#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import wx import wx.combo import wx.calendar from datetime import date as dt class DateCtrl(wx.combo.ComboCtrl): INPUT_FORMAT = 0 DISPLAY_FORMAT = 1 def __init__(self, parent, size, pos, input_format, display_format, title, default_to_today, allow_null): wx.combo.ComboCtrl.__init__(self, parent, size=size, pos=pos) self.input_format = input_format self.display_format = display_format self.title = title self.default_to_today = default_to_today self.allow_null = allow_null self.TextCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.on_got_focus) self.TextCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.on_char) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.on_mouse_enter) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.on_mouse_leave) self.nav = False # force navigation after selecting date self.is_valid = True # unlike IsValid(), a blank date can be valid self.current_format = self.DISPLAY_FORMAT self.date = wx.DateTime() self.setup_button() # create a custom button for popup (self.blank_string, self.day_pos, self.mth_pos, self.yr_pos, self.literal_pos) = self.setup_input_format() # set up button coords for mouse hit-test self.b_x1 = self.TextRect[2] - 2 self.b_y1 = self.TextRect[1] - 1 self.b_x2 = self.b_x1 + self.ButtonSize[0] + 3 self.b_y2 = self.b_y1 + self.ButtonSize[1] + 1 self.on_button = False self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.show_tooltip) def on_mouse_enter(self, evt): if self.b_x1 <= evt.X <= self.b_x2: if self.b_y1 <= evt.Y <= self.b_y2: self.on_button = True self.timer.Start(500, oneShot=True) evt.Skip() def on_mouse_leave(self, evt): if self.on_button: self.on_button = False self.timer.Stop() evt.Skip() def show_tooltip(self, evt): abs_x, abs_y = self.ScreenPosition rect = wx.Rect(abs_x+self.b_x1, abs_y+self.b_y1, self.b_x2-self.b_x1+1, self.b_y2-self.b_y1+1) tip = wx.TipWindow(self, 'Show calendar\n(F4 or space)') # tip will be destroyed when mouse leaves this rect tip.SetBoundingRect(rect) def setup_button(self): # copied directly from demo # make a custom bitmap showing "..." bw, bh = 14, 16 bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(bw, bh) dc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp) # clear to a specific background colour bgcolor = wx.Colour(255, 254, 255) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(bgcolor)) dc.Clear() # draw the label onto the bitmap label = u'\u2026' # unicode ellipsis font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) dc.SetFont(font) tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent(label) dc.DrawText(label, (bw-tw)/2, (bw-tw)/2) del dc # now apply a mask using the bgcolor bmp.SetMaskColour(bgcolor) # and tell the ComboCtrl to use it self.SetButtonBitmaps(bmp, True) def setup_input_format(self): format = self.input_format blank_string = format day_pos = format.find('%d') if day_pos > -1: blank_string = blank_string[:day_pos]+' '+blank_string[day_pos+2:] day_pos = (day_pos, day_pos+2) mth_pos = format.find('%m') if mth_pos > -1: blank_string = blank_string[:mth_pos]+' '+blank_string[mth_pos+2:] mth_pos = (mth_pos, mth_pos+2) yr_pos = format.find('%y') if yr_pos > -1: blank_string = blank_string[:yr_pos]+' '+blank_string[yr_pos+2:] yr_pos = (yr_pos, yr_pos+2) else: yr_pos = format.find('%Y') if yr_pos > -1: blank_string = blank_string[:yr_pos]+' '+blank_string[yr_pos+2:] format = format[:yr_pos+2]+'YY'+format[yr_pos+4:] yr_pos = (yr_pos, yr_pos+4) literal_pos = [i for (i, ch) in enumerate(blank_string) if blank_string[i] == format[i]] return blank_string, day_pos, mth_pos, yr_pos, literal_pos # Overridden from ComboCtrl, called when the combo button is clicked def OnButtonClick(self): self.SetFocus() # in case we do not have focus dlg = CalendarDlg(self) dlg.CentreOnScreen() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.date = dlg.cal.Date self.Value = self.date.Format(self.display_format) self.current_format = self.DISPLAY_FORMAT self.nav = True # force navigation to next control dlg.Destroy() wx.CallAfter(self.SetFocus) # Overridden from ComboCtrl to avoid assert since there is no ComboPopup def DoSetPopupControl(self, popup): pass def on_got_focus(self, evt): if self.nav: # user has made a selection, so move on self.nav = False wx.CallAfter(self.Navigate) else: text_ctrl = self.TextCtrl if not self.is_valid: # re-focus after error pass # leave Value alone elif self.date.IsValid(): text_ctrl.Value = self.date.Format(self.input_format) elif self.default_to_today: self.date = wx.DateTime.Today() text_ctrl.Value = self.date.Format(self.input_format) else: text_ctrl.Value = self.blank_string self.current_format = self.INPUT_FORMAT text_ctrl.InsertionPoint = 0 text_ctrl.SetSelection(-1, -1) text_ctrl.pos = 0 evt.Skip() def convert_to_wx_date(self): # conversion and validation method self.is_valid = True value = self.Value if value in (self.blank_string, ''): if self.default_to_today: self.date = wx.DateTime.Today() self.Value = self.date.Format(self.display_format) elif self.allow_null: self.Value = '' self.date = wx.DateTime() else: wx.CallAfter(self.display_error, 'Date is required') return if self.current_format == self.DISPLAY_FORMAT: # no validation reqd self.TextCtrl.SetSelection(0, 0) return today = dt.today() if self.day_pos == -1: # 'day' not an element of input_format day = today.day else: day = value[self.day_pos[0]:self.day_pos[1]].strip() if day == '': day = today.day else: