from __future__ import print_function, division import numpy from west.propagators import WESTPropagator from import WESTSystem from westpa.binning import RectilinearBinMapper from westpa.binning import FuncBinMapper from westpa.binning import RecursiveBinMapper import logging log = logging.getLogger('westpa.rc') PI = numpy.pi from numpy import * pcoord_dtype = numpy.float32 #THESE ARE THE PARAMETERS YOU CAN CHANGE bintargetcount=5 #number of walkers per bin numberofdim=1 # number of dimensions binsperdim=[18] # You will have prod(binsperdim)+numberofdim*(2+2*splitIsolated)+activetarget bins total pcoordlength=51 # length of the pcoord maxcap=[20] #for each dimension enter the maximum number at which binning can occur, if you do not wish to have a cap use inf mincap=[0] #for each dimension enter the minimum number at which binning can occur, if you do not wish to have a cap use -inf targetstate=[1.0] #enter boundaries for target state or None if there is no target state in that dimension targetstatedirection=[-1] #if your target state is meant to be greater that the starting pcoor use 1 or else use -1. This will be done for each dimension in your simulation activetarget=1 #if there is no target state make this zero splitIsolated=1 #choose 0 to disable the use of bottleneck walkers (not recomended) ######### def function_map(coords, mask, output): splittingrelevant=True #This is to make sure splitting is relevant (not relevant for binner after recycling for example) originalcoords=copy(coords) #It is a good idea to keep an original array maxlist=[] #Preparing array to contain maximum pcoords in each dimension minlist=[] #Preparing array to contain minimum pcoords in each dimension difflist=[] #Preparing array to contain "bottleneck" values in positive direction for each dimensio #Preparing array to contain "bottleneck" values in negative direction for each dimensionn flipdifflist=[] #Preparing array to contain "bottleneck" values in negative direction for each dimension for n in range(numberofdim): #going through each dimension try: #because binning should be handled different for recycled trajectories we load in a binbounds.txt created after an iteration completes extremabounds=loadtxt('binbounds.txt') currentmax=amax(extremabounds[:,n]) currentmin=amin(extremabounds[:,n]) except: #during initialization this may not exitst so use current coords for extrema currentmax=amax(coords[:,n]) currentmin=amin(coords[:,n]) if maxcap[n]currentmin: #Checking the mincap in each dimension currentmin=mincap[n] maxlist.append(currentmax) #Need arrays for our extrema since there may be multiple depending on number of dimension minlist.append(currentmin) try: #Recycled trajectories should not be tagged and will throw exception to be handled by except statement temp=column_stack((coords[:,n],coords[:,numberofdim])) #Create an array containing progress coordinates of one dimension and associated probailities temp=temp[temp[:,0].argsort()] #Sort this by progress coordinate for p in range(len(temp)): #This just deals with the fact that currently received probailities are in float32 (it is probably best to disregard probailities smaller than E-39 anyway for tagging if temp[p][1]==0: temp[p][1]=10**-39 fliptemp=flipud(temp) #Recived sorted array in opposite direction difflist.append(0) #Provide starting minimum of 0 (in very unlikely case of pcoord 0 and no tagged this could cause arbitrary tag (very minor impact), work to fix) flipdifflist.append(0) maxdiff=0 flipmaxdiff=0 for i in range(1,len(temp)-1): #calculating of the "bottleneck" values, we need to sum all of the probability past a potential "bottleneck" comprob=0 flipcomprob=0 j=i+1 while jmincap[n]: if (-log(comprob)+log(temp[i][1]))>maxdiff: #we want to find the point where the difference between the walker and the cumulative probability past it is at a maximum, we use logarithms to compare differences difflist[n]=temp[i][0] maxdiff=-log(comprob)+log(temp[i][1]) if fliptemp[i][0]mincap[n]: if (-log(flipcomprob)+log(fliptemp[i][1]))>flipmaxdiff: flipdifflist[n]=fliptemp[i][0] flipmaxdiff=-log(flipcomprob)+log(fliptemp[i][1]) except: splittingrelevant=False #if an error is thrown tagging of bottleneck walkers is not needed for i in range(len(output)): #this section deals with proper assignment of walkers to bins binnumber=2*numberofdim #essentially the bin number for n in range(numberofdim): if (activetarget==1) and targetstate[n] is not None: if (originalcoords[i,n]*targetstatedirection[n]) >= (targetstate[n]*targetstatedirection[n]): #if the target state has been reached assign to following bin binnumber=prod(binsperdim)+numberofdim*2 if (binnumber==prod(binsperdim)+numberofdim*2): #this ends the loop if binned in target state, n= numberofdim should not go in above line because of elif statements n=numberofdim elif coords[i,n]>=maxlist[n] or originalcoords[i,n]>=maxcap[n]: #assign maxima or those over max cap to own bin binnumber= 2*n n=numberofdim elif coords[i,n]<=minlist[n] or originalcoords[i,n]<=mincap[n]: #assign minima or those under minima to own bin binnumber =2*n+1 n=numberofdim elif splittingrelevant and coords[i,n]==difflist[n] and splitIsolated==1: #assign bottleneck walker in one direction to bin binnumber=prod(binsperdim)+numberofdim*2+2*n+activetarget n=numberofdim elif splittingrelevant and coords[i,n]==flipdifflist[n] and splitIsolated==1: #assign bottleneck walker in other direction to bin binnumber=prod(binsperdim)+numberofdim*2+2*n+activetarget+1 n=numberofdim if binnumber==2*numberofdim: #calculate binning for evenly spaced bins for j in range(numberofdim): binnumber = binnumber + (digitize(coords[i][j],linspace(minlist[j],maxlist[j],binsperdim[j]+1))-1)*prod(binsperdim[0:j]) output[i]=binnumber return output ####### class System(WESTSystem): #class initialization def initialize(self): self.pcoord_ndim = numberofdim self.pcoord_len = pcoordlength self.pcoord_dtype = numpy.float32 self.bin_mapper = FuncBinMapper(function_map, prod(binsperdim)+numberofdim*(2+2*splitIsolated)+activetarget) #Changed binsperbin to binsperdim self.bin_target_counts = numpy.empty((self.bin_mapper.nbins,), numpy.int_) self.bin_target_counts[...] = bintargetcount