############################################################################### # SKIN CONFIGURATION FILE # # Copyright (c) 2010 Tom Keffer # ############################################################################### [Extras] # General Site Defaults belchertown_root_url = "" logo_image = "" site_title = "My Weather Website" radar_html = "" footer_copyright_text = "My Weather Website" footer_disclaimer_text = "Never make important decisions based on info from this website." # Manifest Settings manifest_name = "My Weather Website" manifest_short_name = "MWW" # Enabled by default since majority of the theme is wrapped around the charts highcharts_enabled = 1 highcharts_graph_1 = "temperatureplot" highcharts_graph_2 = "windplot" highcharts_graph_3 = "rainplot" highcharts_graph_4 = "winddirplot" highcharts_graph_5 = "barometerplot" highcharts_graph_6 = "radiationplot" highcharts_show_windchill = 1 highcharts_show_heatindex = 1 highcharts_show_apptemp = 0 highcharts_show_intemp = 0 # If you've extended your weewx database to include the below, you can enable them show_apptemp = 0 show_windrun = 0 show_cloudbase = 0 # Default page headers graphs_page_header = "Weather Observation Graphs" records_page_header = "Weather Observation Records" reports_page_header = "Weather Observation Reports" about_page_header = "About This Weather Station" # MQTT Defaults mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1 mqtt_websockets_host = "" mqtt_websockets_port = 1883 mqtt_websockets_ssl = 0 mqtt_websockets_topic = "weather/loop" disconnect_live_website_visitor = 1800000 # Forecast defaults forecast_enabled = 0 darksky_secret_key = "" darksky_units = "auto" darksky_lang = "en" forecast_stale = 3540 forecast_alert_enabled = 0 # Earthquake defaults earthquake_enabled = 0 earthquake_maxradiuskm = 1000 earthquake_stale = 10740 # Social Share Button Defaults facebook_enabled = 0 twitter_enabled = 0 twitter_owner = "" twitter_hashtags = "weewx #weather" # Google Analytics #googleAnalyticsId = UA-12345678-1 ############################################################################### [Units] # This section is for managing the selection and formatting of units. [[Groups]] # For each group of measurements, this section sets what units to # use for it. # NB: The unit is always in the singular. I.e., 'mile_per_hour', # NOT 'miles_per_hour' group_altitude = foot # Options are 'foot' or 'meter' group_degree_day = degree_F_day # Options are 'degree_F_day' or 'degree_C_day' group_direction = degree_compass group_moisture = centibar group_percent = percent group_pressure = inHg # Options are 'inHg', 'mmHg', 'mbar', or 'hPa' group_radiation = watt_per_meter_squared group_rain = inch # Options are 'inch', 'cm', or 'mm' group_rainrate = inch_per_hour # Options are 'inch_per_hour', 'cm_per_hour', or 'mm_per_hour' group_speed = mile_per_hour # Options are 'mile_per_hour', 'km_per_hour', 'knot', or 'meter_per_second' group_speed2 = mile_per_hour2 # Options are 'mile_per_hour2', 'km_per_hour2', 'knot2', or 'meter_per_second2' group_temperature = degree_F # Options are 'degree_F' or 'degree_C' group_uv = uv_index group_volt = volt # The following are used internally and should not be changed: group_count = count group_interval = minute group_time = unix_epoch group_elapsed = second [[StringFormats]] # This section sets the string formatting for each type of unit. centibar = %.0f cm = %.2f cm_per_hour = %.2f degree_C = %.1f degree_F = %.1f degree_compass = %.0f foot = %.0f hPa = %.1f hour = %.1f inHg = %.3f inch = %.2f inch_per_hour = %.2f km_per_hour = %.0f km_per_hour2 = %.1f knot = %.0f knot2 = %.1f mbar = %.1f meter = %.0f meter_per_second = %.1f meter_per_second2 = %.1f mile_per_hour = %.0f mile_per_hour2 = %.1f mm = %.1f mmHg = %.1f mm_per_hour = %.1f percent = %.0f second = %.0f uv_index = %.1f volt = %.1f watt_per_meter_squared = %.0f NONE = "N/A" [[Labels]] # This section sets a label to be used for each type of unit. centibar = " cb" cm = " cm" cm_per_hour = " cm/hr" degree_C = " °C" degree_F = " °F" degree_compass = ° foot = " feet" hPa = " hPa" inHg = " inHg" inch = " in" inch_per_hour = " in/hr" km_per_hour = " km/h" km_per_hour2 = " km/h" knot = " knots" knot2 = " knots" mbar = " mbar" meter = " meters" meter_per_second = " m/s" meter_per_second2 = " m/s" mile_per_hour = " mph" mile_per_hour2 = " mph" mm = " mm" mmHg = " mmHg" mm_per_hour = " mm/hr" percent = % volt = " V" watt_per_meter_squared = " W/m²" day = " day", " days" hour = " hour", " hours" minute = " minute", " minutes" second = " second", " seconds" NONE = "" [[TimeFormats]] # This section sets the string format to be used for each time scale. # The values below will work in every locale, but may not look # particularly attractive. See the Customization Guide for alternatives. day = %X week = %X (%A) month = %x %X year = %x %X rainyear = %x %X current = %x %X ephem_day = %X ephem_year = %x %X [[Ordinates]] # The ordinal directions. The last one should be for no wind direction directions = N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW, N/A [[DegreeDays]] # This section sets the base temperatures used for the calculation # of heating and cooling degree-days. # Base temperature for heating days, with unit: heating_base = 65, degree_F # Base temperature for cooling days, with unit: cooling_base = 65, degree_F [[Trend]] time_delta = 10800 # 3 hours time_grace = 300 # 5 minutes ############################################################################### [Labels] # Labels used in this skin # Set to hemisphere abbreviations suitable for your location: hemispheres = N, S, E, W # Formats to be used for latitude whole degrees, longitude whole degrees, # and minutes: latlon_formats = "%02d", "%03d", "%05.2f" [[Generic]] # Generic labels, keyed by an observation type. barometer = Barometer dewpoint = Dew Point heatindex = Heat Index inHumidity = Inside Humidity inTemp = Inside Temperature outHumidity = Outside Humidity outTemp = Outside Temperature radiation = Radiation rain = Rain rainRate = Rain Rate rxCheckPercent = ISS Signal Quality UV = UV Index windDir = Wind Direction windGust = Gust Speed windGustDir = Gust Direction windSpeed = Wind Speed windchill = Wind Chill windgustvec = Gust Vector windvec = Wind Vector ############################################################################### [Almanac] # The labels to be used for the phases of the moon: moon_phases = New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent ############################################################################### [CheetahGenerator] # This section is used by the generator CheetahGenerator, and specifies # which files are to be generated from which template. search_list_extensions = user.belchertown.getData # Possible encodings are 'html_entities', 'utf8', or 'strict_ascii' encoding = html_entities [[SummaryByMonth]] # Reports that summarize "by month" [[[NOAA_month]]] encoding = strict_ascii template = NOAA/NOAA-YYYY-MM.txt.tmpl [[SummaryByYear]] # Reports that summarize "by year" [[[NOAA_year]]] encoding = strict_ascii template = NOAA/NOAA-YYYY.txt.tmpl [[ToDate]] # Reports that show statistics "to date", such as day-to-date, # week-to-date, month-to-date, etc. [[[weewx_data]]] template = json/weewx_data.json.tmpl [[HighCharts_JS_Day]] template = js/highcharts-dayplots.js.tmpl [[HighCharts_JS_Week]] template = js/highcharts-weekplots.js.tmpl [[HighCharts_JS_Month]] template = js/highcharts-monthplots.js.tmpl [[HighCharts_JS_Year]] template = js/highcharts-yearplots.js.tmpl [[[home]]] template = index.html.tmpl [[[about]]] template = about/index.html.tmpl [[[graphs]]] template = graphs/index.html.tmpl [[[records]]] template = records/index.html.tmpl [[[reports]]] template = reports/index.html.tmpl [[[pi]]] template = pi/index.html.tmpl [[[manifest]]] template = manifest.json.tmpl ############################################################################### [CopyGenerator] # This section is used by the generator CopyGenerator # List of files to be copied only the first time the generator runs copy_once = favicon.ico, images/*, json/index.html, js/index.html, js/responsive-menu.js, robots.txt # List of files to be copied each time the generator runs copy_always = style.css ############################################################################### # # The list of generators that are to be run: # [Generators] generator_list = weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator, weewx.reportengine.CopyGenerator