"########################################################################################### "### "### Customized .vimrc for primary user/owner of Desktop host "### "########################################################################################### " " "### "###### General Configuration Options "### "set noshowmode "### "###### Hardcopy Options "###### See: https://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/print.html#print-options "###### See: https://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'statusline' for header format "### "### Specify font for printout "set printmbcharset="default" "set printoptions="paper:letter,portrait:n,duplex:off,left:5pc,right:5pc,top:5pc,bottom:5pc,syntax:n,wrap:y" "set printoptions="portrait:n,duplex:off,wrap:y,syntax:n" set printoptions="wrap:y,syntax:n,left:5pc,right:5pc,top:5pc,bottom:5pc" set printfont="Courier:h15" "#set printheader="%t%=%{strftime('%c')}%=Page %N" set printheader="%<%f%=Page %N" "### "###### User Interface Options "### "### Always show status bar set laststatus=2 set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w%=(%{&ff}/%Y)\ (line\ %l\/%L,\ col\ %c) "set noruler syntax enable "### Setting to display line numbers set number set numberwidth=8 "### Use colors that suit a dark background set background=dark "### Setting colors to 256 bits "set t_Co=256 " ... instead of 256 x 256 "### Setting preffered colour scheme colorscheme OASIS_darkbone set cursorline "set cursorcolumn "highligh CursorLine guibg=lightblue ctermbg=lightgrey "### Disable beep on errors set noerrorbells "### Show the current file name as the window title set title "### Indentation Options set autoindent filetype plugin indent on set tabstop=8 set noexpandtab set wrap "### Search Options set incsearch set ignorecase set smartcase "set hlsearch "### Text Rendering Options set encoding=utf-8 set linebreak set scrolloff=3 set sidescrolloff=5 " "### Mapping Keystrokes to Useful Actions set backspace=indent,start "Removed 'eol' to prevent erasing beyond start of line map :w "### Placing matched string always at center of screen "nnoremap n nzz "nnoremap N Nzz "### Miscellaneous Options set confirm set nospell "set shell "### OPTIONS NOT RECOMMENDED "# :set nowb "### Configure action UNDO function set history=1000 " Specify the length of the action undo list "### Configure persistent UNDO function silent! call mkdir(${HOME}."/.vim/wrkUndodir", "p") set undofile " Save undos after closing files set undodir=${HOME}/.vim/wrkUndodir// " Where to save undos set undolevels=1000 " Max number of undos set undoreload=10000 " Number of lines to save for undo reload "### Configure file BACKUP function silent! call mkdir(${HOME}."/.vim/wrkBackup", "p") set backup set backupdir=${HOME}/.vim/wrkBackup// "### Configure SWAP file function silent! call mkdir(${HOME}."/.vim/wrkSwap", "p") set swapfile set directory=${HOME}/.vim/wrkSwap// "### REF: https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1488 "### Allow VIM/GVIM to offer expanded functionality beyond original 'vi' function set set nocompatible "### Set simultaneous syntax check for multiple languages "setfiletype sh.awk.sed "### Set Font and Size set guifont=Monospace\ 11 "### Set Window geometry at opening "set lines=40 "set columns=110 "### Set Custom Keymap Assignments "### Mapping to split window into 2 panes and open shell in terminal window in bottom pane map :bot terminal "### Define compiler integration functions "map :w:exec '!swipl -g "consult(''%''), main, halt"' "map :w:exec '!gprolog --consult-file (''FILE'') --query-goal (''GOAL'')' "map :w:exec '!gprolog --consult-file ''%'' --query-goal ''%'' ' "map :w:exec '!gprolog --consult-file ''%'' --query-goal ''%'' ' "## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26329744/run-prolog-code-through-vim-editor "set make=/usr/bin/gprolog --consult-file % "23456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ " 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 " 9 "10 "11 "12 "13 "14 "15 "16 "17 "18 "19 "20 "21 "22 "23 "24 "25 "26 "27 "28 "29 "30 "31 "32 "33 "34 "35 "36 "37 "38 "39 "40 "########################################################################################### "###########################################################################################