- new virtual fields syntax:
``db.define_table('person',Field('name'),Field.Virtual('namey',lambda row: ro\
- made many modules Python 3.3 friendly (compile but not tested)
- better welcome css, thanks Paolo
- jQuery 1.8.3
- Bootstrap 2.2.2
- Modernizr 2.6.2 (custom full options)
- integration with analyitics.js (0.2.0)
- better scheduler, thanks Niphlod
- page and media preview in wiki, thanks Niphlod
- create new auth.wiki page from slug model, thanks Nico
- conditional menus with auth.wiki(menugroups=['wiki_editor'])
- better security in grid/smartgrid
- allow LOADing multiple grids, thanks Niphlod
- auth.settings.login_onfail, thanks Yair
- better handling of session files for speed
- added heroku support (experimental)
- added rocket support for IPV6, thanks Chirs Winebrinner
- more customizable menus with MENU(li_first, li_last..)
- added support for paymentech (gluon/contrib/paymentech.py)
- fixed broken cron
- fixed possible xss with share.js
- many bug fixes. Closed more than 50 tickets since 2.2.1
cp applications/welcome/static/js/share.js applications/<yourapp>/static/js/share.js
for any one of <yourapp>s using share.js for social bookmarking. The js contains a bug which may be exploited for xss. This is a minor xss issue and no malicious data reaches the web2py server but nevertheless I strongly suggest you fix it.
I sincerely thank JPCERT Coordination Center for reporting this issue.