day = int(day) if self.mth_pos == -1: # 'mth' not an element of input_format month = today.month else: month = value[self.mth_pos[0]:self.mth_pos[1]].strip() if month == '': month = today.month else: month = int(month) if self.yr_pos == -1: # 'yr' not an element of input_format year = today.year else: year = value[self.yr_pos[0]:self.yr_pos[1]].strip() if year == '': year = today.year elif len(year) == 2: # assume year is in range (today-90) to (today+10) year = int(year) + int(today.year/100)*100 if year - today.year > 10: year -= 100 elif year - today.year < -90: year += 100 else: year = int(year) try: date = dt(year, month, day) # validate using python datetime self.date = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(day, month-1, year) self.Value = self.date.Format(self.display_format) self.current_format = self.DISPLAY_FORMAT except ValueError as error: # gives a meaningful error message wx.CallAfter(self.display_error, error.args[0]) def display_error(self, errmsg): self.is_valid = False self.SetFocus() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, errmsg, self.title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_char(self, evt): text_ctrl = self.TextCtrl code = evt.KeyCode if code in (wx.WXK_SPACE, wx.WXK_F4) and not evt.AltDown(): self.OnButtonClick() return max = len(self.blank_string) if code in (wx.WXK_LEFT, wx.WXK_RIGHT, wx.WXK_HOME, wx.WXK_END): if text_ctrl.Selection == (0, max): text_ctrl.SetSelection(0, 0) if code == wx.WXK_LEFT: if text_ctrl.pos > 0: text_ctrl.pos -= 1 while text_ctrl.pos in self.literal_pos: text_ctrl.pos -= 1 elif code == wx.WXK_RIGHT: if text_ctrl.pos < max: text_ctrl.pos += 1 while text_ctrl.pos in self.literal_pos: text_ctrl.pos += 1 elif code == wx.WXK_HOME: text_ctrl.pos = 0 elif code == wx.WXK_END: text_ctrl.pos = max text_ctrl.InsertionPoint = text_ctrl.pos return if code in (wx.WXK_BACK, wx.WXK_DELETE): if text_ctrl.Selection == (0, max): text_ctrl.Value = self.blank_string text_ctrl.SetSelection(0, 0) if code == wx.WXK_BACK: if text_ctrl.pos == 0: return text_ctrl.pos -= 1 while text_ctrl.pos in self.literal_pos: text_ctrl.pos -= 1 elif code == wx.WXK_DELETE: if text_ctrl.pos == max: return curr_val = text_ctrl.Value text_ctrl.Value = curr_val[:text_ctrl.pos]+' '+curr_val[text_ctrl.pos+1:] text_ctrl.InsertionPoint = text_ctrl.pos return if code in (wx.WXK_TAB, wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER) or code > 255: evt.Skip() return if text_ctrl.pos == max: wx.Bell() return ch = chr(code) if ch not in ('0123456789'): wx.Bell() return if text_ctrl.Selection == (0, max): curr_val = self.blank_string else: curr_val = text_ctrl.Value text_ctrl.Value = curr_val[:text_ctrl.pos]+ch+curr_val[text_ctrl.pos+1:] text_ctrl.pos += 1 while text_ctrl.pos in self.literal_pos: text_ctrl.pos += 1 text_ctrl.InsertionPoint = text_ctrl.pos class CalendarDlg(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title=parent.title) panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) panel.SetSizer(sizer) cal = wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl(panel, date=parent.date) if sys.platform != 'win32': # gtk truncates the year - this fixes it w, h = cal.Size cal.Size = (w+25, h) cal.MinSize = cal.Size sizer.Add(cal, 0) button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) button_sizer.Add((0, 0), 1) btn_ok = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK) btn_ok.SetDefault() button_sizer.Add(btn_ok, 0, wx.ALL, 2) button_sizer.Add((0, 0), 1) btn_can = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL) button_sizer.Add(btn_can, 0, wx.ALL, 2) button_sizer.Add((0, 0), 1) sizer.Add(button_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Fit(panel) self.ClientSize = panel.Size cal.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.on_key_down) cal.SetFocus() self.cal = cal def on_key_down(self, evt): code = evt.KeyCode if code == wx.WXK_TAB: self.cal.Navigate() elif code in (wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER): self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) elif code == wx.WXK_ESCAPE: self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) else: evt.Skip() class Panel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Field1', pos=(50, 30)) t1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', size=(130, -1), pos=(150, 30)) input_format = '%d-%m-%Y' display_format = '%a %d %b %Y' # display_format = '%d-%m-%Y' wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Invoice date', pos=(50, 80)) self.d = DateCtrl(self, size=(130, -1), pos=(150, 80), input_format=input_format, display_format=display_format, title='Invoice date', default_to_today=False, allow_null=False) wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Field3', pos=(50, 130)) t3 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', size=(130, -1), pos=(150, 130)) t1.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.on_t_got_focus) t3.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.on_t_got_focus) self.first_time = True # don't validate date first time self.SetFocus() def on_t_got_focus(self, evt): if self.first_time: self.first_time = False else: self.d.convert_to_wx_date() evt.Skip() class Frame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "Date Picker Ctrl test", size=(400, 240)) panel = Panel(self) self.CentreOnScreen() class App(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame = Frame() frame.Show(True) return True app = App(False) app.MainLoop()