trying to insert BLOBs into a table as follows (paraphrased from
my source:)
Table created as
statement.addBatch("CREATE TABLE " + FILE_TABLE + "( "
+ "file_name TEXT NOT NULL, "
+ "user_id TEXT NOT NULL, "
+ "user_bitmap BLOB NOT NULL, "
+ "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user_table(user_id), "
+ "UNIQUE(file_name, user_id));");
PreparedStatement fileInsertStatement =
dbConnection_.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO
+ FILE_TABLE + "(user_id,
file_name, user_bitmap) values (?, ?, ?);");
seedBitmapBlob = dbConnection_.createBlob();
seedBitmapBlob.setBytes(1, BinaryOperations.SEED_BITMAP_BYTES);
fileInsertStatement.setBlob(3, seedBitmapBlob);

When this executes, I get the following result:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError:

I have gone and examined the source for myself just to confirm that it
is the case that createBlob is not implemented in the driver. It is
not. My question becomes how should I go about inserting binary data
into the database, then? I have googled quite a bit, but sadly 99% of
the results (even just for generic jdbc tasks) use files and
inputstreams. I just have a byte array I'd like to store in the

For now I've commented out the offending lines and replaced




I have no idea whether or not this is safe or if it does what I want.
I was merely trying to see what worked and what didn't.

Taro L. Saito

chưa đọc,
09:34:27 23 thg 2, 201023/2/10
đến Xerial
Hi Charls,

Sorry for my late reply.

The best way to insert blob data with sqlite-jdbc is as follows:

1. Create a table with a column of blob type: create table T (id
integer, data blob)
2. Create a prepared statement: insert into T values(1, ?)
3. Prepare an byte array (say byte[] data = ...)
4. preparedStatement.setBytes(1, data)
5. preparedStatement.execute()...

For now, we have no plan to implement setBlob() method since
SQLite has no functionality to incrementally update blob data.

Charles Duyk

chưa đọc,
12:31:38 23 thg 2, 201023/2/10
Thanks, this is in essence what I ended up doing.


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Charles Duyk

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