PARAMETERS EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM *************************************** *************************************** * TYPE OF RUN AND SYSTEM * *************************************** *************************************** USPEX : calculationMethod (USPEX, VCNEB, META) 301 : calculationType (dimension: 0-3; molecule: 0/1; varcomp: 0/1) 1 : AutoFrac 1 : pickUpYN 1 : pickUpGen 1 : pickUpFolder % optType (1=enthalpy, 2=volume, 3=hardness, 4=struc_order, 5=aver_dist) 1 % EndOptType % symmetries 2-230 % endSymmetries % atomType Sn Bi % EndAtomType % valences 0 +2 +4 % endValences % goodBonds 0.30 0.24 0.00 0.20 % EndGoodBonds % numSpecies 1 0 0 1 % EndNumSpecies *************************************** * POPULATION * *************************************** 40 : populationSize 60 : initialPopSize 20 : numGenerations 8 : stopCrit 0 : reoptOld ****************************************** * FIRST VAR. COMP. GENERATION * ****************************************** 16 : firstGeneMax 4 : minAt 32 : maxAt *************************************** * VARIATION OPERATORS * *************************************** 0.5 : fracGene 0.2 : fracRand 0.1 : fracAtomsMut 0.1 : fracLatMut 0.1 : fracTopRand 0.1 : fracPerm *************************************** * CONSTRAINTS * *************************************** % IonDistances 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 % EndDistances % Latticevalues % Endvalues *************************************** * DETAILS OF ABINITIO CALCULATION * *************************************** % abinitioCode 1 1 1 1 1 % ENDabinit % KresolStart 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 % Kresolend % commandExecutable mpirun --mca btl_openib_if_include "mlx5_2:1" --mca btl openib,self,vader vasp_st > log % EndExecutable 30 : numParallelCalcs (how many parallel calculations shall be performed) 1 : whichCluster (0: no-job-script, 1: local submission, 2: remote submission) 0.0 : ExternalPressure