"$COMPATIBLE-DECLARATIONS-START$" Smalltalk declarePoolDictionary: 'IS_MyClass1'. Smalltalk declareVariable: 'IS_instanceInterfaceSpec' poolName: 'IS_MyClass1'. "$COMPATIBLE-DECLARATIONS-END$"! Application create: #MyApplication1 with: (#( AbtViewApplication) collect: [:each | Smalltalk at: each ifAbsent: [ Application errorPrerequisite: #MyApplication1 missing: each]])! MyApplication1 becomeDefault! AbtAppBldrView subclass: #MyClass1 instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: ''! MyApplication1 becomeDefault! Application subclass: #MyApplication1 instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: ''! MyApplication1 becomeDefault! !MyApplication1 class privateMethods ! abtIsViewApplication ^true! ! !MyClass1 class privateMethods ! IS_instanceInterfaceSpec "Private - ** Warning ** This method is generated by VisualAge and should not be modified or deleted. This method is responsible for returning a featureSpec that describes the implementation of a particular feature of the receiver" ^IS_MyClass1::IS_instanceInterfaceSpec notNil ifTrue: [IS_MyClass1::IS_instanceInterfaceSpec] ifFalse: [ IS_MyClass1::IS_instanceInterfaceSpec := AbtInterfaceSpec new]! _PRAGMA_IS_ "%%PRAGMA DECLARE (name: IS_MyClass1 isPool: true isConstant: false) (pool: IS_MyClass1 declarations: ( (name: IS_instanceInterfaceSpec isConstant: false) ))"! abtPrimFlushInterfaceSpecCache IS_MyClass1 associationsDo: [: poolDictionaryAssoc | poolDictionaryAssoc value: nil]. super abtPrimFlushInterfaceSpecCache! abtUntranslatedConstants "** Do not modify or delete ** See: AbtAppBldrPart class>>#about_abtUntranslatedConstants" ^#( )! ! !MyClass1 publicMethods ! changeColor | mText mTextViewPart | mTextViewPart := (self subpartNamed: 'textView'). mText := mTextViewPart object. mText size > 10 ifTrue:[ mTextViewPart widget foregroundColor: CgRGBColor red ] ifFalse:[ mTextViewPart widget foregroundColor: CgRGBColor black]. ! ! !MyClass1 privateMethods ! abtBuildInternals "** Do not modify or delete ** See: AbtAppBldrPart class>>#about_abtBuildInternals" | gui window textView conn0 | gui := self class abtSeparatedConstants. window := AbtShellView abtCreatePart: 'Window' parent: nil owner: self . textView := AbtTextView abtCreatePart: 'textView' parent: window. self primaryPart: window. window framingSpec: (AbtViewAttachmentConstraint new leftEdge: (AbtEdgeConstant new offset: 30); rightEdge: (AbtEdgeConstant new offset: 666); topEdge: (AbtEdgeConstant new offset: 30); bottomEdge: (AbtEdgeConstant new offset: 500)). textView framingSpec: (AbtViewAttachmentConstraint new leftEdge: (AbtRunEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachment: XmATTACHFORM; offset: 191); rightEdge: (AbtRunEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachment: XmATTACHNONE); topEdge: (AbtRunEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachment: XmATTACHFORM; offset: 154); bottomEdge: (AbtRunEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachment: XmATTACHNONE)). textView abtWhenPrimitive: #objectChanged perform: (DirectedMessage new receiver: self; selector: #changeColor; arguments: #()). self finalInitialize. ! ! MyApplication1 toBeLoadedCode: '"$COMPATIBLE-DECLARATIONS-START$" Smalltalk declarePoolDictionary: ''IS_MyClass1''. Smalltalk declareVariable: ''IS_instanceInterfaceSpec'' poolName: ''IS_MyClass1''. "$COMPATIBLE-DECLARATIONS-END$"'! MyApplication1 wasRemovedCode: '"$COMPATIBLE-DECLARATIONS-START$" Smalltalk undeclare: ''IS_MyClass1''. "$COMPATIBLE-DECLARATIONS-END$"'! MyClass1 initializeAfterLoad! MyApplication1 initializeAfterLoad! MyApplication1 loaded!