Interesting WP comparison - Philosophy of Interoperability

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Donald E. Stidwell

2007年2月8日 18:25:212007/2/8
I found it a bit odd that anyone would bother doing a word processor
comparison in this day and age, but curiosity got the better of me and I
went to check it out. The following paragraph hooked me into wanting to read
the whole thing:

Ironically, the word processing programs themselves have taken a backseat to
their formats. The biggest arguments now occur not among the word processors
themselves, but rather their respective default formats. Documents are
written to be shared, and on top of old world printing, it's been Adobe's
PDF (Portable Document Format) that has enabled it most. The commoditization
of Microsoft's Office Open XML format with's OASIS
OpenDocument Format (ODF) through the interoperability work of Novell will
only mean that where before PDF was the primary format vehicle for sharing
documents (along with HTML, XML, and .doc), documents will merely be shared
directly through XML. Already, with the help of online word processors, one
can upload a document to say, Google Docs, and a manager, teacher, or entire
group can have read/write access to any number of documents among many
formats. The reality is that it doesn't matter which word processor you use
as long as it makes your work easier and more efficient. The commoditization
signifies that as formats become more interchangeable, what specific word
processor is used becomes irrelevant to the life of the document.

Check out the entire comparison at:

Lee Hauser

2007年2月8日 19:24:212007/2/8
It is interesting, and makes me feel better than ever about my
decision to use OOo Writer...but dang, I wish the guy could write
better. It was like pushing through goo to read it. Not that I'm going
to tell him that...not only would it look petty, it would be poor
payment for the effort he went through and the depth of the review

I had no idea OOo could export to LaTeX...

Donald E. Stidwell

2007年2月8日 21:19:132007/2/8
On 2/8/07 7:24 PM, "Lee Hauser" <> wrote:

> It is interesting, and makes me feel better than ever about my
> decision to use OOo Writer...but dang, I wish the guy could write
> better. It was like pushing through goo to read it. Not that I'm going
> to tell him that...not only would it look petty, it would be poor
> payment for the effort he went through and the depth of the review
> itself.
> I had no idea OOo could export to LaTeX...

It was a bit of tough going to read, but it was interesting nonetheless.

I had no idea that WP could edit PDF's!

I occasionally use NeoOffice on my Macs (Open Office wrapped around a Cocoa
shell and not requiring X) but since I already own MS Office for both the
Mac and PC, I normally just use them instead.

I'd really like to see his opinion of TextMaker. I just upgraded to TM 2006
for my Pocket PCs and still own 2002 for Linux, but have never used TM on


Tory Larson

2007年2月9日 00:21:432007/2/9
OT time...

DANG! Do we all go to the same sites? Sheesh. We're such geeks...

On 2/8/07, Donald E. Stidwell <> wrote:

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